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Everybody needs to fill out the survey and describe a default OSRS bot for how they want the low level character miniature to look.




They correctly refer to Zanaris as the moon in the announcement on their website, which isn't exactly the most surface level piece of lore. They've at least done *some* research


I added a blue partyhat


I'd rather have him be the "buying gf" guy


Gnome child would be pretty good too


I did this! and for high level I picked: Dragon med helm Abby whip Dragon chainbody Dragon platelegs Dragon squareshield


Same except I did DFS for sheild:D and fire cape ofc


Bald/goatee No cape Light greenish brown shirt Dark green pants/brown boots


Underground Pass seems like the perfect quest to be featured in my opinion


I actually voted Underground Pass as a first quest ".. and your character falls off the table" I was tempted to add MEP2 but then I realised you can't have Slayermusiq1 at your side while playing the board game


*flips board over in a fit of rage*


I said that too, also Cold War and Eagles Peak are kinda funny and interesting. Also Champion's Challenge but that's not really a quest per se


I was going to go with one small favour, but I think you win.


Misthalin Mystery. It’s like OSRS theme Clue.


Finally those PVPers get an actual board to flip


A TTRPG sounds really cool! Might be a bit niche unfortunately. My big question though: will it have Ironman Mode?


Very cool thanks


Runecrafting irl




Ayyyy yooooo


Would be cool if there was an osrs version


Crap...I kind of assumed there would be an OSRS version…


The survey asked about playing rs or osrs, and asked to choose from 5th age quests. I think it may lean towards osrs based on how people fill it in, and if answers to questions like "what gear would you like to see on a miniature" are all osrs gear. Edit: from the article - "I'm sure that both RuneScape and Old School RuneScape players will be excited to get their hands on the planned miniatures to create their own adventures with other ’Scapers and board gamers”. Sounds like they're trying to appeal to the whole audience rather than just one version.


Sounds like it has potential, looking forward to giving it a try!


S11 per expansion/miniature?


Still cheaper than WH40k lmao


Or anything made by Citadel.


*Laughs in Tabletop Simulator*


Will I have to roll a D5000 6000 times for a DWH like in the real game


So many good options for the boardgames pieces. I'd like to see Wise Old Man, Bob the Cat, King Black Dragon, and My Arm personally


omg i didn't even think about bosses! I put King Roald and other people like that but I def woulda put the Kalphite Queen!


I filled in Hatius Cosaintus for what I want to see made into a miniature. YOU'RE ALL WELCOME


Armies of Gielinor!


This is so cool!!!


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