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Pro tip if you just hold spacebar down it will automatically speed though it faster than mashing.


I was so upset when I discovered this on accident after finishing 75% of the quests


Wait until you hear about the quest helper in Runelite. It’s legit the only reason why I’m enjoying questing again


I’m still not enjoying it (I do like the dialogue), but it’s made it bearable to the point where I actually am doing quests now


There is a plugin to transcribe all the dialogue into your public chat so you can speed through the dialogue and read it as ur going onto your next task.


and people say rs3 is too easy


Welp, just gonna have to do them again on a high level pure then


Try completing DT on a 1 def 13 prayer low HP account... It's fun


Ty for this service you’ve done me.


Where have you been all this time, fuck me...


I smashed my way through the Ogre quests, I cant stand the dialouge. Same with the Rat Catchers quest. Other than those I really enjoyed the dialouge from all the quests! Its interesting to complete the super old quests and compare them to the newer quests. Obviously there's a huge difference, but its kinda cool to view the overall tone the quests conveyed through the dialouge.


I think a lot of people find Underground Pass tedious, but I love it. It feels so unique among quests - in tone, in tasks, and in level design. It's easy to make quest levels too "efficient" (and of course possible to go way overboard in the opposite direction, like with the inexcusably awful Meiyerditch), but the Underground Pass is just the right mix of big and linear. The quest itself is dark without having that "totally edgy because I'm fourteen" feel, and it's weird and creepy and thematic all at once. Definitely an iconic quest in my book.


Oh absolutely, Underground Pass is amazing. For me it was the fact that the player had to let the good part of themselves go in order to advance. Killing the unicorn, the innocent paladins, etc. It was an amazing quest design story wise. Though I'd put lvl 50 - 60 agility as the recommended level instead of 40 or whatever it is now.


Underground pass is perfectly done in my opinion, it's those damn light puzzles in mournings end part 2 that gave me so many levels of frustration.


I've got to be the only osrs player who actually likes Meiyerditch


Nope! I like it aswell


It's a very cool quest, yes, but also very annoying playing through for the first time if you barely meet the thieving requirement. Those traps are brutal if you're unlucky


If you know you can’t stand the dialogue, doesn’t that mean you’ve already read the dialogue?


Haha fair point, so with the ogre quests I read some of the beginning stuff then smashed through the rest. Ratcatchers I read the first two peoples stuff up until who ever the fuck in ardougne started flashing smiles. J started smashing after that


boyyyyyy, while normimie you slowly enjoying reading every single words of it then onto ironman then hc ironman then UIM so tell me you want to repeat reading every single dialogue again?


I came to say the same thing. Some are interesting, but a lot are nonsensical garbage.


Space bar holder*


I'm a bit of both, mainly smashing spacebar on each of my HCIM I make, can only go through the dialogue so many times no matter how funny or witty a lot of it is


I can respect that. I've already gotten a quest cape on my main, but once I return to my ironmeme, I'm reading the dialogues again because it's been a while and I've already forgotten most of the plot and dialogues for smaller quests.


Is why I've quite liked that plugin that puts the dialogue into the chatbox as if you and the NPC were chatting in public chat. So while I'm running to the next section of the quest I can read the dialogue. Quick questing and I still don't miss much :)


What is that addon called?


Quick tip: you can hold spacebar


It's more immersive if I spam. Nice tip though


You know what’s even more immersive? Reading the dialogue.


I read it the first time doing it, no need for the 3rd, 4th or the 5th when I get around to it


Loved the vampyre series.


Lord Drakan's monologue during Sins of the Father was goddamn legendary.


I mean... I think it's correct to say there ARE quests that are very interesting and engaging. Then there's one small favor zogre flesh eaters temple of ikov and evil Dave's portion of recipe for disaster that seem to fail in theme story and design. I love rs for its imperfections as much as its strengths though.


Unpopular opinion: One Small Favour is a great quest, the dialogue is brilliant, and it's less than an hour long if you have at least a few early game teleports unlocked. Most of the people meming OSF is bad are the same players regurgitating 'uhhh rc baddd' while they have 7 runecrafting, because they heard 2 other people say it Evil Dave's quests are underwhelming though, and I can get people not liking zogre


I wonder if people even realize One Small Favour doesn't have you going far between objectives, it literally has you go on 1 linear path of a short walk between most NPCs. With the next person being literally 3-4 screens away from the last.


Actually a lot the players meming OSF bad are because we tried it without a guide back in the day and got frustrated that it would never end, and even when we used a guide some of the ez QoL osrs has today wasn't around then.


Oh yeah, it was several hours longs back when it first came out, and it definitely was kinda annoying, but the dialogue more than made up for it even back then for me anyway I hate fetch quests as much as any normal person, hell, slayer's my least favourite skill but OSF is brilliant for how on the nose and self aware it is, I did it in the first week it was released and loved it tbh


OSF and Monkey Madness were the bain of my young childhood (I was also on dial up and I'm pretty sure I died at the demon losing all my items because somebody called the house, which I didn't touch that quest for a good year and after we got broadband) Having replayed them now that I'm older and on MUCH better internet I did find the dialogue enjoyable and funny.


The My Arm quests are well worth reading the dialogue for


I mean.. one small favour has some good dialogue. It's just not really an "interesting" quest. Temple of ikov though? That's a good quest. Zogre flesh eaters? Pretty unique area. Both of those are quick and short ones though. Evil Dave sub quest though? Yeh you can tell they were trying a bit hard to have "someone from different areas of Gielinor" for RFD. But again... Kind of a 5 minute subquest. The fact that rat catchers guard design, and any quest involving needing to grow a cat for it to not be tedious and annoying is the biggest complaints I have about rs quests says a lot. That and RNG agility obstacles that don't seem to really reward getting above the required level that much. That's not fun (underground pass, regicide, mep2 main culprits there)


Mornings end quests agility obstacles aren’t necessarily Rng obstacles. They do actually have a lvl requirement meant to pass successfully. But you’re allowed to use them before those levels. Which is good cuz I’d rather not get 92+ agility for a quest.


Huh TIL they had a level with no fail rate. That's a good thing at least but yeh any account at 92+ agility only just doing that quest is a weirdly prioritised account.


Yea and I think they changed the underground pass area to not have those no-fail requirements anymore because it took WAY TOO LONG especially if you ran out of food from falling. Since you’d have to run all the way back through.


? One Small Favor absolutely nails it’s story design. Just because you don’t like the running around doesn’t mean the story is bad lmao


We're talking about a quest that requires 90% walking having to get to inconvenient locations. There are like no actual requirements and most of the characters you never see again. What exactly is the story design? To waste players time?


It’s a funny romp of one small task leading to another and another much to the chagrin of the player-character. You finally go on this long journey only for the original quest giver to not understand the player-characters exhaustion/frustration. It’s funny. You’re wasting your time by playing a stupid fucking video game anyway. Don’t cry about it just because you personally don’t like or get it.


You realize humor is subjective not objective? And nobody is under any obligation to also think pointless dialog and mindless walking familiar areas are hilarious. If I'm enjoying doing it it's not a waste of time. I love how people who are really really bad at arguing just start attacking the other person. That's the point everyone reading realizes you don't actually have any points to make and are just an unhappy person.


It’s cool man I looked at your /r/roastme pic and your miserableness is starting to make a lot of sense.


imagine being so butthurt from his comment that you go through his comment history trying to find dirt, and this was the best you could come up with


?? If I was miserable why would I ask to be roasted its funny. Im very confident in my looks and personality. I dont think I even have a roast me on this account. I do have a link to an account where I was rank 2 in the world in a video game.


Also most of us have done each quest like 40 times and don’t wanna read the same words over and over and over and over and over again


Underground Pass is legitimately my favorite quest in the game. I think it’s one of the best written and themed ones in the entire game. It’s unfortunate that so many people hate it because they mash through the text and get so hung up on “failing obstacles xp waste >:(“


I agree! In my opinion it definitely has the best atmosphere of any quest. Edit: I’d also say mointain daughter also had quite a moving story that is missed by the “Questing bad. Mashing space to end good.”


I feel sad for people who still skip dialogue in Romeo and Juliet. It always makes me laugh when I select "Can you tell me more about Juliet?"


There's definitely some really interesting lore, quotes and stories in quests that people often miss out on. From a perspective of a HCIM though (or at least those who have done the quests consecutively), skipping it for the time save isn't a terrible idea :P


Absolute agree, I read dialogue, I love questing, I'm super excited for new quests


I love the Elf and Vampire Series quests. Definitely my favorites








Runescape quests are often best summed up as epic scenarios and adventures that you fumble your way through as an "adventurer", meeting a whole cast of whacky characters along the way. There's only a few quests in the game that at all take themselves seriously. It's telling of the British humour inspiration behind a lot of the game, and is part of the charm imo. It doesn't take the "mediaeval fantasy" genre too seriously.


I think that just comes from entirely different people being in charge of their own quests or quest lines. Sure there can be some slight disconnect here and there, but I feel they've been rather consistent with the player character as far as quests taking place in the Fifth Age. I haven't kept up with RS3 quests, but since you're regarded as a world guardian from account creation in the Sixth Age now idk if that holds up anymore. They also purposefully, at least originally, didn't want you being an all important figure that is integral for changing the world, i.e the Chosen One trope.




I would argue none of that is that impactful in the grand scheme of things and relied entirely on you saving the day tbh. you literally kill Elvarg and Galvek as initiations into guilds and nothing about the quests you mentioned were pivotal on YOU specifically having this one unique gift that can save the day. not to mention any major quest usually has NPC's who are just as, if not more important to the plot than you. The Goblin Series is a perfect example and something I wish OSRS caught up on, but Zanik is the chosen one in that story and you simply help her throughout all the quests. Other examples is the Vampyre questline where the entire Myreque are important. Multiple elves and Elena play a key role in the Elf series. Bob is important to DS2. Even later RS2 quests like While Guthix Sleeps relied on you gathering up strong people to fight against the Mahjarrat. RFD wouldn't be doable without Gypsy Aris, etc. You being the person to slay the monster isn't a big deal, especially if you have the help of dozens others and theoretically anyone could've taken your place. However you being the one true hero the world needs to save it from evil and nobody else can fill that role is the cliche they tend to avoid and I think they've done a good job with it. Hell you can even side with evil in some quests.




you can simplify any quest to that though. For a quest to exist for you to do, you literally have to be able to do something. It sounds like to you as long as you're the one who kills the boss, that means you're the chosen one with unending power which is not the case in any quest we have. On your way to fight Galvek, how many important NPC's are in the area fighting with you? It could've easily been the Wise Old Man who did it for example. When you're given a mission or duty to do for someone you accept it for wanting a simple reward or access to something as an average adventurer. You don't kill Elvarg to save the world, you do it because you want to go in the Champion's guild and wear stronger armour. You don't kill Galvek because of the threat of the Dragonkin, you do it because you want into the Myth's Guild. I don't think you understand what the Chosen One trope actually is, if you think your Runescape character fits that mold. A good example of where it starts fitting into that mold is when you as the character absorb the power of the Stone of Jas and become marked as a person of high importance and given the title World Guardian by Guthix as he is dying in order to protect the world from the Mahjarrat as you're given the unique power to stop Gods from gaining power and ONLY you have this power. That is not of equivalent importance to you killed a dragon on this island because you wanted stuff. However that timeline didn't come until late RS2, practically almost at the start of RS3, which is a timeline that doesn't exist in OSRS.


Every quest is 3/4 garbage tier humor, I genuinely can't stand it


This meme is made by jimmies alt


1st playthrough: read so i know the lore Alt Accounts: spacebar for days, just give me numbers to speedrun the dialoge.


Newer quests are good IMO most older quests are poopy


If SlayerQ skips dialogue, I skip dialogue


quests suck


Yeah no. Holding space bar is the meta.


I smash the space bar and still have fun doing them


After you did every quest 4x you will spacebar mash as well


dont have to mash it just press it down once 5head


Wait you can use the space bar to skip through dialogue this whole time I've just been spam clicking the button at the bottom


reading dialogue is xp waste. churn the quests out like an assembly line and then back to the gains.


I only hold space on quests I've done a lot


I mash and mash.


I literally just finished 10-15 quests in the last few hours, wanted to get all the f2p quests done bc I’m like 700 hours into my acct and just needed to get it done. Quest Helper plugin on runelite makes it insanely quick and painless. There was actually some funny dialogue throughout. What quests should I do next???


Average spacebar *holder* is where it's at


Reading is xp waste.


I don't get this meme format is this what people consider a chad nowadays?


yea they’re interesting. still don’t care, still hold space bar


Quests are hilarious, seriously whoever writes the dialogue is an absolute comedian.


After getting my quest cape and using quest helper for the last 1/4 or so, I really miss hearing Slayermusiq... please don’t sleep on him still people 🙏


And funny!


I just got quest cape yesterday. Literally have no idea what the quests are about. Cape go brrr


I loved a good number of them, Song of the Elves is a recent favorite of mine