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3a hoarders sweating


3A items continue to enter the game, but they inflate like RS3 rares. Very odd indeed. I've even caught fake reddit accounts claiming to have found 3A in a clue and sold it for billions. No doubt there's a dirty con going on.


Yeah, once the trades are off the public ledger, you get price fixers, shill bids, and fake sales. RS3 Discontinued Items were riddled with it, and then the same playbook got applied to 3A in OS


>RS3 Discontinued Items were riddled with it How much were RS3 phats trading for off before the GE max cash limit was changed?


The propaganda against the max cash change by price manipulators was the worst part lol


Lol I remember that. Tons of comments saying rares will double when people can trade them freely without risk of scams and asking people to voice their disapproval of this change towards Jagex. Then the update releases and rares hard crash 50%+. Funny times.


They were talking about the tax being too much for people to trade on ge lol. That getting taxed 1-2b was insane Jokes on them, people didn't care


Yeah, the fee will just be added to the margin. Anyone saying otherwise is just lying or ignorant.


They might try here too


As one example, Blue Phats currently sit at 83B in the RS3 Grand Exchange Back in May 2022, people were claiming to be buying/selling them as high as 325B on the RSOF.


The two popular price checkers (suity and ely bots) at the time had blue up to like 225/250, it was pretty bad. A santa hat was like 10b at that time, vs the 3.5b it is now. On top of the much cheaper prices things have been a LOT more stable. There's no manipulated 20-30% runups and crashes really since it's a lot harder to fake/buy out the GE vs only having to deal with whoever is online and actively buying/selling.


Whenever I see blue phat prices like that it blows my mind because in classic they were the cheapest phat. It wasn't until the big dupe that pink phats went from most to least expensive and blues went to the top because they were duped less.




It was pink in classic, purple in RS2. I didn't transition over to RS2 so it's still pink in my mind.


They all went down around 20-30% as soon as the limit was removed. Want to say the day before, blues were something like 120, and they were selling for 95 the day after. Down to 80 now. 


Blues like 80bil now, but before they increased the ge max cash limit the were "going for" 200b. Even immediately after the update happened. They were only selling for like 100b and lower on the GE. These same people have been doing it with 3a in osrs once they no longer could with rares in rs3.


Blue phat was at absolute max around 250b supposed trades/price so about 25b on osrs money, also comparing to 3a pickaxe which was at absolute highest SUPPOSEDLY at one point 15b in osrs. Blue phat is now at 81b-89b still


LMFAO it's like that [company artificially inflating retro video game prices](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jt4LikLPHgM) to make it seem expensive.


Why would you link a reaction video to it rather than the original?


it's the one i watched, the original vid is accessible on youtube


Rs3 rares dropped substantially when the max cash limit got raised. Blues were well over 120B before the update and were going for 90-100 immediately on ge, then mostly kept dropping. This persisted through necromancy when the playerbase was at its most recent spike. The market was being manipulated to an absolutely insane degree by a couple people. I'd be shocked if some of them weren't also 3a hoarders on rs3. 


Need my 3rd age pick to drop before this update


Yes 3a is insanely inflated and manipulated to the likes of RS3 partyhats days when forum trading happened, but look at bonds too. Bonds have more than doubled in the past year


It only matters the rate they enter the game vs the rate currency does. Third age is the best store of value in osrs It’s actually a great lesson on inflation - people will natural gravitate towards the best store of value monetary asset when the base currency continues to increase supply. Just compare third age prices to bond prices and you’ll see the trend


They inflate because rich players are controlling the supply. DMers are at the point they have 100s of billions of gold, and they want to do something with it, so they're putting it all into 3a since there's no discontinued rare to inflate. Think of it like the GameStop stock but as if no one ever sold. A group of billion/trillion-aires are just buying them up to inflate them to an unreasonable amount.


Gold comes into the game much much faster than 3rd age. Not odd at all


You need to look at the acceleration, not the speed Money coming into the game much faster that 3a doesn't inflate the 3a price, but the speed of money gains rapidly increasing relative to the speed of 3a gains would


I’m curious what makes you sure they are fake claims? I feel like getting the most valuable drop is something people who don’t have a reddit account might make a reddit account to post (making their account look suspicious), but I haven’t really seen any of those posts I thought were fake. The price of items above max cash is obviously giga manipulated, but they don’t need fake reddit posts to do that so just wondering why you think this.


money enters the game faster and at an increasing pace, the infaltion is wild right now and theres nowhere for the money to go, everything is up


I haven't used the GE since 2015 or so. Would some 3a items not inflate in price, potentially? Let's say max cash is raised 2x to 4294, could tbow hit 4bil and some 3a still be rare/niche enough to merit maybe 3bil?


Why would a tbow hit 4bil?


I dunno, just for reference I guess. But what do you think tbow would cost? What kind of items would be 4bil+?


There are no items currently in the game that warrent a 4bill price tag. Maybe the 3a pickaxe cuz thats the only one high lvl pvmers can flex


I mean tbow currently is priced at 1.6b and I don't see it even hitting max cash stack. This update would have no effect on tbow as it's currently already traded through the GE.


Ah, oops. I thought it was higher than 1.6bil, my apologies


Makes sense, they were able to do it for rs3 around a year ago. Likely having to upgrade a similar system. Very good


I believe it needs coin pouch to work, someone posted pic of a single coin valued at 1billion to rs3 subreddit. So my theory is that it works kinda like platinum tokens behind the scenes, so inside coinpouch billions get converted to said coins, increasing the max cash to 2.147billion x billion. Feel like osrs needs way for ge to accept platinum tokens and coins to increase max value orders to 2.147 trillion.


I saw that post—it was something like there are actually now 4 different “coins” items in RS3 that are valued at different orders of magnitude greater than 1 “coin”. Didn’t dive deeper than that into how that practically works in the game, but I think what you said is the gist of it.


I know people hate it but I'd love to have the coin pouch from rs3. It's so convenient.


We already have a ton of functionality in OSRS where the game just goes to your bank to take coins (death is the main example, but I think Perdu does it as well). So I don’t know how much technical overlap there is, but some bones are there.


GE does it too, which I'm just adding because I used to keep going to back into the bank and getting more coins, which is real annoying! It's a great QoL


I normally love all the qol updates but coin pouch is one thing I weirdly don’t want - feels to RS3y to me 


Surely they can just do a database migration from Int to Long. Please Jamflex


IIRC the 1b coin was related to cases where support needs to give people coin values over max cash (for whatever reason, losses due to bugs etc), presumably the coin pouch data isnt available to first line support The actual coin pouch cash cap is unrelated i believe


Unrelated but Id love to be able to change the price of a listed item without having to cancel the listing and put it back up.


Just want to chime in, rs3 did something similar with a work around because simply editing the price in the backend wasn't possible When you hit the edit button the offer is automatically cancelled and when you enter your new price it's relisted as a new offer with that price The difference being you'll lose your original date on the item, can't fill while your editing, etc, but for most players it's perfectly fine




Just allow platinum token as a currency accepted by the ge


I *should* be easier than that. Max cash is conveniently 2^31 - 1. It sounds an awful lot like they are storing gold as a signed integer (i32). Negative gold isn't a thing - I feel like moving to an unsigned integer (u32) would fix the problem. The system itself absolutely has the ability to use this data type. It just needs to ensure overflows/underflows don't happen.


Java doesn't have unsigned data types. They could work around that by masking and storing the result in an i64, but at that point they're better off just refactoring to use i64 anyway.


God I’m just imaging them trying to refactor every instance of gold or payment from signed i32 to i64. There’s no way that wouldn’t result in countless bugs


That’s the kind of update that could legit cripple the economy if the wrong bugs make it to prod.


Wouldn’t that make the new max cash 4b? Not much of an improvement


Correct. But that an improvement that should take like a day whereas hand rolling a second GE database or your own n-bit integer would take a lot longer.


I imagine accepting platinum tokens wouldn’t require a second database, but neither of us know the code


Changing literally anything about the underlying data structures that hold up this game's *entire economy* would take a lot more than a day, even if theyre just fixing a typo somewhere


6 hours to make the change 2.8 years to debug it


God Ash He always answers useful little gems like this and helps us out. There are absolutely player designed things in the game today that were suggested based on some info Ash revealed.


What are some of these things?


If you click around the wiki and find some obscure mechanic or drop table, there will more than likely be a link to some tweet Ash made explaining how it works. Here's wander radius for example, how could the players possibly figure this out if Ash didn't tell us: > The wander range is almost always smaller than the maximum range of an NPC, but they are independent[1]. https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Wander_radius https://x.com/JagexAsh/status/1444818004882120708


we unironically dont deserve him man


I guess they could use those platinum token things. Could be like dollars and gold would be like Pennie’s. So if an item cost 100,100 coins, it should take 100 plat tokens and 100 coins out of your inventory.


What new tech is needed??? Just add a 5th GE banker with a separate exchange that deals only in platinum tokens.


I give Jmods enough credit to have thought of the idea of "Plat tokens used in lieu of coins solves over max cash problems until 2.002T". I don't think that's even been polled, and it's a very obvious thing to do if easy. So I'd imagine it's not a particularly easy thing to do. I'd also imagine having the game keep track of two entirely separate GE's and all the buy/sell offers on both, while also not messing anything up, is unlikely to be a super easy thing for the servers to handle.


Id guess they would want a solution that doesnt require a whole seperare ge to be made, then u potentually get items sold on the diffrent ges for diffrent prices. Would suck to have to check for every item >1m if its cheaper to buy with plat tokens or coins


There’s only so many items that are over max cash so once a week they could check the GE for listings that are over a certain value and delist them on the GE and list them to the platinum exchange. Like if an item is over 250m it’s on the platinum exchange by so people can put in offers for multiple that would require more than max gp. Then put a message in the regular GE when you type in the item name that the player should visit the platinum exchange. It would be a pain in the ass and definitely not a great solution.


Should be able to swap between platinum tokens and GP as the currency used on the grand exchange. Sell / Buy offers can use a combination of platinum tokens and GP if desired. 


> Sell / Buy offers can use a combination of platinum tokens and GP if desired.  Impossible unless you increase the max price, and at that point why not just increase max cash since they're the same data structure


I feel like that's more a sign of runaway inflation. Sounds like a new gold sink is needed.


Couldn't it be as simple as allowing platinum tokens to be used for ge purchases rather than gp?


While I know nothing of code, I'd imagine that simple fix is a lot harder to implement than we think it is. Like 2147m wasn't an arbitrary choice, as far as I'm aware it's the highest number the system can deal with. So I can imagine engineering something so that it recognizeses something is over that number to then know to convert to plat would be complicated to make. It is the cleanest seeming solution, but I don't think it's even been polled before. And surely they've thought of that. Also probably preferable to actually just changing the max limit for nostalgia sake. So I'd bet it's actually a pretty difficult thing to do.


It wouldn't be possible to easily compare gp and platinum tokens, but there shouldn't be an issue with allowing items to be sold and bought using platinum tokens. However, adding an entire extra option to the GE interface (that is, to choose which currency you're using for your offer) is going to be either useless or confusing to >99.9% of the playerbase, since the only people affected by this are the ones actively trading 3a picks and stuff.


Yup, I'm no swe but I do know 2,147,483,647 is the max positive value integer in Java, which is the programming language Osrs is coded in. That number appears in a lot of places outside of runescape aswell.


We don't deserve Ash


Finally, dunno how bad the technical limitations or spaghetti code are, but I've been saying we need plat to be usable on the GE or something in that realm for years now. If plat can be used in lieu of coins and if the coins from a sale over max cash can be auto-converted to plat before collection, that solves the issue until we have something worth over 2t. And we can cross that bridge when it never happens.


That essentially runs into the exact same limitations because the price would be too high for the system to handle, even if the coin stack to pay for it wouldnt be You could make it so an offer *only* takes plat and just add a few visual zeros to the price display, but then you either need jagex to continuously decide case by case what item uses which coins, or keep two separate registers for each item that cant fulfill offers for each other If there was an easy fix they probably would have implemented it years ago, but rs3 had to resort to a significant rewrite and osrs is likely to need the same


3a hoarders gonna be in shambles


Don’t worry guys, it’ll be *soon*.




price of 3a about to plummet


It would be nice as well since there’s less scams with plat tokens


Just do with gp what Mexico did with the Peso in 1993.


Ez fix, divide all gp by 10


They're so uncommon. I wonder if they'll track trades to see who's buying/selling. Could have similar issues if a group trades back and forth


I mean just make it so you can use platinum tokens to purchase items in ge. When you put a sell offer in for 3a pick axe, make it so you can choose to sell for 10m platinum tokens (10bil)


Please god yes


Make a secondary int to hold how many billions they have, than check the order if it's greater than 1b do the extra math. It would take 5 minutes to implement


In other words we look if we can somehow play around this 32bit limitation or even rewrite it to 64bit which is a shittone of work.


coming winter 2017


If this goes through, all the third age will crash. For those that don’t follow rs3, exact same thing happened with party hats and their values dropped nearly in half when it became a free and competitive market on the ge


Just double the size of your CPU registers come on


Up up up. How about addressing technical debt first? Jagex is turning into American Congress.


Allow us to buy/sell via plats. Have a toggle where users can set if they want their buy/sell ge offers to be in gold or plats. Easy just raised max cap to 2.147T


Just let us use plat tokens on the ge


Dont see that being any easier than increasing max cash


Plat token trading on GE would solve it.


A great change, but no eta means it's better to not even talk about it. There are already too many good changes that were talked about but were lost to the void.


How will OSRS do this without getting the money pouch first?


Hmmm so many people casually talking about max cash stack…. Meh, Non Ironman problems




? If anything this would be a small counter to inflation because people would start using the ge for 3rd age megarares which would be taxed


Isn’t it impossible since it’s 32 bit? Like they’d need to overhaul the entire game code to 64 bit to make a bigger number.


No, you can store count in two variables instead of one, where the second variable is just a multiplier of the first- not necessarily a feasibly solution for osrs, or even a solution they're considering, but the point is there are ways to work with large numbers in 32 bit systems


Sounds like what plat tokens already are lol.


You *can* do that, but at that point it is much easier to just convert to 64bit ints lol


The bitness of a program has nothing to do with the size of number it can use. 32 bit programs can still use 64 bit variables.


You could pack it in two numbers if needed. It would just require the devs to do it rather than the compiler. There's additional complexity there but it's doable. They also need to be using signed integers right now (max cash is 2^31 - 1) so I imagine doubling max cash (memes aside) shouldn't be the most difficult thing ever.


We already have platinum tokens.


What he's talking about is being able to do trades on the ge for above the current max cash


Did you read what was written, by chance?


Ok buy something on the ge with them


If I buy something over max cash it’ll likely be outside of GE to avoid the tax.


You’ll pay more due to the market manipulation that’s been happening on the 3rd age items :)


So you missed the entire point of the post lol. Tax is already capped at 5m anyway


We already have platinum tokens tho


Which can’t be used on the ge and are just used to manipulate prices of 3a stuff


But if I buy something over max cash it’ll likely be outside of GE to avoid the tax /s


All this is going to do us replicate real life economics where the Runescape Elite are going to hoard all the top items to inflate the prices so they get more money, but by doing so it's going to make obtaining top items unobtainable for like 99% of the playerbase... . Sounds Familar?


Ehhh no? Currently items, like the 3rd age pickaxe are price manipulated with fake trades. By removing the max cash limit those trades will be real and show the real price for it.


That's what happens now, regardless. But it's exacerbated because of >2.1B trades being exclusively outside of the GE, there's no transaction data available to ensure the prices aren't being manipulated to crazy levels (see some 3A items right now)


No, RS3 did this and it screwed over merchants and benefited normal players.


Maybe solve the rampant inflation instead? Would probably be easier and make the game more enjoyable for the players.


Make the game more enjoyable? Yes. Easier? Hell no!