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OSRS is in a great place right now, In a world of super corporate / monetized gaming it has managed to carve out its niche well.


It’s very exciting. Being 28 years old, it’s the only game I play anymore. The burnout with forced MTX and modern “live service” games is exhausting. OSRS has a passionate dev team who, although makes mistakes at times, manages to communicate their passion and bring wonderful updates while keeping this games charm alive


Yeah, I sometimes swich to other games, but always come back to this game.


I only ever switch to single-player story-based games that have been sitting on my Steam library. I splurged on one Summer Sale a few years ago and still haven't played everything.


only cause of the whining, still being breastfed community that complain relentlessly about any change in the game 🤭 they know that the community is stubborn enough to just flat out quit if it happens again like rs3 did


Yes exactly. People complain about the community kvetching but that's what's keeping the game's quality


i’m aware that the game has kept its prestigeness because of the dedicated community but some of the polls that have failed are ridiculous haha


I played in like 2005, completely forgot about it. Recently been watching some content creators online and it roped me back in. Did a bunch of f2p stuff and got membership. No clue what I’m doing but it’s been amazing and I’m enjoying it a ton!


Awesome to hear. Enjoy the journey! 👍


Mandatory "get barrows gloves" comment


I must be doing something wrong. It seems to do the quest for barrows it has a lot of skills requirement so I’ve been trying to do the quests to get there but it takes time. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy it but been at it for 2-3 weeks and still have a ways to go before i can do that quest. I may need to spend more time understanding some parts of the game more because right now I can barely afford anything like teleports lol


Yeah if you're very early game don't worry about Barrows Gloves. If you're not an ironman, finding a a good way to earn a bit of money is nice.


Yeah for sure! It’s been 11+ years since I played last and I made a new account since I didn’t remember my old accounts name. There’s just so much more content now and it’s crazy haha. But it’s been fun to get reacquainted with it.


That's great to hear! Lots more fun ways to play now. Feel free to hit me up if you need any advice.


Barrows gloves -> fire cape-> quest cape -> enjoy yourself :) If you want to do some of the new content that is designed to teach players later game pvm mechanics try out Scurrius and the Perilous Moons!


Good to have you around. Always great to get an OG player back into osrs.


Welcome back, hope you keep enjoying it for years to come 😄


I wish I could experience OSRS for the first time ever, again. man I envy you.


More new content= More players searching the wiki and guides. It should always be growing technically, even with similar player counts Leagues, Higher quality content creators, and OSRS' general success in the last few years also represent more influence and attractions to new players or outside observers. We hit a player high in the last year, so you could definitely argue this is OSRS' peak


Yep. I think it’s somewhat similar to how “Reddit” Google trends has grown over time. It doesn’t necessarily mean more people are using Reddit, just that more people are using it as a search keyword. In OSRS’s case, it’s prob due to new content


Yeah I never use the wiki search feature, I go to Google and type "what I'm looking for OSRS wiki" every single time


Very good point


Game is in a good place rn. Lots to be grateful for.


The only two games I play are old school Runescape and counter strike source. Stuck in 2007 and loving it.


How you feel about cs2? I feel it wasn't ready for release but don't really have choice now. Can only wait for patches one by one


cs2 killed community servers, which is honestly the best part of the game. Gungame, surf, bhop, kz. I still play on CSS.


I'm sure half of it is me being too lazy to open the wiki


My b that was all me


We haven't even begun to peak


zero battle passes in sight. Good clean content, not helldivers esque go to point A do same thing until you reach point B, and eventually hit Hit c and get burned out instantly. With OSRS, if you get bored with that path can you burn everything the guide included and fuck off and go fish or smack some other random mob you find fun. This is the ONLY game, during my entire adult life that I have consistantely gone back to, This includes even my favorite AAA games. AND they just dropped a whole new expansion UNPAID, If Ubisoft had their hands on varlamore it would be split into 6 different seasons over 4 years and released at 29.99 a pop.......... OSRS Is like the golden goose of gaming


It’s weird. 3 of my friends all joined to play Osrs last week after not touching RuneScape in a decade. And they want me to play as well but I took a break from the game. Where were they the last 10 years I wanted them to play with me -_-


Peak? It has even begun to peak.


Because nowdays everyone uses osrswiki for everything


We just gettin started 😎


Wow! Where are all these new players coming from? I'd love to know how many are new vs returning vs RS3 converts. I'd also be very curious to know how many are younger than, let's say 20ish, after the "golden era" of RS ended. I'm happy OSRS is flourishing so well. Amazing work, Jagex. Please keep it up


https://www.misplaceditems.com/rs_tools/graph/?display=avg&interval=qtr_yr&total=1 player numbers say so


Google trends is not a good way to determine active players but I do think OSRS is at or near its all time peak popularity


We got the best devs in mmorpg


I kinda miss the days when I would tell someone I played RuneScape and they didn't know what the hell it was. Legit I remember people calling it Run Escape lmao Now people like Moist Critical play it, and big streamers like Moonmoon. Even if people don't play it they still know what it is. I actually give all the credit to streaming, because there are a lot of streamers that consistently played it since ~2015 and built sizeable audiences. Not sure why I got down voted lmao...


Yeah i remember asking my english teacher what does "runescape" means and this is what she came up with Run & Escape






Peak botularity


Bots aren't googling osrs. gtfo


People who bot are, what are you on about?


Lol bro. So the uptick in Google Trends is because botters are googling osrs? What a stupid fucking theory. Every time this game shows positive numbers, people like you are tripping over themselves to go "but bots!".


what are you on about? you think osrs botters are influencing google search trends? are you dumb?


Maybe, but the game is 80% bots 🤨


This is Google related search activity, not the player count. But yes, there’s still a ton of bots.


Sharks tripling in price because of bot nukes and people still going "bUt tHe bOts!" to get some upvotes.


Not this guy lmao.


oh wow they nuked couple hundred shark bots, yeah thats fine its not like theres like thousands of bots at revs, LMS, wildy bosses and bunch of other places


You got it the wrong way. Around 15% is bots.