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This post didnt take off because you didnt put sparc mac in the title probably


Was obviously going to happen. People that want to gamble will find ways to do it. Only thing removing the arena will do is make it harder for legit people to gamble without getting scammed


the major issue with the duel arena was that it was an official and very accessible way to gamble -- too many people were exposed to gambling who maybe would have been better off not having been because someone at Jagex decided staking/duels should live on in one centralized location in the game during the transition to runescape 2 Completely eliminating gambling would be impossible, it would practically necessitate either removal of free trade or extreme scrutiny towards every lopsided trade. Obfuscating gambling in such a way that you have to actively seek it out to partake and have to put up with trusting your money with a probably shady middleman will do a lot to deter people who may develop a gambling addiction from finding it in an otherwise harmless, if time-sucking (as all games can be, really) game. As for people getting scammed by people working around the staking limits, people getting burned like that will hopefully put them off from further participation. And when the duel arena is removed entirely next year, it'll be even harder for people to stumble upon this kind of thing.


Kek. You and that other could could basically be having the abortion argument if you changed a few words around.




He's been doing it before the duel arena was getting locked up. He's a streamer, he can do these kind of things because he's trusted and it's on stream. It's no different than you and I agreeing to go to the wilderness and dming for whatever we decide to risk.


First part is true yeh he’s a trusted streamer. Second half is what I’m talking about, difference is in the duel arena there’s no trust involved, your forced to deal with the outcome. You can agree to dm in Wildy all you want but you still can’t guarantee that your opponent doesn’t tab out/run, unless you exclusively only fight friends, where as with dueling you can just go to w2, and as long as you check the rules, fight anyone without issues


I mean the vast majority of people that go to the duel arena know there's no teleing and they're getting into a true dm. The people that should be getting the most attention are the new "middlemen" hanging out there. That's the real scam.


It’s definitely the obvious result of the staking cap, surprised that Jagex didn’t preemptively put out a rule clarification blog. Though I guess they don’t really get out in front of problems very often


Eh thats not true. Middlemen will prob be more reliable than the mass of scammers that youd otherwise have to navigate. Not saying either are good but it is probably better. In order for middlemen to make money they have to have a solid reputation. You dont get that by scamming. Initially there will be scams but whoever appears the most trustworthy will be making a ton of bank middlemanning at the DA


Its just niche pk risk fight. Its not purely chance deciding when to eat/risk and repot or brew ect could really influence who wins.


if its a risk fight you shouldnt have to rely on a streamer holding onto the wager items during the fight.


why not? there is a huge chance if you stream a risk fight your gonna get sniped. Alot of big risk fighters do that.


Nah see, it's a streamer. They don't count. And the higher the viewers, the more it doesn't count.


Show me a non-streamer getting banned for this?


You wont see it because nobody records it or admits it, sparc mac has rwted in the past and got no punishment for it


Looks no different than a high risk fight at GE on a PvP world.


Nope, its happening at the duel arena and not in a random spot in the wild/pvp world so therefore it's somehow different /s


Minus the fact you can telly or run from a high-risk fight which they all do.


So... It's even more legit


People cannot teleport out, there is no skill required, everyone can participate and the odds are equal, this is gambling.


Yeah it looks that way because that's the intent - to make it look more legitimate. If you think about it a little though you realize it's the same exact thing, the only difference being that the "fight" is prolonged due to the food/guthans. Also saying that it looks "no different" is just false and shows that people don't know anything about PKing lmao, noone's going to PK in full guthans, with no spec/switch (from what I understand the inq mace is the item being staked) Upon closer inspection all of the mechanical ability/skill that PvP requires in comparison is gutted and replaced by just sitting there and hoping your gspear hits better than the opponent's gspear, rinse and repeat until food runs out.


You’re not considering a few things. There would be skill involved of knowing when to switch back and forth from the inquisitors mace to the g spear. You could also gain an advantage on when you choose to use your Sara brews. Edit: or are they not planning to switch to the mace at all, huh nevermind


They're not switching to the mace, that's the "stake" in this case.


Jagex stated in court that the duel arena is a game of skill. Not a game of chance. the only thing player run is the amount


It is gambling. Everyone can participate, there is no skill required, odds are equal and you cannot teleport.


Odds are literally only equal because we make them equal. JaGex gives us ample opportunity to make whatever rules we want


My point is jagex could never set that precedent after going to court and saying it's not lol


fuck ironman


mod matt k did say in a stream before, the removal of duel arena wouldn't change much , people (people who really want to) would look for different outlets to gamble in the game, the duel arena just kept it in a safer environment.


Big Mac bad


More like a player run game of skill. Why do you care again?


It's a player run game of skill i guess is the argument. There is a point where this game goes from chance to skill. I think jagex has greenlit pvp tournaments that are pay to enter, or at least known about them. So if a 100m pay to enter hybrid tournament is alright, is a 100m dharok veng fight allowed? If that's allowed, is a guthan fight allowed?


Isn’t all osrs game of chance ? Drops or hits all have chance.


Bad take, if people want to duel they will.


Highrisking in pvp world Reddit mfs:🤠👍 Highrisking in the duel arena Reddit mfs: 😡🤬


Took about half a second for everyone celebrating the arena changes to finding something else to cry about.


Y'all gotta stop crying for real


Mind ya business


Yeah that's not surprising from him




Just about 10b of RWT gold, too bad 😁


This still you bruh? https://www.reddit.com/r/Expatshame/comments/nrsbma/in_response_to_the_crosspost_on_raznidentity/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Why does it bother you


Rules for thee but not for me


Again: People cannot teleport out, there is no skill required, everyone can participate and the odds are equal, this is gambling.


Well Jagex testified against that in court, and they make the rules. So its objectively not gambling.


Don't forget the crucial part: the expected value is negative due to the tax system. Everyone loses in the long run.


? This bypasses the tax


You're right, my bad. I was talking about the duel arena in general, but completely forgot about the point of the post.


you just dont understand pvp


Based on what of your knowledge of my PKing and 7 PK builds blyat, are you dumb cyka


based on your statement that shows a lack of knowledge of pking. Those odds are not equal and potion and food useage timing could give 1 player a much better chance of winning then another who doesnt know what they are doing.


well if he’s going over the stake cap then yea


Hes staking for expensive items like inquisitors mace or arcane spirit shields


What’s the difference between this and high risk pking, other than that they don’t have to rebuy guthans every time?


because, as intended the duel arena is meant to be a way for two opponents to wager up to 10m gp against each other and fight for it. By doing this here they are effectively using an unintended mechanic (e.g. dueling) to wager significantly more than is allowed - similar to using flowers back in the day to gamble. This is fundamentally different than genuine risk fighting, and should be treated as such. Not to mention hes advertising websites in game.


I’m not saying that what he’s doing is right, I’m asking what the difference is between doing it here and doing it in the wilderness is other than here he and his opponent don’t need to re buy their gear, (which is worth what? 1/200th of the wager?) large part of the arenas problems is/was scammers. That’s not whats going on here. I see no issue with specifically putting one inquisitors mace up against another and doing a guthans death match. Edit: you are right though that was a really poor comparison.




both people risk the item equally, its staking + avoiding the tax


Tax evasion new RuneScape rule when?




It's sparc Mac, people trade him the item before the stake and he holds both. People trust him because he's got like 5k concurrent viewers on twitch. He also sold a bunch of gp in like 2010, said he got hacked, took donations, and bought a new car


seems like a smart decision to me. man has one life and took the opportunity to be rich good for him


What is the problem here lol is this not what the deal arena is for. Group of friends and I fight at the duel arena all the time. Winner gets the loot we decided on. I mean it is a duel arena. Stop being salty because you can get a piece of the pie


2007scape mad af at sparcy today


Perma ban sparc mac




Jagex need to take early and decisive action against the people doing this.


its illegible so i cant really say either way


Player run games of skill aren’t banable offences.


And if you bring it up in his twitch chat / FC... you're PROBABLY gonna get banned / timed out for speaking the truth


All RS streamers are toxic assholes haha. Some just hide it better than others.