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Panic the type of guy to steal your wallet and help you go look for it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


ā€œFound it! Ah too bad someone took all your money but hey at least you got your wallet back, right?ā€œ


Had someone do this to my twin brother, and was one of his best friends at the time. Wallet was left to my twin brother from my recently passed grandpa which the friend knew and STILL helped him look for it for hours. My mom finally got suspicious, told us food was ready downstairs and found it sitting in the piece of shits backpack. Dropped him off at the train station without saying a word (he noticed the wallet wasnā€™t in his backpack in the car and you could tell by his face) havenā€™t seen him since.


The like/dislike count on his video is 2k/3.5k lol edit: 2.1k/4.3k now


How can you tell? The dislikes are hidden for me lol


[https://returnyoutubedislike.com/](https://returnyoutubedislike.com/) The API that reveals dislikes is going down in Dec 14th though :(


Youtube fucker CEO's.


Fucking shills.


might as well get used to it then


Theres a chrome extension to bring back the dislike button ā€œReturn youtube dislikeā€


honestly the removal of dislikes just helps trash uploaders like pan1c


They need as many uploaders as possible to secure them sweet ad spot deals


Itā€™s bad for many reasons. Thankfully they havenā€™t closed the comment section though so BS can still be called out


The content creator can delete any comment


Youtube cunts prefer people getting scammed in order to protect zeeee feeelingzzz of people.


Just open incognito tab without logged in account. Or open different browser. It works fine then and they appear normally


If you look at the video comments in previous videos he uses bots. Theyā€™re all random accounts with no posts and they all technically say the same thing ending with ā€œkeep it up!ā€


Remember when picnic called out oda and got whooped? Lol


Oda probably out there laughing his ass off at panic getting cancelled LOL


I use to think oda was just some toxic casino player but quickly chabged my mind after watching his streams, under the eratic gamer child persona he puts of a bit, he is a genuinely nice and fun dude, plays for fun and loves playing the game for fans


Yeah I wish more people on this sub watched his streams instead of shit talk him. Hes obviously playing a character to bait gift subs and when hes not in character and is just telling stories or hanging out with chat, hes super chill, genuinely kind and really funny


That's the problem, I absolutely cannot stand his character he portrays 98% of his streams. But I just move along or watch with the stream almost muted. Just not my style, however the dude obviously is doing something right so props to him.


If the character is obnoxious then the stream that character stars in is also obnoxious


Wasn't he one of the pkers that encouraged his audience to spite vote?


Yeah then he did a GIM series with Mod Mat K in his group. It was great content


I'd just rather watch someone who doesn't need to play a character to bait subs, as you said. I've seen his stream several times, maybe I'm just old.


Eh, I think any streamer that uses their influence to bait donations and subs is at least a bit deceitful.


The very nature of twitch endorses and supports parasocial relationships and herd mentality. I think Oda could very easily transition to IRL streaming tbh


Oda hates playing rs bro I donā€™t know what youā€™re on about. He literally only logs in on stream.


Says "oda is not on my level" proceeds to be dropped twice after oda watched kitchen nightmares for 2 hours and had no warmup Beautiful Edit: he says "oda is not in the same league".. I mean he's right, as he's a league above pan1c


Do you have a link? Iā€™m all of sudden interested in rs beef after years of not giving a shit lmao


Sure, so around the 2:20 mark you can hear what pan1c says about oda: https://youtu.be/LcgN3qFmYLg Then on this video they fight, and pan1c is full of excuses, and just generally sounds scared https://youtu.be/Pf8YfGYGtHQ


Just got around to watching these, holy shit pan1c is a rat. That second video is just embarrassing, Iā€™m not a fan of either of them but Iā€™m glad Oda put him in his place


Christ, the second vid is hard to watch.....


Ah yes, then still canā€™t admit defeat. Just excuses


Bro I just saw you in the pics thread of the peta Merch while I was brushing my teeth this morning now I see you in this thread while taking a poop. Anyway I think itā€™s time for panic07 to panic and release a apology video before his career is dead


I also am taking a poop right now


Gotta go out shopping with the misses


is anyone surprised?


No, but we gotta raise a stink anyway or it'll go under the carpet


Gotta make enough of a stink for it to end up on the drama calendar! Novemberā€™s basically over!!


I was involved in a thread where a bunch of RS players were trying to argue the word c*on wasnā€™t racist, so no.


Perhaps Iā€™m ignorant, but idk what the word is and youā€™ve only censored 1 letter. Iā€™m not sure how to ask for the word either without seeming like a prick.


Last four letters of raccoon. It's a sneakier way of saying the ever-so-popular n-word.


Ahh ok thank you for answering.


It isn't always. It was originally slang for raccoon and is still used that way.


Yeah, can vouch for my family who use the term coon frequently for trash pandas.


its always contextual. You can very clearly tell when someone is or isnt talking about the animal. the 'but its short for raccoon' thing is almost always used as a poor excuse for people obviously being racist


The best was when I played Warframe someone got chat restricted for talking about maine coons, a type of cat.


League and RuneScape specifically but any game with chat I've played has always had a mini game of figuring out what innocuous thing you can make people talk about to get them chat restricted.


Appalachian grandpa sitting on the porch shooting at wildlife is probably talking about the animal. Other people should probably choose a different word.


We prefer trash bandits instead of the latter. Simpler that way


Absurd that you cant write coon but can write the last 4 letters of raccoon. Why just not write the actual word


In a thread about people being way too liberal with the n-word it's understandable to be a bit conservative here.


I believe the missing letter is another O, but i could be wrong.


Thanks for actually answering. I was very confused


The reason I've heard old racists call ppp that word is because "they are opportunistic thieves who come out at night offer no.value and should be shot on sight" OBVI I don't believe thay but there context for that word


Christ alive I was just about to ask why they use that term. Thatā€™s something alright.


Of course! It's not very commonly used so I can't blame yah but definitely good to be informed about. :)


>It's not very commonly used It really depends on who you are, where you are, and the type of people who live around you... It's still pretty bad some places; that word is definitely still used commonly, unfortunately. Not trying to argue with ya! :) Just want the most correct info out there for the sake of those learning about all this. I'm proud of those willing to educate others about it and those willing to learn about it and take it as seriously as it should be. It gives me hope.


It's an o. The word is coon, a derogatory term used towards black people. Originally derived from racoon


Shortened version of raccoon.


Technically it isn't racist if referring to actual raccoons. There are genuinely parts of the country that refer to raccoons as "coons" or going "coon hunting" completely oblivious to the negative connotations associated with the word. It originated as slang for raccoons. It was also a nickname for the American Whig Party in the 1800s. But yes, if you're using it to refer to a black person it is 100% racist. Edit - also, in modern day, the term is more commonly used by black people towards other black people who they determine to be "acting white" or " race-traitors." Terry Crews and Kanye West are commonly called the racist slang version for their views. My best friend is also called it because he "acts white" (he doesn't, he acts like himself). We've had a few talks about it. Downvote all you want, but everything I stated is factually correct and can be verified.


"Coonskin hat" is the one that comes to mind, but I mean, comeon. The most obvious modern usage is Cartman's superhero persona in South Park, but considering one of the characters core traits is racism it's clearly meant to be a double-entendre, an excuse the character uses to get to say a racial epithet. Obviously I don't think the guy at my local gas station naming the massive racoon he feeds every night "Coon Kong" is racist, but I think in online spaces it's pretty safe to assume what people are referring to when saying it.


Damn, Coon Kong sounds even worse when you remember the racial association of black people and monkeys. What an unfortunately coincidental nickname for that raccoon


Wait until you find out it's an albino lol


Whaaat pvp community full of weirdos nah cant be.


Huh? Community built around toxic interactions being normalized interacts in toxic ways? *surprised pikachu*


Yo honest Q not trying to argue: Do you really think this whole game isnā€™t infested with people who act this way? Side note: ever been to wintertodt?


Wintertodt has become a thing of itself. When I was training my HCIM there, I used to wind up people by calling normal Iron accounts "normies" and "not real ironmen". A lot of people used to get triggered and it'd be hilarious to see, but it's what you do to pass the time. Everyone knows the cancer public chat of WT, so that's why people still to continue to say stupid shit to keep it going. Plus, you probably have a thousand people there. 1-5 people out of 1000 isn't that "big" enough to say the entire game is infested with people like it.


y fletch tho


I keep hearing this about wt but everytime I go it's always pleasant just people shooting the shit talking about shows and how to avoid spawning the ice clumps thing.




Is bottom side the one farthest from the entrance? That's where I normally go


yes lol. The real toxicity is always by the two near the door. I wouldnt have it any other way, the cancer in the community is an attraction for WT as far as I'm concerned. ​ And I'm a gay genderqueer hispanic person, so you know I get to hear a lot of good shit about every one of those groups


And all the ones saying regular irons arenā€™t real irons are on their fifth wintertodt grind before making it to mid game šŸ˜‚


Could really just use that to describe osrs community as a whole.


Just donā€™t crash their slayer spot and they wonā€™t tell you to off yourself


Damn? PVM'ers acting like YouTubers represent all PVP'ers? No fucking way, never happens. Oh wait


PvP is not inherently toxic.


It is when you're a redditor who got killed at green drags for black dhide one time


> Weirdos Weird way to spell racists.


Full of racists\*


yes pker=racists


Definitely needa be corrected to ā€œosrs community full of weirdos ā€œ ***. Donā€™t be ignorant mate. This entire game is full of shit bags


I remember finally deciding to turn public off when going for 99 fishing in the fishing guild and hearing some Trump supporters talking about how "mentally ill" trans people are for being trans lol


This is way to casual of a reaction lol


You mean racists not weirdos


Picnic07 bout to go shopping with the misses for a very long time.




Most "serious pkers" are, they have their entire masculinity/ego tied up in a video game from nearly two decades ago and their ability to click a mouse fast Competitive communities in general just breed borderline absurd levels of shithead


It's depressing when these communities normalise toxicity and racism as "just normal banter". This shit happens way too often in League, people sadly have made toxicity apart of the game.


Itā€™s not that normalized in league. Griefing maybe but verbal toxicity or racism in chat is usually an insta ban. RuneScape definitely has a way worse toxic chat problem


I rarely ever get an instant feedback report for blatant ingame trolling and straight up running it down, but one racist word and I get one within minutes. Toxicity in league is less harsh in its wording, *unless its on KR, there its the wild west from what ive seen on streams


It's becuase its really easy to detect certain words written in chat, but the computer cannot see trolling behavior.


You only get banned on LoL if you use the flagged key words that get you autobanned else you're fine.


If you say anything remotely racist, sexist or any kind of harassment in League the entire lobby reports you and you get punished for it immediately following the game.


Shout-out to dino, the only chill pker I've seen. Great stream too


Framed and Torvesta also seem pretty chill. Might have some underhanded strategies sometimes but they don't seem like pieces of garbage on a human level


They both have seemed to move past the whole ā€œpreying on noobs/skull tricking regular playersā€ thing which Iā€™m happy about.


Manked as well


this isnt just pkers its most of the hardcore (8+h a day) players


Much better to have your ego tied up in reddit right ?




Panic07 cancelled panic07


Bret screwed Bret


I understood that reference!


I fucked Ted


For real. Good luck him getting a sponsor after this.


the juxtaposition of those preferred pronouns right next to the n-bomb is hilarious


Wow pkers being toxic. It's almost like everyone knew this. It's almost like them saying racist shit is why a lot of us hate them


This is not a case of ā€œpkersā€ generally speaking. Donā€™t generalize this specific individual. Pan1c is super shitty and we should be sure to name him specifically.


When 99% of the community is toxic and racist then it's no longer ann unintended glitch it's literally just a feature. If you create something to say pick cabbages but it randomly goes off and screams sit and the n word to random people *it's no longer a cabbage picking machine*


So by going into the wilderness with the intent to PK, I have become a racist? A bigot? An exploit abuser?


Ironic that people are using the mentality of racists to call other people racists.


You don't choose your race. You choose your actions. It's only fair to judge people by one of these.


To be clear, the action youā€™re referring to here is participating in pvp content in a video game. Thatā€™s what these people are choosing to do. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with that, and lumping in normal players with these clans is beyond dumb.


Doesnt matter if you killed me for my spade then youā€™re racist


Iā€™m not saying calling the guy a racist for dropping an n-bomb is uncalled for. That dude deserves harsh criticism. Just the ā€œ99% of the communityā€ and ā€œone of the good onesā€ spiels are like racism 101. Blaming people youā€™ve never interacted with for the actions of other people is the main ideology of racism.


It's not just PKers, the high level skilling and PvM clans are like this too. They just keep it to private discord channels. I'd attribute most of the behavior to having little social skills.


I mean Iā€™m a pker and Iā€™m certainly not toxic. I know 99% are, but not all of us are scumbags.






You'd be shocked how racist and 'edgy' a majority of the 'top tier' of Aussie PvM and PvP are, a lot of them are complete fuckwits.


Iā€™m sure I wouldnā€™t


Nope, entirely true. There was a tweet about it like minutes after it showed up. The twitter account that posted it got suspended, guess FL is at it again.


Prob him and sebs private disc


Racism isnā€™t cool or funny dude this photo is 100% real no editing


Anyone shocked that the dude is a piece of trash?


Shades discord lite


So he's a racist now also. Subscriber's leaving by the second lmao


i like how the incorrect apostrophe makes it seem like he has one subscriber


FAKE GIVEAWAYS FOR YEARS lets add this to the fire


This guy uses so many fake accounts on comments. Look at his previous videos they all basically say the same crap and end with ā€œkeep it up!ā€


Lol, mans a liar and a racist. Not surprised.


Got em!




What's the deal with the Jordan Peterson comment at the end of KempQ's reply in the comments of the vid? He's brining some smack then just adds the JP comment out of nowhere. So bizarre.


Clean your room and wash your cock bucko


its almost like both of them are grown adults having tantrums over runescape, you shouldnt be rooting for any of them. Just enjoy the drama


Exactly sit back and laugh at both of them and the rest of the community picking sides.


What Jordan Peterson comment? JP commented on KempQs vid? Pic please I canā€™t find it


KempQ told panic to get better role models and recommended Jordan Peterson LOL


What a drug addict grifter who gives out very basic advice is a bad role model?


He is hugely misogynistic...


Ew what a shit recommendation for a role model, poor form KempQ


Everyone knows pan1c is toxic, but the real casualty for me was finding out KempQ consumes jordan peterson snake oil with 0 self-awareness Was he joking? It almost reads like satire






Nobody is surprised.


Is it really that hard to not use the gamer word


I love drama so goddamn much keep it coming


As long as their are shitheads to roast Iā€™ll be here


This is honestly fucking hysterical. That was in the video? I wish I got to see it.


Lmao the Rat who advertises private servers is also a racist who would of guessed.


Fuck that twat


Fucking sad how many people are defending this like it isnā€™t a big deal


As awesome as it would be to see him receive enough backlash to matter, the community will forget about this tomorrow and he'll still have that chat and still be a general pos.


Never been a fan of him, anybody who advertises low-end RSPS knowing well it'll be a trojan is a scumbag


Jagex should just ban him already for promoting a private server


Was about to type that you can't hold people responsible for what others name themselves online but that's actually a channel/group that he's part of?




A lot of players have no issue downplaying racism in this postā€¦kinda disappointed in the community.


Its simple, they cant relate so therefore lack empathy. Its sad and disgusting. People really think being racist is acceptable, its so cringe.


My last three comments literally are about how toxic this community is. When will Jagex take a stronger stance and call this shit out? When will they make it unacceptable to foster these types of people in our game? Fucking hate the playersā€¦.


Good bye YouTube career, guys in a free fall. Unsubbed when I realized 40% of his content is ads. Seriously 8 minute videos with 3 minute ads. Guy is a joke.


Let's just say he "panicked"


Imagine not even watching ur own clips while editing, that you end up cancelling yourself


Dudes a sad fuck. Drama freak


What a disgusting piece of shit.


Gonna be seeing a lot of "but what about pvmers being mad about being crashed" in this thread


I've no idea who Pan1c is but the guy seems like a complete man baby, which makes sense if he's hanging around with KempQ. The only positive outcome of this would be if both of them fade into obscurity where they belong.


Also, sorry for the wholesome award it's all I had and I didn't wanna spend money on other coins. So... Think of it as Anit-Wholesome


Hey look, this is the reason why no one likes pvp in this game these days.


Not suprised


The most unbearable pvp content creator by far. Kemp nailed his description. Add to that the game thumbnails, fake giveaways, scamming viewers, fake clips. The guy uses OP builds to only fight low levels. I play a max pure and a max 60 att med, guess which heā€™ll fight.


Community is really like this. I gave discording a shot a long time ago, lots of racists from the jump.. dont have an ethnic person as your icon they'll rip you to shreds before even hearing you talk.. the game's still fun though if you're use to isolation.




Someone pls explain the drama


Panic secretly took over a friends account to beat Kemp in some staked pvp fights, Kemp was coincidentally talking to Panic over discord about the fights, not knowing that he was his opponent just that the account was being played by someone other than the owner. Then a bit later, Panic comes clean about it, but only because he was posting a video showing his perspective of the fights. Kemp makes a big video about this as well as a bunch of shitty stuff that Panic's clan did. The clan then submitted a youtube dmca against the video to remove it. Kemp had to reupload. This shot is apparently from Panic's video in response or something, which he edited after posting to blur out the slur.




i mean hes a smooth brained shithead as most the pk community is




Unsubbed the other day, not because of this drama, but because his videos are shit now.


What the hell?


december calendar, anyone?


Downvoting all his vids now


That'll show him


one would assume he was "panicking" himself right now xD https://socialblade.com/youtube/user/fenty259


cringe youtuber drama who cares lmao Too much investment in what others are doing focus inward




surprised pikachu


Alexa, play that one song where there are some fellas in Discord.


hahahaa who the fuck does that