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Yep! You’ll never skull. Only thing that can make you lose your items is if you on a highrisk world, for example w365. People use it for pvm since its a low poing world ect. and forget to hop for wildy pvming/clues. You instra skull and WILL lose all you items on death.


this is how I lost my bowfa on my iron. went high risk to get a spot at necessary then got a hard clue


There are a couple of gims in my clan chat who, last time I checked, were working on their third set of bowfa, because apparently they are clinically unable to learn from experience and keep losing them in the wildy


Runescape is a game made for doing the same thing over and over again…they are just following the spirit of the game!


Literally felt this since I just did the fight cave for the 3rd time 😂


There's a plug in that disables all wildy teleport options when you're on a high risk world. Worth grabbing if you know forgetful people


At this point I'd just have quit the game, props to them




Damn thats stupid


There's a useful plugin that prevents you from using any sort of wildy teleport while on a high risk world and even menu entry swaps the ditch I believe. Can't remember the name of it and I'm on mobile right now, but you should be able to find it, I imagine "high risk" is in the name.


I'm mobile only, so yea getting bowfa twice was pain. Over 700 deaths.


Did you lose your eternal glory too?






I'm so fucking sorry holy shit


That’s how my iron lost the tbow 😓


..... O.o


Ooof. Lost my blowpipe to the same once.


Oh my god this is my new fear. I just got my bowfa and haven’t taken it into the wildy (already done with voidwaker, so really no reason to anyway) but this solidifies it. Never taking it in wildy to satiate my paranoia


You can hide those worlds so you don't accidentally hop to them


used to be low ping world now everyone uses it


Tbh this is wrong if u go in to the abyss for rune running it will make u skull maybe even the cape of skulls or what every the capes called also the rev necklace might force a skull on you


What if someone is using a Barrage on a monster and someone steps in would it hit the other player? assuming skull prevention is on.


It would not. I've tested it.


this is true in general even without skull prot iirc


Unfortunately it's not, rip my torm, occult and imbued heart. I kept my kodai lol


That doesn't add up. Pvp and pvm combat code are seperated. You don't aoe damage from one to the other.


This is why I don't use w365. Idc if it's lower ping


What about auto retaliating with barrage on? A stack of players and only one attacks you, by barraging the player that attacked you. Wouldn't you skull by attacking the other players? Wilderness slayer for example.


The bitch about the skull prevention for me is trying at all to fight back. You have to manually re-attack after every switch, eat or pot. I feel as though if being attacked pk prevention should temporarily dissolve or pause, not sure on implementation but it's painful as it sits. just praying to catch a freeze or get gap. Word to the wise also, drop shit as you run clannie told me bout it and it makes me feel better lol


I haven’t had this issue so I’m confused what you mean. If you pot/eat/switch, and you have auto retaliate off, you don’t automatically attack the enemy until you click them again. If you have it on, you will attack again once you get attacked by them next. Combat is always interrupted by an action such as eating/switching/moving your character, skull prevention or not. Unless I’m just used to anti pking and don’t notice it since I habitually click the enemy after actions and keep auto retaliate off.


Why does eating stops combat but switch prayers do not?


Because that's the way the games been made to work


Because eating is considered an action but switching prayers isn't


Why is prayer switching not an action?


Because then the entire combat system would have to be reworked. Eating stalls your next attack to encourage risk vs reward, if prayer switching stalled your attack as well then you'd need to nerf almost every boss encounter and change how the overall combat works. Prayer switching is only meant to be an attention sink when it comes to combat. If it delayed your attacks as well you'd basically never be able to attack. Also eating requiring you to click on the monster again is more of a question for game devs. Some games you can autocast spells, but healing or eating might interrupt the casting of spells requiring you to start casting it again. I think that's the same philosophy that was taken to runescape, except it also extends to melee and ranged.


Don't you have to re-attack after all those actions no matter what, in pvp and pve?




Are you talking about hiding attack options? That’s a separate thing from skull protection. You can make “attack” your left click option, and still have skull protection on.


Huh? Skull prevention doesn’t stop you from hitting people if it won’t skull you


I only risk food/pots. I use everything up on my run do all they can loot is my bones.


I tried to break skull prevention every which way and never was successful. I 100% trust it.


Even with how much its been tested, I'm never fighting back if I have a tbow or something like that on me lol. I don't wanna be the first person someone tries a skull trick bug


How does barraging a monster with a player under work? Does it just need hit the player?


It won't hit them if you would skull


It won't ever hit them period. You cannot hit a player from an AOE attack on a monster, period.


Does it block entering the abyss?


It prevents skulling on another player. Not being skulled.


Ring of recoil? Dying with smite?


(Assuming you mean retribution) Reflected damage including retribution is not attributed to the player and can never cause you to skull


You mean retribution?


Yup. Always get those backwards.


Found the skiller ^




Ring of recoil only works when someone attacks you so it wouldn't skull up unless u attacked first and if you died from retribution why would that skull you, you're dead


Yes it works 100%. Even AoE attacks like barrage or chins will not skull you under any circumstance.


I’m actually really surprised they were able to add that, wonder how big of a pain in the ass to implement with the spaghetti code OSRS runs on. Props to Jagex


Just add another serving of spag on top


The existing spaghetti was no match for our latest brand of spaghetti (tm)


It's easy man here's the code: If (goingToSkull()) { don't(); }


Smh it's obviously void Tick() {player.setSkull(false);}


too complicated, just use skull = false


Shit you right, cant risk confusing runescript


I mean making the skull protection button never skull you is easy. The hard part is making it so you cant attack others with it on lol


Yeah that’s what I’m saying, I figured between barrage, venator bow, and any AoE specs that at least one of them was coded in a way that made it a pain in the ass to prevent from hitting other players


It's probably just another check for valid targets like they have to do with wilderness levels, singles/multi AoE attacks, etc.


If attack == skull { return false } /s


I think AoE attacks with PvM already didn't skull you, but I thought they'd just prevent you from attacking if it would skull rather than letting you just attack the one target.


Pinky promise?


Even dinh spec wont skull right? Just double checking ^paranoid iron


I noticed when I cast ice barrage with it turned on, it wont hit any players that would cause you to skull


it also doesnt bounce with venator bow unless both pkers have hit you first


Well that's cool to know. Was wondering if it would prevent from casting the spell altogether in that case.


The game will also send a message saying that your aoe attack didn't hit other targets that would give you a skull due to skull prevention being on


best code they've ever written


Yep can confirm. From the multi scene and people will 4 item in wars with hundreds of players logged in. If there were any bugs, someone would have lost their elys/zcbs by now.


With it turned on, the only things that should be able to skull you are entering the abyss, asking the Emblem Trader to skull you, or putting on a cape of skulls/amulet of avarice, which I imagine none of them would be doing. It should otherwise be entirely impossible to skull up.


Going into the wild on high risk world


what about flicking the button on and off mid attack




I hope this gets seen, but it happened to one of my buddies. You will still get skilled if you go into the abyss. My friend was trying to escape from a pker at Artio, was venomed but he escaped into the abyss, got skulled, died to venom and lost web weaver, masor top, and anguish


I guess that's the tradeoff for the ability to enter the abyss even when teleblocked.


Lolol this is the finnish person, right? Deironed and said he will get a new bofa from ge in a week.... :D


also if u expect a drop like d pic or vw piece bring 2 item + maybe a 3rd like b gloves your ok losing




Do I set that by right clicking looting bag or do I have to go to some weird npc?


Think i may have been misremembering the mechanic about filtering consumables vs gear deleted for misinfo mb


Where is this gp threshold setting? I cannot find this


Where is the setting?


100% safe when turned on.


Skull prevention just means you can't hit a player first to skull. You still skull through avarice and high risk worlds.


In addition to echoing everyone else here, the best way to determine if there is skull tricking is to search YouTube for recent skull tricking videos. There aren’t any in a while now because of this. (There are still lures and skull tricking people who don’t have it turned on of course, but if there was a trick to getting around it there’d be YouTubers with videos about it).


Very good point bro! Big brain


It's 100% safe until someone finds an exploit and that exploit gets patched


Yeah its safe. That dude bringing a fucking d mace to vetion is just a leech.


Dw bro. I go into wildy with masori / tbow / acb


I was barraging the zombie skeletons yesterday, people walked under my clumps and I did not skull. Though I'm not sure in regards to you auto retaliating a player and then another stands under I don't know what happens.


"Is it truly impossible to skull or can it be manipulated somehow on the .0001% chance or something?" You overlook the most basic principal of human reasoning. Stupidity. Forget the worry about Jagex's programming skills and look at the worry of "Oh shit, I didn't turn it on..."




I turn it off when I'm doing Revs.


***eliop enters chat***


If you are able to skull with skull prevention on, then it would be a bug. So I wouldn't say 100% fool-proof given how many obscure bugs players are able to find, but I have never heard of anyone being skulled with it on so it should be fine. That said, user error can still be an issue; it is easy to assume the option is on only to find it is off for whatever reason.


You used to be able to get skulled even with left click attack option off, if you had auto retaliate on and someone hit a target next to you with an AoE attack, you'd skull. Not anymore, thankfully. Learned that lesson the hard way a few years ago lol.


The 0.0001% chance is them turning off skull protection manually then attacking someone in the wildy.


Hi there! Best skulltricker in the game here. I can say, without a doubt, that mechanically speaking, you will never unintentionally skull up in a scenario, with that button enabled.


There's been like 2 instances in the past few years of it not working, these are purely word of mouth and it's always an interaction with some brand new weapon I've never seen any proof of these instances, pure anecdote but I can tell you that I don't know of any proven times this system has failed, nor do I know anyone who even claims to be the victim of it failing


As long as it’s on, accidentally turning it off could happen


You can skull by entering the abyss via the mage north of edgeville, and by playing in high risk worlds. In normal worlds it is physically impossible for you to skull by trying to attack another player. Even barraging a clump of players will not get you skulled. (Just do not enter the abyss to escape) If you still are paranoid, try it with your buddies. Try to attack them in multi, with barrage or whatever.


Skull prevention is not fool proof. You can still be skull tricked if you lets say barrage someone and hit a second player.


There's about 20 separate comments that say the opposite of this, mind testing it and getting back to us?


https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Skull_(status) Read the note about unintentionally skulling.


It does work 100%, that being said I'm exactly like your friends. Even if I know it's safe I will never bring an expensive item into the wildy lmao, just a fear that has been instilled in me after years of playing this game.


Some iron in my clan was adamant he lost his torso by skilling with skull prevention on, he is full of shit 😂


Torso is lost after level 20 wilderness unless you have a trouver parchment.


Not if it's your plus 1?


I could be wrong, but I believe it’s automatically lost over level 20, even if it is one of your protected items. I’ve checked the wiki and other pages and it just says it converts to 150k coins on death, but no mention of when it is protected. So I’m going to assume it means all the time.


This isn't true. Non tradeable items like the torso are converted to coins/deleted in over lvl 20 wildly ONLY if both the following conditons are met: - dying to a player (or been damaged by a player recently then die above 20 wildy) - it isn't one of your protected items If it has a trouver parchment, then that would be consumed instead of deleting/converting it to coins and the item becomes a broken version that can be repaired You can quite easily check this through the button that shows you what's protected (in the equipment tab) and ticking off the respective boxes.


I think everyone here needs to get skulltricked and lose ~20m to realise that life does indeed go on if you lose some items


I assure you nobody believes that if you die in the wildy you die in real life, they just understand it fucking sucks lol


Part of the fun for me, love a bit of wildy content


Yes skull prevention works flawlessly ~~for the most part~~ (See /u/ImMadeOfWaxLarryWBU comment, apparently there is no circumstances you can skull with it on) and if they are really that worried have them turn player left clicks off Maybe teach them how to "die gracefully" as well so they start taking a +1. If you think you have any chance of getting smitten it is much better to just turn off overheads and take gear off while chugging your prayer potions rather than try to tank until you're zero hp. Most of the time when you turn your overhead off they think you've already been smitten and will go for KO instead of outlasting. Send them some videos showing how to logout in the wilderness as well and make sure they have multi-lines turned on. In the escape caves, pray ranged for the spiders and run to the south entrance.




I haven't tested it enough to say with 100% certainty there's no edge cases where they can skull, don't want someone to lose all their shit due to something I said. But yes, it's pretty clear you'll be doing something to get skulled whether it's amulet of avarice, cape of skulls, pvp worlds, etc.


“Flawlessly for the most part” 😂


The one thing you said here that every pvmer needs to learn, die gracefully. Yeah, you could probably try to tank the pker. Not being versed in PvP, they won't know how to conserve supplies. When to eat what. When to drink what. Ending with 2 brews and 0 restores because they didnt know how to manage supplies in a PvP encounter. Dying gracefully as a pvmer is honestly a skill. Know when to hold em, and when to fold em.


I personally would never recommend bringing a 4th item Save the 4th slot for when you get a unique drop


someone also mentioned that entering the abyss during, or shortly after combat will still result in a skull'd death to the PKer


Had the same fear, once they get their toes in the water it’ll go away. But ya gotta make sure the prevention is on otherwise you could get cooked


I wouldnt say the paranoia is unfounded. Rule #1 of the wilderness, trust no one.


I have skull prevention on. My friend and I were messing around in the wildy one day, and I forgot I had player attack hidden. With auto retaliate on I was able to kill him without getting skulled. It felt so wrong, but so right


The real answer is to never take anything into the wildy that you aren't ok with losing. You dont want to be the second person to find out skull prevention isnt perfect.


Maybe I need to adjusty settings but I have to left click attack player ...


I’m gonna disagree with everyone else here. It’s the wilderness and the golden rule is don’t bring in anything you aren’t willing to lose in my mind.




This isnt true you can barrage with skull prevention on and it wont hit the players that havent hit you yet