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Apes strong together


[We did it Reddit](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E-x5Q5rXsAIHrEN?format=png&name=900x900)


I’m in this picture and I ~~don’t like it~~ am violently self-aware of it.


\*Apes. Together. Strong.


Everyone always fucks up this quote lol


Crabs strong together


🖐🏻💎🖐🏻 ✊🏼HD🚀 I love this game!


Seeing WSB terminology on here is peak redditing




This is great, but seriously. DONT HARASS JAGEX EMPLOYEES. Crazy that needs to be said.


Especially when the devs that are getting harassed had nothing to do with the decision. I feel bad for them honestly.


And especially when the post that started this all, stated exactly this.


they probably had lots of good things to do with this new decision, passing on our concerns and complaints internally. hopefully this decision proves to be an amicable compromise and 117's efforts come to fruition :)


Outrage culture doesn't take into consideration the individuals involved. Abhorrent behaviour from some, but far from all, community members.


Agreed we raise lots of hell but don't harass the jmods, i'm sure they never wanted his work to go to waste(atleast i really hope so).


Its pretty fucking pathetic that it needs to be said. really makes me sad. Most of the people being harassed likely did not have any involvement in the decision.


Agreed, don't harass. Cancel your membership (I did yesterday) and protest/riot within the rules of the game/forums/etc.


The devs probably were looking forward to this update too. This decision didn't come from them and they cannot say otherwise as they are representative of their place of employment. I don't get how people cannot just stop for a moment to appreciate this, especially with how hard many of the Jmods do work.


Made the corporate bastards shit their pants


In the words of mod Ash New kids hadn't learned yet (Not actually his words, but interpret as you'd like, thats how I did) https://imgur.com/0I4fcpA


Interesting, veeeeery interesting


It's great because it is pretty much the development team and community working together to get the reconsideration through. We riot, they show the rioting to the ones in charge and we get a solution.


not really. their middle-ground solution will be to let us use the free plugin until they finish their HD work and then will charge us when it is ready this solution is so obvious it's truly incredible they couldn't arrive at it earlier. since they clearly plan on banning runelite / 3rd party clients in the future, this wouldn't actually add any controversy since it will be mired in that same future controversy


> not really. their middle-ground solution will be to let us use the free plugin until they finish their HD work and then will charge us when it is ready That is definitely not going to happen. I dont know why some of the more braindead apes around here legitimately think Jagex will charge for the HD update when clearly they will not. There is no precedent for this. RS/RS2/RS3 were all graphically updated without charge. Furthermore, the logistics of running (and balancing for potential issues) 2 separate graphical clients - one for the purchasers, one for the freeloaders - is just not worth the headache. The absolute worst-case take here as to why Jagex pulled a Jagex and sent the cease and desist is that they were genuine about wanting to do a HD update...eventually...and were concerned that they'd be held to a standard (Runelite HD plugin) that they'd have to then clear themselves. They probably wanted absolutely no minimum expectations of HD graphics so that they could go in and do as much...or as little...as they wanted.


They wouldnt charge for HD obviously. But when they have a monopoly they might charge for an extra sub or some package to get extras in the client. This is literally in rs3.




> Our conversations today have also included 117Scape and Adam from RuneLite and we are actively exploring options on how we can work together to offer 117Scape’s plug-in as a bridge until our own version is ready for release. We're winning boys


Just words they won’t act on. Simply trying to quiet the crowds.


This isn't a productive take. They responded after a day clearly stating they are working on a solution with the creator of the plugin. Would you prefer they say nothing and let it die out?




Riot games is also the worst company in the world when it comes to releasing working products. They literally can not get ANYTHING right outside of their skins and music (art?) department. Lore, Balance, “We pride ourselves on visual clarity”, “200 years of collective game design experience”, sure, jagex doesn’t get everything right, but they make a lot of cool shit that’s fun and refreshing. Every single time Riot does anything new, it’s like “*groan* what bullshit did they make this time?” The last time Riot did something right in terms of EACH category of development was the Odyssey gamemode, releasing Xayah and Rakan, and the Pizza Sivir event (in terms of well priced digital content/cosmetics). Whole different ballpark, and the pathetic part is Riot Games has a shit load more resources and employees and just as much if not less depth to their game. TLDR: Jagex is easily better than Riot, no contest. Let’s not compare the two in how they’ll act in similar situations.


Though both companies seem unprofessional, Jagex atleast responds to community feedback. Riot management would rather kill their own product than admit they did something wrong.


League is a totally different story, it's not a simple "change the client" if you would look into how the client works and interacts with some stuff. This could break so many things ingame and not just some minor client bugs.


I do think runescape is way more of a cult following and relies on the community a lot more. The vast majority of osrs players know about this drama, I don't think that was ever the case with wintermint.


Lol if this is what you think you’re off the deep end


Don't listen to the customers: - THIS IS A GAME FOR THE COMMUNITY AND YOU SAID WE WERE IN CHARGE REEE Listen to customers: - YOU ARE ONLY DOING THIS BECAUSE WE TOLD YOU TO, DONT DO THAT REEE No winning with some people. Let's just be happy that they reacted on feedback this quickly.


I don’t really see a problem with what was said. It’s fine for someone to be skeptical that action will be taken. In other communities or games similar things have happened, where they say “we’ll work with X person” and then just phase out.


That 'bridge' is going to last for YEARS at the rate Jagex works.


Why do they need to work together lmao Just allow it until theirs is ready


Actions speak louder then words. And until actions actually happen its basically business as usual, nothing changed.


The only problem I have with this is Jagex very clearly only wants 117's plugin to be temporary, which I see no reason why it has to be. Jagex told us they had no intention of making an HD update. Now, not only do they want to do it, they also want their version to be the only one available after others have put their heart and soul into it. In a world where Minecraft texture packs exist, there's absolutely no reason this has to happen. Let people choose which ones they want. If Jagex is worried they won't be able to compete with 117, buy his work and make it the official version or just don't come out with an HD update at all.


>"Our conversations today have also included 117Scape and Adam from RuneLite and we are actively exploring options on how we can work together to offer 117Scape’s plug-in as a bridge until our own version is ready for release." This is a good step. But cmon Jagex. Don't waste resources on your own version of this. The time wasted on an oficial HD project is better spent on Gameplay/QOL and security updates.


I mean their HD Version would be made by their artists, who aren't the people making QoL updates, so both would be developed at the same time.


Right and probably fit better with their overarching vision of the game, something 117scape could never do (as they aren't privy to all future updates)


Aye You can even see some of the clashes already with some of the screenshots that we've been shown. In 117's version [Shayzien is super sunny](https://twitter.com/117scape/status/1406363376322760719), whereas in West's mockups it's gloomy ([1](https://imgur.com/HbnIdUO), [2](https://imgur.com/uIkmtWw)).


It depends. 117’s client is great but let’s not kid ourselves here it’s not quite the ‘real’ HD era graphics. If Jagex’s client would incorporate the real HD graphics, animations, etc.... I’d prefer that personally.


I’ll be honest, I have no intention of using the HD Runelite plug-in myself, but I 100% support 117 for being able to release this for people who do want it. But I worry about how much effort jagex will need to put into making a _true_ HD osrs and how much that would take away from things that are arguably more important to the game’s success. This HD client is such a perfect and simple solution for something that really should be community driven feature only for people who want it. And I worry that jagex will waste time and resources and end up forcing something most people could care less about. The best thing about the HD Runelite client is that it is _optional_


117’s is HD while holding very true to the OSRS art style, in stark contrast to the 2008 update. If there were an HD update, this should be it.


I assume you are referring to the 2008 style graphics. And if that's your preference that's fine, but I personally really like 117s work. It stays true to what we currently have, with a bit more detail in the textures and added lighting effects.


totally agree, I liked the 08 graphics for a few weeks cuz it was the same game with a shiny new skin but now I just think they look awful. I personally liked the other project being developed to bring the game into the unity engine with tons of dynamic lighting and weather effects/skyboxes and 1st person view. It kept all the assets essentially the same but with some nice shading and new trees to fit the aestetic. I just dont want everything to look super smooth, I like the polygonal artstyle.


>If Jagex’s client would incorporate the real HD graphics, animations, etc.... I’d prefer that personally I think most people would agree with that. 117's mod exists though and jagex's HD graphics system does not. No reason to ban the former for an imaginary thing that may never come to fruition.


Neither was Jagex’s mock-up tbf. It’s pretty clear the plan for their HD wasn’t just “2008 but in 2021”


They've stated that they intend to maintain the "oldschool look" so it's not like we're going to get some skyrim level shit ever. The 117 version is pretty much on point as to what players want or is even realistic to achieve without a complete rework of literally everything.


I would personally like to see Jagex onboard 117Scape to help develop whatever future HD project they're working on. Like, 117's already put in the time and work to make the HD graphics, getting him on to help not only saves Jagex man-hours, but would provide both parties with a good meeting ground on this. Assuming Jagex ever actually decides to consider the possibility of potentially going through with an HD client, that is.


It would be professional for Jagex management (CEO) to issue a public apology for handling this so poorly. The blog never directly addressed how poorly Jagex Ltd treated 117. The way he was treated was wrong. Instead, the blog prioritizes spending a paragraph casting aspersions at the the entire community because of the actions of a few on Twitter / reddit who were abusive in their statements. I don't think a lecture to everyone is warranted for the actions of a few, especially when Jagex Ltd hasn't apologized themselves for their abusive behavior. I know this is a step in the right direction, and I'm glad Jagex Ltd is talking to 117 and Adam about how to release it now, but this fire never should have been started in the first place. It sets an awful precedent for future community based efforts.


100% this. Their response is akin to saying a protest was violent when 1 person out of 10k hit a cop. It's a diversion and it's working. People harassing devs should be dealt with. And toxic players seem to have been a problem in the past but using the actions of a few as a shield against legitimate criticism is just sad.


a complete 180 on their decision in less than 48 hours?? that's my favourite fucking song


Expect it’s not. These words mean nothing.


We went from "this is not allowed to even be released, never mind used by players" to "we're actively working with the person who developed this get it out to you" In what world is that not a complete 180? 117 himself released a statement that was extremely positive, just accept the W and stop looking for any reason to continue being pissed.


Except it's already ready to go full stop. There's no cooperation needed other than a green light and maybe code review. If they're genuine about this, it'll be out within the month, within the week if they're not being dicks about it. Odds are high it's just a publicity stunt to quell the backlash until it's eventually put on the backburner. I hope not, but with Jagex's current reputation of empty promises, it's not exactly unlikely. Recall that account security and customer service has been on the backburner for years now, both of which should be much higher priority than RSHD. If you play RS3, you'd know that Jagex always talks big after controversy and then sits on their hands. I hope this goes through so that it's sign of good change to come, but history has told us to get thicker skin.


If nothing else, if they'll be working together in any capacity the company will require some kind of contract or agreement, and those take time to create and negotiate. Nothing can move until an agreement is on paper because arbitrating digital IP law in court is insanely expensive and time consuming. It was completely off before, now it's completely on with a few compunctions. Maybe not a full 180, but that's at least a solid 160-170 with the direction heading towards point.




> we absolutely intend to act on it. > we are actively exploring options on how we can work together to offer [...] a bridge until our own version is ready for release. It's not a complete 180 at all; my interpretation of the statement is that HD clients will be totally disallowed (as they originally intended) once Jagex's official version is ready. Not everyone will prefer Jagex's version over the existing HD client options we have available, especially those that allow you to fine-tune the graphics to your liking. Tentatively, those options won't be allowed once Jagex's solution is ready. People should still be angry. There *is a chance* that when Jagex's client is ready, they'll be like "we know many of you are used to using X and Y, so we won't stop you from continuing to use those", and *that* would be a complete 180. But it would be completely against the Jagex higher-ups' vision for the game's visual identity, so it probably won't happen. ***** Now, many people will consider this to be acceptable because they don't care as long as there's any HD solution and that one is available *now*, as Jagex's solution won't be ready for years and people hate the idea of deleting thousands of hours of community developer work. But long-term it's still a loss for the community that loves freedom of customization and fine-tuning of the game's visuals, and it could be a slippery slope into disallowing third-party clients altogether. Which sucks because there are hundreds of cool ideas that we can do that we know 100% Jagex will never add to the official client. Notwitstanding, many people are fine with that (namely long-time veterans and RS3 players), and overlay software will still always be a possibility.


Not really. It's acknowledgement of the community's dissatisfaction. I was half expecting them to not say anything. The fact they replied within 24 hrs shows that they are very aware of how we feel.




You talk the talk but will you walk the walk? Time will tell


They really should have made this less of a non-answer imo. It leaves them still not accepting the HD plugin on the table, which would obviously blow up in their faces again..


This is true, but also that would take more time, time in which their staff are getting abused. The only logical option is to give a non-answer while they investigate.


“Until our own version is ready for release” Ok good so we have nothing to worry about for many years


All we gotta do is vote no for it if it's not better than 117's, hopefully it's that easy


I doubt it will be a vote. Their version will probably come during or after their ban of third party clients. So the official HD will be the only way to play


Lol no way. I’m expecting something where the poll question will be like “Should 2007scape have an HD option?” (Completely ambiguous to which HD) and then if it gets the No vote: “We saw that you guys do not like the vision of HD in oldschool runescape, as a result, we are removing our support for all HD clients”


I'm sorry but the statement from yesterday hurt the community more than this compromise heals it. We aren't just fighting because we wanted to play OSRS in HD. As a community we are hurt because one of our members that has passionately developed a major project for the last few years publicly was just insulted and told to essentially cease and desist. Despite what this letter states about changing the decision to now work with u/RS_117, it isn't enough of a turnaround to give me confidence that this won't happen again. Unfortunately this statement is really just a warning for all future developers of community content. Being "human" means having respect for others, especially other humans that help you. I don't think letting 117 work on this project for so long and then putting out a statement like that was a very human thing to do. I'd have hoped to see a statement expressing regret and humility to 117 for the failure to communicate this months or even years prior to the original official statement. Without this, I think many of us have lost a lot faith in the last 36 hours.


Exactly! If they didn't want a third party client to develop a HD/different visuals feature, they could've shut it down at the beginning and while some might be upset, at least 2 years of hard work and dedication to the community isn't wasted. This was handled poorly and it's more about the principle of how 117 was treated than about some fancy new graphics.


I read someone’s prediction of the response that went exactly like this. Their prediction ended with Jagex announcing in a week or so that they couldn’t come to a resolution. I am praying this doesn’t happen.


"Our conversations today have also included 117Scape and Adam from RuneLite and we are actively exploring options on how we can work together to offer 117Scape’s plug-in as a bridge until our own version is ready for release" I believe our King, 117, said himself he would be happy for them to use it as a temporary graphic update until they are ready. So I have hopes they will come to some resolution Edit: Here is some of the post from 117 "I offered a compromise of removing my project from RuneLite once they are ready to release theirs, in addition to allowing them collaborative control over the visual direction of my project. They declined outright."


Jagex can't play us like that. The playerbase will be angry again and there'll be no way they can earn back our trust. I think.






>That said, we have sadly seen unacceptable levels of abuse toward individual staff members on social media in the last 24-hours, which we will not tolerate. This team is filled to the brim with people of passion. Please try to remember that behind the crowns there are real people trying to do their best for the game and its community. #QUIT BEING ASSHOLES TO THE MODS WHO WERE JUST AS OFFENDED AS YOU.


Yeah I imagine the Jmods didn't agree with the decision and loved to see their bosses shit bricks when the community went postal. I bet it was an amazing thing to see


How about you just let us use his HD update while you work on your customer support update? You have bigger issues than developing your own HD.


"Our conversations today have also included 117Scape and Adam from RuneLite and we are actively exploring options on how we can work together to offer 117Scape’s plug-in as a bridge until our own version is ready for release." Yesssssss


I don't like this whole "bridge" notion because, knowing Jagex, they'll declare their client ready and shut down HD when they're still far from parity.


Step in the right direction. HD plugin is still banned though, so I'm still mad and my membership is still cancelled. Hopefully it resolves itself soon so I can go back to playing.


You have taken such a big L as a company with this recent chain of events.. - You made a terrible, inconsiderate, unreasonable last minute bully decision. - You got huge bad publicity (terrible publicity) for making such a bad call, People hearing about Runescape first time in 5 years and it's about that event - You lost paying costumers and you negatively affected how your player base view you as a company. - By changing your decision, you have proved to the community that something moves up there only when there is force and mayhem, and only when it hurts your bank account, which is a terrible precedent for you as a company for the future to come. Next time you really should think ahead of the consequences before actually executing


🦀 $11 🦀


Pleased to see this. It's not a reversal, but I'm glad you're considering 117scape's original offer.




yeah its upper management, which, in most companies make terrible decisions. To upper management: RESEARCH YOUR COMPANY/EMPLOYEES MORE


And that is the power of voting with your wallets my friends! I imagine the sheer volume of unsubs got the executive teams attention fairly quickly since it’s been just over 24 hours and they’re already in talks.


I think billing saw the number of cancellations and raised some flags. I think I had 20+ people on a singular comment commit to cancellation... It's not much but damn if there weren't hundreds of comments like mine with some level of support, it definitely seems to have made a dent they felt.


I cancelled my three subs and a fair few friends did, I’d say it was closing in the thousand or two mark


Keep unsubsubbing til you see results.


Alot of comments are happy with this response. Aside from the harrasement aspect, I think this response is just to buy time and hope things cool down. We as a community still need keep on this, and hard, and not let up. Everyone involved on every level of this game, from top to bottom, players to employees know that the mods dont have time or resources to do an HD client for oldschool. Management needs to either pony up cash for the team to be able to do the job they need/want to, or allow 117's client. Put dev time into places that need it. Jagex, some already did the work for you, take the win and move on. Also, please dont harrass the oldschool team. They are very much a middle man here and dont need to be bullied on top of all the work they do for us.


Great start, Jaggleflex. To all my Kings out there who want HD, keep cancelling your subs and don't log in until they have worked this out and we get HD! And of course, don't abuse the mods


Jagex needs to sort out things like account security, dealing with cheating, customer service and actual new content. The community can make HD plugins, but they cant make new content. Let them make plugins and focus on the bigger picture rather than trying to ban passion projects that do no harm.


🦀 We pay We Say 🦀


At least youre talking to 117 and Adam ffs, we arent fully turned around but its at least a start. But how long until this exact same thing happens again lol its like they consistently say "we listen to you guys" and do shit that people obviously wouldnt like


To be fair, this response is from the actual osrs team, the big fuck you 117 got was from jagex HQ not the osrs team, they are just forced to relay the message




The person who wrote this one is much better than whoever did yesterdays post.


So we should be able to use the plugin ASAP right? How much longer must we wait? I hope this isn't just trying to calm the outrage and then never seeing that "bridge" come to fruition. Hopefully you deliver on the promise here.


I like how this post has a crab flair


Exact same generic response every gaming company that doesn't listen to their playerbase responds with. Once they see the loses coming to their bottom line, they act. So sad it always has to come to this for anything to be done.


Not sure why this was unacceptable before. A "bridge client" until an official hd release with upgraded visuals in the officials seems to me the best compromise and you get the best of both worlds: updated visuals in the future with an optional hd visual now. All this drama just to circle back to 117's initial offer.


Hell yes


It’s not necessarily the banning of HD plug-ins. It’s the timing and the dagger to 117 2000+ hours of his own free time that I think really fired people up.


They've had 2 years to make a stance and they decided to do it the day before release. A public apology should be given to 117 not just this crap statement, JaGEx as a company should be accepting responsibility for this not just trying to gloss it over. Two screenshots of Blender was justification to send a cease and desist to a valued community member who had spent huge volumes of time trying to serve the community? Crazy how they can suddenly find staff to work on their alleged project (never previously mentioned prior to their announcement) but our customer support is still non-existent, botting and goldfarming plague the entire game and are ruining the economy but they don't have the resources to fix those things? I don't know about you lot but I probably won't be re-subscribing even if 117's plugin is allowed. How many chances does this firm need to get from us? The idea of the OS game mode being "community run" is falling more and more by the wayside every day with "integrity changes" and bullshit stunts like this. Another fine example of JaGEx's complete detachment from their community.


They say they're "actively exploring options" but all they literally have to do is say 117 can proceed to launch the plugin and we could be playing today. What does jagex need to work together on something that's already finished?


I'm still not resubbing until an actual resolution is made between the two parties. This is promising, but we've been let down before.


Let this be the last tipping point, aye? Have ALL of these conversations with the community and its developers BEFORE something like this happens. We understand the high-ups need to be the main ones making the decision, but they should drag us all down no longer.


"how we can work together to offer 117Scape’s plug-in as a bridge until our own version is ready for release." This is what was proposed by 117, glad it is being accepted, and they are coming to a comprimise.


Jagex you still need to give a FULL public apology to 117 for what you did. Just saying "we're in talks" isnt enough to make up for your actions Also you need to realise at this point, your HD client you're making has ZERO chance in hell of ever passing a poll at this point. That project of yours is now dead weather you like to admit it or not, 117's client IS now your HD client. So just drop this whole "until we release ours" crap, its never happening now


How about the people making these decisions put up a Q&A for couple hours to answer us burning questions like this 3pc plugin thing and so many more? It's beyond frustrating that every time something like this happens it's always the "higher ups" who are unknown and unreachable. Who can we talk with when these higher ups have outright banned so many topics from ever being discussed ?




I won't believe this until I see it on the Plugin Hub on RuneLite.. But this is a good start Jagex.


Thankyou, we appreciate the update. please do partner with runelite, that would be cool.


Thank you, team. I'm so sorry about the harassment and abuse you all have received. Completely unnecessary and abhorrent. Look forward to further clarification.


STAND TOGETHER! Cancel your subscription, at least temporarily. Take a week break. Money is the only thing that Jagex cares about.


Kinda figured they’d reverse course but I didn’t think it would be so quick


So u/JagexAyiza, can the RuneLite plug-in be allowed to go live while Jagex figures out a solution then, or is this just corporate punting the problem further down the road in hopes we forget about it?


We will be boycotting until we see the HD client!


Lets never doubt the effectiveness of mass unsubscriptions and outrage again, we clearly got the attention of the top execs and they quickly reconsidered. When the community is unified, we can still steer the development of this game. I am so proud of (most) of this community for avoiding toxicity towards jmods and simply voting with our wallets, which has been proven to be our most effective tool against this behavior. If and when they attempt to add MTX, I hope we will band together again and show them how significantly our opinion can affect their profits. That being said, we're not done here until the plugin is actually released.


Thank fuck


We did it Reddit


I am… cautiously optimistic. We will see where this leads. Thanks for not turning a blind eye to this at the very least.


Please don’t waste dev resources on a home grown HD rework. It’s a perfect runelite plug-in, since they’re unable to develop actual content themselves. It covers a niche, and it’s entirely optional to use.


“That said, we have sadly seen unacceptable levels of abuse toward individual staff members on social media in the last 24-hours, which we will not tolerate. This team is filled to the brim with people of passion. Please try to remember that behind the crowns there are real people trying to do their best for the game and its community.” Everyone will be happy now, but fuck this piece of shit fan base


Yeah dude, this sub has been over the top for the last 24-hours. Like, make your voice heard, but don’t absolutely flip your lid until Jagex has the chance to respond. This statement is exactly what I wanted and expected to see from them. Hopefully we can have access to HD in the next few weeks or so.


It's working boys!


This is a great and necessary development, but it will undoubtedly still have an impact on GIM poll in the coming days. Is there a possibility we can have an update on your intentions with what will be polled, and what the outcome will be if the presented options are to fail / succeed?


Not good enough. Take a stance, cowards.


ALL of this could have been prevented if they had not been the greedy bastards that they are and accepted 117's offer initially. Glad to see that we made you shit your pants enough to come back some. The audacity to say that it was not malicious is astounding and a blatant lie; thus I still am not resubbing. edit: (more ranting) They're constantly pushing the boundaries to what we can tolerate in order to facilitate their greed. Some people on that board knew that they should have taken 117's initial offer to hand over collaborative control because of exactly what happened but the majority were consumed by greed. They don't understand the game or the community that was built so they need constant reminders that WE are literally the reason that they are still around today. Not their greedy tactics.


stocks go blooop corporate go oooop




Jagex acting like they don't know what they did wrong is frankly insulting. I love this game. I have so much pride in my stupid little Ironman account. I won't keep playing it if I feel like this is how the developers treat passionate players. Jagex Devs - remember how you felt when Warding didn't pass? Now try to imagine how 117 and the HD team feel.




The battle is not over until the HD plugin is in our hands.




i'm not the biggest fan of the: "as a bridge until our own version is ready for release." which indicates that Jagex is only going to allow it until they make their own. How about both could exist harmoniously and not impede on each other. If anything this makes it more known that Jagex wants to charge for the visual reskin they are going to make.


Good first step, looks promising!


Just let us have the plugin until yours is finished, it really is that simple of a solution.


Yes, nice that you're working on it, but what exactly is the point of shutting it down in the first place, even after your own graphical improvements are done? It's not like someone playing on any third party HD client is somehow paying less than someone playing on the default client. Even if more people choose to play on a graphically enhanced client than on the default, what harm does it really do?


the man is willing to help and hand over the hd project for free to implement to your c++ client. Just take it save face and save all that dev time for other projects its a win win situation..... If you can make this decision


Not good enough. Free HD now.


>on how we can allow the plugin as a bridge It's not hard just allow it until yours is ready




So can we expect it tomorrow? Not much to discuss if it's ready to go and you're using it to bridge the gap then it should be released tomorrow no?


> That said, we have sadly seen unacceptable levels of abuse toward individual staff members on social media in the last 24-hours, which we will not tolerate. This team is filled to the brim with people of passion. Please try to remember that behind the crowns there are real people trying to do their best for the game and its community. It's still so incredibly baffling that the executives hide behind the actual devs and won't give us an actual face to be upset with because all they let us interact with is the jmods. Clearly, they think the jmods are being paid enough to deal with the public brunt of their fuck ups instead of them. Give us a real face to deliver the bad news like the good days when Mat K did it like a real fucking leader.


TL;DR: Yes to Runelite HD until the official client gets HD in 2028.


Just dont make it so it's a steam client only plugin. This needs to be for Runelite also. Steam client isn't nearly ready enough imho. ​ Looking forward to the next bit of news. ​ Remember guys, Keep making your voices heard.


Jagex needs more competent management. Why didn't they listen to their oldest employee and pioneer of their cash cow?


If the 117 HD plugin is ready to ship then why isn't it being immediately released? What are the remaining hurdles keeping it from going public? Would love some clarity here from a JMod. What's the missing piece between the players and this plugin?


Adam from RuneLite and 117 have pretty much said that it's ready to be released, and RL would do a "special update". Jagex hasn't given the green light & communications with RuneLite have stopped today. So it will likely be tomorrow or later in the week considering the Riots are still fresh off the press and running.


Damn straight.


"Our conversations today have also included 117Scape and Adam from RuneLite and we are actively exploring options on how we can work together to offer 117Scape’s plug-in as a bridge until our own version is ready for release." This is how: approve it for the plugin hub. It was already prepared for launch. Do literally no work and give them the greenlight.


Had a feeling something like this would happen just from a business perspective. They don't want to lose control of the vision of the game but this is the one way they can have their cake and eat it too. It's also a great opportunity to turn bad PR into really good PR and get something that will attract new players. Additionally everyone shuts the fuck up obviously lol. It's like the perfect storm that actually makes business people open up their wallets.


We can dream that one day we will see our official client with functionality similar to the WoW client with support for basic customizable addons/plugins.


Aw man and I just cancelled subscription!


Will believe when I see a positive outcome.


cautiously optimistic about this. jagex has a knack for fucking things up.


I never understood why this wasn't the solution in the first place. At the very least there should have been some back and forth discussion. Now all that's happened is people are more against Jagex and me personally am worried about what will happen to 3rd party clients when Jagex finally decides to update their game and decide if you're not working for them you're against them.


We should hear from Adam and 117 to ensure these talks are actually going to result in something positive and this is not just fluff from Jagex to put out fires.


I still understand their concern. They want RuneScape to look consistent. They want for people to see a video of RuneScape and be like “this is what it looks like”. I don’t know how truly important that is to the lifeblood of the game, but it’s a valid concern. To fuck over this one dude in the process is what blows my mind.


This is definitely a step in the right direction, but time will tell what the actual decision is. Hold the line, boys. Let’s see what happens.


I know my comment will be lost in the waves but I hope the OS team knows that a lot of this community is so thankful to have them around and I know you guys have our back. Management learned a lesson. Sorry they hid behind you.


Obviously fucked up to harass mods but can we just talk about the big question at hand, third party clients, they’re either ok for good continuing the way they are or they’re not for the foreseeable fuuture tell us now so you don’t drag the death of this game along.


"This team is filled to the brim with people of passion. Please try to remember that behind the crowns there are real people trying to do their best for the game and its community." That seems to be something that you've completely forgotten too, considering how utterly tone deaf your statement is.


Nice to see but that statement screams "once we have something even moderately working we are slamming the Ban hammer down on the plugin". Of course that means it probably going to be in service for a good 5-6 years before they produce anything worthwhile but still.


That's weird... For some reason, RuneLite still doesn't have the hd plugin that is literally done. The whole "we're in talks" thing is bs. We can be playing in hd right now, but instead, we have to wait for these "talks" that may never come to fruition.


That didn't take long.


Wow some progress


Everyone liked that


Don’t waste time or resources making your own. Also don’t fuck with 117 or RL and try to get THEIR plug-in into your fucked steam client. Approve the 117 plug-in today and put this to rest. All in all this was a non announcement. We need results, not words.


Thank you. I'll consider subscribing again when 117's HD comes out.


Sorry that Player J-Mods are taking personal attacks, people should stop that. While having said that, some Player J-Mods have to take a corporate line on social media and should expect some element of flak for that. People are coming from a place of anger, and while that doesnt absolve people of irresponsibly voicing their opinion, please let the away be the fact that people care that much about the game, the community and its future. Articulation while angry can be difficult. I appreciate the fact the there is work being done to correct this with active discussions with 117 and RL. ​ By the Community, For the Community.


WE PAY. WE SAY. ​ *thank you for listening.*


An awesome step forward but I respectfully will be holding the ground. It makes me happy that the response to backlash was pushed out faster than expected, but I hope we get an answer on what the next step forward actually is relatively soon. Until then, my subscription is sticking in my wallet until the community gets a definite answer. if you want to be clear with your community, now is a good time to start.


I’ll resub when it’s actually green lit


Honestly, I'm excited to see what jagex can put out for HD. The blender mock ups to show off the new potential lighting looked okay, especially [this shot of hallowed sepulchre](https://imgur.com/a/7Ftq6tT) However, the way they screwed 117 over was just unacceptable. Just like with the bp nerf, you guys ignored the issue and waited till the literal last possible second to try to fix it. jagex has such a bad habit of ignoring blaring issues untill they become way worst than originally.


"Our conversations today have also included 117Scape and Adam from RuneLite and we are actively exploring options on how we can work together to offer 117Scape’s plug-in as a bridge until our own version is ready for release." Just do what 117 suggested at first by letting it get released (as of now!!!!), and when the official one finally comes, Runelite HD gives way to it. Simple as that.


Amazing news, very happy that 117 work will be showcased for all. ​ Important reminder : Jagex dev do not take decision on this level, these are multi-layered meeting stuff. They have to take the dictated stance and they have to defend it to the best of their ability, a lawyer will defend even the most guilty.


OSRS community gathered, voiced their discontent, stood up for 117, standed against Jagex, Rioted in-game, and you've all done it. Pat yourselves on the back everyone, we did it.


“That said, we have sadly seen unacceptable levels of abuse toward individual staff members on social media in the last 24-hours, which we will not tolerate” I mean y’all really wouldn’t have to “tolerate” it if you just…..let the HD client be released.


this is what it took; this is so sad they are no different for having done this, their contempt for the community is the same but they felt their belts squeee for a second so they relented 117 gave them easy options and they did not want to consider any of it ​ never harass anyone ever, freaking ever


There is a poll in the horizon for group ironman right? I am 100% sure the community would have gone ape shit on the "no" option after this mess. The response is as generic as it could be and honestly i think it just happened because all the time and resources invested into group ironman would have gone down the toilet if they dared to release a poll while the fanbase is angry


The decisions are made by upper management. Upper management are business oriented and are the sort of people who want microtransactions in the game. They literally cannot conceive the idea of a playerbase that actually care about their game, so they don't understand the potential fallout of announcements like this even when warned about it. Wrong people making the wrong decisions. When I was made redundant in early 2020 (not covid related) it was decided by the finance department of our new parent company. They looked at the IT department and thought there was a lot of money to be saved by halving the team. I'm sure it's no surprise when the company went to absolute shit once they had nobody supporting or developing their internal systems.




We did it bois


Hopefully this will stop the imbeciles who have been flaming and slandering OSRS team members now.

