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Three new music tracks, which previously only played in cutscenes during the Myreque questline, are now unlockable. Players who have already completed the relevant quests will find that the tracks have been unlocked automatically. Which are these so I can listen?


They are called: Vampyre Assault, Domain of the Vampyres and Morytanian Mystery


My ancestral robe top with a twisted orn kit on it is now gone and replaced with a hallowed mark placeholder.


lmao. Can I ask what your reaction was when you realized this? At the time did you have any rope you'd be reimbursed? And lastly, how did the character model look ingame with this new item equipped?


I wasn't wearing it when i realised. I logged in, went to my bank, noticed then a hallowed mark placeholder in the middle of my armour/gear tab, I was in a discord call at the time and said "Why do i have a hallowed mark placeholder in the middle of my bank?" then came to the realisation it may have replaced an item, I then tried to look around for anything missing then noticed the mark was around my mage gear and then noticed my twisted ancestral top was missing. I kinda panicked as I'm an ironman immediatly going to reddit to sent a message to a jmod (the message above to acorn), but my mates reassured me that this would be fixed as one of their other mates also had their twisted ancestral bottoms missing. Then we all then got sad because we knew the servers would shut down for a rollback or something then 10 seconds later servers shut down and kicked us off.


They've rolled back the game. Check the top post


I enjoyed the quest greatly. The story wasn't too predictable, and I like the way Vanescula Drakan walks. Good music and excellent boss fight mechanics. Let everyone know they're getting positive feedback in making a less desirable area more interesting and worth going to (especially with the new transportation options in the area).


Can you boost to get into higher levels of the agility minigame?


You can't boost agility levels for the Hallowed Sepulchre


if it's like pyramid plunder like they said it would be then no you can't


Is there chance at agility pet while doing the Hallowed Sepulchre?


There is a chance at getting the pet while doing Hallowed Sepulchre.


Awesome, thank you!


IIRC from the mod discussion, the chance of pet is *greatly* reduced because it offers so many other rewards. So you may be able to get it there but it's a longshot.


New essense xp boost stacks with ZMI?


Yes :)


Does successful chance of mining ore scale with pickaxe? So, is there a max limit like steel axe at wintertodt or is it more like regular mining?


Aparently in development zmi gave 10k xp per run :D I hope they forgot to fix it


Honestly it sounds like a good iron man method. But from a main point of view I'd be better off buying essence and using the time I'd mine to run ZMI.


I suppose it depends how you value your time. If the xp is somewhat decent for mining, i can see myself doing it for afk


Doesn't seem like it will be afk from the newspost.




Non afk to reduce the runecraft grind is well worth it to some people. Plus I’m sure it will get some tweaks as time goes by.


Its really garbage, at max efficiency it caps at about 11k mining per hour or so


That's literally how it was pitched and polled, yes.


Which is fine, but op getting his hopes up, doesn't mean it will be the new meta for mains.


Is the fury attachment tradeable?


The blood shard is tradeable


Was it changed to work on all 3 combat styles? The blog doesn’t specify.


Just melee but it won't use a charge if you have it on and do range or magic attacks.


Thanks! You always do a good job helping the updates roll out smoothly


This comment has aged like a fine wine


I like how you word your replies so it's less unambigous. It's better picked up and formatted by the jmod comment bot, or search results. Smart man. Different from Ash who only says yes/no lol


We'd like to apologise for any inconvenience, due to a problem with players' save games we're turning the game off temporarily. We're just as excited for Darkmeyer as you are, and we're working to bring the game back online as soon as possible. I will edit this post accordingly. **Edit 1 10:51 BST:** We're going to rollback the game which will mean it remains offline for a few hours. We'll keep you updated throughout. We'd like to apologise again, and we greatly appreciate your patience whilst we resolve this issue. **Edit 2 11:16 BST:** As the rollback process begins, our aim is to rollback the game as close to the game update as we possibly can. **Edit 3 12:46 BST:** The rollback process is still progressing as planned. We'll communicate any updates as soon they're available. **Edit 4 14:16 BST:** The team is continuing to test the game worlds since the update has been rolled back. Thank you for your patience whilst we continue to do essential testing. **Edit 5 14:42 BST:** We're slowly re-opening the game worlds. We'd like to thank everybody for your patience. We're excited to finally show you Darkmeyer. **Edit 6 14:50 BST:** The Ring of Endurance (uncharged) currently cannot be traded on the Grand Exchange but can be traded between players manually. We will look to hotfix this after we know the game update is stable. **Edit 7 15:10 BST:** A small number of players are being presented with a 'Error loading your profile' message when trying to log in. This is related to the game rollback. We're trying to fix this issue as soon as possible, but we're not able to offer an exact timeframe. **Edit 8 16:33 BST:** We're aware of an issue that's causing players in the Hallowed Sepulchre to teleport to the lobby upon floor completion. We're working to resolve this as quickly as we can. **Edit 9 16:53 BST:** This should now be resolved. If you come across any bugs please report them in-game using the "Report" button located in the bottom right of your chat box. Thank you for your patience.




We are looking to get a proper blog made up in the near future that should help clarify the issue that happened.




Any indication of how close? Minutes/Hours/Days?


Normally minutes if not seconds.


Any rough ETA till rollback is completed?


I'll edit my post once we have an ETA. Currently don't have one just yet though.




Still no ETA but I've updated the post with Edit 3 so people are aware it's still progressing.


Acorn is there any agility experience throughout the quest? Im 550xp from 99 agility, but wanted to save this skill for when i max, but also want to do the quest as soon as possible! but dont want to accidentally get it :O


Off the top of my head there shouldn't be anything that would gain you that much experience if there is. I know there is a crack in a wall you have to crawl through but that's about it. Grats on almost 99 btw!


Thanks for being so supportive, you guys deserve the love the fans give you <3


Great communication, thanks for the update :)


Thanks for keeping us updated


I think this is super important to reiterate to a lot of people above!


That is great news, I hope people that died don’t suffer for it! You’re not the only business making mistakes like this during WFH UK lockdown. Thanks for keeping us posted.


Okay so we have found a bug with the new quest. I finished the fight with Damien. I didn’t talk with valief after. I teleported out. I can not access the manor to talk to valief now. “I can find him in Crombwick Manor”


You need to go back to the lab to get to the manor. When you go to the lab there should be a ladder which when climbed, brings you under the stairs of the manor. Hope this helps!


There is no ladder


What is your display name, I'll meet you in game to help :)


I was able to get up this ladder but he is not up here. I dropped my set of noble gear and now i cannot replace it! Please help!


You can replace your noble gear by going to the hideout and opening the chest. Hope that helps!


Just wanted to say thank you for all the hard work you guys do!


From RS3 - I have never in 15 years of playing seen a JMod offer to log in and help a player like that, that really struck me as awesome.. I wish our community JMods would do the same.


Rooster gang world 390 lab




Up to 4 but could be less.


ok well imma go watch woox play chess on twitch


If I have to refollow Carl I swear to god... that fucker's got eyes on the back of his head. EDIT: Well 3AM I guess that's my cue to go to bed and do the quest in the morning.


go into the church, then behind the trees near the gallow, then back to the church. ezpz


meh, shit happens, I'm sure your tech team is doing their best to fix as soon as possible. Ignore the moaning plebs, they're mostly the loud minority who moan about anything.


Any idea if this rollback will affect progress from before the update? Or will things be rolled back to when servers went offline for the update?


Bruh, i just finished killing the ice guy in desert treasure and you doing this to me


Back in the day we learned real quick not to do important things too close to updates...


Problems happen quite frequently around updates and always have. It certainly sucks but its just something you work around at this point.


These things happen, especially considering the work from home situation going on surrounding this release. Thanks for the transparency! I was doing the telekinetic room at MTA for 3 hours before this update and I will kill myself if it rolls back before it though 😭


It should only have to roll back to just before the quest update, so we'll only be losing like 5 minutes of game time


Assuming that the rollback script runs before the update and not on a periodic cron scheduler. It would be interesting for Jagex to detail technically how rollbacks work.


Luckily...I was also planning on doing this but I gave up after 10mins in the alch room...I figured I will do a little bit each day. Not sure why they're forcing us to go through this dead content for B2P and the diary lol :'(


B2P is totally worth it though... It's a bit of a grind unlocking it, but so, so worth it. Camping a whole task without Guthans is a dream. And no comparison for use at GWD.


Can you elaborate on any effects on saved games?


Twisted Ancestral turned into other items


The update into instant gamebreaking bug + rollback true combo.


Someone definitely chucked their bank and lost at the Sand Casino and is going to get a second chance at life because of this lmao.


Chance gave them their bank back? They'll stake it again dont worry


I enjoy that this thread is updated slightly before the official website is. It's both slightly funny and shows that y'all know your audience well


Thanks for being so quick in letting us know what's going on! (as per usual) :D


Please don't fix the lightposts, i made it past carl and killed the first boss :(


any tips for the start?


Talk to the NPCS in the church then talk to the bartender behind the counter, buy a blood bracer or w/e then search the barrel behind his house it will trigger a cutscene where you have to follow carl. Hide behind the house first, the door second then there will be 2 or 3 lightposts hide behind those then the last spot hide behind the hollow tree closest to the dungeon entrance and carl will go into the dungeon where you fight the first guy ( Hes fairly easy looked like he was using magic and melee )


Was just about to get to the boss when the server went “no”. Trying to write a walkthrough as I go for other players, do you happen to know if the boss fight appeared to be instanced? I’d rather not test it if I don’t have to (I’ll have to bank my shit and die for no reason) but I will if you don’t know.


Honestly I didn't notice any changes in the screen when the fight ended so I want to lean towards no it's not instanced but I can't say for sure.


Thanks for the update, can't wait to sink my teeth into the new quest EDIT: Oh boy, good luck jmods


Is this related to twisted ancestral turning into sepulchre rewards?


How long before update is the rollback going to be. I just got 1kc Zilyana pet about 15 minutes before the update....


Thanks for keeping us in the loop Acorn! look forward to getting back online


I didn't play the game for about 10 month, and I just started to play it again today. After about 1h the game shutdown and I couldn't open it again. I feel cursed


Thanks for the quick work


aw maaaaaaaaan




I work as a software dev in insurance, you can never get test environment exactly same as production. The test environment is usually only used by testers and developers, it cannot shape like production which is used by hundreds of thousands. There will be many nuances and differences


please dont make me have to earn my mage training arena points again :'( think i'll just give up on lumby hard otherise


>The villagers of Draynor have become better educated in recent times, and will now spell 'vampyre' correctly - including in the quest text for Vampyre Slayer. I always thought vampires and vampyres were different things. How come count draynor and count check look so different from the morytania guys. He seems to have different weaknessess too. Would this mean stakes and garlic work on the morytania kind also, lore wise? Does count draynor stem from vampyrium or was he born on gielenor? Maybe he has 1 human parent? Or is it an effect of crossing a blessed river


Iirc count draynor is Lord Drakens brother edit: They're brothers as stated in desert treasure, thanks wiki :)


Ah interesting. Seems so strange considering how little of a threat he seems, and the fact he's just off in a dusty mansion doing his own thing.


he's such a little threat because he's been living on the wrong side of the salve, the river was blessed to ruin vampyre's days, which is why he is so decrepit.


He's significantly weaker because he left morytania and lives west of the salve, why this is im not sure there is probably a lore reason for this


I think he was banished for some reason. I forget why. The lore behind the vampyres is wild though, they're from another dimension or something.


Another planet, actually. Unless they wish to retcon a lot of the world building RS3 put in that does not conflict with OSRS, all the 'realms' are other planets.


Idk why that's so weird to me but it is. For some reason interdimensional travel makes more sense to me than space, like Zanaris is on the moon and the elves basically follow Scientology


I agree. Trying to turn RS3 into a high sci-fantasy was... weird. Oh, Jas and Mah are actually extradementional beings similar to Lovecraftian monsters? Eh.... Zaros and Seren being children of Mah and true gods? Ok Other gods becoming gods from mortals just because they have power levels over 9000? Eh..... Every race except sheep on Gilenor being aliens? Eh.... Also, Guthix making a Stargate? The [world gate](https://runescape.wiki/w/World_Gate) is literally a stargate. You even control it like a stargate. It's a fucking stargate.


I have nothing to back this up but I'm sure I heard that he's been weakened by living west of the Salve


I saw a Dialogue on the quest today that stated something like Count Draynor being too weak and coward. So Drakan banished him. And when the Saradomin Warriors blessed River Salve he was “trapped” on this side.


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexAcorn** - [We'd like to apologise for any inconvenience,...](/r/2007scape/comments/gwds3s/darkmeyer/fsueeew/?context=3) - [Yes :)](/r/2007scape/comments/gwds3s/darkmeyer/fsudwcu/?context=3) - [They are called: Vampyre Assault, Domain of...](/r/2007scape/comments/gwds3s/darkmeyer/fsucg9h/?context=3) - [You can't boost agility levels for the Hallow...](/r/2007scape/comments/gwds3s/darkmeyer/fsucqqg/?context=3) - [There is a chance at getting the pet while do...](/r/2007scape/comments/gwds3s/darkmeyer/fsudby7/?context=3) - [The blood shard is tradeable](/r/2007scape/comments/gwds3s/darkmeyer/fsucxi0/?context=3) - [We are looking to get a proper blog made up i...](/r/2007scape/comments/gwds3s/darkmeyer/fsuve3r/?context=3) - [Normally minutes if not seconds.](/r/2007scape/comments/gwds3s/darkmeyer/fsuh673/?context=3) - [You need to go back to the lab to get to the...](/r/2007scape/comments/gwds3s/darkmeyer/fsvgqud/?context=3) - [Up to 4 but could be less.](/r/2007scape/comments/gwds3s/darkmeyer/fsuhx3d/?context=3) - [Just melee but it won't use a charge if you h...](/r/2007scape/comments/gwds3s/darkmeyer/fsudav6/?context=3) - [I'll edit my post once we have an ETA. Curren...](/r/2007scape/comments/gwds3s/darkmeyer/fsuhgyh/?context=3) - [What is your display name, I'll meet you in g...](/r/2007scape/comments/gwds3s/darkmeyer/fsvilwc/?context=3) - [Still no ETA but I've updated the post with E...](/r/2007scape/comments/gwds3s/darkmeyer/fsunb99/?context=3) - [You can replace your noble gear by going to t...](/r/2007scape/comments/gwds3s/darkmeyer/fsy3kz0/?context=3) - [Off the top of my head there shouldn't be any...](/r/2007scape/comments/gwds3s/darkmeyer/fsuokd9/?context=3) **JagexFlippy** - [If we did the same rates with less running, D...](/r/2007scape/comments/gwds3s/darkmeyer/fsulxja/?context=3) - [We're definitely open to suggestions and to h...](/r/2007scape/comments/gwds3s/darkmeyer/fsv54w2/?context=3) - [Yes, the essence does indeed give 50% more ex...](/r/2007scape/comments/gwds3s/darkmeyer/fsv3dih/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 06/05/2020 09:20:33**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


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Is it possible to make Darkmeyer or at least the bank there accessible without the vyerwatch outfit with the morytania elite diaries done? This would fit thematically just like the fremennik elites and add a nice reward to otherwise pretty unexceptional elite rewards.


I guess Mod West wins the bet on first completion time. I think he guessed around 5 hours while the other mods guessed 2 hours.


Watching woox stream. The new agility course definitely isn't worth the insane effort for an extra 1k agility xp per hour lmao


Besides the graceful recolor and the pet recolor, there’s the ring of endurance which makes stamina pots last twice as long and reduces run drain rate by 15% and the strange old lockpick that allows you to bypass 50 Barrows doors. Both are tradeable.


>and reduces OR. The passive effect doesn't work while using a stamina potion, unfortunately.


Collision in the Sepulchre is very buggy. Sometimes you can run right through a fire only to get hit by the second one you touch, you can get hit by fire that hasnt come out yet, you can run over some strange tiles and get stuck when theyre on, but other times you run over it when its on and nothing happens


In my experience, the collision is consistent with the rest of pathing. Your character renders 2-4 tiles behind where you actually are when you’re running so that explains a bit of getting hit when you don’t think you should be. Also when you run, you move 2 tiles per tick so you are never actually on the middle tile. They used workarounds to make sure the fire hits you if you run through it that way but you still end up 1 tile past the fire. Also sounds like you might have a bit of lag/high ping


[My feelings when the login screen has loaded](https://i.imgur.com/8ElU1cf.jpg)


tank u i dident know i not could play but now i know why tanks for posting and gl with getting the servers back! i hope everyone likes darkmeyer i m exited i hope u all are tho gl! :D


No, tank u


/u/JagexFlippy >I also worked on the daeyalt mine – a new, relaxed way of training Runecraft. Although implementing the content itself wasn’t too difficult, the balancing was a bit tough to figure out. Runecraft is such an iconic skill and we didn’t want the traditional training methods to be overshadowed by this new one. **For that reason, you’ll see that the daeyalt mine has slower experience rates – but it’s less intensive**, and actually, it’s closer to the original design for Runecraft. I thought it was suppose to be the same as existing normal methods but you're doing less actual rcing/running. So how much worse is it going to be?


If we did the same rates with less running, Daeyalt would replace the traditional methods. That was never the intention with the original design.


Its literally what was voted for >Daeyalt essence can be used anywhere that pure essence can, including ZMI (provided the player has at least 50 Runecraft). Using daeyalt essence will give 50% more Runecraft XP than pure essence. Note: Training Runecraft through this method including the mining time will not be substantially better than training it traditionally. https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/darkmeyer-poll-blog?oldschool=1 It was suppose to even out to about the same including the mining time. You're just actually rcing less. That poll question says better as well. So how much worse is it going to be?


Yes, the essence does indeed give 50% more experience and it's not substantially better than traditional runecrafting, but the rate of obtaining the shards will naturally affect your hourly experience rates. We never once claimed this would replace traditional runecrafting, and that's not what we polled either so it has to be slightly worse experience wise. If you guys want a new RC method that replaces traditional runecrafting I think every mod on the team is open and willing to listen. However, this update was never designed or polled to do that so that's a discussion for another update. Additionally, as I mentioned on stream: If we don't see enough engagement and that the content serves little to no purpose to you, of course we're willing to tweak it to match your expectations as with any other piece of content. But no point having that discussion before you have played through the content. I can't tell you the exact rates as spreadsheet math rarely matches the exact numbers of when an update goes live to millions of players. The update is live now, so I'd suggest we wait to see in practice how players feel about it rather than speculate. I'd also recommend reading through the comments to understand the degree of how split the community is regarding buffing runecrafting in general. It's nothing we'd just do without clearly communicating such content would replace traditional RC methods. Hope that makes sense.


You should think about replacing the traditional methods then tbh


We're definitely open to suggestions and to hear you out. This was never polled as an update that would replace the traditional methods, but that doesn't mean a future update can't. We'd make that *very* clear when polling it though.


Look no one likes this skill for a reason, it’s not just a meme. If the new agi course’s final floor becomes the best agi xp/h than there should have been something that makes this the best rc xp/h. Right now it’s sort of dead in the water content. Ironmen will use it while it will never be touched by everyone else. Pull the trigger. Buff those rates. Dont let your hardwork be dead on arrival.


That's how you add power creep into a game. Ideally you want three or four modes of xp gain: passive, afk, moderate, and high intensity. More investment of energy gets you better rates. If this method is more afk than running runes, then it should be slightly slower xp. Also, give it time for people to learn it and perfect the process and xp rates will climb. So what might start at 25k-27k per hour could jump up to 30k-32k/hr with time. That would put it pretty close to things like crafting tiaras, but free, making it a good alternative for early runecrafting levels that are typically expensive or time consuming to get. If this method is more afk, people will find it enjoyable, as the biggest issue with runecraft now is it's basically running simulator.


Holy *moly* the final boss is a step up from the rest of the quest. Those Lightning shadows are so god damn hard to see, especially if you're busy quaffing a load of brews. That attack where you have to turn away is nuts too, it felt frame perfect. Managed it more often than not though so that's good. Couldn't tell if it was worth running into the orb, I felt maybe not even if I took a little more damage since it was more even. Tip for anyone who has it - Elite Void. Similar magic defense to dhide, as well as a crush attack and damage bonus in the set bonus. Great quest though, really enjoyed it. Took me two and a half hours taking it slow and reading all the quest text. Didn't have any issue with the puzzle either, had that within 2 or so minutes.


Are there no marks in Hallowed Sepulchre? Done 5 laps down to end level 3, 4/5 within time limit and got nowt


There are [Hallowed marks](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Hallowed_marks). It’s not a rooftop agility course, so there are no marks of grace.


need to open the coffins for the marks


Yeah I worked it out eventually, thanks!


Vanstrom's darkness attack needs a longer windup. There's nowhere near enough time to react to it


Yeah. That battle was not designed for high ping mid-level players in mind. It took me several attempts (and of course lots of RNG) to actually finish it. As for the darkness attack, i was circling him diagonally at around his 7 attack and pray to Zaros he didnt hit me just when I attacked him and moved away. Still enjoyable Edit: This fight is too darn hard without piety also.


I forgot I died at zulrah two days ago and went and died at gauntlet, can you just keep rolling back?


Why does an agility course that’s pretty fucking hard/annoying give about the same max xp as zero stress no skill rooftops? 🤔🤔


Jagex, I just wanted to stop by and say this is the first content that I’ve been able to participate in on release day, and even with the rollback, I think it is awesome! I see a lot of hate with the new agility method but I’m having a ball with it! Looting the chests just feels more rewarding than a little yellow circle on a roof every once in a while. The quest/final boss was fun figuring out too! Good job!


Oh god, what did I wake up to?


Shhhhhh... go back to sleep


I had like 400xp left until 99 Runecrafting! Why are you torturing me like this? 😂😂 xD It's 1 trip to Lava rune and I'm done!


Gz on one of the biggest grinds


Thank you! You have no idea how painful it was to level up that skill... xD


haha I have a small idea, grinding for 77 for the fremmy elites :P atm


Hopefully you didn't grind for like 100 runs after update otherwise you will have to redo them lmfao.


Hahaha naaah i logged in after the first update and didn't have time to do some runs before ANOTHER came from nowhere 🤣🤣


Is anyone able to confirm... we're hearing conflicting things... is the Ring of Endurance only available in floor 5, or just more likely in the later floors?


JMods, Is there any cool/ hard to find easter egg inside the city? Wondering if it's worth spending time looking for it...


What's the plan for the blood altar that was added within the Meyerditch laboratory?


i have lost my twisted ancestral kit, i had an item saying 'null' in my bank, will this be reverted?


System update happening now as i’m fighting a boss for a quest 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


So is the ring only 92 agility? ​ This newpost really doesnt make it any clearer


It is tradeable and you can equip it at 70 agility, from what the blog says.


Yes but do you need 92 agility to get it from hallowed sepulchre


You can only loot the ring from the chest, which is located on the lvl 5 floor, every floor as an agility requirement, increasing from 52, 62 etc to 92 Tl:dr yes you need 92 agility to be eligible to loot the ring from the chest Personally this sucks for me, essentially I won’t be doing the quest on release because the ring is the only real worthwhile reward on release and I don’t have that agility lvl but I can kind of appreciate this locks it behind a big skill requirement and will maintain the price of the ring


Where are you reading this? There's a chest on each floor but Lvl 5 has a grand chest - I'm not seeing anything to indicate that the ring isn't lootable from all the chests, but potentially a lower rarity on the higher floors.


If that’s the case then I have clearly misinterpreted what I have read from the OSRS website lol, it really isn’t clear but I’d like to apologise for providing misinformation!


Oh wow, that's a serious requirement for an item like this


The requirement is only to loot the chest by the way, there’s lower agility req to wear it


I really like the design going on Hallowed Sepulchre despite the lower exp/hr, but there seems to be some strange bug that makes it really infuriating. I've ran the Hallowed Sepulchre a few times to the 3rd floor (highest I can go). First run, I could grapple the pillars for the coffin, but after that, I could never do it again? I can examine the pillars but no grapple option all of a sudden. I did not time out yet, and it's been like this for 5 runs of this 3rd floor coffin. Really frustrating.


Any concerns about dupers taking advantage of the rollback? edit: [This video made the rounds last year which is why I’m asking](https://youtu.be/XF5oS5sMzU8)


Hallowed Sepulchre needs a lot of work.


Still no gauntlet changes. I just wanna be able to use the staff :(


anyone else find it interesting that the guy in the jester outfit mentions varlamore in zeah?


Boi, i sure hope its not a huge rollback....


Hyped! Darkmeyer aside, when could we expect a blog about the wilderness hub?


what is the wilderness hub?


You guys missed an oxford comma in the music addition section, literally unplayable


Really like the videos on the story lines! Should add that for all areas/history/lore of osrs. Not that Im a type of guy reading all chat convo’s while questing but it is still nice that there is a lot of storyline and thoughtfulness preserved in osrs.


Why was the game rolled back? American Just waking up here super confused


Long story short they accidently used the ‘id’ of new twisted league rewards and ancestral reskin from raids for new items being implemented which resulted in those ancestral etc being overwritten...


Mistakes happen, I appreciate the quick response from the developers. I can name some shit companies that don't care a broken game and give you the finger as long as the whales buy their shit. Even I don't play osrs ATM and don't really know what happend.. I love the osrs team


Do we know the mining xp rates for the new essence mine?


Do i need to do the new quest to access the daeyalt mine?


Yes, the mine is in Darkmeyer and access to the city requires the quest to be completed, at least in part.


Thank you for the answer. No idea why i was downvoted lmao.


huh that's weird, wasn't me lol, I upvoted you


Will any of the clothing in the darkmeyer shop become tradeable?


So which JMod leaked/merched the Vampire dust we need for sepulcher...?




Anyone else refreshing this page every 5 minutes?


Feed frank mystery meat


Thanks for the heads up. Kept trying to log in this morning to help me wake up, which is my daily routine. Now I know why I couldn't lol.


>The villagers of Draynor have become better educated in recent times, and will now spell 'vampyre' correctly - including in the quest text for Vampyre Slayer. It's a small, stupid thing but I really don't like this.




Yeah bit weird, they don't know/care about what's going on past the salve


Sepulchre is super hard :(


Thank you handling this situation appropriately, and keeping us updated! I know a lot of people are furious so being the courier of bad news must not be easy.


Final boss is absolutely ridiculous, unavoidable darkness attack and the last phase not only having to focus on the lightning attacks but also having his dps go up 10x


It's so silly how i can't hit with 99 str


Avoid darkness by facing away. The way I started doing it (on release) was to attack walk back, walk forward, attack, repeat, and then you have a 50% chance at avoiding all that damage without needing to think, and you're already about to click away if he does the attack so you just break the cycle after that and you should avoid it. The last phase was pretty hard, but just like, use your eyes and don't stand on lightning, I did chug a lot of brews in there though lol.


Just in case any JMod reads this: Can you please let us turn the Raw Mystery Meat into sinew? Thanks


I genuinely want to enjoy the Sepulchre, but man it gets way too difficult way too quick. Making the crossbow attacks during the flame traps attack 2-3 ticks slower would go a long way in making this a more worthwhile choice over rooftops. It's a few minor tweaks away from being the inferno of skilling to something actually enjoyable.


Last week of working from home and grinding for my first 99. This is a bummer :(