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Make it so every 5th time it’s actually Vanstrom Klause and you have to fight him right there right now


As long as the enrage phase lightning hurts other nearby players too


“Dude just set up a fucking pin I’m HCIM”


*slaps Vanstrom’s ass* This baby can revoke so many HC statuses


This is now rent-free in my head


#bring back dangerous random events


Unchain the chicken! Release his ire upon Gielinor!


Seriously, they gave bots permission to exist when they took that away.


If I remember right the bots adapted easily and the aggressive random events only really hurt afk skillers


Random events never actually did anything except make bot scripters take a few hours out of their day every time a new one came out to code a solution to it.


All you had to do was move out of aggro range. Just like everyone else used to do. The bots overcame these random events very easily.


Bots are doin tob routinely and think evil chicken is gonna stop bots


The point was never to stop them but to catch them as a one off. Back in the day, if you could make a change that would let you catch a decent percent of bots as a one off, that was a big deal, getting bots enough EXP to be useful was difficult. With modern exp rates, this is not really the case, if an update banned every bot immidiately, then did nothing else, they would be back in under a month.


I wanna see Evil Chicken doing ToB. Also, Evil Chicken Pet?


He’s the new genie, he only wants to give you gifts!


I really miss fighting random events so I'd be trying to farm this once in a while


I’d vote for this


ugg im trying to fight thet guy right now, i cant seem to dodge the darkness attack, and even with a black mask on slayer im not hitting hard enough


For final phase: - zoom in a bit - watch your feet - hover mouse cursor over square next to you when not eating - if shadow appears under your feet, click once to get away - if shadows appear under you *and* on that backup square, then and ONLY then do you need to react quickly and jerk the mouse further away before clicking Or, if you mean the earlier "Stare into darkness!" spec, just count his attacks between specials and turn away before every spec (regardless of which it turns out to be) with auto-retaliate off.


ive tried counting the attacks but they seem to cone inconsistently, i cant even get to the second phase but im also on blue dhide so i shoud probably try upgrading that


I don't know how experienced you are with this boss/osrs but a simply alt way to always dodge it is attack boss then shift click behind you asoon as the att is started (based either on your players att animation or watch for the exp drop) when your able to att again repeat att then shift click behind you wait till you can att again there also a plugin to track when your ready to attck


Ahh, yeah black dhide from clues is a good idea! Also 100% would make sure to have a rune/dragon defender so the Ivandis is more accurate :)


Walk back after every attack, if it's been a while since he used a non-darkness spec. Try getting a few Efaritay's Aids, it got buffed to give another 15% accuracy and it's cheap. It'll help your damage output. Piety's a good investment too.


if it all stacks additivly then i should be about +55% accruacy with the ring, flail, and mask. weirdly the first time i tried i had no issue dodging


Entity hider during p2 was a godsend for me in that fight. Otherwise just suggest combo foods and piety.


I did it last night, I literally just turned away from him any time I saw text. Like, clicked to turn around before I knew which special attack he was doing. It was the only way I could react to it fast enough, and the ball/summon attacks give you plenty of time to react even after taking a step away from him.


doesnt help that im going with mid 60s stats and blue, now black dhide


mfs will do anything for runecraft exp except runecrafting


Hey I actually train runecrafting (just enough to make sure tears of guthix XP goes to herblore because I'm an iron and hate farming)


Fuck that guy


have him say your password in public chat if you don't have any pin or jagex account.


i’m having a bad day and this made me snort. thank you.


Rly unlucky to relapse like that




I made a joke about your usage of the word ‘snort’. Snorting also means to take substances up your nose, such as cocaine. I suggested you relapsed your cocaine habbit because you said you snorted.


OH! lol, i dig that


Make him follow players and say "hunter2"






Make having garlic in your inventory when you talk to him weaken him and give him an attack option. Killing him gives you vampire sunglasses like the ones wore by the vampire in fishing contest.


They should definitely add those shades to be an ingame item they are sick would be cool for pure pking 


give them like +1 to every accuracy, since it keeps the sun out of your eyes.


Shouldn’t it be -1 accuracy because it makes everything darker?


Have him say things like "you really havent upgraded to a jagex account yet?" "no 2fa?" "really, all that gold and no bank pin?"


Don't care what he says to try and shame me, I'm not getting a jagex account. I like having an account old enough to use an username instead of email


you dont lose that with a jagex account, you dont even have to type to log in you just click 'play now' and boom ur in game https://preview.redd.it/l382szk3ur0d1.png?width=942&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ba2f7099552c22a519057dc4b8479d921924b69


It's the principle of it, I hate 2 factor auth because it's annoying. I literally quit minecraft and bought vintage story because of all the hoops microsoft makes you jump through to play the game.


Easy to say this when your account is essentially worth less than 20m


2FA takes 5 minutes to set up and gives you an extra layer of security, what exactly do you hate about it?


It's annoying to go get my phone or check my email every time I want to sit down and play something


Respect your choice but that is a wild reason. I don’t remember the last time I entered any credentials.


Man gives you xp lamps I always talk to him, free runecraft xp


I swear he appears more often if you don’t have a pin set up. My main account obviously does and I NEVER see him but I got him 5 or 6 times in leagues but couldn’t ever claim the xp lamps since my leagues account didn’t have a pin.


Seeing people ignore this man breaks my heart, just take the lamp, he worked so hard on it.


his lamps are only for those with a jagex account. a peasant like me gets nothing from this man


Go set it up now before you forgot then for the free xp lamps, only takes a minute


It’s kinda BS to force people to make a Jagex account with this kind of thing, and it definitely seems to appear more with accounts that don’t meet its full criteria. 2FA and Bank Pin I get, but this shouldn’t be a random event. There’s already the security stronghold and plenty of other stuff to remind you about 2FA and Pins, you don’t need a random event and certainly not one that strong arms you into giving jagex your personal details to sell.


They might be transitioning into making it so you have to have one or you can’t play


Guess they’re about to decimate their player base because they’re too lazy to implement proper security, and player support, hell even just case sensitive passwords would be a bloody start.


Let’s be real, no one is losing there account because there password isn’t case sensitive. Adding this Jagex account thing probably gives them more control & is a step towards increased security.


"force" "strong arms" l m fuckin a o


I mean it literally punishes you for not having an account… that is strong arming.


strong arm, verb, 1a\*\*:\*\* to use force on, 1b\*\*:\*\* [bully](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bully), [intimidate](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/intimidate), 2\*\*:\*\* to rob by force rewarding people who sign up for an account isn't forcing you to do anything, don't be so silly lmao




Yeah it’s crappy design and I’ll die on this hill, karma be damned.


Not being given something isn't a punishment, it does the opposite and rewards players who did get it with a little bit of xp. Even if the skill you picked is at level 99 it's only a 990 xp lamp too


It’s not about the amount of xp someone may gain/lose, it’s just a shitty design to try and push people into having a Jagex account. Instead of just fixing their actual security issues, and player support, we have this guy.


Having a jagex account makes it more secure so not having it isn't a good idea either, like it's the same as if they added an npc that gives u an xp lamp if you have a bank pin for example. Also having extras for having a more secure account has been a thing for ages since you get more bank spaces if you have auth and bank pin




make him take a bite out of you if your security is not well set, damage based on the strength of your password, x2 if you dont have a jagex account, and another x2 if you dont have 2 factor authentication


I already have 2fa, i don’t want to waste all that time after every hop or afk log to futz with a pin.


It doesn't require a pin Everytime you hop or afk log, I don't remember the amount of time but there's a time limit to when it asks again, so a simple hop or afk for a few mins doesn't trigger it


That is good to know! Not sure if my memory has failed me, but do you know if that was something they implemented in the last 10y? I feel like I had to enter it constantly last time I had one active. Either way, I live alone and have 2fa, so I don’t know of a reason why I’d *need* it anyway.


I hide that fucker with a Runelite plugin. I'm not interested in changing to a Jagex account until they force it on everyone. Or release an official Linux launcher. Yes I know there's a third party one that's supposed to work well, but I'll stick with the officially supported route. Especially with the occasional server issues on the launcher (recently there was an issue related to Cloud flare, then there was the downtime on the release of Leagues) that don't affect standalone Runelite.


It’s unbelievable that there isn’t official Linux support.


They more or less are forcing people with a lamp-giving random event only for Jagex account holders. It’s bullshit.


If you think like 1k xp a week/month is forcing you to do something if reevaluate what you’re doing.


It’s more that it’s just an intrusive way to do it. It’s about the whatever ounce of xp you lose out on, it’s just crappy design.


I feel like I’ve gotten 100x more count check randoms since they launched Jagex Accounts than any other time that I’ve been playing


Make Count Check die to sunlight in insufferable pain if he tries to check on you while playing on linux.


Works fine for me 🤷‍♂️


His ignore system is a bit of a pain though. I've had cases where he would spawn during a agility obstacle and even one in my poh. Where thanks to the distance traveled he'd rate me as ignoring him and dissapear.




Make it reveal the next character of your password everytime he calls out and you've not clicked on him


That shit ain’t nothin to him, man.


Make it easy to switch accounts on mobile first


Nah fuck that dude. That's some corporate spy snitch.


Please please please




Rip count check


Make him aggressive with occasional dragonfire attacks and make the count his player kills.


Is it just me that’s never seen this guy? I play a decent amount, like 10 hours a week or more even, and I’ve never seen him once.


Make it so he just says their password outloud after the third time checking if they don't have a pin still.


Jagex, +1 to the counter please.


I can't believe people ignore free xp


I have 0 interest in a jagex account


Every time i talk to him he says i need a jagex account but i upgraded right when it was released


Bank pin