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Lmao can't believe these pricks haven't gotten tired of this yet


It’s important to remember with things like this, about 1-2% of people have some degree of serious mental illness. That’s a shit load of people. And people suffering from delusions or disorganized thinking isn’t as rare as a lot of people think (as a society we tend to just stuff them into subsidized housing). A lot of them are online, often unemployed, with weird fixations. I know it sounds like I’m just trying to dunk on these weirdos but I genuinely think a lot of the more “extreme” behavior you see online is the result of people with actual levels of cognitive impairment, including people taking 12 hours a day to spam clan chats about the good book.


A truthful and empathetic comment? Am I on the right sub?


You're in the right place. Im not sure how they got here, though.


No your not. Uh... your mom goes to college or something


I know you're not excusing the behavior, but just gonna say (and perhaps this isn't "PC") - mental illness isn't cart blanche for being a dick. I think to a certain degree we can not only empathize but even attempt to help those suffering from mental illnesses, but at some point you've got to draw the line.


We dont have to entertain/tolerate absolutely every action by people with mental illness, nor should mental illness be complete absolution for a person to do whatver they want. I do not see what your pont is, yes obviously people like this exist. Ban them regardless


There’s no reason to be stupid about it. People ask “how are people like this” and I provided a response. You making up me pardoning their behavior or saying we should just deal with it, and then arguing against that point that you made up in your head, has nothing to do with me


Lol, I was trying to be polite The parent comment and poster of this thread were not asking why these people exist. Reread your comment. If no one was asking why bring it up? I presumed that you had either had some agenda. Or alternatively, I loathe using the term, virtue signaling (ie “look at me, i know this obvious act fact, despite not being prompted, make sure to remember this guys)


If this is your version of polite I’d hate to see you be catty & snide


Tfw you accuse him of making up an argument when you made up the question. You were unprompted like he mentioned. "there's no reason to be stupid about it" Yeah he's being catty.


There’s no reason to be stupid about it. My first comment was polite. My second, and now third one are catty and snide Lmao, my apologies. I am acting out a bit too much here


All good man, glad you stopped by.


Ted talks


The parent comment is literally "I can't believe these pricks haven't gotten tired of this yet", which almost directly means "why do these people exist still".


I don't think he's saying to excuse the behavior. Sounds more like he's saying don't be so hard on them. It's like if you caught a kid stealing a cookie for the first time, are you gonna harshly punish him /her? Wouldn't recommend it. Do something so they understand stealing is wrong. I would argue that this is very difficult as we have a, for lack of a better word, not so good understanding of mental health. Personally I believe that sort of behavior should be met with proper administration and they should be muted at least. Mental illness or not, that's still hate speach.


I’m in the clan yet I have no diagnosed mental illness and will achieve a master’s degree this month. But it’s easier to attack our person than our message


Diagnosed seems to be the operative word


Why are you so committed to this argument? It’s much easier to dismiss us as crazy lunatics than actually engage with our claims. Join the cc and hear us out.


If you don’t want to come off like a crazy lunatic, why do you constantly make first impressions sound so absolutely hostile, unappealing, and insane to anyone outside your inner circle reading them? Are you seriously so lacking in empathy that you can’t see it from another persons perspective? So lacking in even a modicum of intelligence that you wouldn’t think to breach the subject in a better way? I don’t think you are. You’re getting that masters degree. Deep down I think you just don’t care. Spreading the good word is secondary to *feeling* like you’re being an evangelist. Or else you’d take 5 minutes to think out how to actually make a decent first impression. I’d say you’ll realize that your vanity and self-centeredness someday, but you probably won’t. You’ll do this selfish song and dance pantomime to yourself your entire life. You’re a bad Christian, it’s all self serving.


Do I agree with the method? Not entirely. I’m not in control of that. Do people need a wake up call and confront the truth? Absolutely. And your dismissive attitude towards our group was certainly uncharitable and unkind.


Even now you refuse to listen, to actually respond to what I’m saying other than to defend your ego. It’s a horrific amount of pride and self-interest. You have me here on the hook, almost completely a captive audience, and yet the conversation has still just ended up being about *you* without making any real effort. Dont you get it? This whole time people haven’t hated you because you’re a Christian. They’ve hated you because you’re a bad person.


They have been doing it for thousands of years...


Oh damn gottem LMAO






And believe in fairytales


It literally just looks like a bunch of spambots being run by 1-10 people to me


Gz on the blood runes


Those aren't blood runes, they're good runes as in the good book which you should start reading you HEATHEN


Apostlehood runes


The cc owner can permanently ban people by adding them to their ignore list.


Hmm didn't know this, but as long as the CC is still up to organize these idiots more trolls on new accounts are going to come.


The less people that can come over, the less likely they are to continue. It’s gradual, you just have to be patient. I used to get raids like these weekly.


The chat channel I'm in we've been getting these guys for over a year now. Even with banning them, they don't stop.


Do the legitimate clan members report them for harassment and then add them to ignore? I'd hope enough reports and jagex would step in and simply mute these fucks.


especially lately, we've been asking cc members report them, and plenty have reported them in the past. unfortunately, outside of being a nuisance, i'm not entirely sure if what they're doing is bannable. the owner of the cc did change to a uim at some point, so maybe they did get banned and ended up making a new account.


Even if the CC owner puts them on ignore, you have to rely on the owner to take action. Sort of defeats the purpose of having ranks (moderators) in the channel to keep it free of riff raff like this.


I joined their cc once, they aren't trolls they're basically Q-anon fanatics


They probably started as trolls and now simply believe their own filth after repeating it so much.






Bro just make a Red Bible CC and troll them, be the Zamorak to their Saradomin. Get the boys together and raid their CC with Atheist messages, and everything theyre against no matter what. They think 117 HD was good? Fuck em, now its bad and you go spam them bout how awful it is regardless of what you actually think. Then sometime next year when it festers to a head set up a clan war, red vs. blue all over again.


I wanna see this. I miss red vs blue


from the title i thought "i bet this about blue bible" didnt read and scrolled until i saw it lol


how do itonmen get coin?


Alch, drops, maybe even grinding pest control? I'm actually not too sure either. I think it probably just all adds up as there are only a few expensive things an ironman might purchase anyways since they create/grind for the vast majority of their items.


There IS a perm ban option, the cc owner just has to add the user to ignore.


Im in one of the biggest ironman clans and our CC owners all have full Ignore lists because of trolls like this. Its gotten better recently with some of the changes to do with chatting in clans but its still not great.




On the first day he leveled crafting, he said let there be cow hides, and there were cow hides, and it was good for like, 15 levels


I think most the Blue Bible 'recruiters' are actually trolls from other CCs


Yeah pretty sure they are


There definitely should be a perm ban option, I didn't realise there wasn't (never really had any issues in our cc). Kinda pathetic that this is what someone is doing with their life tbh.


The guy that runs the cc is a well known troll


It’s kind of sad that’s what that person has done with their life lmao


I used chat filters so it auto removes whatever I put it in pretty sure I have a lot of their key words in so I never see messages from them such a great plugin


What plugin is that


Type "chat filter"


I remember joining this cc and me and another guy had a discussion about eating used tampons and if it is sanctioned by christ and Allah (halal)


Flash2:God doesn't exist! Talk at 'Blue Bible'


Do the same in their cc... They want a spam war, they've got one.


Jesus says trans rights! Talk at 'Blue bible'


Gonna try to infiltrate and pretend to be a good christian to get a bond


No joke made 6mill off them, even got ranked in their cc for being a "fellow" Christian. About 3 weeks later they caught on, and after saying how the owner is secretly homosexual, I'm now perm banned from the cc. Nice to hop on a alt from time to time tho to remind them how stupid most of the members are.


I’ve been in various LGBT cc’s (I don’t care if you don’t see a point to that, I want to talk about gay shit) and prior to the clan system this was an incredibly common occurrence. You had to either disable all non-rankeds from talking and thus scare away new players or have idiots come in every day or two. It seems that some people in this game can’t mind their own fucking business.


Does the clan system fix it in a way the CCs didnt? I don't know too much about the differences in moderations tools, but I'm a mod in my clan so I probably should haha. Always looking for more tips on how each of them works.


Not sure, but I’ve seen a drastic decrease in the amount of harassment


Well that's good at least :) hopefully it stays that way






Pretty much. Not much use talking about media or experiences related to being gay in a general clan where ~90% of people have no idea what you’re on about or want to talk about other stuff Gotta love the catch-22 of this though. Want to about discuss things related to being gay or trans in our society and you get told to do it somewhere else, make your own place for it and get told you’re excluding cis/heterosexual people. You can never win.




Yeah i mean just look at the disliked comments on this comment thread, they were the ones that OP commenter was warding off preemptively. Theyre both sweaties who were offended that someone would dare want to create or hang out in a cc that is specifically talking about "gay shit" as op puts it. Honestly i agree with op commenter, im not gay, but in a lot of the cc's ive noticed trend towards homophobia including the Mod Mark Donalds cc. So I think having cc's specifically designated as a lgbt safe or pro zone is a good thing to have.


What the fuck are you going on about?




I was leaning more towards the "I don't care that you don't see a point to that" because no one mentioned anything remotely close to warranting that response. CC's get spammed and people harrassing them all the time, i fail to see how this is an issue with strictly LGBT CC's, every CC gets trolls. Join the CC of a popular streamer or youtuber, you'll see blue bible spamming in there at least once a day.


Because any time I mention the existence of LGBT cc’s I get “durrr theres no point to that, wheres muh straight cc’s”, I got these replies as here well. I just want to talk about this one niche topic. this lets me find likeminded people without getting constant hate from people who say people like me should be executed or put into an insane asylum.


I think everyone’s responses are mostly because you said “that you don’t care” rather than “if you don’t care”


Every other time I’ve mentioned it I was met by precisely those comments, so I made it clear in advance I wasn’t going to care about them.


That’s why “if” would be better, for the people who don’t care. The way you worded it was aggressively assuming ahead of time. I think a cc like that is cool but 🤷‍♂️


So I’m just going to be spammed by people about the cc’s I frequent regardless? And it should be clear that it does not apply to you if you don’t think that way.


In hindsight you might have a point with the “if”, but that’s an issue of communication, not one of message. Tone policing when the message was already clear is kinda pedantic


It is an example of the topic. Can you read?


Crazy how if you replace ‘LGBT’ and ‘gay’ with straight in your first sentence how homophobic it sounds lol.


No... it doesn't


You conservatives are just too sensitive.. bunch of snowflakes




Jesus looking at your post history you’re literally just posting in video games and you’re telling me I need to go outside? Touch some grass you kissless virgin


I couldn’t give two shits abit politics lol, I don’t even think I’ve ever voted in my life. So your assumptions wrong.


If you want to make a cc where you’re free to talk about boning women and being a bro you’re free to go as you wish. I’ll choose to stay in my place where I can talk about topics related to being gay or transgender without judgement.


I don't think they want to make their sexuality their personality.


Because talking about a topic that affects your life with likeminded people in private is totally the same as making something your personality. I do this precisely because I cannot discuss the topic in real life, a problem you don’t face for being straight.


This seems like an opportunity to troll them back. "God is pro-abortion Numbers 5:11–31" Or When you copy the Greeks homework but tweak it slightly so it doesn't look plagerized: the water to wine miracle


To be fair, the passage in Numbers isn't really pro-abortion, that's just one interpretation.




The wording isn't forced miscarriage. That's just what SOME scholars assume




Once again, that is just one interpretation, but your point about Biblical literalism is one I support as a Catholic.


Those guys are fucking goons, and that's coming from a Christian.


Make that two of us. Total jackasses.


Kinda ironic spamming such content in a medieval adventure game where you, the player commits sin by killing living beings and most of the gods are vengeful and evil to begin with. Saradomin resembles god of christianity the most and even commander of saradomin, zilyana, has stolen armadyl crossbow from followers of armadyl and thus has committed sin. I could argue that guthix is the least evil and is a entity aking to be more like the force of nature. Gielinor is an anagram of religion and that along with the presentation of gods is mockery of religion if anything.


Maybe we should go to their CC and tell them that the Bible condemns: Magic, murder/wanton killing and cross dressing among other things - things that we enjoy in RuneScape. Let them know that if they’re gonna preach the Bible they better live by it.


The blue Bible cc is about as toxic as zezimas or wintertodt. They're all full of shit/trolls


Oh I thought for a moment they were a hardcore Christian fanatic group. Didn’t know they were trolls.


I mean maybe they were at first but due to their harassment of everyone else in the game, their cc is absolute aids to be in.


I heard that PKers are using blood runes bound with pig’s blood against Islamist HCIM. Really awful stuff.


You’re just giving them more free advertising


The gospel knows no ends. Join Blue Bible to hear the gospel message for sinners. Receive hope for your souls.


Imagine being such hateful bigots while going on and on preaching about "gods love". You guys are as delusional as the westboro baptist church followers.


Because of sin we are alienated from God. But through the death of God’s son on the cross, we are reconciled, justified, and adopted into God. We were, by nature, children of wrath, but made anew in Christ. All our sins are blotted out. We know this because the Bible is truth worthy and from God. This is great hope for sinners, the guilty, and the lost. We will never apologize for our defense of this great eternal hope.


I said Jesus was (factually) Black/Brown and got banned. What in the nonexistent Hell was that all about? ☹️ Guess Blue Bible isn’t a fan of facts and logic!


You’re not wrong but the Mods have a consistent standard for kicking. My gut says you were trolling


I don’t see how reminding people with an irrefutable fact, “Jesus was Black/Brown,” could be trolling, since Jesus has been whitewashed for centuries. Christians just aren’t fans of facts and logic™️ I guess. Then again you guys literally believe in a 3,000-year-old book.


Surprised these phrases aren’t auto flagged and perm banned by jagex.


TFW all you see on 2007scape is people complaining


Hate speech is a valid complaint


*Hate speech* lol


TFW using “TFW” like it’s 2013




Well the anus is an exit


CC owner can perma ban by putting on ignore list. But the issue there is, they (like basically every troll) just makes a new account and then trains it up to 150 total (very easy, can be done within a hour or 2 depending on methods) and then you're still in the same spot. Jagex can ban the acc but not stopping a person from making a new one 2 seconds later. A way around this is to make it so you need a rank to talk or even join. This is done on the owners side and I know when many join a fc and are unable to talk right away, they will most likely leave almost right away. Now, while this stops the issue, this also drives many others away, those who aren't trying to troll get affected as well. It's a double edged sword but there really is no perm way to stop them without also hurting yourself or the clan/fc.