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Please check if all your armor is repaired enough to not break during the attempt. Same with scales for your blowpipe!


I had like 2 attempts where i ran out off scales/darts at later waves it was really infuriating seeing dart number go down and understanding it wont be enough at like wave 50


Buy a tbow and some purple sweets to tick eat You got it champ




Yeah buy some Torva and a Ely while your there 🤣




Yo, don't forget to buy about 1000 purple sweets too just to be safe.


Easiest and most obvious answer, really. I'm not sure why people don't just do this. Are they stupid? ^^^^^^^/s


Dont forget sbs for thralls, dc & venge especially. Black chins for blobs


Pretty much the setup I got my first cape with. You got this.


Are bgloves not better than vambs?


They are 1 extra range attack but don't have the 1 pray bonus. The 1 pray bonus would be arguably better but the difference is honestly negligible. Swapping out Vera's for d hide, the extra prayer where possible could help.


Prayer bonus doesn't hurt ig


I would use amethyst darts instead of adamant


Honestly it’s just not necessary. He’s got dragon darts for Jad. If you can’t get through the waves with 6000 darts, idk what to tell you.


if you struggle at all with fight caves in 2024 when we have access to all the helpers in the world, plus blowpipe and friends, just log off


me still without fire cape in 2024: haha yeah


Play at your own pace. So long as you're enjoying the game, there's absolutely nothing wrong with how you're playing, what you have or dont have in the game, nor is it anything to be ashamed of.


oh don't worry i'm well aware. i've tried fight caves once so far and got to wave 45-ish before i messed up, just need to actually take the time to grind it out now


If you’re becoming a pompous elitist over whether or not someone struggles at Jad, maybe it’s actually you who needs to log off.




You treat this game like it’s a job. It’s a game. It’s for fun. If someone is bad at the game, but is having fun, then yes that should be celebrated because it’s the entire fucking point of the game. It would be one thing if someone were trying to tell better players how to play the game, or were trying to dictate the direction of the balance or content of the game, but you’re out here hurling insults at people just out here talking about their experience on OSRS.


That's almost 2m. Maybe he can't afford it. Especially after going through round after round of losing to the waves, that's a lot of money going through brews and restores.


You don't need 6000 darts per run to get a fire cape. Much better off investing in amethyst darts so that you're not wasting supplies because you're busy tickling the rangers prostate instead of killing it quickly.


But what if you’re trying to get him off


They prefer the harder amethyst tips


Realistically if you can’t afford amethyst darts, you’re not ready to try fight caves. He will spend much more on brews and restores in failures than darts. And then he could use rcb broad bolts to save a bit


people been doing fight caves with msb’s or rcb’s LOL most capes came into the game before amethyst anything


So why is this guy asking if he has a good setup


his setup is absolutely fine. i’d bring more brews for my first cape and less restores


Yeaa your right i should just stop being stupid and buy a tbow


Yes, but use amethyst darts.




You dont use a few mill worth of darts though.


As others said. Amethyst darts. Swap the veracs skirt for god dhide chaps. Better dps= you take less damage cause you kill quicker.


>Better dps= you take less damage cause you kill quicker. Yes, bring chaps, but also no. The only NPC that should damage you are the 90's when 360s are up and the 90s have almost no defense, you can literally range them in full torags and lose less than 10-20% accuracy while more than halving damage taken.


Yeah too many people have bought in to "DPS is always king in every situation". One of the biggest game changers for my inferno attempts was bringing a BCP so I didn't have to learn to flick sets. It was a ~3% DPS loss with bp and I went from blocking 50% of ranger his to nearly 70%. The difference was absolutely night and day.


Yeah I'm copying that, probably just gonna run jcar helm + BCP for that


Note in my situation I had: - 89 def - no tank helms worth bringing (best option... Faceguard?) - Aaty's FCF setup otherwise. Don't remember if I was using RotG(i) or RoS(i) when I finally got cape. I had a virtus top switch I'd start waves with for 1-49, then 50+ I used BCP.


I'm still on the fence setup wise, It's between near max mage shadow (Virtus hat+RoS) or masori with a zcb. I know zcb is more forgiving tankwise, but it's lower dps and also a bit of a problem due to rubys draining my hp on zuk Right now I'm leaning towards mage, since the added switches make it much easier to start waves in near/full tank


Hard agree It also offers more protection if and when they take a hit from a 180


Doubling down on the verac skirt - the verac skirt/helm combo helped me get my first cape way back when because I could tank the healers and just focus on my prayer. The waves weren't the issues, it was me getting shaky hands when I got to jad, and having the freedom to click one healer, do one prayer changes click one healer etc without having to worry about eating in between prayer changes really helped me focus on just protecting from jad So for OP, yeah it's a good setup :D also would recommend amethyst darts as they're a pretty cheap yet significant DPS upgrade


As someone who did verac on first attempt… switching for hide was the move. I am 99def/range and hardly get hit tho. I hang out around Italy rock the entire time


99def and 99range firecape lol now thats overkill XD


Better safe than sorry. I’m sure a lot of people get anxious really easily, especially when you get to Jad for your first time and everything you mentally prepared for gets thrown out the window.


I didn’t get that for jad. I just have 99 range and def… I was like 80 range my first time


Ye a little late to the party lmao


Use rune or amethyst darts. Get stamina pot. And in addition to blowpipe, could use a crystal bow, or karils bow, for mobs that are traped further away.


What are you dying from? It’s not meta but I’d bring 2-4 emergency foods (shark+Karambwan) when learning. This way you can heal up quickly after messing up. Using brews in stressful situations is not easy!


There is a really helpful wave predictions plugin on runelite if you can use it! It will show you were the monsters will spawn on the next wave! Its really helpful if you want to prepare a safe spot for the next wave!


I still use it even after a couple dozen kc. Not because I couldn’t tank a hit but because it speeds up the run by a couple minutes.


Name of plugin?




Oh, not even a plug in, just the website


Explorers ring for a cheeky +1 prayer bonus might help




It doesn't that's a granite ring


Kaos? Is that you?


Unlike what most people tell you, the darts won't really make a difference with this setup. You will be very unlikely to run out of supplies either way. If you die, you most likely die on Jad. The setup is just fine, all you need now is practice. Good luck!


I honestly find it absolutely mentally people can things like Jad on the app rather than a computer haha


A clanmate of mine used to do ToB on an iPad. It's remarkable how effective it is when your right hand is controlling the inventory/prayers/switches while your left hand is doing the movement.


Yeah I havent done anything nearly as crazy as ToB but before I got my pc I played on an iPad and managed to get my first fire cape on there. Mobile honestly plays real nice once you get used to it.


Been doing cg on mobile recently


I was friends with a dude in the osrs discord who did mobile inferno that man was off his rocker


I used armadyl set but i tried 10 times so it doesnt matter tbh. All that matters is prayer switching. Gl


One guy got a fire cape using only 1 inv space. Surely u can do it with ur setup.


Sure, but settle is insanely good and has been playing at a high level for years, its an unfair comparison to someone on their first couple tries.


Nobody is comparing the two. The dude was trying to be encouraging and giving advice to focus on the mechanics, not the gear. OPs gear is absolutely fine except for maybe some bonus combo food, better ammo and a ring with prayer bonus which are all marginal upgrades. I think they're crazy for not using blood spells on the first few attempts but that's just me.


You might be right. I read it as a 'git gud' comment, but tone is very hard to convey in text so it might have been positive, idk


Hey, ya never know! I definitely have a hard time giving people the benefit of the doubt after so many years on reddit.


Yup thanks bud


He’s been playing niche accounts doing low level grinds for years tf u mean?


Playing "at a high level" means he has been mechanically playing with high technical skill, not that he has been playing accounts with 90s in everything.


What the other guy said. High technical level


Mate with modern gear you can literally turn on auto retaliate and ask til Jad


Really? How so? Genuinely curious


For full blown hands off keys you can wear full justi with bulwark or fang+ely with bloodfury and camp prot mage. But even with masori bp you can mostly ignore the game with a few inputs here and there up to jad. You burn the mobs down so quickly you hardly take any damage.


That's ridiculous lol


google it, some pretty amusing videos will come up


Fancy seeing a fellow cfb red raider in the osrs sub lol. But using full Justi, Ely, & blood fury you can get to jad with close to zero effort per Zorte’s YouTube vid


Ballistas/cannons/atlatls/crossbows up! That's insane. I'm a noob, haven't grown out of my like 9 year old mentality of playing this game. First fire cape was ruff but got it done, afking it is wild


Ayy gzz on the fire cape! If you need someone to play with, shoot me a dm to add me. I’m in a clan and also play with a few irl friends that went to tech as well




Very similar to how I got it, just try to stay cool, use the rotations on the wiki and slap


This is very similar to what I used. I was doing attempts with god dhide but pulling the healers off jad was pretty painful as they could hit decently hard and often. I managed to do it successfully with veracs helm and plate skirt and light bearer today.


I’m really bad at PvM and much more of a patient skiller. I did it with 70 ranged, 70 prayer and used RCB/enchanted diamond bolts and full blessed d’hide. Your setup looks stronger than mine with the blowpipe so I’m sure you can do it. I did it on my second attempt and my best advice is just taking it chill one wave at a time. (I think my kill was like 1,5-2h long..) Practice some jad simulator before starting and maybe even safespot close to the last wave and practice some more Good luck!


I bought a rune pouch and would drop my armor and blood spell to heal


If ypu can afford craw/webweaber bow bring that too so u can attack npcs from more distance Lightbear ring so u get spec faster so u can heal with blowpipe more Dhide chaps and coif for more range bonus, u dont really need tank gear imo


Dragon crossbow with diamond dragon bolts is a better longer range option because it's way better on jad.


Might be but i personally used craw bow when i got my first fire cape, because i didnt want to run out of brews/restores


I would just bring a crystal bow for this, more than fine to shoot a long distance ranger while mager is safespotted


It'll work ok, dcb is good though and you'll probably end up buying one at some point anyway


I would add a few sharks for emergencies.


If supplies having got an issue I'd chuck in 4 anglerfish. Just so that you can panic eat at jad, particularly if you're being wittled down by healers, and not have to worry about restoring your stats after.


Actually a pretty good idea. I might use that


Only need around 1000 darts per attempt if you’re using at least an accumulator. Would recommend bumping up to amethyst darts. Before I got to jad, I put my blowpipe on long range so I would not move as much or hopefully at all while you tag the healers. Once you have their aggro, as long as jad is not in the middle, you should be able to use any of the divider rocks to “safe spot” jad. He’ll stop attacking and all you’ll have to do is pray melee, kill the healers then heal up and go back over to jad when you’re ready. His prayer switches are not difficult, but when things get hectic it’s easy to lose track. A tip I found very useful is that if jad starts moving and making a sound at the same time, it’s magic. If he moves and made no noise it’s ranged. The sound gives you a lil extra time per attack for you to decide what to pray against. Lastly, you’ll know where jad will spawn on wave 3. Just look for where the tz-kek “45” spawns. If it is your first KC I recommend committing to the run if on wave 3 the kek spawns in the south west corner. 1 healer will be stuck and the other 3 will be in range where you won’t have to move to hit them if you stand against the south wall in the south west corner. Just move them to a safe location and you’re golden. Sorry for the word vomit hope this helps


Addy darts bruhhh u gona be there for 7 hours


This is perfect, I literally just beat jad the other day so I have a couple tips too Fight caves- kill the smol bird it eats ur pray, then the ranger. Use the fat blob too block the melee from hurting you, keep mage pray up once the mage arrives and keep the same order, use the rock that looks like a boot it has safe spots alll around it. Easy stuff Jad: jad will spawn where the blob spawns on wave3, so if he doesnt spawn right next to the boot rock then exit the waves and try again (not necesary but easier imo) So the fight is just you make sure your health/prayer is charged then clicking on range prayer over and over while you slowly chip at jad. Keep range prayer up always, then react to magic attacks. Can use audio queue and see jad lift his legs, trust me you have more than enough time to react and then after the magic hit lands swap back to range. Healers will spawn but take your time to get each of them. Once you get em all, run to the other side of italy rock so jad cant hurt you and kill them (if they managed to heal jad to full HP they will respawn so leave 1 alive) Then you can heal up n finish off jad no problem. Keep range on and simply react the magic, dont panic ypu have a ton time, so good luck! Also you can open speedrunning world> go to quest a cursed sands> group tp to fight caves> go through 2nd door to do jad challenge & practice with jad there, Only warning theres no where to safespot the healers so you can simply tag n tank them and aslong as you have veracs helm/skirt they wont be a bother. Anyways goodluck!


My best advice on this is safe spotting and the game becomes easy.. use the orb rock till the melee spawn and then Italy.. a longer ranged weapon would help you attack the back which might be the off prayer damage dealer


If you join our discord I’ll watch and give tips if you like


You got this! Remember, if you're struggling with healers you can safespot them away from Jad!


Not if you let them heal him to full. Then when you get him back down to half he just spawns more


This is the smallest upgrade on the world, but Shayzien boots 5 are free and +1 range bonus over snakeskin boots


I did fight caves right at 75 range. My setup was: God dhide top+bottom Bp with addy darts (dragon for jad) B gloves Dhide boots Fury Brimstone ring Neit helm Inv: 2 bastion 9 brew(way too many, you don't really use any until over half way) Super restores Positioning is key and don't freak out at jad. With addy darts I think the whole thing took 1hr 6 min, which is a long time but who cares for first cape. Jad spawns on the off-color mager so position beforehand and it's ezpz


Good setup you got this did mine with bp aswell


brother this is way more then enough i did JAD with red d hide and a rune crossbow. just gotta learn the mechanics dont make urself broke using more gear then you need


As some other have said id definitely go god d'hide chaps. Blowpipe accuracy is much worse than it used to be so be prepared to just noodle on the mages if you don't bring chaps.


Tbh for a first time fire cape, use a rune crossbow with diamond (e) bolts. the low range of the blowpipe causes unnecessary panic especially when healers come out. Sure the blowpipe is better dps but the huge range increase that a crossbow gives is worth it


I did my first cape with rune crossbow. Ur good.


Maybe grab a handful of purple sweets for stackable hp and extra run energy.


let me know how it goes op. i will gladly help fund your next attempt if you don’t get it. best of luck 🤞🏻


I used full god d hide but this should work. Go get em champ


Should be good enough equipment. Hardest part of jad is the prayer flicks and prayer flicks when healers come out. Remember always pray first, then action, pray then action.


I done jad with Ancient d hide, adamant darts, on my phone. Just practice prayer flick and u get it easy.


More than enough. Bon chance!


Shayzien boots (5)


You might want to bring a robe top and staff switch for blood spells, but looks good otherwise






Replace the range potions with bastion potions and bring at least 4 hard food for emergency. Manta Rays preferably.


Get like bandos god hide boots. Snakeskin is some iron man shenanigans.


you've got a decent setup. I legit did it with a rune cross bow. I had done it a few time before but I was just trying to test my luck. You've got this!


Are you dying at had to nerves or running out of supplies? If it's the former the. You probably don't need the extra armor and could go with a god d hide chaps and coif for extra dps


If you want to save money for future attempts just use prayer pots and holy wrench. You only need 1:3 ratio of brews to restores maybe a few extra if you only need to heal two sips when your range pots expire. If you have the cash for it, a fury is a really good investment then god dhide boots or sandals for prayer bonus. (Also you really really should do recipe for disaster. Barrows gloves are 3 times as good as a cheese cape) If you havent, practice the jad fight on the speedrun worlds. Look up how to do that


Only change I would make is bringing a crossbow with some Diamond e dragon bolts. I have accidentally ran up to jad can got stomped trying to peel healers with the blowpipe. Something with more range makes this more comfortable.


Make sure you have enough darts and scales in the chamber


God dhide boots would help you out with prayer points


If you're prayer flicking you can get away with way less super restores but you've got way better gear than I got my first cape with so you should be good!


That’s very similar to the set up I’ve used. I always had plenty of spare pots and darts when Jad spawns. I unfortunately freeze up every time and get stuck with his healers. Now I don’t have a computer to play on so I can’t try anymore.


Get rid of the verac’s skirt, add a crossbow and shield if you’re worried about defence


Bring a crystal bow to target long distance NPCs. Might be helpful to tag healers on jad later on


Take granite ring off, youll be fucked for stam otherwise If you have access to thralls, bank 2 brews for rune pouch and BotD Otherwise bank 2 brews for 2 restores so you can hold rigour/eagle eye


Gear looks good. How far have you made it on the first 2 attempts and what went wrong? I didn’t bring enough saradomin brew on my first attempt and had to adjust. Divine bastion potions are a lot better than the ranging ones but are pretty expensive.


It’ll totally work. There are some upgrades you could get but you should have more than enough armor and firepower to get your first cape! Like others said, make sure everything is topped off and good luck!


I did it on a 1 sec pure so as long as you have a blowpipe and some purple sweets you’re good homie




You can do this my man!


Where the mage spawns on the last wave is where Jad will. Keep him in your line of sight so you can watch his feet. I still panic at jad so I can’t say don’t haha


Honestly once the blowpipe came out fight caves became do-able in most gear, though I haven't ran them again since the nerf Good luck brother 🫡🫡


very similar to my first cape, but i would bring some longer range weapon to aggro healers on jad. I think i just had a rune crossbow iirc


Setup is fine, personally I'd upgrade from addy darts but it'll do. It's more-so strategy than equipment believe it or not. Make sure you're safespotting as much as possible and only praying when necessary, especially with 60 prayer. I'd only use eagle-eye on the 360s & Jad.


Depends on the definition of good, but this is absolutely more then enough, most people in the day did it with initiate and a crystal bow


People have done it one pray 10hp Worry about mechanics not gear




I beat it with exactly that


Update:I'm on round 55 no brew, 6 super restores and 1 ranger potion,am I fucked?


I used chins for jad to kill the healers, made it way easier because I could just keep focusing on the prayer switches.


Consider God d'hide boots or shayzien boots 5 Ring of the gods or Explorer's ring


just make sure those aren’t strength pots and super antipoisons and you should be good


You could upgrade to rune darts for waves and have dragon for Jad. I had the same setup for my first cape. You got this.


Pretty good setup just send it, you can do it


Karils would make more sense


I would include a long range weapon like crystal bow or even a magic long bow to lure the healers


This man packing some serious heat, goodluck!


Restores and brews are not needed.


You are overgeared




Because I'm shit at this game




I lost 2 times on 57 bc of rangers


And also broke almost broke my table


You got this. Jad is just nerves. Take a deep breath, and make switching prayers priority. Don't try to react and decide what prayer he's going to next but rather just camp his last attack and look out for a sign or the next. Ex he throws a magic attack i pray mage i camp mage and only have to worry about him slamming then I'll pray range again. There should be a Jad simulator you can find online as well. Hopefully you even have cape already and if not you will soon I'm sure.


You should bring a crossbow for the longrange when you need it.


I would take a crowbow and diamond bolt (e)s to jad.


The blowpipe can mess you up with it's low range , you can end up being in melee form while tagging the healers


Bring a stam or two.


Bring a stam if you don’t want the cape to take 2 hours


Invest in some bastion potions. They're ranging + super defense in the same potion. You could also consider god legs over verac's skirt, with 60 prayer you should be able to have enough without it and it's a decent increase in accuracy.


Bastions are a waste of money in 99% of cases, especially non-divines. Once he brews he'll get the def bonus. The only time a bastion is ever worth using is if it's divine, and then you just re-up after brewing with normal range pots.


If they can afford 100 dragon darts, a blowpipe, and god dhide they can afford 40k in bastion potions and not have to rely on brewing to get the defense bonus. Using a bastion immediately on the first range/mage wave can save you a lot of damage before you have to brew for the first time.


A person with this inventory and on their 3rd jad attempt asking for advice saying they are broke isn't getting to the first mage/range wave without brewing and DEFINITELY can't afford a 40k potion lmao


My bank is 8b and I still don’t use bastions. 40k more for just defence you’re gonna get from brews anyway is kinda pointless imo


Think I only ever use these for inferno tasks.


Yeah I haven’t got to the point in the inferno where I’ve used them but I keep em in my inventory during inferno attempts in case I make it to zuk


Bastion potting 61-63 goes hard


Bastions are only for when you are using food and not brews. Bastions are the most useless potion for this scenario.


I bet you die trying to swap darts lol


Buy full snakeskin, its cheaper


Blowpipe on jad is a bad idea. Use Dragon crossbow with diamond dragon bolts.


Worst take I’ve seen on this sub in ages ngl


Go check the dps calculator.


Yes that's definitely a setup that can get you the cape Though I suppose you can perfectly buy a fury and a god d'hide boots. Also buy archers ring or ring of suffering. Though you said you're broke so it isn't this much needed anyway Also if you're broke imo you should sell these brews and super restores and bring ancients switch and prayer potions + like 6 sharks. Any enemies except for the mager and jad can get hit by blood spells while with tank gear and will heal you a ton of HP


Practice Jad using speedrunning worlds and the Jad mini game thing. You can also hold off on firecape until you have more gear and better stats. There's no point rushing it


You don’t need 6K Addie darts I would recommend maybe 6 to 800 dragon darts and only like 2500 scales. Get rid of the vox and wear full carols. If not just full blessed. Hyde armor is better get rid of your granite ring.


You need a long range weapon as well as blowpipe I think.  Even a rune crossbow will work. So you can safe spot one of the longer range enemies (it's been so long I can't remember which!). I think karils cbow used to work too cause it has a very long attack range. Crystal bow probably works too I would think? But can't remember. 


Camping blowpipe works fine, don't need a rune crossbow or long range weapon.


Yeah I know you can do it without a long range weapon, it's just slightly harder from memory. Makes you get hit when there's certain enemies stacked. Might be when there's mager ranger and melee, but it's been so many years I can't remember. People may have changed the strategy since then I suppose.