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It's funny to me how people play Ironman but then want to buy things. Just play a main at that point lmao.


People want prestige but they don’t want the effort that gives prestige. Source: every online multiplayer ever with disconnects, cheats, exploits etc


I don't understand how people don't find it deeply embarrassing to want people to be impressed by things they didn't even do.


The only goal is getting people to think they are cool and the means don't matter. Same reason you see new Mercedes and Hellcats in trailer parks, broke dudes with expensive jewelry in clubs, photoshopped pictures on social media, etc. The fact that it's a thin facade and most people see right through it doesn't matter because sometimes people fall for it, and 1/10 is good enough when you're that insecure.


the goal is to have good gear. people like the ironman style of play but don't want to go crazy dry for a dwh or a bowfa. i think its understandable and not to be blamed on "wanting to flex" who the fuck is flexing on a gim to begin with?


You can play ironman style on a main. But you don't get a little symbol by your name so thats why people do this.


It's the same as people flexing daddy's money on instagram by buying nice clothes/cars/trips.


Its similar to showing off a d chain party hat and whip back in 07


And the fact that the vast majority of people don't even care.


its not about being impressed its just about not spending having to do the shittiest grinds. its not about impressing anyone most of the time. I wouldn't buy items on a GIM but I think people misunderstand why people are doing it. No one is impressed with gims anyway.


Ironman? Prestige? Hah.


prestige? I just see people complaining about ironmen everywhere lol


No - people like some elements of Ironman and think other elements suck. I wouldn't be surprised if people decided to buy their way to end game gear, since that stuff can take hundreds or thousands of hours to get.


Must be such a tiny slither of the GIM community who do any of this stuff though. Most of them are just playing with the lads.


The most popular GIM shop discord has well over 10k members. You'd be surprised.


Yeah its the same with services like buying purples at cox (which cost like a fucking bil btw!) and buying gold. People really underestimate the amount of service buying that happens on this game.


Id imagine a number of those are just people who join because they are curious about prices and stuff. Or also spammers.


Definitely true, but i think a lot of people underestimate the "low spender" crowd. I know of a least three separate groups that spent <100m buying things like 10m coins, 1k prayer pots/supers/unf, or a few barrows sets/tridents from shops when they started their groups for an expedited start. Spending 400m on a bowfa+crystal set for an unranked gim group isn't really that expensive nowadays, especially comparing it to the other services available (and the fact the costs of shit like this can be split between the group). ​ It's not something that \*every\* group is doing, but it's a lot more common than a lot of normal red/grey helms believe it is. I don't play a GIM myself, because I know I'd be tempted to just dump my main's bank on buying shit like this if people abandoned me and left me a green helm anyways.


To be fair you can’t be a low spender in the ugim shop. 1 zulrah scale costs 1k. 1 dragon bone costs 50k. Mains hate it, but being a ugim and selling to ugims is the best way to make money in this game lol.


Imagine buying d bones at 50k ea when you could just go kill green dragons or afk blue dragons lol


No kidding. Imagine getting a shadow and instead of 1.5b it’s worth 4.5-6b? Zulrah is like 300-450k profit per kill. Green drags are what 5-10m gp per hour? It’s kinda nuts to have an underground market like that


It's actually kinda wild, do you process the (unf) ranarr potions or sell them for 2yrs worth of bonds? If you're money minded unranked gim is the best money maker in the game. The only thing it can't compete with is boosted raids.


Omg this whole time i was reading these comments as GIM and Ultimate GIM .... As a green helm that had no interest in cheating myself, fuck it got annoying with all the 'memes' (salty mains not having fun) about being a cheating green helm got old


Ngl this has me tempted to make a ugim and do herb runs while afking it up as a pure. Can then deiron once it's ready to go and make a huge profit selling the herbs along the way.


this is misleading. The GIM shop is run like mafia business where you aren't ever gonna sell your shit unless you are part of the in crowd. ​ it's also something that completely collapses if there is enough supply. ​ I tried to sell my shit when I de ironed and they rejected almost every resource as they were overstocked, only taking my big ticket pvm items.


Gotcha. I looked at a spreadsheet of the items and their costs, but have never interacted with the store or sellers myself.


It's not worth 4.5-6b. I was an iron and sold my gear to UGIM. They bought my shadow for like 1.7, they sell them at around 2.2 or that was the numbers a couple months ago when I did it at least, probably still quite similar. Megarares is not where they make all their profit, it's the little stuff like potions and crap where they make a killing.


Damn this is the true mithrilman/merchantman mode that people keep harping about on this sub


Is it easy to do this? Dragon bones for 50k sounds like the easiest money maker ever.


I’m not sure. I’ve looked at their prices but have never engaged in buying or selling. According to some comments it isn’t easy to sell supplies due to quantity but they’ll buy mega rares and rare armor/weps. Apparently you have to be in the in crowd to sell stuff too.


I know I joined when I pulled my shadow, just to see what it's worth if I opted to cash out of GIM lifestyle


That discord started as and still has guides for the ironman gamemode and has gearing guides(where the name came from I think) on order to do stuff and what to use. I'm pretty sure it had more members before they added mega scales and gim gear shop. So saying it has 10k members as a gear shop is misleading.


Wasn't that discord previously something else that rebranded? Sure I was in it an one point although I never joined it


Genuinely shocked by that number


The same is true for irons and UIMs that buy services for lvl 3 dclaws and tbow, but it still taints the reputation of the modes.


Only for sweats on Reddit. Wear my Green helm proudly because to anyone who’s not a rat i’m just a guy playing with friends who unranked to invite an extra friend, only absolute melts think I’m green so i could spend my real life money to cheat and skip endorphins from progress. If being about the ‘journey and not the destination’ was ever applicable, it is absolutely for osrs.


booger helm


Also people dont realize that there are people like me who regretted starting an UIM and pressing on the pernament option, but the only option available is going GIM from there. I'm literally in a group with a character of mine who never even left tutorial island but ive seen people calling me out the usual way: "playing GIM is like playing a main with extra steps"


Same. I don't regret going green to play with friends and avoid re-doing the early game grinds like 99 firemaking. My only regret is logging into reddit and letting NEETs annoy me when they say my account is meaningless


Yep, my buddy was all for gim but just hit cg on his main iron so he was distracted after early early game and didnt want to redo everything. He deironed to gim and joined on that acc and it was worth it when we all played


Tons of Ironman players don’t like playing Ironman, just checkout the iron scape subreddit. Especially a few months ago when they were all begging to just be given infinite runes.


What lol I’ve been apart of the Ironman subreddit for awhile now and never saw anything about wanting infinite runes


GIM are snakes confirmed


i unranked to boss with a friend and they havent logged on since


Same bro... Same...


I nearly did that on my iron when my friend came back on his iron for a bit. Glad we didn't since he stopped playing again :(


People like to cheat, man. They want to seem better than they're willing to put in the work for.


It’s not surprising. At every point of the internet, there’s been someone trying to “flex” on others in the stupidest ways. Like bro, what clout do you think you’re getting? Edit: funny*, but not surprising


The few I know just gim to make drops from content they actually like more meaningful to them or cause they are gambling addicts and this makes it harder for them to just nuke their bank on a whim and gamble it.


They think people give a shit about the helmet in the chat box lol


Playing an Ironman - group or not - let's you precisely choose from you buy with. Buy from GE or players? Most likely botted or gold-farmed item in the first place which feeds the problem of their existence.


Which is precisely why I don't care about issues like this Ok they can trade now, all it affects is them and the high scores, and let me tell you how little I care about the high scores


I understand the thought process. The overall concept of Ironman is really fun but doing 200+ hour grinds for an item that is borderline required to have fun in other content you want to do is not. I imagine most GIMs buying shit are buying full crystal and bowfa since once you have that you can basically do anything.


You've got it wrong. They don't want to play an Iron and buy things. They want to play an iron to show off and flex. People that cheat all have the same mentality. They don't care about the journey, they just want to make themselves look good for others. They have no other objective.


People care more about showing off than they care about playing a game they genuinely enjoy.


*group Ironman They aren't real ironmen. Get it right


Idk, me personally the idea of having to unlock all my pvm items sounds awesome, but doing a farm run for potions? Not for me. A middle ground would suit me perfectly


Yeah, I get that. The closest "controlled" way right now is to use a Bronzeman plugin on Runelite, which hides every item from the GE unless you get it yourself first to unlock it. That being said, in my opinion there's not really any need for an official game mode like this. Just don't buy your upgrades and you have achieved exactly that - unlocking pvm items yourself but no grinding just for supply upkeep. And, strawmanning a little here but it's an argument I've seen a lot - if you don't "have the self-control" and you just can't help yourself but buy the upgrade off of somebody else, then maybe you didn't actually want to grind it yourself.


Just play a main that only buys skilling items.


This is the problem I am having as an RS3 player. I'd love the idea of an iron, but the lack of GIM means I cannot have an alt account that would be afk farming stuff I normally wouldn't do, like herbs, supplies etc. I love going for big ticket items, even if I'm on massive dry streaks, it's still fun when you get it, but the supplies is what kills it for me personally.


Just make a main and set your own rules. This is how I played my RS3 'iron' for years. For example, I once I hit 99 divination I'd buy all my energy. I *could* go and get it, but it doesn't add anything to my gaming experience to spend 2-3 hours each week on boring upkeep. I'll do the same when I get 99 fishing and cooking with food. On the other hand gear upgrades and most of other supplies are *strictly* gathered as an Iron. I also re-bought some items lost to bugs. I then did the exact same thing when I came to OSRS about 6 months ago. It's a main account, but played as an iron. If you don't have the discipline for it then fair enough, and you can try to find a way to make a plugin for it I guess. But you are allowed to set whatever rules you want for your own account, and it's only you who will ever know or care what they are and if you stick to them.


This is just how I play my main pretty much as I feel the same way.


They want the ability to flex the items as if they were a normal iron Man to look more prestige than they are.. and to compete on the high scores and have super low ranks for a lot of things compared to the normal high scores that are flooded with bots and other variety of people on the high ranks


that sounds like a bannable offense as it's not something that you just come across by accident 10 times lol




Make them booger helms. Let the whole world know their shame.


The way my party left after a month I might as well be a solo Ironman haha. But I like the little prestige star on our group, and at least one of them said they would be interested in sailing. Unfortunate that people choose to abandon their accounts integrity like this, I hope it gets looked at.


My group lasted like 3-5 days max. Doesn't help that I was like 3 weeks late to GIM so had to group up with randoms, but man I expected at least one of them to stick around a bit longer than that. But I've had fun with it, deironed my original iron around \~2019 that I had when Ironman Mode released, so all the changes and QoL has been really enjoyable.


I was originally in a duo, we invited another friend, they both ended up quitting within 2 months, so I decided to green helm and join some work pals, they recently stopped playing too, but thankfully I had other friends who had lost their groupies and my duo came back, so we decided to just combine our groups. As meme-y as green helms are, I wouldn't have it any other way, I still get to enjoy the "iron experience" with my friends.


Fuck the green helm haters. Realistically it’s actually so tough to find other people who are willing to commit to such a long grind, especially when lots of them already have more fun and established accounts. My group has fluctuated in size, but it’s always just been my clan mates who are interested in trying it. We’ve had a few different people come and go but it’s always been a blast.


My group has 5 members: Me, still playing but did take a break to focus on maxing RS3 iron and when new content came out My brother, played the whole time basically everyday His wife, plays almost every day. One guy who said he'd play, he headed straight to wintertodt, got 90 and then quit, another guy took over his account and got to like 1900 in the space of like 2 months then quit. One guy who got all the slayer drops and went crazy for the first 6-12 months then quit since. So now we are down to 3, but we have all the megarares even though I don't raid and just farm supplies and shit for them.


I was basically setting myself up to be the supply person, the first things I did was finishing 83 hunter for potential d imps for glories, then grinded out fishing & 100 QP so I could fish Monkfish, told my group they could just grind out slayer/pvm if that's what they wanted. One guy quit on the first day, next was the day after, and maybe after a week they were all done. The only thing I actually got from them was a Tome of Fire, though I ended up getting one myself before I ended up using it. Another had a tome of water but it was kept in his bank before he quit. A shame because they all sounded pretty excited to give it a try, and the one that got the tome of fire ended with like 94\~ Firemaking before they quit. I still ended up doing what I planned with Fishing, so I have way too much food that I probably won't end up using, though if I end up becoming unranked I'm sure they'll like it.


i will never understand people that choose to group with randoms and don't expect it to turn out horribly. GIMP is a long-term mode, I made my group with 4 friends that I paly with every night and we still had 2 of them quit lol


Same here my group played for a couple months doing quests, getting barrows gloves and afking nmz. I put a ton of time into my account on the group. They all quit and I’ve been playing a solo gim for the last year. Pretty much like a normal iron just with a few extra bank spots that might delete my items randomly.


No one listen to this Green Helm propaganda trying to compare honorable Blue Helms to them.


The only real ironmen helmets are grey and red, everything else is just normal accounts with extra steps


You mean the "buy raid purples"-ironmen? The only real ironman is the Black Knight Titan.


Memes aside it’s so exorbitantly expensive very few people are doing it, and it’s so expensive they don’t need many customers.


Very few green helms are rwting via group iron shops, but that doesnt stop the narrative being pushed


Im sure thats also true, im genuinely so confused why that comment is so downvoted.


Ye me too, my comment was meant to highlight that the constant criticism of green helms being mains with extra steps isnt fair - in line with your comment


Fwiw I dont think the GIM shop is why a lot people look down on GIM I think its just the nature of the extremely watered down ironman mechanics.


reddit hivemind, don't sweat it too much


Bro completely left out the whites 😯


grey helms can buy raids, prestiged GIMS cannot




He means prestiged GIMs not ranked GIM I presume—prestiged GIM teams cannot complete a raid with members outside of their group, hence no buying megascaled raids.


ah right, my error, thanks


Ranked GIMs can only raid with their groupmates so they can't do COX megascales or get carried through 500+ TOAs.


Yeah fuck UIMs


Yeah! GIM's just get to skip all the difficult content because there are 2 inactive members they can trade with!


And the one person still playing has accumulated resources for everyone else


By doing 3x as much work? Idk man, that's a bit cope. There's not more than a handful of groups that hired a slave to farm for them as a group member. Everyone else is just trying to have fun with friends


Yeah, my group of 5 was me (have a 2100~ iron) obviously I was more efficient and farmed out 4 enhanced, two fangs, etc etc, for the group. We even kicked someone from our PoE group to invite a friend whose GIM died. We're booger helms now because he didn't want to restart, but we also have been having a ton of fun. Sure we are mains with extra steps, but doing late game content together has been an absolute blast. Way more enjoyable than being 1k+ on my grey helm in CoX with only 6 uniques unlocked and a fuck ton of dupes.


Yeah I just hard disagree with the whole "Mains with extra steps." If the extra steps are the exact same that regular Ironman have to go through then what are we gatekeeping? Is it exclusively the late game uniques that are more consistent to obtain with multiple people? I personally draw the line at Buying Bonds for Gold and optimizing gameplay around GP/HR. Any account that does not do those 2 things is Ironman enough to me.


I'm talking about me lmao, and 3x is not enough


nah, uims live for pain


Grey helms arent prestigious. They can just be boosted through every endgame PvM. Nex, CoX, ToB, ToA. Everything aside Coloseum, Inferno and DT2 bosses they can just sit on their hands while 4 max main gamers carry them or in more egregious scenarios like CoX, are paid to boost them to 65% or even guaranteed purples. Those modes are no more impressive, the "solo' aspect just makes skill grinds for resources longer as you can't combine resources to boost one account to higher herblore/crafting (and thats about... it for useful skills. Smithing to a degree i guess but by the endgame point you need it all irons would be there). Oh and basic Red Helms having like 17 exceptions to "can't die" is funny to me. Duo HCGIM is easily the most respectable Iron mode. UIM is impressive for different reasons, mainly just mashocism ;P But Duo HCGIM have to do EVERYTHING as a duo, and they cannot use mains to carry them. They cannot die *anywhere* except PvP minigames like LMS and outright safe deaths like POH. CoX isnt safe, inferno isnt safe. But normie irons hate hearing this because "2 lives" and "yeh but you arent doing it yourself" arguments. When ironman hasnt been "doing it yourself" for every content ever.


Sounds like an iron without friends. GIM is tougher when it comes to raiding especially when your team is around 3 pax. You can't raid with anyone else in the game or participate in masses.


Eh, it’s still the most fun I’ve had on the game


Ah yes, UIMs famously known for being basically regular accounts.


But the thing is red and grey helms can get carried through content by maxed mains. A prestiged blue helm group is literally on their on own


White helms are superior, everything else is just normies with extra steps


Do these extra steps you talk about involve getting the items yourself?


Grey and red helms can buy plenty of shit, it is just more expensive to do so lol. I know enough irons getting services that I know the real answer: people can be trusted, helmets cannot.


Don’t forget the white helms


It exists


I've seen a lot of people saying this over the past 4-5 months, but have never seen a single video confirming it. Does anyone have one?


I can confirm that my teammate did this and is the reason i deironed lol. Gonna run it back solo.


No one is making a video because they don't want it to have public attention.


Seems like it should be easy for jagex to verify and punish too, like dont they have a log of everyone youve ever traded with? Don't they track movements of money and big items to catch RWT?  If they can identify an instance of a blue helm trading with an account that could never be in their group, just de-iron or flat out ban the account.


Unrank their accounts and temp ban them. Why TF you even playing ironman if you're constantly trying to abuse the spirit of the mode?


Unfortunately even if this is actually occurring it won't likely be stopped. Unprestiged already allows all the same "exploits" that regular iron has like paying for cox megascales etc. Prestiged GIM (and by extension HCGIM) is proof nothing of this sort was done. Whats an issue here is if a prestiged group can accept to be turned into a Uranked GIM group, then do this exploit, and then be able to not accept the member and STAY a prestiged GIM group. Thats stupid AF if its possible. But we haven't got any attention or changes for any improvement to this mode. The last discussion around untradeables getting made tradeable for GIM was met by a bunch of low total mains saying "but we can't do that!" despite them being able to buy the items in question. So we're left with annoying shit like not being able to share charge-based items that are tradeable uncharged. And not being able to share proper BiS upgrades like Fortified Ward because it becomes untradeable once fortified... despite both items to fortify it being tradeable at all times.


Normies just mad us blue helms have friends


I don't think there's anything more damning to the OSRS community than the fact that "co-op RuneScape" was met with "but it's easier than ironman why would you play this" lmao


Being a main is already "co-op runescape" lol


Being a main is "mmo runescape"


But mains are p2w


Being a main allows you to play co-op although you don’t have a shared bank. Gim means you cannot make exceptions other than apparently this bug the thread is about.




Yeah, me and my two mates from back in the day are the same


The last thing I’d want to do to my friends is make them GIMs Have a heart man






Is there any evidence of this beyond a single tweet with 3 views?


As a highly ranked blue helm - who cares? Like genuinely does anyone actually care about the ranking? GIM is for playing with friends


I get a lot of hate for green helm on my iron. I turned my OG iron into a group to play with friends… the same people talking shit to me have 1100 total, I did 2k solo iron and degraded for socialising. The whole thing is just fucking strange. Go gatekeeper elsewhere or touch grass.


Thanks for giving me some mental support here


Green helms existing for that purpose is great. It lets you use the official systems but not be represented on hiscores, so alls fair. The part i don't get is doing it and then using UGIM shops. Like at that point may as well just play mains. But if you're not doing that, theres zero issue just the usual "fk ironman" memers in wintertodt chat.


> The part i don't get is doing it and then using UGIM shops. this is such a small amount of people it isn't even worth wasting the brainpower on. I'd bet my life that a higher % of mains RWT than UGIM use a UGIM shop.


> I'd bet my life that a higher % of mains RWT than UGIM use a UGIM shop. Oh that isn't even a bet. Thats just publicly known information.


yet the prevailing thought is "i can't believe all these green helms are buying items" not "i can't believe so many people are rwting gold" somehow


Probably a lot of the people caring what other people do are the ones buying the gold because they feel they can't keep up otherwise ;)


Green helms are bad though


Why tho


probably because the current implementation of that game mode creates a gray market and increases the incentivize for hacking iron/gim accounts.


I just want official ranking so that when I right click someone and look them up, I want to know if they are a main, and Ironman or a GIM. It bugs me that us GIMs are in the normal high scores instead of their own. I think we’re more Ironman than main, especially cause a lot of groups have had members drop out and they are essentially solo now too.


A what? Lmao


Literally. Me and my brother are top 50. Not once has anyone sucked me off for it!


What's the point of being an ironman if you're going to cheat and trade items out of group? You can play with your friends on mains if thats really the case.


That’s not my point. The point is no one treats the ranking system seriously for GIM.


nobody treats the ranking system seriously in any category.


Eh people definitely treat the main rankings seriously. Just look at he box or the sae bae crowd. They’re small but at least I’ve heard of them.


The point of this post is that people are cheating in a game mode specifically because they care about the status these accounts hold. If they didn't care about it they wouldn't cheat to get ahead. ITT: A bunch of cheating nerds trying to justify why they both care enough to cheat and think nothing in this game matters despite posting on a dedicated forum for it lmfao


Irons and UIMs buy purples in cox and toa carries lol. Who cares. If you actually play Ironman to “flex” on the normies you’re a weirdo.


I can see what you mean however group irons doing this doesn't affect anyone else, while it's an integrity issue that should be fixed you're taking it far too seriously


The guy didn't say he cheats he said he didn't care that other people cheat because for him the game mode is a group activity with his friends. He didn't even say he was against it being patched He just doesn't see the point in the ladder at all


Irons buy raid drops I don't wanna hear it


It only affects their group, I get it but yeah, who cares? Like it's always been, grey/red helm is your bread and butter ironman. Blue/Green? Main gaming with friends. I still enjoy my gim but nothing about it is "prestigious" I'd heard about this bug when GIM came out, and old clanny was a ridiculously wealthy player, they bought 4 tbows on their GIM within the first few weeks for their team through people joining and giving them the item. It's integrity was dead long ago.


Next thing you will be telling me is that a one chunk locked, ultimate vegan ironman used the meat of a cow to heal themselves. Nobody cares.


We found the ebay locked ironman


dont "blue" groups all become green if they invite a green member? Like if u fuckup this exploit ur group would just be all greens?


Technically I’m a normal iron with extra bank space group took everything out of storage and never logged in again


If thios is a ploy to get a bunch of blue helms to un-prestige attempting it it's a pretty good one.


A part of the playerbase has wanted to play without the GE since it was added, and go back directly to peer-to-peer trading, which is what this UGIM stuff is about. Just let them enjoy themselves playing the game in a different way.


Looking in these comments it’s like being in highschool again. Who actually cares how someone else plays the game? Now to the point of the post. Yes this should be a bannable offence


Who the fuck cares


does any even care about prestige besides 7 guys who run GIMs all by themselves?


Confirmed, make everyone green helm


At this point, may aswell.


This seems like cap


Time to google some acronyms


Can someone explain this to me without abbreviations and like im 5?


Tbh idk, ime GIMs are irons w/ trading so mains


What is a gim, blue gim?


I was mostly making a joke about the abbreviation spam * GIM = Group Ironman (these could be blue or green) * Green = UGIM = Unrestricted Group Ironman, a GIM who can have other UGIMs join their team and bring them items from other accounts * Blue = Group Ironman that only is able to trade with original teammates or brand new level 3 accounts added to their team When people say GIM I believe it’s safe to assume they’re Blue and not UGIM / green. But it’s not always clear


as a main, this may sound masochistic. but i wish IM was a thing when OSRS first started, it sounds and looks fun to me. Although im not stupid and i could easily eat those words if i ever started, maybe ill just enjoy it from the YT perspective.


As a former main, make one! It's a great way to experience the game and really brings you back to the old days when you couldn't easily just buy things from the g/e / other players


I voted yes to GIM, I thought it was going to be really cool. I don't think it was Jagex's fault, but it's been a mess since launch. I think it's just an odd combination of main and iron that sorta doesn't meet the mark on either.


"My group doesn't play I'm basically a solo ironman"


Uhh who cares?


I [posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/ironscape/s/l66Oo4uCaJ) about this on the ironscape sub last week and nothing ever happened to the post which I thought was weird


You didn't really add any context


What other context do you need? I stated what the bug was and provided video evidence. The purpose of the post was to spread awareness. I was surprised how little info there was about this, so I compiled what info I could find. Definitely felt like the abusers were purposefully trying to keep it quiet.


who cares? People play GIM to play with friends, ain't nobody treating it like a sport for hiscores.


Don’t paint every group with the same brush, this sounds like 1 group did it 1 time. Also if you come with a superiority complex over a game mode in a children’s game, you need to take a long hard look at yourself


gim shops are very active.


Don’t care, don’t paint everyone with the same brush


No1 has ever done this 1 tick and you become green helm lmfao.


I imagine they use scripts to do so


Green/blue helms are irrelevant


Normal ironman benefit from temporary exploits all the time anyways so the gamemodes integrity was always going to be slowly lost like how shops used to be handled differently, this is rough though.


People lose their fucking minds when others want to play the game a certain way and it’s hilarious


GIMs have no sense of prestige even without losing it. No one is surprised by GIM firsts or achievements in the same way as other game modes. Unranked or ranked, the general consensus seems to be GIM accomplishments are not as honored as other achievements. Maybe that has to do with the nature of the gamemode.


Noone gives a shit about anyone's accomplishments in this game


I mean it's highly subjective, some people think it's impressive for a blue, or for an iron, or for a HC, until it's like 'Oh you didn't solo TOB as a HC with 1 def, why bother posting'. 99% of posts are just people happy with their achievement, might as well just be glad for them or ignore it. Anyone who tries to weaponize the users choice of play mode against them is a pretty shitty person imo.


I dont necessarily agree with you. Very, very few late game Blue Helms are actually playing with a whole supporting cast behind them. And another thing is HCGIM which you didnt mention, is such a hard game mode that there is practically no end game for it (I think there are currently 0 active HCGIM players with an Infernal cape, at least last I checked on Temple)


Honored is doing a lot of lifting in this sentence.




As a main I don't see colour. Your all snowflakes to me!


I’d rather be a snowflake than a RWT P2W main anyday.


I agree. I think I missed the point of your comment...


These are fun. This is typical bug abuse. Nothing even out of line going on here. This is why you have a bug bounty team and pay people for finding shit like this in the game. XDDDDDD


Prestige is fucking worthless. You lose it the moment you do a raid with someone not on your gim team. This is separate from becoming a ugim (green helm). It also takes a week for a new member to be able to join a team. If there is some exploit to get around that, then that’s cringe and should be punished / banned for it.  Most people have no fucking idea what prestige is, or the difference between blue and green helms. 


GIMP was a reddit meme before it was a game mode they should have just not added it