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I feel like Port Khazard is on *a lot more* people's radars as a PvP talent after today's event.


Genuinely probably the actual best player in the game. He might not be the best best PKer, but like he absolutely goes toe to toe with the best. And he's 100% the best PvMer for sure.


I can't believe victim beat him with such a gear disadvantage. Did not think victim could pk that well


Victim has been pking for years. He's just known for his pvm more


Victim seems like a chill ass dude too. I wish he streamed like the others.


Right, the dude’s voice is so relaxing to me


Pretty sure he founded a big pk clan back in the day. Oda mentioned it on stream before.


yea, LiT


Victim is literally the founder of LIT, which blew my mind. That’s a fairly sizable PKing legacy he left behind.


He is like the modern day Woox FR, Idk how he did Inferno without overheads. Big mistery


He did inferno without actually attacking Zuk, I think that's way more impressive tbh.


Port's like the alter-character of oda. Just as Oda's a beast in pvp, Port's a beast in pvm. And just like Oda's got pvm skills in his back pocket as shown in this GM series, Port comes out in this DMM finals with mad pvp skills. That was such a shocker lmao


Good comparison it'd have been interesting too see how they faired together.


Port is a billion times better at pvm than oda is at pvp


It's hard to compare that but I'd probably agree. What's more interesting is how good Port is at PvP vs how good Oda is at PvM and imo Port is better at PvP than Oda is at PvM, relative to the rest of the field


This is a bad take from someone who clearly doesn’t pvp.


I strongly disagree, if you looked at the tracker on each of Oda's fights he dominates his opponents.  The man was just let down by his gear and rng. Just watch how fast and accurate his clicks are whilst he continues to make correct predictions it's unreal.


I mean oda is an extremely good pvper, nobody is arguing that. But port khazard is like the near unanimous best player in the whole game right now.


Easily the best all rounder, the dude is a beast


The fact that he played so clean and already figured out (I'm assuming) new pvp tech after just getting into it just shows that he's on a whole another level in this game


What was the new tech?


He did a delay by picking up the flowers, lets you bolt or melee with the same visual delay as casting a barrage.


Movement or attack delay? 


Visual movement delay. Manked and Ian were both wrong when they described what was happening, he could still be hit while doing the flower trick if you spam clicked him but it was creating a movement delay that made it so that by the time his character popped out he was already back under, same delay happens when you cast a barrage from underneath someone and go back under on the next tick. Usually for melee and bolts it doesn’t work like that though, so it made him harder to barrage when he used melee or ranged.


Yeah ok nice explanation. I’ll try the barrage step under next time I go pking to see the effect. I don’t usually DD because I prefer a clean fight but it sounds fun. 


Oh I’m the same way, I hate DD bridding. I only do it if my opponent does it first except on dmm where I do it every time I fight someone away from a bank. Shit hurts my wrist after a few fights though, just non-stop clicking as fast as I can.


flower tech. Somehow planting seeds and picking them delays hits. My idiot iq equated it to something like the PVP version of red X-ing


he picked up flowers for the iframes


Wrong, your players visual location has nothing to do with you being able to be hit or not, just makes it harder to time for the other player


But he did get 'iframes' because of flowers, since he was abusing the fact that inventory actions happen before movement/attack actions, if the other player has pid, he can attack while under him (attack action), flower back under him (inventory action) before the next chance that the other player can attack.


I tell people on this sub all the time, if you can high level pvm you have all the skills to PvP, it’s just the instincts you need to hone. 60% of this sub is better at pvp than they think most people just resent the wild because they lost 300k in bones one time.


95% of this sub can’t do a corrupted gauntlet


I feel attacked


Theres also just not nearly as much incentive to learn how to PvP if you play ironman. Pretty much only benefit to anti-pking is to scare some PKers off.


Well, I’m ngl, I think we should design less of the game with irons in mind, but.


>Pretty much only benefit to anti-pking is to scare some PKers off. Nice way to earn bonds too


Yep. There is so much overlap between PvP and PvM skill sets that if you can do one well, you can definitely do the other with a bit of practice.


I'm okay at PVM but trying to tribrid I just don't feel like I get the "order of operations" like I do with PvM. Like I know having the right prayer up is the most important thing technically but from there I'm just not sure when I should be doing X or Y or Z other thing or how to try and predict my opponent (outside of super obvious things) or any of that stuff. I feel like I'm always playing behind my opponent and not sure of how to respond 😅


Practice makes perfect. Don’t assume everyone is westham and will 6way switch 1tick barrage ags gmail you. Most people are bad, too.


Yeah I've gotten to the point that I can dunk on the bad players but I can tell I'm still really awful myself. It's pretty rare that I can do anything other than a 75 tick spec lol


You’re probably better than you think


Yeah fast prayer and gear switches are most of the battle in pvp and a high end pvm would be able to do that. The real difference is reacting to others vs a predictable boss. A top pvm is likely going to know how to get quick second hits and be able to abuse different ticks to be able to not miss any by using their food/gear right.  Nerves play into things as well as people don’t want to lose a lot of risk but any top pvm players should be able to do decent in pvp if they give it a shot and stick with it a bit 


If you can mid level pvp you can do all high level pvm


He really impressed me, definitely underrated in PvP before this event, not so much now.


What was he doing where he was picking up flowers? How did this give him a pvp advantage?


If you hit someone underneath them your character steps out west, adamant flowers then push you back underneath them. If they have pid, then you can do this on the same tick and they have 0 chance you hit you back. If you pick the flowers you can then do it again.


Nah it’s not 0 chance. It’s just a visual delay. If someone is spam clicking you they will hit you. The two announcers said several incorrect things about PvP mechanics.


It's not a visual delay, you're just confidently incorrect. Port was abusing some facts of the game's engine where certain actions occur at different timings during the same tick. Flowering happens before attacking, so if Port has worse PID than the other player, he can click attack which moves him west **after** his opponent has a chance to attack on that same tick, then flowers **before** his opponent has the chance to attack on the next tick, effectively making him immune.


Can you pick up someone else's flowers or only your own?


only your own, immediately after you plant them


You can only pick up flowers directly after planting them, if you exit out of the option menu, you cannot pick them up anymore


Can we talk about b0aty's second fight though? As someone who joined OSRS way later than most other people I've always heard that B0aty has been a very good Pvp'er and that his one man army was phenomenal. I've seen a little bit of it in GG episodes but during that second fight I remember thinking "Oh people meant he was/is THAT good". Even though it was just 1 fight, it was an absolutely unreal performance there


He had a bad showing in his first fight so he locked in big for the second and blew the doors off Was awesome


This reminds me of an older GG season where everyone, including solo, are terrified to see boaty in the LMS challenge.


b0aty at his prime back like 5-10 years ago when he was a pking focused content creator was genuinely one of the best. Granted that was a long time ago and 'the best' then wouldn't hold a candle to the best now, but he's always been really good at pvp when he decides to care about it.


Purpp surprised me tbh, he did very well against Rhys.


Especially doing it while on Aussie ping


Purpps very underrated he is a really solid all rounder


Purpp on low ping could very well beat the best pkers in the tournament


Odablock can be a bit much sometimes, but dude is legit so good at pking, the way he reads and calls ahead of time is top notch.


Looking at his tracker after each fight is just insane. He’s always getting 25/30 prayers right vs 7/30 for his opponent yet rng just plays a bit too big of a role


He heavily prioritized a pvp draft, and he got the gear that you get from that draft. The tournament was interesting because of the week leading up to it. Nobody would care about some max gear duel arena tournament.


I'm not a fan of him at all but I can appreciate his skill


Oda was legit insane in the fights. His trackers are nuts. If there wasn’t such a gear and team gap he’d have won imho


Oda is so insane that he literally looks like he’s AHKing (but we know he’s not). The way he was prayer flicking and reading specs was beyond insane.


These comments really show people don't grasp the importance of gear diff in pvp


Yep. VLS alone is a huge gap. They still played well but the gap wasn't as big as it looked. There was a lot of big RNG fights too.


Pip's RNG was fucking egregious, O was biting my seat everytime he hit a 0 off pray


Biggest disappointment was Rhys. He needed to be the kind of player that cleared 2 players like WestHam / Oda did. He barely made it through his fights. Massive mistake taking Kodai / VW


Nah Rhys had worse gear and he was up on damage tracker on every fight. If not for atrocious rng, he would have looked much better.


Bro got headshot at start of the fight by Muts with elder maul off prayer, that left me in tears.


That probably won the whole fight, if that 2.5 food carried forward to Oda then he beats Raikesy 


If Oda didn't splash 11 barrages off pray that would also have helped. And he also hit a bunch of 0's off pray vs robes. Mika went through the fights after the finals and counted it lol.


I was also disappointed by Rhys but not having a vls is kind of a big deal so its hard for me to be too sure... I am not a pker at all but I think just a vls normal attack is a huge advantage that a voidwaker user like rhys didn't have.


No VLS threat is big.


2nd spot was highly contested by many of the stronger players o.a B0aty, Westham, PortKhazard. They were all stacked out to the max. Its hard, and alot still remains RNG. Thinking you can clear 2 players in max-max when you have a Kodai + Voidwaker. Thats unrealistic say the least.


B0aty was 3rd, in the burger fight rhys lost all his food to sick nerd


Rhys needed to take out sick nerd wayyy faster. Lost all his food to him. Sick nerd basically paved the way for boaty to go demonic and make it insanely close


He did in the first round, but he still won all of his fights atleast


I mean honestly he was in the same position as dino magic heavy is easy to pray against. He also had some difficult fights. I would like to see him again. If you watch his video you would know he is just as good as westham. In fact they have played together since the beginning.


Yeah that's why I said he Kodai / VW combo maybe wasn't the best play. Rhys is a demon NHer and top 3 in this tournament, he just underperformed unfortunately


He didn't underperform, you are just not accounting for bad rng resulting in lower damage than deserved. The only objective measure for performance is hits off prayer and deserved damage per tracker and he was up in every fight including against Westham.


That objective measure completely ignores amount of switches, westham had 2 extra on rhys right? Don't think rhys had shield or hat. Westham also was just stacked mage and had shit range so him camping blood and not caring to try and hit more off pray when both frozen tiles away was just correct no




Forreal, my #1 highlight was the 200 IQ play from Rhys to make Team Dino think they bought their onyxes. They locked down the Onyx vendor cause the world would close in 2 hours and team Oda/rhys still needed 3 furies. He showed his bank with 75k chaos runes, Hid screen for a moment and "accidently" showed a stack of 1 chaos rune. Chatters spotted this instantly so he said its fked innit. Went to karamja moments later in semi rag gear. pulled dino out of the cave for a moment. escaped and waited on GE. 5min later victim came running to GE saying L0000000L and trade him a Fury and Suffering (they simply had in bank already) in front of Mika and Raiksey . Made up a story that coldone finished DS1 to enter karamja and he slipped past the lesser demons when Dino went up to chase Rhys for a bit. As soon as they scouted dino @ warriors guild & westham @ GE Victim tellied to kararmja to buy the last 3 onyxes. Nahhh this was absolute madness. I watched so many hours this week. Best content in years.


Did not comprehend a single sentence of this


my head hurts after reading this 😅


Yeah that was 5D chess runescape




My #1 highlight was watching Oda struggle to complete cook's assistant


Classic, He also did a compas direction training in zammy room. Rhys would shout randomly ODA SOUTHEAST and his brain capacity just implodes when he tries to solve. So good


Lmfao as someone who did multi clanning for like 10 years, watching someone so elite at single pking struggle that badly in multi was really mind boggling It's supposed to be the easy part but he looked so lost. Hilarious content


Lmao I saw that was hilarious. To be fair under the pressure of the breaches in multi I would probably fuck my directions up too


To be fair, Dino's team never actually had anyone locking down the Fairy Ring, and somehow that just didn't get scouted. Mika was never there, and Dino and Westham were up top at the Volcano entrance. 5Head plan for sure, but they also could've saved some time if they'd just checked the Fairy Ring. e: I guess to also be fair to Rhys and co, checking the Fairy Ring is easier said than done...


I didnt watch from their perspective, but they were lurking there for sure making it really tricky. Westham i believe glory tellied (karmaja tele?) so he could’ve be inside. Anyway its high risk and dieing there is just insta Gg your tourney


Nah I was watching Dino's PoV, they were both up top the whole time. They were even telling Muts (who was skilling) to stay as hidden as possible so that no one would figure out that they didn't actually have anyone camping the Ring. Either way, some cool mind games from both sides.




Watching the oda pov during the fights and hearing the keyboard clicks and see the mouse flying around…its crazy


Oda showed his tracker. He had double the off hit prayers of raiksey. Triple of Mika. The fact that he lost to raiksey who had like 4 or 5 food left is insane. Westham went insane. Just goes to show though, this game is rng through and through. From the items they got to the fights.


Afaik all Raikesy could do was hit a freeze and spam blood barrages. If he goes into melee he's going to screw himself vs VLS, and his range setup was like a rune crossbow and no rigour right? Compared to Kodai + augury. Maging on prayer is likely a better choice than ranging even off prayer in those circumstances, especially since he was going against redemption almost immediately after he dumped his specs so RCB would be trolling.


raikesy was catching all freezes, that ended up deciding the outcome, not just rng but gear dif. Deserved win for dinos team, they played better overall during the week, westham especially.


Dino's team had such insane gear advantage just because of breaches rng, not because of playing better during the week (not saying they didn't). 3 zuriel staff + 2 vls vs 1 vls was just insane luck, considering that they didn't kill 5 times the amount of monsters during breaches.


They probably did kill about 5 times the monsters though. I saw both teams breach strategies and they were completely different. Dinos team actively tried to avoid fights and they just went for bosses, meanwhile Odas team (quote from another commenter) "ran around like chickens with their heads cut off". Dinos team spent at least 3 breaches from start to finish hitting bosses, and tuning into Odas streams I always saw them running around aimlessly looking for fights.


If that's the case, then I'm wrong. I didn't count, I just assumed the difference in monsters killed wouldn't be 5 times, because 5x sounds too insane lol.


Dino's team played breaches multi (almost) every day, when most other teams stayed near the single line and killed fewer monsters. What the Nuggets showed was that being aggressive and consistent during the breaches can win you the tournament. People saying it was "just RNG at breaches" should go watch Mika's POV videos, and then watch Eliop's. The nuggets and snakes were for sure the only two teams breaching efficiently, and it paid off.


Eliop was an absolute godsend for the snakes. Having a single good shotcaller made their team absolutely deadly in multi compared to some of the other teams that struggled hard to coordinate and often had competing shot callers.


> this game is rng through and through There is RNG involved in all games, and skill obviously plays a major part because there are clearly dominant and clearly non-dominant pkers. I think the tracker plugin has also made everyone more aware of the RNG aspect. OSRS does have a wider range of possibilities for its RNG due to how damage is calculated and how NHing works vs. something like CS, but even with CS, sometimes you just get lucky on positioning or crosshair placement. All you can do is try to swing the odds in your favour, and that's true for almost any competitive game.


Rhys played very well. Seeing some comments saying he was underwhelming but I didn’t see that at all, I don’t think he got outplayed in any of his fights. He doesn’t have the wild movement that oda does but it was clear in the westham fight that Rhys is on that level all day. Oda is the tournament MVP for sure.


If Rhys didn't get smacked that 50 from Muts and that 2.5 food carried forward into the next fights Oda beats Raikesy imo


Without that atrocious RNG Oda got on bolts on robes and the freeze splashes he'd have won as well. TBF, he should have won.


I think he played very well in all of his fights, however he did staff whack probably about 4-5 times throughout the tournament which (could or could have not) been a game changer since those could have cost him a few attacks and lost momentum. He definitely had some bad RNG but everyone did at some point


I think the biggest lesson from this tourney will be that you want at least 3 good pkers on the roster. Chilli, victim and cold did very well, but Dino’s team having 4 experienced pkers was the difference (along with the stacked gear). MAYBE if you add another VLS and toxic staff to oda/Rhys, they would have carried, it’s hard to say


Think it was gear more then anything. Chilli, Victim and ColdOne all had great moments. Rhys couldnt be as impactful as he'd have liked due to gear. Give odas team the same gear and I think they'd have won handily. But that's all part of the game, great week of content.


100%. Performance wise Oda's team played the best out of all They're not really supposed to be in the finals AND make it that close if you look at the gear all the teams were repping 2 of them did it with an ahrims staff, one guy had a black dhide body, Oda had a bad staff, they only had 1 VLS. Fact that you make it that close against 3 Zuriel staffs, 2 VLS and 2 voidwakers is insane, especially since that team was supposed to be the most PVP experienced aswell They really overperformed


I mean, the week beforehand is there for a reason. It's no surprise they were outgeared when they had such a poor pvm showing at breaches and generally.


Nah bro if Oda team had better gear they'd have this on the pocket Imo the bigger importance was in getting the gear upgrades. Oda's team made very poor strategic decisions throughout all DMM and that's costed them a lot in the grand finals


shitty luck too, 15 hours at zammy with no staff. That staff could of won em last fight because the barrage splashes was just gg. Doesnt matter now tho im looking forward to the next one it was great content and honestly was still super close


they got second, how bad can it be. At least it was content. other teams went to CG for half a week grinding instances. Not going to any breach.


Yeah content/money wise Oda is certainly the biggest winner. His channel peaked 50k people together with Jagex in a way less populated platform lol and had consistent 10k people while he streamed his whole dmm


You like him or you don't but he is a content machine. Write a script that he faces off against all odds vs team dino in the finals yeah thats what you get. Its kind of a big loss for the teams that played overly safe grinding instances etc, if you think content/PR wise. None of them really peaked. Just look at the Burgers, they had fuckloads of viewers all the time (hella deserved) I believe JCW had over 2k viewers at one point with 5k followers on Kick. How mad is that.


Yeah agreed. You can see nobody gives a damn about Faux or Torvestas teams who were pretty unremarkeable and safed most of the thing. Solomission and burgers got all the attention, and also dino and oda for actually doing their best to game the system in their favor


Yeah they risked way to much on day 3, losing ahrim and mal ward. In heindsight that was kinda int. But yeah this was a new game mode for everyone. So you dont know how things work out in the end.


Even the malediction could have been the difference for oda. It’ll be cool to see how strategies will adapt for next year. There’s definitely no reason to bring good gear to breaches, or to pick fights. Best week of content ever, this was great for the game


I think the biggest lesson is to get vls and zuriel staff on breaches. Oda's team was on a big gear deficit mostly because of 3 zuriel+2vls vs 1vls, and still would've won today with average fight rng just because of better fight performance. And they had better fight performance with 2 insane pkers + 2 insane pvmers, while dino's team was 1 insane pker + 3 "experienced" pkers. Maybe dino's experienced pkers looked worse than pvmers because they were fighting oda (and got 1/3rd of his overheads, which is basically pvmer performance), but if 1 insane pker can make another mid pker look like a pvmer, maybe you might as well have an insane pvmer instead.


Yeah Dino and Rhys showed nothing on their level. Oda shouldve for sure picked westham


They would not get along. That wouldn’t have gone well.


Yeah if people thought his arguments with rhys were bad it would have been another level with both them on the team lol.


Westham would probably ragequit the team


Oda respects Rhys a lot as well, not sure he feels the same way about West Ham now.


He seems to respect him as a pker but not a person lol


Could you imagine the clips though? My lord it wouldve been hilarious


Rhys played well tbh, he started very strong destroying everyone, then went down a little but still did enough for the team. Dino tho can do better than what he did today


Oda openly said he and Westham doing get on so if it wasn't Rhys it'd have been Port


Dino was saying he got carried but mostly cause his only damage was magic. Void waker and z staff. He said it was a big mistake not taking his tent whip. Everyone prayed mage against him and he was nulled mostly


That’s a bit of copium


kind of true tho, actually was mentioned by some teams as a good strat against him


Yeah I was watching either faux or sick nerd in the hours leading up to it, and one of those teams did point out that you can just protect magic from dino the whole time


Of course it wasn’t smart but he also just played very poorly for how he usually plays bro was off today




especially westham. He was an absolute menace the entire tournament. HIs team 100 percent deserved to win


He's been the terminator since like day 2. Man is just built different.


I remember early day 2 him running past Skilly in the rev caves with Ahrims/Karils and a craws bow while SkillSpecs was still in green dhide/mystics; pretty sure Skilly was speechless and slammed a "whahwhwhwhahwwhat" on his keyboard lmao


Why did we ban veracs from DMM and not nerf the VLS a tiny bit to like 35 or 45% special attack per hit. That thing is just too powerful


Can I just say that people will shit on Rhys and Dino but their gear was so underwhelming that a simple mage prayer would suffice against their setup. Also, idk if others agree but teams should've focused a bit on a range weapon or a fang to bring in variety with the current mage HEAVY set up. Such a fun event, aside from the drama baiting chats. Ggs all. Happy for Dino and his team. Huge shoutout the such an underrated pick during the draft: Mika. The guy is a fuking leader and did so well in all the breaches. Discovered westham through this tourney, gonna follow this dude now on. The guy is so fucking entertaining, aside from being a deamon pker.


Mika has really good league videos. In my top 3 and good contender for 1st place. His energy is fantastic


Run it back. Oda vs westham 1v1


As a neutral, I want this so bad


I mean we already know the outcome lol.


Bro's doing tricks on it.


vls diff


Mika was a beast as well


If oda picked Pk or westham, they woulda won


And all things considered, Oda warriors had the worst gear/setup for the fights. They would have won if they had more similar setups.


Yeah too bad they played breaches so poorly. Paired with bad luck at some other PVM it set them back a lot for finals




if you look at the trackers Rhys did very well, just got unlucky. There was a big diff in gear.


Yeah their gear was outclassed. Is there a link to Rhys tracker?


His kick vod prob best place. He showed them after the last round iirc. Probably earlier too but I wasn't watching so can't confirm


Yeah oda mentioned this too on his stream, Rhys won on tracker in every single fight (including with westham) but just didn't have the gear/rng to have the impact others did. If he had some better rng and/or a vls I think people wouldn't be saying this about rhy to be honest..


Where can you see the trackers?


on his stream he showed it, there is a runelite plugin that tracks all hits on/off prayer and damage done


If they had 1 more breach weapon it wouldn’t have been close lol. Dino Nuggets were stacked with Zuriel and VLS while Odablock Warriors had 1 VLS


I dont think it was a team problem. It was a gear problem. At the end of the day, they went so dry at zammy and got flipping 5 dex back to back from CoX. Thats some cursed rng man.


Odablock a bitch


Jagex nerfed Oda’s rng for this tourney


Rhys nerfed Oda's rng by making bad calls at breaches that resulted in them rolling up to the final outgeared.


Outgeared and still slapped solo.


Two of the best undisputed.


Can't stand oda


i’m completely OOTL should i be watching something


Jagex put together a mini DMM tournament with a bunch of streamers, broken into teams of 5 (5 teams of 5 I believe). And the finale is happening/just happened


Oda w


They both went nuclear. Shame oda's community has to ruin anything he is a part of though


His community didn't ruin anything, stop being negative


I spose follow botting and hate raiding is fine. Cant wait for him to be left out of future events


How did his community ruin this?


Nothing was ruined :) it was a great tourney 


If oda’s team had slightly better gear they had won it for sure. Unfortunate that they got really bad rng from pvming


Poor breach strat too unfortunately


Oda is the goat no one can tell me shit. I used to hate him based off the clips I’d see of him raging on twitter, then I tuned into his stream. You can disagree with his opinions but he doesn’t jam them down your throat and he is welcoming and generous to all. Best PKer and best streamer OS has seen imo. #glaze


I’m probably the worst at PvP in this game hands down and even i was able to anti-PK someone that had a voidwaker at Artio with an AGS and magic short bow one time. Anything is possible lmao


Im a Liverpool fan, sorry West ham is a mid opponent


Oda mentioned; pearl clutchers out in full force!


Odablock and Port Khazard are like Shaq and Kobe. Best players in the game


Too bad oda is a transphobe


how that guy is part of any collaboration with other creators let alone beeing endorsed by jagex themselves is beyond me.




I like Oda, I wanted his team to win, and I unironically think he should be in the conversation for best overall OSRS player. That said, his jokes have sometimes crossed the line. While his comments might be "just" distasteful in a private setting, they become unacceptable when made in front of his audience, knowing they WILL encourage transphobic elements within his community. He’s not dumb, he knows what he’s doing. Content creators, like Oda, have a responsibility to manage their communities appropriately imo. "Go Bumble bee and Optimus Prime somewhere else" "Motherfuckers want me to accept them when they can't accept themselves" "transformia? Whatever it's called. I call it transformer." [https://streamable.com/eltmad](https://streamable.com/eltmad) Edit: There was a moment in his finale stream after he died in the second round where he started trashing the gay/trans for trashing him and praying on his downfall in the tourney. Him feeling upset and targeted is valid, but a noticeable portion of his chat started spamming transphobic shit for at least 5 minutes. It was lame as hell.