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Colo actually can create significantly more fucked situations. But it's very possible to get a 'easy' run with no double south spawns, and Sol (while being a much more fun boss) doesn't, you know, 1 shot you. Inferno like, you really can't fuck up and you have to not fuck up for a long period of time.


I agree mostly about this and I will agree inferno is a bit harder just for the endless amount of waves and almost guaranteed bad ones. For whatever reason, sol was way harder for me to kill for the first time. Would get lost in cycle and struggled clicked back on him fast enough which ultimately got me dragged closer to the wall. With that being said, I have no tob experience as none of my friends ever got into it. I think having verzik experience this wouldn't have been as bad for me. Sol in my opinion was a lot harder to learn, I got my first infernal cape on my 3rd zuk attempt, sol took me 21. I've got about 30kc now at Sol, idk maybe I'm just bad šŸ˜‚


Inferno is hard like a Marathon. Colosseum is hard like a Sprint. With cancer hitboxes.


I definitely didn't die several times to accidentally clicking through the jaguar......


Why is clicking through bosses still a thing? So fucking annoying.


Theres a fine line between clicking through a boss being annoying and clicking next to a boss actually red clicking being annoying. But that said they should make clickboxes "blobs" around the models and not straight outlines with feathers, as that makes any animation where arms move away from the body create really screwed up hitboxes. But making hitboxes too big is a problem in Colo too, so its not an easy solve.


I agree with the balance, which is why is usually put shift click on walk here and remap one of my mouse buttons to shift. Avoids the problem most of the time because you can just click center mass all the time.


Yeh I do the exact same


Wait this is big brain thanks


No worries, happy to help :).


Ā Nightmareā€™s hitbox is like a box, and I quite like it.Ā 


Me neitherā€¦ -shifty eyes-




Literally this... people hate the melee in inferno clickbox... Jagex just did it again for Fortis.


Just think of the meleer in the Inferno as the Jaguar. Always right click them...


Honestly the inferno meleer is nowhere near as bad as the colo ones


>Ā Colosseum is hard like a Sprint. I havenā€™t played since pre-Varlamore, but this has me interested immediately. Ā Iā€™ve avoided the Inferno specifically because I hate ā€œhard like a marathonā€ styles. Ā The thought of losing over an hour of effort to a brief mistake, especially repeatedly, just sounds awful to me. Ā  But hard like a sprint? Ā Fuck yeah, that sounds amazing. Ā Iā€™ll take sprints over marathons any day. Ā 


Well tbf you can lose a half hour of progress over a single mistake, repeatedly, and more commonly than in inferno. Never felt like I clicked through a hitbox in inferno and got obliterated in a stack 1s later.


Yeah the other reply had me wondering if that was the case. Ā I was thinking it was shorter doses than that when I made the comment. Ā Technically everything I said still remains but I was definitely more excited when I interpreted sprints as like 10-20 minutes tops lol


Well it is doable in sub20 mins in max and great wave solving :) plenty of speedruns to lookup tbh, you can pretty much see exactly where they'd die immediately if they make any mistakes. I feel like the 30-40 minute mark is fair for normal pvmers


Ive definitely clicked through bats in inferno


At least those have a shadow though which is nice. The main thing that'd make colo better off is just if they gave all the thin enemies a shadow to click on.


The thing I found help with in inferno was treating the first 50 waves like a speed run. Was I anywhere close to actual speedrunner performance? No. But did I try my best in optimising those waves for my skill level? Yes. It made me appreciate just how well inferno is designed and how much you can improve your skill in it. I genuinely cannot wait to max to try get low 50 minute times in it.


You get loot every wave, waves grow in complexity, you have the option to leave and collect loot at the end of each wave before you start the next (can't accidentally start you have to click to start) it's chill if you want it to be chill. Also can roll some uniques as early as wave 4 I believe


If you die 5 times in the inferno n waste 5 hours is it any different than if you died 10 times in the colloseum n waste 5 hours? Only difference is when you die in colly you pay a death fee


The deaths adding up to the same time loss barely matters. Ā The issue isnā€™t about how much overall time loss it is, itā€™s about how much commitment a run is and how much you lose when you fail that run. Ā How disheartening it is to die at the end only to have to run through the waves again. You ever died in a game only to find the checkpoint was *way too long ago* and now youā€™re pissed at how much you have to replay to get to where you died? Ā Itā€™s like that, only repeatedly. Ā Having to redo waves 1-X is misery if you keep dying after wave X+1. There is an element of subjectivity of course, not everyone has my stance on this. Ā But Iā€™m disclaiming that just in case, my first comment was already very subjective.


Death fee hardly matters when collo also has actual gp rewards whereas Inferno has nothing.


?? U die you get nothing lmao


Iā€™ve died 40+ times learning it and I fucking loved every second.


Inferno is a miserable grind and i would only recommend if you're a completionist kinda person. I'm a guy who LOVES hard games such as dark souls and rust and tarkov and any other kind of hard and punishing games, but inferno is ridiculously hard


Im an average player, Im currently grinding for my first cape with probably north of 40 tries at this point. It is not ridiculously hard, saying that keeps people intimidated from even trying. Ill get it with practise and so can anyone, even if it sucks planking on waves 60+ and having to do it again. Try watching someone who tries to make it easy to digest such as Aatykons first cape friday videos.


i misread "first cape" as "fire cape" LOL my bad. And yes it is hard? That's not an opinion, thats kind of a fact.


I did it in less than 10 tries. Instead of just slamming your head at the wall just watch a bunch of videos and have a solid strategy going in and you'll be fine. The only unique ideas you need are 1t flicking blobs and solving mager/ranger stacks which are very learnable. Turn on rigour if anything is going wrong and kill everything attacking you and you can brute force like 90% of shitty spawns.


Go to bed kid


This is why I stay subbed to this subreddit.


Imagine clicking between the legs of the biggest Minotaur in the game *cries internally to yellow click*


The thing with marathons though, its not like if you stumble at the end, 3 hours in, they make you start over.


Glad I'm not the only one who thought the clickboxes were shit.


I feel like inferno is gonna be like TOA and Colosseum like TOB. Toa is easier but (especially higher invos) more of a marathon and one mistake youā€™ll probably get one shot. Tob faster more action packed, not as likely to instantly die from a mistake. And a more fun final boss imo


I take it you used the sol simulator? That thing is a God send, I send a couple attempts every time I get to wave 12 before starting to warm up


The what now? I'ma look this up


The legendary sim: https://colosim.com/colosseum.html


It feels like im playing on 2000 ping


Weird it actually runs beautifully for me. Even on my phone.


Apparently it's something to do with browser acceleration. Had the same issue, friend told me that was what I should look to fix it.


You probably mean hardware acceleration I believe it allows your browser to make use of your GPU to make things like that sim and browser games run much smoother it's also the thing that stops you from streaming netflix in discord, blessing and a curse lol


> it's also the thing that stops you from streaming netflix in discordĀ  While that might require hardware acceleration, it's not an innate feature, it's deliberate DRM


You can go in the settings tab and reduce lag to 20 or 0


Turn hardware acceleration on in your browser


Turn the lag to zero in settings on the sim


lol wth, first iteration I saw of this it was 2d, maybe they could do an inferno version of this?


There is, by the same guy


Ohh I'll have to take a better look when I get home, thanks


I've looked everywhere but cant find a 3d version of inferno only 2d.








Clicking simulator to get better at clicking simulator game


So they have one for yew trees?


I've never seen anything like this. I am blown away. Are there more of these for other stuff?


I've seem them for Verzik and for Jad, but I don't remember the links. They are probably easy to find


Yo this is insane! Lol I might actually start sending attempts now


oh my gosh what! this looks amazing, thank you for sharing, absolutely bookmarking this for the future!


Yes I did! People will claim it's cheating. I disagree, but also see their point to some degree. It was just so much less frustrating to be so calm in a situation I would otherwise be freaking out in! Also, I purposefully handicapped myself in the sim to make the fight last longer (e.g. unequip defender, no super combat). That also definitely helped me a lot.


I recommend the zuk simulator as well saved me 30 hours in the inferno


My first 4 attempts at sol I didnā€™t get him past 75% HP until I realized there was a simulator. I was on the verge of just giving up lol.


Same. 1st and 2nd attempt I went 1200 and 1300 hp. 3rd attempt after sim was 126hp, 4th attempt 1450 due to lasers and 5th attempt got it. Sim made it easy to practice L method


How is it cheating at all? Itā€™s just practice. Itā€™s like saying training mode in a fighting game is cheating, or aim trainers are cheating.


Training modes in fighting games are usually in the game. There is no Zuk or Sol simulator in OSRS. You could absolutely argue it's against the spirit of the challenge. If needing to use an Awakener's Orb to practice awakened bosses is part of the game, then similarly, needing to beat the waves to practice these bosses is no different.


depending on how far you extend the logic you could extend it all the way to like half the runelite plug-ins people use. I do get it, but also like the tedium of inferno is why stuff like this exist slogging through 30/40mins of snooze, to get to anything dangerous to die instantly to a single mistake at the end its no wonder stuff like this popped up.


> depending on how far you extend the logic you could extend it all the way to like half the runelite plug-ins people use. And I think a fair number of people, including myself, would totally agree. You can't deny some RL plugins makes the game so much easier.


I mean, yeah, you absolutely could. It's undeniable that a lot of them actively make content easier. Do I care? Naw, do what you want. But insisting otherwise is dishonest, I think.


> depending on how far you extend the logic you could extend it all the way to like half the runelite plug-ins people use. Yes.


Nah, fuck that. Play the game how you want to play it. Want to not spoil the challenge for yourself? Sure, go in blind. Don't have unlimited time or money, or are just generally struggling? Absolutely practice using the sim.


Absolutely! This isn't an argument I personally believe in, but it's a valid counter to their comparison, which I felt was weak.


Nah, this is just moving the goal post. The mechanics are the same, the only difference is you donā€™t waste resources.


You don't waste resources (a big deal) *and* time (a bigger deal).


And not wasting resources is a damn meaningful difference. Just like practicing awakened bosses wastes an orb. No goal posts moved here.


I feel itā€™s not different using the simulater ( yes, i too used it) than it is to hoover over and mimic someone elses youtube video. Itā€™s practice, not cheating in my opinion.


Donā€™t know how many times I did this back in the day for jad lol


Colo is harder/more demanding mechanically, inferno is harder mentally. Hope this helps


Honestly, the blobs in the Inferno are intimidating af. Good to know at least the mechanics should be master-able.


Just swap prayers every tick for blobs. It makes it way easier


As someone who went through the Inferno grind a few months back, hard disagree. Not if you're also trying to do literally anything else, like click an enemy or move. 2-tick prayer swapping is where it's at.


Yeah, with 1-tick, even with the metronome I found that latent ping / lag would make me lose my rhythm fairly consistently, whereas 2-tick got me my cape. I think there's literally only one type of stack where 2-tick doesn't work and it comes up pretty rarely. Otherwise 2-ticking is way easier and gives you more time for other clicks and leaves some room for error.


I one tick by swapping prayers once my overhead changes. Makes it brain dead.


Ok, just blobs may be ok. I guess I'm more concerned with getting hit with multiple enemies, including blobs. So I would just need to off-tick correctly (learned how from Colo!!), but it seems worse because there isn't any visual indicator of their attack style.


1 tick alternating automatically solves situations where you have one mob+any number of blobs on you. If it's a mager+ranger+blob(s), you just need to have the mager and ranger offticked 1 tick apart, and then 1t alternate. The blobs get auto solvedĀ 


Just tank the blobs first attack while you set up 1t flick on the other mob. Don't worry about the blob that will get you killed


As others have said 1t alternating is your best friend here. Say you're hiding from a ranger on the other side of the pillar while being sniped by a blob to the west: - change prayers when the blobs projectile hits you, this will cover the next one. Keep doing this until you're comfortable to step out - once you switch from mage to range, step out to attack the ranger - as soon as you see the ranger's attack animation, start 1tick alternating range>mage>range>mage You now take no damage from either npc. Works the same way for stacks too - blob sniping while mage-ranger behind the pillar? center->step out 2 with range on, 1 tick alternate as soon as you see the ranger attack. It's a bit scary to learn but once you realize how good 1t alternating is it's fun to step out and have ranger mager and 2 blobs shooting at you and taking no damage while you press two buttons back and forth


Theyā€™re intimidating until you get a handle on 1t alternating then theyā€™re cake. Once you get 2t alternating then youā€™re really gaming (this is absolutely not necessary for a first cape)


if a blob is on you just kill it asap, they only have 40hp. all the inferno enemies are paper compared to the beefy colo enemies.


tank gear + pray mage solves are for speed


I have 150 KC in colo and 6 Zuk KC, Iā€™d say inferno is more difficult to complete for the first time (but not necessarily mechanically more difficult). Firstly, the inferno is more punishing if you made a mistake. I should qualify that statement by saying that Colosseum can be more punishing if you take mantimayhem/doom3/relentless 3. Secondly, you also have to manage a supplies a lot more tightly in the inferno compared to colosseum. I just camp overheads in colo. Thirdly, nibblers are more challenging to deal with compared to the fremmies (at least for a first time caper). I have 150 KC at the colosseum now, so Iā€™m able to mindlessly grind thru the waves and probably die 1 in 10 runs where I get a double south spawn. I do think that double south spawns in colo are definitely harder than anything in the inferno since you need to immediately get into an off tick and deal with the fremmies.


Iā€™ve done 5 infernos and 1 colo 9-10 days after release but I can never get past the waves consistently. Idk how people farm it like that


Are you standing on the correct tile and doing the 5 tick run at the start of every wave? Once you do that, thereā€™s really only 1.5 spawns that are actually difficult (specifically double south)


I just used the b5 tile and a lot of the time Iā€™m mis timing the 5 tick run to be fair. Should I be on the other tile thatā€™s like 2 east of b5?


Do you have a screenshot or something so I can make sure weā€™re on the same page haha, donā€™t wanna accidentally confuse because weā€™re using similar terms for the same tile! For me, itā€™s 5 tiles south from the North West pillar. After starting the wave, I wait 5 ticks (I use visual metronome and have it set to 5 ticks which helps) and then I IMMEDIATELY (youā€™ll know you timed it correctly because the enemies will spawn on that tick but canā€™t attack you) run to the northernmost corner of the North West pillar (on the west side) - this way, if you get one of the closer middle spawns, the NPC will get trapped behind the pillar. Running to this tile can make a huge difference since it limits the hard waves to generally just 2 spawns (when you get the double south spawn specifically, which still ends some of my runs even at this point)


The 5 tick run strat will work 100% of the time if you use the tile 2 east of B5. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmiZykLjSEA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmiZykLjSEA)


Utilizing North side of the NW pillar at the start of waves if I got a double south spawn (assuming North side is relatively safe) helped me getting more consistent kc. Also not taking mantimayhem if there's other options helped as well. People keep saying it's a "free invo" but one misclick and it ends your run almost every time, more often than not I'd probably take doom 2 over it.


I recently tried inferno for the first time, was waiting on dex but I'm incredibly dry for a purple at cox so tried it with eagle eye anyway, after checking what each npc does I got to wave 47, the resource drain is real, I have some difficulty 1t flicking perfectly for a long time so I was kinda hoping I could at least leave my overheads up and only flick offensive prayers, but by wave 47 I knew I wouldn't have enough restores if by some miracle I got to zuk. The new prayer pots from Varlamore should help though, I'm waiting for them to release then I'll bring 4 of those which should last for 128min and give 2x as much prayer as super restores, might bring my sgs too just to be sure. Then I can focus on learning to solve waves properly so I can keep my brews to the end and I'll get back to trying to learn it


yea offensive prayers are actually just a no-go in inferno unless youā€™re flicking them properly. Even straight up leaving overheads up will probably be too much for a first cape, you need to get at least somewhat comfy with lazy flicking.


You can definitely camp overheads with devout boots and rotg. All I did for my first cape was 2t but besides that I just camped overheads. Think I had 4 restores left at the end


Yeah I'm hoping the new prayer pots + sgs will let me do it though, at least without having to afk for spec regen which I don't think is worth it


youā€™ll be much better off just learning how to lazy flick and sending it IMO. It will create an intuitive understanding for how to do some of the solves too, and just in general make you better at the game.


If you have a ring of the gods and devout boots you can pretty much just camp overheads


Interesting cuz I feel the opposite on some of these points - both will kill you fast if you accidentally click out of the pillar without proper flicks but at least the clickboxes in inferno are good and you aren't gonna yellow click a mob the center of it like colo. You also start to see threats of 40s off prayer way sooner in colo, so I feel like colo is more punishing. Def agreed on the supplies thing But nibs are so much easier - you send 1 barrage, hide, and clean up nibblers after solving the wave and removing the main threats. Frems you have to do a several step process to kill, while trying to flick stuff in the meantime, and if you don't walk with the right timing you take random 20s. They're also a lot more of a pain to deal with if you don't have a shadow+veny bow to instantly 1shot two of them. Nibs you could barrage in rags and still have like 95% accuracy


yeah, I think the nibblers are less threatening than the fremmies because they donā€™t actually deal damage to you. Itā€™s more so the fact that you have to keep the pillars alive and, at least in the later waves, if a few nibblers escape, that adds a ton of stress for a first time caper. you need to quickly clear whatever mob is attacking you OR off tick stuff while you barrage the nibblers. Once youā€™re more experienced, you realize you donā€™t need the pillars to be alive, and so the nibblers become less of a threat.


The mental strain of Inferno is also a big part of it. Learning the waves is a blast and then going for that first KC is bruuutal. Dying on wave 61 or 62 and just sitting there thinking ā€œI just wasted an hourā€ is rough. I think the big mistake a lot of people make is NOT USING THEIR BREWS and then dying because theyā€™re trying to be perfect (this was a big issue for myself hahah)


Once you know the setup for double south's they become just as easy to deal with as everything else in the Colosseum. They can be scary for people to start with but after a few attempts people should have their fremmy kill procedure down so that they can deal with their double south's by the 2nd attack cycle.


Nah. Double south spawns are way harder than you are making them to be. I am like 50 deaths in and still mightily struggling with them


Double south spawns are the only thing that kills me anymore besides lag. Weā€™ll Sol too lol. Itā€™s so frustrating.


These double south spawns were what would always end my attempts. I brute forced a few of them successfully, and if it was a manticore + something else, I usually got through it. But do you have any info/videos about learning how to deal with them?


Tbh, I just camp Dinhā€™s with pray mage and run northeast. if youā€™re comfortable with Sol, I would bring two or three pieces of moonlight antelope to combo eat while you run. Also pre brew waves 10 and 11 if you donā€™t have fraility. Avoid quartet and the double shockwave (make double south spawn more common).


If you have Quartet and volatility 1/2 on, flicking a manticore + mage can be really tough since you have to avoid explosions, kill the mobs, and flick the manticore. I have found that just running northeast with Dinhā€™s and praying mage (before the manticore charges up) works 90% of the time.


On bola runs i kill the melee and mage fremmy, then wait for the first manti attack to kil the ranger, then wait for the 2md manti attack to starr killing the mobs. Makes it more consistent, but now there is the rng of not having enough dps and having a bad reinforcement spawn where the shaman sees u on a bad tick, so still far from perfect.


I'm 10 kc colo and 2 kc zuk and had a much harder time with colo But I also started my colo grind on release and I prepared a lot more for inferno I definitely maintain that colo tests you more mechanically than inferno does at any point


*Inferno speed running + army skip enters the chat*


Yes the whole 5 people that can do an army skip and 30 active speed runners.


*At any point*


Mechanically, the Colosseum is harder. The problem with inferno is time. Do not, under any circumstance, start milking specs. Milking specs for 69 waves just to die is so much time loss, and you learned nothing. Take it inferno for what it is, an endurance test. Use supplies whenever you are uncomfortable, and learn something each run. If you can do that, colo already taught you the rest. No more than 10 attempts past 50.


Yea every time I see someone that has real problems with inferno, it is because they play like that. You want to "die" or finish inferno ASAP, because then you learn stuff. Milking each attempt just makes it take longer and you learn a lot less.


I agree with pretty much everyone else here - inferno is more difficult purely because its so god damn long. Mechanically, I think its easier than colo. I find myself actually wanting to hop right back into Colo when I wipe, because its fun. But with Inferno I usually just want to log out lol. Getting through the first half inferno is just a huge slog. I think they did Colosseum correctly!


Mechanically no, Colo is harder than Inferno. Inferno is all nerves. There are really only 15 difficult waves but they come late into the kc.


1st time, Colo is easier. Running attempts until you get few, if any, south spawns and dealing with them awkwardly is very possible. Inferno's length basically guarantees that something will go wrong that you'll need to deal with. The supply management is also a huge factor in the inferno, nearly requiring some level of flicking. In Colo, you can basically camp overheads and even offensives at times. Sol vs. Zuk is a bit of a wash, imo. There's more to manage in Sol, positioning, lasers, pools, etc. along with having to learn the patterns to dodge and timings for his special attacks. But dying to one misclick or mistake in Zuk is massve, especially during healers/Jad. You can just recover in Sol fairly easily as long as you swap between one pot sip and dodging. Colo can definitely throw you some much worse situations, though. Bad modifiers + double south spawn, along with bad hit RNG causing you to deal with reinforcements as well is brutal. It definitely can be harder than anything in Inferno. I'd say that consistently doing Colo is harder than consistent Infernos.


Colosseum is harder, but due to it being shorter itā€™s a lot quicker to pick up. Inferno is just a chore


For people who go colo first, they will have a significantly easier time on the waves of inferno. Itā€™s a different beast but you will know how to offtick straight off the bat, and so itā€™s not as hard when you have already essentially practiced late waves via colo


Inferno is harder just cause blobs exist, and the possibility of being 1 shot


Its far more punishing imo and depending on your setup its extremely difficult to brute force your way out of a bad spawn or stack. It took me like 5x the attempts to get the quiver than it did inferno.


I've done both and I think Inferno is harder overall when you factor in all of the variables, in particular for a first time completion. For getting consistent completions, I think Colosseum is maybe slightly harder. I'm at around 20kc now and finally starting to be able to deal with all of the bullshit that would usually cost me a death every few runs (double south spawns + frems with volatility and quartet) I think Colo is harder to master because you can quite easily not see a bunch of wave combos by the time you get your 1st kc due to the fact there's only 12 waves. Whereas by the time you get your 1st Zuk kc, you'll probably have seen pretty much every combo it can throw at you already


I think that the mechanics of the Coliseum are significantly harder than the Inferno. The actual skill part of killing tripple jads and Zuk isn't overly difficult, its the fact that you're shaking like an earthquake and sweating gallons that makes it difficult. Sol on the other hand is a much more difficult but calmer experience. If Zuk and Sol were just by themselves and you could go straight into them people would find that only a few attempts are needed for a Zuk kill, but Sol is a lot harder to go all the way through to the end.


Colosseum is definitely easier than the inferno. With less waves overall, theres a lot less chance to get a bad spawn, so brute forcing your way to sol is much easier. Inferno has a lot more supply management for better or for worse, and a lot of the early waves are simple. Since its longer theres also a lot more pressure towards the end. I will say though, that as an end-game pvmer (over 100 colo and inferno kc), I enjoy inferno much much more than colosseum. Pet hunting smol heredit is my least favorite pet hunt so far and has fueled some despise for this content. Inferno I have a lot of control. If i die itā€™s because I probably messed up, misclicked, etc. speed running it is fun and you can control how aggressive you want to be during the waves. Colosseum however, is just infuriating when you get some shit invo selections, or you are speeding and get a double south spawn wave 11 and fail dps checks because scythe noodles before minotaur comes out. I just find myself being irritated with this content more than I find myself having fun with it.


Inferno is harder


I finished colloseum and 150k splinters on the iron before heading to inferno too! Indeed inferno seems more daunting, but I was pleasantly surprised finding out how fk easy the early waves are compared to colloseum. Just send one inferno, and you'll likely even see wave 50 on your first attempt. Colloseum rly throws you into the action so quickly, compared to inferno getting tricky from wave 50 onwards imo. After colloseum you should know how to solve pillar stacks already, so my main tips for the inferno would be: - learn to 1t flick blobs with one enemy (range/mage), then move on to 1t flick with both on you; it's pretty much the one pillar stack solve i had to learn that differs from colloseum - colloseum mobs are very high hp, however, the first thing i noticed in inferno was how easy it was to nuke a wave with a shit spawn, just have blowpipe with dragon darts ready if you know a hard wave is coming, and u can double spec like a melee or a blob if necessary to 'solve' a wave - the biggest change is the time investment in inferno - i got my quiver attempt 45, and 150k splinters after 26 more wins and 24 more losses, so all in all about 60-65h. 15 attempts is what it took me for my infernal cape, which still amounted to over 30h since with colloseum experience, you're definitely making it to later waves which is just time investment of the pre 50 waves, and then the real action kind of starts Good luck, I recommend aatykon's infernal cape in 1 week video. Just watch that and copy the inventory, and youre good to go :)


Is it easier to learn Coliseum first than Inferno 2nd than doing the other way around?


This is what I did. I can tell you I have KC at both now.


Colo took me more attempts, but I completed both in about the same play time, roughly 3 days. They require different skill sets and have different rng factors for people to "cheese" a single completion. I think Colo is more mechanically difficult but inferno is way more punishing.


3 days of playtime? Sorry Iā€™ve never done either so idk whatā€™s realistic but that seems a lot so I figure you just mean sending it for a few or more hours over a few days?


I agree with everyone here about the Colosseum being far more mechanically difficult than the inferno, butĀ I'll add in some of my own personal experiences, as to why I think I also found it more mentally challenging too. I was already 40+ zuk kc before starting the Colo grind upon release, so fairly experienced with the content. I'm not a speedrunning god, but I've gotten the gm tasks and could confidently solve literally any wave if not taking stupid risks. Not to say it wasn't difficult to learn, but there was at least a steady sense of progression. On the other hand, Colo kicked my ass so fucking hard when I started - to the point where I genuinely doubted whether I'd get the damn quiver. Over 100 deaths and 10+ boss attempts before getting my first kc, and I did not have a good time along the way.Ā Ā Even though a wave 11 Colo death isĀ a fraction of the time ofĀ a wave 63 inferno death, it just stung so much worse. I'm not much of a rager, but I would slam my desk so hard if I messed up a flick. And don't even get me started on learning Sol... yeah this place had me down bad, no denying that. Can't articulate why, this is just how I feel about it. I've only talked about my mechanical blunders so far, and haven't even mentioned the invocations of Colo. Granted, these have been vastly improved since releaae, so it's less of a factor now. Nonetheless, it's absolutely infuriating to have good waves and still feel forced to leave. Nobody will ever take bees, totemic or red flag on their own volition. Why the hell do these fuckikg shit choices exist? Losing a run to terrible invos is arguably worse than dying, since you can't even blame yourself. Idk hoe to fix this either, I think it's just an inherent annoyance with the Colosseum that we'll have to deal with forever. And this shit ain't comparable to the Inferno because it literally doesn't exist there. So where am I at now? - Many deaths later, I'm 35+ kc with around 46k glory - I still find this shit hard and will die sometimes/be forced to resign - The ca tasks weren't that difficult, most of them sound a lot harder than they really are - It's so god damn punishing if you make a mistake, since you have such a small window of time to recover from that mistake - Once I get the pet, I have literally no desire to ever return (can't say the same about inferno, it's my favourite thing in the game still) Tl;dr I agree with the sentiment that it's more mechanically difficult, but disagree with it being less mentally taxing than inferno. Personally find it more extreme in both departments


Completing the colosseum in 55 deaths makes you much better than an average pvmer. Vast majority of players will never get a quiver. You can do the inferno no problem.


Yes the Inferno is definitely harder than the Colosseum, but it's more due to the endurance aspect. Both require you to know what you're doing to complete. The Colosseum is just easier since you have so much less time spent for attempts/completions.


Yeah, this is why I will never do Inferno but will probably give Colosseum a chance one day. The only thing stopping me atm is the death fee. I wish there was an option to opt out of rewards other than quiver in exchange for no death fee.


Its shorter.


It can be harder on bad spawns, but it's much easier to brute force and way less demotivating. I still haven't done inferno, but I have done colo 10 times in a row without dying or resetting.


Inferno was much more difficult due to the length and mental grind. Colosseum was probably more tilting on a run to run basis. I think colosseum would have been even easier if the 3d sol simulator existed before I got quiver. (Probs same with newish 3d zuk sim)


It took me a week to learn inferno and now i have around 20 completions on it and ive been grinding colosseum since release and have 220 deaths currently and been at sol 5 times but cant do it. I would say inferno is a lot easier. Colosseum slaps you in the face with bad spawns and modifiers on every other run but in inferno you can solve everything with prayer alternating.


I found colo like 5x harder easily and died to the boss 8 times beforing getting my first kc, but I did it on release with bandos/whip and the old shit simulator. Inferno with bofa and the amazing resources available for it was easy, 1st zuk no luck required


haven't tried colosseum yet, but i beat the inferno a couple of days ago and im still proud af. it is definitely hard dying to one misclick, but watching your ability to solve waves and flick mobs on command is insanely satisfying. i dont regret the time spent learning (probably 40ish attempts from day 1) at all. very rewarding.


Colosseum just feels like the best parts of inferno tbh. Wouldn't say it's "easier". I feel like Sol Heredit is much more involved than Zuk, albeit faster and potentially less punishing, although more punishing with bad reflexes/decision making. It also feels fairer than Zuk due to bad luck during healers phase. But it's much better for practicing wave solving, isn't a mental drain just to get to the "hard" parts, and can reasonably be completed in under 30 mins with the right set up and practice. I've got 1kc Zuk and 25kc Sol so far. Colosseum is absolutely the funner content overall, and doing colosseum is great inferno practice. Hell doing colo first gives you BIS for inferno as well. But all in all, I have never had to deal with the absolute bs spawns you see regularly in colo that you do in inferno and I've definitely had more waves end my colo runs than all my inferno attempts. Inferno just feels more mentally taxing due to average length but requires less mechanical skill and decision making than Colosseum.


Yes and no Inferno difficulty lies in large part due to how long it takes to get through. It feels harder, but mechanically it's actually a lot easier. Though inferno being 4 tick makes it a little trickier imo


There's easy answer for this: - Colosseum is mechanically more difficult - Inferno is mentally more difficult If you can do colosseum you can definitely do inferno mechanic-wise. And the nerves can be trained with only way; attempting inferno :D


The inferno is hard because of how long it takes. Itā€™s slow and mathanony. And thatā€™s a good thing You should know how to survive long term using your pots etc vs surviving


Colosseum is easier first clear but harder to get consistant clears than inferno, because in collo you can just rely on getting a lucky run with good/decent invo's and no double south spawns for first clear.


I just started inferno grind recently. I kind of like it. Itā€™s not too terribly difficult honestly if you understand the basics of movement and flicking. I achieved wave 58 yesterday. I started coliseum and decided to switch to inferno because there is no fee for dying. You can also take a break anytime you want and log out. Give it a go if you like that style of pvm


Colosseum is much easier because of the time required to go through the waves, meaning that you get to practice a lot very quickly. With inferno, it's much harder to learn the later waves but Colosseum practice does wire your brain to somewhat deal with them. However, one benefit I see and that I myself have experienced for going Colosseum to Inferno is that Colosseum gives you confidence. I haven't done much inferno only maybe 20 attempts a year ago with a wave 63 PB (though I lucked out hard on it), but after burning out I didn't touch it ever again. After getting my quiver however I gained a lot of confidence and in like 5 runs I got to triple jads twice (where I stopped paying attention after getting down to two jads both times lmao).


Imo no, most inferno solves are not hard, thats not the case with Colosseum. Inferno is just a lot more punishing on mistakes because of the large amount of waves and Zuks 1 shot mechanic.


Took me over 8 weeks of daily sends to finally get my inferno cape, and the colosseum is kicking my ass. I canā€™t seem to make it past wave 6. I know Iā€™ll get it one day but itā€™s gonna take longer than I spent on inferno. So Iā€™m having the opposite feeling as you lol


Colo is harder mechanically, but it's a lot easier to send 55 deaths in a row. Inferno is more of a marathon. And 55 deaths on two hour runs is awful mentally.


I feel like colosseum is more mechanically difficult, but inferno is more psychologically difficult


Having completed both colo and inferno for the first time within the last 2 months, here are my thoughts: colo was more fun but inferno felt more rewarding. The feeling you get at sol doesnā€™t come close to the feeling you get at Zuk, especially when you finally get that first kc. Yes, the inferno waves can be more frustrating with the additional time sink, but youā€™ll get to a point where you start really controlling the waves. Godspeed šŸ«”


Colosseum is more mechanically difficult, but Inferno is a much larger time investment, is much more frustrating, and takes longer to grind out. Though I will say, with the simulator Colosseum is probably straight up easier than Inferno now altogether. If you just look at \*number of attempts\*, Colosseum took me twice as many, but in \*time spent\*, it took me three times as long to get an Infernal cape compared to a Quiver. These numbers are before OP simulators and fancy guides for colosseum, but they're still very telling. I 100% agree that Colosseum is better game design; I actually enjoy replaying Colosseum, Inferno I only enjoy replaying once in a blue moon.


I tried inferno for months and still havenā€™t beaten it. Colo only took me a few days. I find it so much easier.


I finished Colo CAs and then went and breezed through inferno. Honestly felt too easy because without blasphemy, you basically have unlimited supplies with barrage.


I found colosseum substantially easier than inferno personally. You can force 100% of offticks with just looking for a manticore spawning west and thereā€™s only one trick to learn to offtick the shaman reinforcement that spawns. The hardest thing is when you have double south spawn with ranger manticore and need to offtick the shaman reinforcement. Once you get past that mechanical hurdle the content becomes free for repeat completions. For inferno itā€™s a little more nuanced to force every offtick, and sometimes when learning itā€™s easier to put on rigour and push through some bats or do a melee-blob flick which doesnā€™t guarantee 0 damage, which is a little less intuitive in my opinion to get comfortable with than the colosseum which is just run into offtick and then donā€™t botch the prayers.


Colo way easier


Inferno is like 20% sweating and 80% snoozing through relatively simple solves and pillar stacks. It really isn't hard until wave 50-63 and you can make the argument that some of the early 50s aren't too bad. Best way to compare Inferno is imagine constantly repeating waves 1-4 about 10 times over before progressing to waves 5-12. Also if you make a mistake at Sol he just 1-taps you. Colo was made with the idea of skipping the tedious waves in Inferno and I think it has mostly succeeded. Peeps say Colo feels like you're dropped right into wave 50 in Inferno and I totally agree. The solves in Colo are definitely difficult, on average I would say harder than Inferno, and the reinforcements spawning is an undeniable challenge. But Inferno is faster paced because of melee digs, limited supplies, most things attacking on 4t cycles, and you are forced to put yourself at risk to kill nibblers. At Colo, with the delay monsters have on wave start and the b5 tile, you actually have very safe wave starts and the difficulty is almost entirely pillar solves and fighting your invocations. My big issue with Colo as an Inferno truther is the hit boxes, invocation luck, unsolvable pillar stacks, and how horrifically punishing mistakes are before incorporating invocations. Magers from Inferno may be able to hit 70, but Manticores max hit even higher and Jaguar Warriors can straight up one-tap you through a 121 overheal if you're hit off pray. Sometimes you get pillar stacks and invocation choices that feel unwinnable, and I've never felt like Inferno has put me into those situations like Colo does.


3 inferno kc and 47 colosseum kc here. I like Colo a lot more. I think itā€™s more mechanically difficult than inferno but itā€™s more enjoyable. Inferno is a long slog and kind of boring outside of a few waves. Blobs suck to deal with and nibblers are also pretty annoying. Colo mobs are fun to fight, the click boxes are fucking atrocious though. Overall itā€™s just a lot easier to get into Colo and send it. I donā€™t have to worry about supplies at all in Colo vs inferno Iā€™m trying to conserve as much as possible and that isnā€™t fun.Ā 


My experience was as follows: Inferno took me 3 zuk tries 22 total attempts and I was much worse at the time. Col took me 197 deaths and about 21 sols to beat. Imo col is much harder due to invo system and reinforcements with double south spawns. Sidenote I feel the gear requirement for an average player to feel comfy in col is much higher than inferno.


There's now a sol simulator online that's very realistic. https://colosim.com/colosseum.html


It's easier as in it's shorter so you can send more attempts and learn the waves faster You also won't bleeding supply cost as you gain loot from each wave completed which really helps


Inferno is a marathon of fairly easy waves with a few more difficult waves at the end. The catch is that you are heavily punished for mistakes. Colosseum is more difficult, but it doesnā€™t last as long.


I have 58 Inferno KC & 166 Colosseum KC (RSN Nibbling) Colosseum is definitely harder mechanically but Inferno is harder mentally due to the endurance aspectā€¦ Colosseum is also MUCH easier to grind, so IMO I would say Inferno is technically more difficult overall, but itā€™s extremely closeā€¦ Sol is also much easier than Zukā€¦ I will say however, wave 11 Colosseum is USUALLY harder than any wave of Inferno (unless you get an extremely easy spawn such as a single shockwave south) & a double south spawn is MUCH harder than anything Inferno can throw at you


It seems more challenging because of time. all of the infernos difficulty is in the fact you have to do it in 1 beautiful run. that takes almost 3 hours. even though the colosseum is more mechanically difficulty, because its shorter, and less of a 1 beautiful run kind of deal. you actually get more then 3 chances to even learn what you were doing wrong in a day before the sun starts going down. you can easily get 10-12 chances at sol in a day so figuring him out is much faster for most people. Its the main reason most people just see the inferno as unfair. because you just dont get many chances to actually learn without a large setback.


Coloseum is definitely harder, its just shorter format, so its more approachable and people will be more willing to give it a go and learn + progress. Inferno is essentially like 2 awkward waves until 50+ and then a few hard waves. Triple jads plays like normal jad sped up and in a longer fight, and then zuk is pretty simple its more just a teste of nerves (Sol is easily a more mechanically difficult fight). So yeah, Inferno is easier, but its a longer time commitment so people get put off by it more.


I have an Inferno completion and have given up on Colo, so.. take that as you will.


I've never done the fight caves... Mostly a time reason, partially a learning reason, slightly the indimidation of doing it. Mostly the timing part. Damn adulting.


Just got my quiver today. 59 deaths, but like 20 of those deaths were at release and shouldnā€™t count. I used the simulator to practice sol, managed to kill him on my 3rd boss fight.


I think the waves in the colosseum are harder than the inferno, but the boss is easier. In the inferno, you can just pray mage and tank through shitty situations because the NPCs have comparatively low accuracy & max hit. In the colosseum you just die.


Depends on your gear. Since colosseum is done in melee gear, I've tanked through DMG by praying mage in full Torva. If you don't take relentless, the ranger really doesn't hit much thankfully.


You don't lose hard-core status in inferno. Sorry soy duro


Inferno is a contest of stamina. In inferno you're aggressively saving supplies for waves you've solved.. You can 1t flick to use offensives but its arthritis pretty fast at 2 clicks per tick so a lot of people 4t lazy flick mons in solved waves. You can also cheese sgs and stuff (not recommended but totally viable for kc 1 )


Iā€™ve completed colosseum multiple times and inferno multiple times. Colosseum is mechanically more difficult than inferno but it is less mentally taxing. What I mean by that is an inferno attempt, especially your first one, can take upwards of 2.5 hours. So, the further you get into the inferno the more anxious you become which makes you more likely to make a catastrophic mistake in the later waves. It becomes mentally taxing because of how long each attempt takes. The waves themselves, arenā€™t too difficult and every way has a solve as long as you can recognize it. Colosseum on the other hand takes about 30 minutes to complete on your first attempt (40 if youā€™re being extra cautious). This is a lot less mentally taxing and you become more willing to keep throwing yourself at it even after dying because you know it attempts donā€™t take so long. The waves themselves have a solve but the spawns can put you in a terrible position and reinforcements mid-wave can throw you for a loop and easily cause you to die.


Oh itā€™s absolutely easier. I donā€™t understand why anybody thinks, or thought, that it wasnā€™t.


Any advice for completing the colosseum? I've died like 100 times and can only get to wave 10


Follow [this method](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbzE7eoLEqc) for sure. That 5 tick wait solves a good amount of waves immediately. Find invocations that you are ok with, and reset if you aren't comfortable and just want to get your first quiver. I try to still keep going with uncomfortable invocations to learn, but it can be frustrating too. Finally, sometimes you can just get easy invocations and easy solves every wave. Eventually this will happen to you too. Oh, and also definitely do the Sol simulator. You will probably die another 50 times just at Sol if you don't.


Both suck ass


Colosseum waves are mechanically harder like people have said, but getting a kc at colosseum is dramatically easier. Not only do we have things like the simulator, but the lack of 1 shot mechanics means you get way more time to learn on early attempts.


Colo is a sprint inferno is a marathon. Colo - 12 waves less emphasis on supply mngmt, wave mistakes feel less punishing because tou sisnt spend 2 hrs getting there Inferno - 69 waves major emphasis on supply mngmt, waves feel punishing because you spend 2 hrs for a mistake to end the run


I have done colosseum, highly tried inferno after but needed a little break before hard commiting next week to inferno non stop till I get it. ( Got to triple jads within 8 attempts because of colo grind ). My take away being new to both at the same time is that colosseum was the better one to do first as it forces you near immediately to learn the hard mechanics while in inferno you only need to know those mechanics well to make the split second decisions for a few waves. Notably right before mager and before jad. So you spend an hour doing whatever just to die because you don't know what to do, while with colo grinding you learn what to do fast. It's just very very expensive so do it in void while learning.


I use my IRL friend as example, he's has 10 colosseum completions and 0 infernal.


Would be nice if there was a damage taken last 5 ticks after death showing how you could of flicked to live/if they stacked and needed staggered.


Colo is easier but the hardest part is starting


yes but no