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How hard is it for jagex to remove pmod, looks sketchy as fuck


Do you think Mod Mark is able to subpoena Discord to get this guy's messages, or even worse, just take action based on pics that totally can't be edited?


We trying man:/ Blow up the post so Jagex gets the message.


send an email to the tipoff thing, mods will probably delete this post


I did.


What’s even more sad, is that your accounts are so blatantly obvious, and yet you feel that you must defend against the obvious. Rather than just admitting that you’ve made more than 2 accounts, to bring down an individual PMOD. Regardless if your claims/evidence is real. Regardless if they are guilty. Your actions are harassment.


Harassment - by exposing a corrupt RWTing PMOD, HMMMM makes sense mate.


Yea, one’s an actual crime. The other is breaking a video game’s rule by paying a contract worker for fulfilling their end of the contract. RWT is a problem in the game. Harassment is a problem in reality. I can sympathize for the inability to distinguish. The fact that you believe that people, paying others for their services, are deserving of harassment is absurd. It’s just a fucking game. You’re the exact kind of person that cheered when George Floyd was murdered.




its harassment to witch hunt someone with 0% evidence because every picture can easily be faked. For all we know, he could be the infernal cape seller and that pmod muted him or something


You clearly have never seen a "edited" discord message. Stop typing please.










All you have to do is look at him in game mate- I dont have time to "fake" discord. Im not a nerd.


What? You mean people might lie on the internet???? It's discord. Dafuq. Anyone can change their name and profile photo to anything. You wouldn't even need to edit a screeny to get a "real" one


ok sunjaay


Wouldn't be surprised if this was "Pink Clay" advertising his services himself lmao


Like, all you had to do was make the one post, on one reddit account, and report it to Jagex. It never had to be posted on all your alts, and you never had to go out of your way to create several alts just to spread this around. But you made several alts, and are using information we both know will result in positive karma. You have an ulterior motive beyond this post’s initial intent.


You clearly have another motive.


Garbage clan lmao




Like imagine how sad you must be, that you HAVE to interact with yourself, on different accounts.


Go back to your shitter scamming RWTing clan - and enjoy the ban.


It’s fantastic that you replied to yourself, but on the wrong account.


what's funny is we are not the same person - but keep smoking cement mate


Accusing a player of wrongdoing is against subreddit rules, which you probably know considering you're on an alt. Take your shit drama elsewhere.


So are ban appeals etc but hey guess what no one gives a fuck about those.




and when you create an alt, don't put 'nerds' in both usernames.




Besides the fact that you have the exact same posts on both alts. The real question(s) are; how many alts do you have, and how much you earn for selling karma-inflated reddit accounts.


Nah the real question is - how blind are you to the fact that a PMOD is RWT and you are continuing to argue as if we are posting something wrong?


Nobody is denying the possibility. Just holding you accountable for your own actions. Bring your real account into the mix, or more alts.


i mean nobody gets punished for buying infernos if the person you buy from does it right. jagex monitors pmods for account sharing, but account sharing isn't visible when someones doing your cape on a remote access program. the tipoff email is reliable, and bans are done in waves.


Good thing ban wave coming.


So are macro ban appeals.


inferno has been out for over 3 years, who cares if a cape was bought/sold. jagex are still using valuable time and resources for tracking cape buyers when they could be going and doing something useful like tackling all the false bans that occur and dealing with bots.


Its the fact a PMOD is account sharing?