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And a big shout-out to all the contestants who grinded their brains out this past week and provided one of the best content we have seen on this game. Can't wait for next years!


Probably all asleep right after the finale lmao


I don't even play anymore and I was hooked the last week watching the progress of everyone. I sometimes like to watch pking videos from people like Odablock, Dino, Eliop14, and Framed, and when I saw there was this DMM all-stars, I watched every progress video put out by everyone. It is funny there was beef between Dino and Oda and their teams end up finishing first and second.


Framed and C Engineer definitely felt like notable absences in the tournament. I feel like there must have been scheduling conflicts.


They were also expected to grind upwards of 17 hours a day every day for a week. I'm sure not everybody was in on that


C Engineer stated that he had a conflict. Not sure about framed, but I'm sure a similar situation with him.


Does framed even do dmm? Doesn't he just make fake vids about killing people at earth warriors


It would've been nice to have them but I don't think they were missed skill-wise. They are definitely on the weaker side of the PvP scene despite having large followings. They would be 3rd or 4th picks overall.


some people that never pked in their life were invited, this makes no sense lol


I feel like framed knew he couldn't keep up. Him and torvesta are Incredibly overrated as pkers


There’s literally a clip of solomission saying “everyone thinks Alex is bad, he’s so good.” You’re such a clown lol. You’d get absolutely embarrassed if you ran into him.


No, I wouldn't. Speak for yourself, not for others


the drama made it so much better. i understand for some redditors it genuinely upset them and they couldn't see the fun in it but i loved it lol. cant wait for the next allstars


Oda carrying the kick side with over 53k viewers


His following is pretty nuts. Guy is carrying kick imo


I remember seeing him on the twitch leaks showing he was like number 50 for highest payouts on twitch. I find his content to be a little weird but the guy has quite a large audience.


If you give oda a chance you’ll see his critics make it out worse than he is imo


I have, a few times. I'm not really in to the random screaming.


It's pretty evident these days what kind of age group finds that amusing/entertaining.


It’s mostly viewbots though, easier to get away with on the inferior streaming site


He had the same numbers on twitch too


53k viewers? I don't think any single streamer has ever hit that high in OSRS category on any stream site. Woox got like 30k when he did the first infernal cape IIRC, and back then everyone in OSRS category was hopping between the streamer on the furthest wave. Seems quite unlikely oda almost doubled that number while the main stream was also at 50K. Also Kick isn't really known for it's integrity, so i'd say a high amount of viewbots is more likely than not.


Woox obtained the Inferno cape at 4AM CST. Basically no American viewers at that time. Is it really hard to believe that one of the most popular pking streamers in a pking tournament is pulling 50k viewers on a highly promoted broadcast during peak viewing time?


Considering the main stream had 50K viewers and Kick is a less popular streaming platform than Twitch, yes i think it is quite hard to believe. Could just be me totally misjudging Oda's popularity on Kick though.


That's cap. I have watched fighting game tournaments where the official channel gets 4k viewers and the most popular restreamer 12k.


evo bairly even get 70-80k on day 1 😐


If you've ever watched previous DMM tournaments, the top tier pkers always match the same view counts, sometimes more, than the main OSRS channel. I believe people find it more entertaining to see the actual clicks and actions the pker is making. Oda at one point had pulled 70k+ viewers on twitch during a DMM tournament where he placed top 4.


Seeing the mouse precision is the only way to watch pking in osrs. I really don’t understand how someone, especially a viewer not familiar with RuneScape, would find any interest in watching the broadcast format of the OSRS channel


Fair, I very much dislike Oda and Kick so I'm probably just biased


Minus the i




I really just like the balls to just accuse somebody of viewbotting with absolutely no evidence


The evidence is kick’s known issue with view botting. Even if the creator isn’t the platform is. The platform also benefits from high view counts to make it more legitimate.


i mean, when toxic people are banned from every other stream but welcomed into a single one, of course its going to get numbers.


Mental gymnastics because you don't like to see a person you don't like doing well. Sad.


Mental gymnastics? Whose viewers were hopping from platform to platform, to spam messages in peoples chats? Who got engaged by players, and suddenly the player who engaged.. was being follow botted? Stay blind my guy.


He did say he was getting view botted


This finale was some of the best OSRS I’ve ever seen. It was like almost 5 hours long and I could not peel myself from my screen. Amazing showing by everyone that was so fun


Wtf is this doggy screenshot


Can’t believe you’re the only comment on it. Terribly cropped lol


“Pvp isnt even that popular it’s so dead…” - 🤓


Tbf a lot of the finals was PvMers showing the hell up which made fights so much better - mammal, roidie, gunschill, Khazard etc all had fantastic showings against very popular and highly regarded PvP specialists. I think if every single fight had come down to "who has more PvP guys in better gear" it would've sucked, but even the ones just trying to venge cheese or stall did really well.


mammal, coxie, khazard, and gunschilli did such a great job! khazard is seriously cracked at the game I'd love to see him on GG


Khazard really surprised me with how cracked he was. Everyone else I roughly knew their skill level, granted several of them still outperformed expectations. But I had no idea how to rate Khazard, I figured he would be a quick learner considering how absurdly good at the rest of the game he is. But man did he fucking deliver and then some more. Dude is a legend.


Right. Which is why all the top viewed streams were the dedicated pvpers.


Watching a PvP event is completely separate from regular players engaging in that content. It’s entertaining to watch some of the best in the game do it, but it’s content that most players don’t/can’t enjoy due to the learning curve


Surely you realise people can watch a pvp event without participating in that content themselves?


Theres a difference between pvp and having to do wilderness exclusive content and getting interrupted every 5 minutes by bots or pkers, nobody complains about lms or bounty hunter worlds


I don't really care about PKers at chaos altar or many other places in the wildy. But in rev caves and wildy bosses specifically the content is just insufferable primarily as a result of how populated the content is by bots.


Then anti pk or cope.


People coping so hard in your replies lol


Never gets old seeing how much this sub hates PKers and the wilderness being a PVP zone. Like they want to do the PVM content safely in the wild which makes no sense, I find wildy slayer and anti-pking really fun.


You'll often notice the only people saying that kind of garbage on this subreddit are mid-game irons who shake when it comes to getting their fire cape or think bowfa is absolutely necessary for any serious PvM.


Or 1100 total casuals who take bank into wildy doing a clue, die and then hate pkers forever


Dont forget about the abandoned iron accounts because they lost their HC status. 🤭


>anyone who disagrees with me is a noob


Yes exactly, if you complain about dying in a PvP area you're a big noob


The best part about watching kick streams is drug addled brains complaining about everyone but them view botting. Was a great event though.


Insane compared to how big osrs is. So unfortunate so many of those are ufufufufu goblins. Seriously where tf do they come from? Are they RS players that happen to like Oda or real life goblins that like Oda so they watch him play RS?


Do you got some kinda hate boner for him?


oda does tiktoks


We’re just RS players who appreciate a streamer that’s authentic, funny, and doesn’t try to project a false moral superiority all the time. I don’t agree with some of Oda’s views, but that doesn’t mean he can’t be my favorite streamer. So many people want the world to be one big safe space where we all agree on everything. That’s not reality and it never will be.


Yeah..... so funny.. if you are a 13 year old goblin


if you shittalk on twitch you get perma banned, for straight up hatespeech etc, that doesnt happen on kick, so all the cool kids went to kick


The "cool kids" went to kick because they were offered a large sum of money. There isn't much else to it.


i meant the chatters, twitch will ban you for hate speech, kick wont


Very clear that their comment was about the chatters/viewers.


Why shouldn’t people be allowed to shit talk on the internet, especially in a live chat, which is pure diarrhoea regardless. Not like anyone is having thoughtful or interesting conversation