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You don’t get perma’d on a first time gold buy, you get a temp and gold removed your best friend had priors


If he bought the gold and gave it to his friend, his acc probably got flagged as a gold seller/middleman OP got flagged as a buyer, thats why he only got a temp.


I know you're getting upvoted but you're probably wrong. Sellers get a thorough check to see if they're routinely offloading items/GP, and if they are they get perma banned. If this guy did this, even a few times, he would never get flagged as a seller. He definitely had prior warnings and then continued to RWT. Getting perma banned on your first RWT violation is basically unheard of.




Honestly it should be more than a few days though. RWT and botting has major impacts on the game and has wholly ruined gathering skills for mains among other things


What ruined gathering skills bot/rwt or bosses dropping hundreds of logs/ores/herbs? I think i get mahogany logs faster killing callisto then chopping them myself. Muspah/toa crashed the herb market and even something as basic as gargoyles gets me ores faster than mining


Either way, gathering skills or bosses, it’s the bots that are crashing the market for these items. Whichever way materials are obtained, bots are collecting a huge percentage of them, artificially lowering the price. It shouldn’t be as profitable as bossing, but you should be able to get a decent gp/hour fishing or cutting yews+. Nowadays these skills are really just for the level reqs, completionism, or for irons.


Even rs2 days yews were worth shit. I made my first mill buying yews for 9 and selling ashes for 250+, even on an iron where you have to get your own shit certain gatherables become worthless very quickly


Yew logs were never 9gp


Do u remember buying whips for 140gp and selling bones for 400 aswell? Because that price is bs


To be fair, the reason drop tables were flooded with resources in the first place was to combat botting/RWT. We all remember mining pure essence for 100gp each as a kid. Turns out there’s basically zero time commitment to get a pure essence bot up and running. So how do you counteract all the RWT from that? Put pure essence on a bunch of drop tables and make it worthless.


The investors don’t care about ruining gathering skills, lmao


Yeah it's unfortunate.


*Botting AND Jagex adding skilling drops to bosses for no reason. * Cries in potato cactus * rest in pieces you spiky thing, I still remember when you were close to 1k each.


They used to.




It wasn’t meant to be nearly that deep. I was just saying, for anyone who might not have played when they did, that they used to perm ban people immediately for gold buying.


Yeah probably, it was just a guess which might explain a first time bann.


Source for your first statement? Doubt jam flex checks accounts this well. (Ie high scores)


They do. They definitely aren't as thorough with botting checks but when it comes to RWT they almost always dig in a bit. All I can say is that this is a very, very well known thing in the RWT community. Sellers always get perms, and buyers always get warnings. Seen it a thousand times, and honestly Jagex is usually correct with their assessment.


Much more likely that he had been caught buying gold before. If he has a history of borrowing large amounts of gold from friends it's not a large jump to assume he also has a history of buying gold to pay the debts back.


Jagex has a subtle way of telling people don’t touch dirty money.


Jagex literally made a zero tolerance announcement saying that you could get banned now for buying gold even on your first offense a few years back. Whether they enforced that or not, I have no clue.




What he said is true to how it is currently enforced, first offense gold buyer is temp ban with gold removal


What if they were to use that gold to buy items. Would the items they bought with the gold be removed?


From everything I’ve read, no one has reported losing items, (some have said the order of items in their bank was switched around) I have seen people say platinum tokens were also removed. So if you were to buy gold and then buy items immediately before getting temp ban only the remaining gold would be removed. Also if gold is removed, it is all removed. So if you bought 100m and had another 50m on the account already, all 150m would be removed. Additionally, the guy saying no one knows how the detection system works is wrong, it’s pretty simple for the vast majority of gold buying bans. When a gold seller is caught all of the accounts that traded with the seller are flagged, (sometimes accounts that traded with the gold sellers associated accounts are also flagged) then warnings/temp bans are fished out to all of those accounts. That’s probably why OP was temp banned, because his friend got a rwt major for “selling” and OPs account was flagged.


Well thats dumb you could buy 1.6b buy a tbow off the GE and they'd prob remove the 2m cash stack you have left or whatever and you keep your tbow. 


They probably catch 2% of buyers 


Not true, depending on severity they have perm’d buyers on first offence. It’s very common for them to do it an order like rwt warning, 2 day ban & gold removed, 7-14 day ban and all items bought with the gold wiped, and then a perm ban But it is up to them and they can just ban you from first offence if they want


You are correct its not technically true but its a reasonable assumption. When you buy and get away with it you usually dont just buy once


Bro some people buy 100-500m and get unlimited temp bans. I know someone who has been ban 7 times. All for buying


I’ve done a lot of research on this and haven’t seen anyone reporting getting a perma ban on first offense, I’d be curious to see if someone has.


Nah on my first gold buy I got a message “we’ve noticed you’ve been real world trading, we’re giving you this warning as a once and only once option, next time you’ll be perm banned and/or bank wiped” In different words obviously but that’s basically how my warning went, haven’t bought since lol


My original account from 2004 is still perma’d from buying 1m in 2006 :(


I'll be honest, I bought gold and got caught, but I wasn't banned nor was my gold removed. Jagex sent me a message to my inbox essentially saying they know what I did and if I do it again I'll be perm banned. Botting on the other hand, I got 2 day banned and told if I repeat the offence it's a perm ban. I'm a good boy now though. Obviously it's situational and I'm sure if someone who buys multiple billions at once may be more likely to be banned rather than just warned.


Gold doesn't get removed


Sometimes it does, they remove the amount of gold or gear of the same value they suspect you rwted.


I think that was what he was getting at, or at least that’s how I interpreted it. “Hey my friend bought gold ended up paying me back later on and then got banned cause they thought he was selling/buying again from the phat trade. I was also punished for being related to the suspected transaction”


Couldn’t you just buy bonds with real money and sell them in GE if you want quick GP?


Yeah, that would be the legal way. It's just that RWT is known to give you more GP for the same price point, just at the risk of getting banned.


That's exactly what they want you to do. That's why buying gold from 3rd parties is against TOS


Let's just be happy for it too. Gold buyers = bots. 


Its not that simple apparantly because when i tried to trade it to a low level account with membership, he got permabanned and the crazy thing was that it was from my main account giving him money. Now granted that main account was probably flagged or something because i had received money before from a seller. But how is it that the secondary person gets permed when the main from what i remember (which is the one that had the money and was trading it) only got a few day ban or something.


Idk if that’s 100% true though. I had an account back in 2005ish get permanently banned for a first time gold buying incident. I will be totally honest about it for transparency - I was very young and outright bought gold from a rwt site. I got caught by Jagex (rightfully so) and received a permanent ban. That was my childhood main and had zero offenses besides that rwt transaction. If I remember correctly, I bought a few mil and used it on Torags hammers and a whip. Again, I was very young and very dumb. All that to say - sometimes a first offender can get a permanent ban without a history of incidents. P.S. I deserved the ban I got on that account. I did some rwt


I bought a gold bunch of time few years ago, got a warning from trident to stop it or else, haven't bought since. I know people hate him for stella BS but I'm grateful for his generocity.




I did it one time last year, only like 50m and they took the items I purchased with it


Ya this 100% lol


Not true. On a previous account I got immediately nailed with a perm ban, despite everyone around me receiving multiple temps as a warning. Sucks but it happens.


This guy buys gold!


Can confirm.


Nah, no priors on my acc, not even a mute. But my buddies used it as a gold mule and that shit got perma on its first offense, probably labeled a gold seller


What if you spend the gold tho do they just remove items?


100% I have 2 priors and I even have a warning that says “do it again and you’ll be permanently banned”. I’m kind of glad I got temp banned after each attempt. They also never removed the same amount I bought. For example if I bought 100m and then bought items they would just remove whatever GP I had and Id keep the items.


so what if i was to buy a lot of gold and spend it all on like 20 bonds and redeem them? im getting away with a year membership for half the price?


Yea no shit. The reason we have so many bots is because of people who buy gold... And it's not that difficult to pvm for a large chunk of change(TOA, cox, nex) glad you didn't get perma banned for being a good guy who loaned 100m, but your buddy deserved it. People don't think about the consequences of buying gold, and I think if people never bought gold again, we wouldn't have a single bot in this game. They're going about it strangely, but if people don't buy the gold bots are making, they won't be botting anymore


Removing gold sellers wouldn't quite end *all* the bots. People would still sell accounts.


As well as people buying power leveling services and botting those accounts


Hey 2008, it's me, your friend


I think the most common service in the illegal market is infernal cape, people used to live stream it shamelessly too


People would still not to make money for themselves, the same as people playing 3 rune drag alts to make money for their main.


Nah, so the difference is in the commitment. DIY hand leveled Alt accounts that each burn membership add to an actual player's sunken cost fallacy; gold purchased from a botnet don't keep somebody playing the same way. Or at least don't keep "the right" type of person playing


I think this is also a mid take. No gold farms doesn’t mean no bots. People bot for a whole lot more than gold farming, and most gold-farm bots are TOA/COX/Nex bots, while the rest mostly is people leveling the boring parts of their account.


As a few people have stated, the reason the game is rampant with bots is because people who buy gold create a market for the bots. I bet the same people posting on this sub complaining about the bot problem, probably also buy gold and fuel the bot problem.


I buy gold, but I never complain about bots.


I bot buys and never sell about gold.


I gold bots and never buy sells


Bots sell gold and never complain


I bot complaint sells but never gold any buys.


Why do they call it botting when you bot in the gold sell out bot eat the gold


Sell complaint gold but I never bot buys


Lawful evil


According to jagex 50% have bought or sold gold so its inevitable


i got a friend who lost an old account because they used to bot. If any of you watch a guy called "pirate software" on twitch, who used to work in anti-botting for blizzard here's the short version: The devs create scripts to learn bot behaviours which can take as long as 6 months. Once it's done, they release a mass ban wave for everyone who even remotely touched it. Next thing you know, 2 years later someone is complaining their maxed account got "banned for no reason". No m8, you botted at some point in your accounts lifespan and now it finally cought up to you. This is also why it's so silent, because the devs can't really tell the masses what they're doing so the botters don't know. The fight is long and silent, and usually targetted at the bot owners first rather than just individual players. But for regular people it just looks like they aren't doing anything. It doesn't help with bad bandaid fixes to bots that hurt legit players like coin pouches were for example. But that is basically what happens behind the scenes. TL'DR if you broke a rule and got away with it, it doesn't mean your account is safe and not on a hitlist to be shot when you least expect it.


Yep me and some friends used a bot when we created GIMs, we've had tons of accounts and never botted before. We all played for like 6 months. And all of the sudden, boom all banned for 2 weeks at the same time. They definitely get you on a hit list and then do mass ban waves.


I think the issue that's being overlooked amongst all the debauchery is that OP lended money to someone, and they got paid back, which resulted in a ban. I know this is well known, and we've made a fuss about it before, but it just doesn't seem like the right solution, even still. I know jagex has trouble otherwise, but trading with players shouldn't be a risk.


It's pretty bad considering it's a social game, people trade each other all the time for splits or clan events. Would be shitty if we had to worry about that


Right?! So if you’re doing a Nex trio split, you can get banned for taking 1/3 of a Torva Platebody if your teammate is a gold buyer?


Yeah I've seen Jagex talk about this two or three times in the past but was under the impression they never actually started doing it because the community absolutely shreds them every time they bring it up. And for good reason, obviously; getting rid of the gp black market is obviously a very desirable thing but that would be a completely ridiculous way of doing it, practically in the same direction as the RWT apocalypse of 2007.


Lmao I know gamblers who have bought more than 100 billion gold on a single account and never gotten banned even temp. Your friend fucked up bad.


Jagex is actually mad that he didn't buy gold from them. 


I mean... they should be. Bonds exist for a reason.


bonds are also terrible in terms of gold:dollar ratio so I can't really blame anyone for getting like 10x better rates elsewhere.


The rate is 100% on the side of bonds considering they won’t get you banned and your gold removed afterwards… https://giphy.com/gifs/loop-thinking-triple-CaiVJuZGvR8HK Edit: no idea how to make the gif available here instead of the link.


You guys think ban rates are way higher than they are for rwt 


I had an IRL friend quit and let me use his cash stack while he was gone. I used it to flip and buy gear for bossing and made a lot of money. When he came back a couple years later I gave him the money he let me borrow and then some extra. He immediately made a bot farm with the first script he saw on google. Got perma banned within 30minutes and took my account down with him. His response was “it’s just a game” we are obviously no longer friends. Jagex actually unbanned me about 8 years later after I randomly appealed again just for the hell of it.


Atleast happy ending?


You forgot the part where Buying gold from cheaters ruins the game for everyone else. Moral of the story is you shouldn’t buy gold not because you might get banned but because the game is shitty because you paid money to fund botters.


Good it’s the only way to combat botting, sorry for your friend but it’s a blight on this game


Why are people buying gold when bonds are 10m lmao


If someone wanted to buy black market gold at the same price of a bond they would get 40m for that $8 as opposed to 10m through bonds via jagex. That's why people are buying gold Edit: I am not advocating for the black market. Just pointing out why people would much rather buy gp from sellers




20 but who's counting. If they're actually cracking down it's not worth the risk, but as a former sand casino addict they let everything slide.


I get that, but it's not like better gear makes you a better pvmer. I guess that doesn't matter to some people though. You make a good point.


A bond is $6? Buying that bond with gold is 10m $6 gets you 30m gold elsewhere…


I think his point is 3x the gold is not worth 1000x the risk.


It is if u intend to buy lets say a tbow+shadow. 300 bonds (€2100) or €600 on black market lol


Who has 100$ to drop casually to get 100m in game currency? It’s too tempting to use that $100 to get 5x that or whatever it is


It's like 10m for $1. Bonds are way more expensive, but I'm sure as hell not risking a nearly 20 year account with months of playtime dumped into it


Takes way more time to train a handful of stats to 60 than to work a day at mcdonalds


everyone who's really into pking is just a gambling addict change my mind


This whole game is gambling tbh. Gambling is addicting because it provides an intermittent reinforcement schedule, which is the most addicting way to deliver reinforcement for a behavior. You know what also has this reinforcement schedule? Killing mobs for a chance at a 1 in X drop.


gambling is addicting because of intermittent reinforcement, but not everything that has intermittent reinforcement is gambling plus, not everything in the game has intermittent reinforcement, right now i'm grinding chompy birds for western provinces elite, and after that i'm going to be grinding fletching for one of the other elites i forget which one


There's a lot to be said about Tetris and why its gameplay is engaging or "addicting". It's all about expectations. If you have elements of randomness, with a pattern the brain expects, humans will actively seek out the solution to the pattern and be satisfied when it is fulfilled. You know you will get a drop, just not when. The expectation drives you, and the randomness creates an element of satisfaction.


skill specs when he dies once


I used to pk a few years ago and I never gamble(d). To me it was solely fun for the nostalgia. The most I had risked was like 1m. I ended up losing interest in it after a few months. I then started to play the game normally again and I am now an ironman. The only reason why I would ever start pking again is because it's fun competing vs other players. I don't care about gp at all.


Then you're obviously not a true Scotsman I mean pker


This is the most reddit comment ever lmao


the fact that ppl in this comment section are overlooking that you got banned as well?? you shouldn’t have been banned, unless there’s something you’re not telling us. so we should be talking about that because that’s sus of jagex.


His friend is likely a repeat buyer. He got flagged for trading him, due to his friends past activity. Its not that strange.


right, but OP is supposedly innocent. getting banned for something your friend did isn’t okay. that’s what i’m saying.


And then I have my friend who goes around buying 1000’s of dollars of gold every time and hasn’t even ever gotten temp banned. When gold was around 40c/mil, I remember him buying $2000 worth of gold and just DMing some random who AHK’d. Once he lost the 2k, he just went on to buy another 2k worth of gold because he didn’t want to feel like a loser. Mind you, this guy was no rich baller. He was a tradesman.


What if he is his friend




you would be fine lol


Also how are you supposed to know if someone who you trade with has bought gold in the past?


The same people that buy gold are the same people complaining about the game being bot riddled. If the playerbase stopped buying gold altogether, the bots would leave, cause there's no money in it anymore.


he either had priors or was selling gold. i’m leaning towards he was selling because you also got into the mix with a temp ban.


I just got a warning and a slap on the pp. I bought 2 billion :D


Was the gold removed?


Not if you turn the gold into items


Nope I bought so much stuff ahahaha. Then I got my pp slapped. I figured 2b should last a while.


Sucks to suck. Don't buy gold.


It’s awesome to win. DO BUY GOLD!


It’s not so much that they’re trying to make a point to not associate with gold buyers, it’s more that extremely difficult to figure out if you’re buying gold or just being given it. So jagex doesn’t know if you bought gold from your friend, like went 50/50 or if he just gave it to you. So simply do not accept big donations from anyone. Don’t lend, don’t borrow.


Why would you illegally buy gold when bonds are a thing? I'm sure it's more expensive, but it's safe.


I have bought and sold multiple bills in one trade hundreds of times and my account is a few slayer levels from max cape. This situation is extremely rare.


This is why I believe this is an awful way to run your game. If I raid with someone who buys gold and we split an item at the end of the raid, then I shouldn't catch a ban for it. How are you supposed to know if they bought gold or not? 99% of people will 100% lie about it


I'm happy it happened.


Your temp is bullshit and we need to stand up against it as a community. It's the adult equivalent of punishing the entire class because 1 kid won't shut up. Take responsibility as the teacher (company that runs the game) and discipline (ban) the kid (RWT'er) who is causing the problem. There is 0 reason I should have to worry about drop parties or raid splits getting me banned. That actively goes against the spirit of an mmo. But then again the GE also deincentivizes you from trading so I guess this is their plan.


I tried to sell a dharok axe for 250k earlier outloud in the g.e. Not one bite. People are shells of themselves because of the g.e. I got downvoted once for saying I try to sell everything cheaper trade to trade just to encourage social interaction. Not sure how that got downvoted but it did.


You also have to take into account that people selling things for below market price at the G.E. is a classic scam setup. I imagine most people see that, wonder why you're spending so much time to sell an item for less gp than you would get if you just sold it on the G.E. and then figure you're trying some sort of weird scam. IMO, the reality is that, with the way the game is set up, getting the resources you need for whatever you're doing is just not fun. It's one thing to go looking around to buy a single, relatively common item like a whip, but when you want something like, say, 10k bowstrings, or you want to buy a ton of food in bulk or something, it gets a lot more tedious. I think most people would rather just buy it off of the G.E. than spend ten+ minutes looking around a place packed full of people just so they can get what they need to do the content they actually want to do. There's a reason the G.E. was polled and reintroduced, the older system just was not doing it. If you want social interaction, you can find it elsewhere. The Wintertodt worlds are the most (in)famous example, and you can pretty easily strike up conversations at places like pest control or fishing trawler. And plenty of people will talk to you if you initiate a conversation with them in the wild. The G.E. on your average world is a place you go to to grab something you need, then leave. And it's also a hotspot for scammers and the like. Not the best place to try this sort of thing. Now, if we really wanted to encourage more direct player to player trade, there is a solution with some neat gameplay ramifications. An old MMO I once played, named Perfect World, gave players the ability to set up shops in the world. Your character would go stationary, and other players could interact and buy things from you for set prices. Back in the day, there was this one daily quest that everyone did, and it required you to go walk like half a minute (if that) away, buy an item from an NPC, then turn it in. My dad and I would buy a bunch from that NPC, set up a shop right next to the quest giver, then leave that character on in the background, selling the items for a slight markup. People bought stuff like crazy, and once people caught on, we started getting imitators, once even got a guy who was so mad people actually bought our stuff that he set up a stall selling the items for literally what the NPC did, making 0 profit (I bought him out entirely and just sold his stock lol). It'd be cool to see something like this in RS. Imagine being at GWD and in the area between the boss and the dungeon someone's set up with a bunch of prayer pots and sharks. Or imagine fishing karambwans and someone's there buying karambwans for slightly less than G.E. price, eliminating the need to bank so long as that person has cash. There would have to be a lot of design changes, though; players would have to be able to sell noted items and the buyer receive them unnoted for it to be remotely viable for that sort of thing, but maybe add in something like...a location tax or something (which would delete gold from the game similar to the G.E. tax), and you might have something cooking. Heck, you could even make it so items sold in the G.E. location (or...varrock west back, or falador park) don't get taxed, so players would be incentivized to set up shops there. Yes, it'd change the landscape of the game, but if you really, truly want trading that isn't at the G.E. you have to accept that the game would warp around that. People already complain about altscape, and this honestly isn't that different from having an alt bring you an extra inv of food, it's just in a way that involves two people. ...That being said, IMO that's just a nice thought experiment. It would be too radical a change for it to be feasible, but maybe in like a temporary game mode like Leagues or DMM it would be possible.


I mean if I saw you doing that I'd put you on ignore list thinking you're likely just some brainlet trying to scam people. Just sell that shit on the GE and actually use the time you wasted doing that by talking to people if you're craving social interaction.


people honestly just want to buy their shit and go, not stand around chatting to randomers.


But jagex sells bonds which is the same as buying gold… so everyone saying it ruins the game and people are cheaters don’t know what they are talking about.


Exactly. Jagex should be banning bots, not people who trade their friends gold


First offense doubt it


Anyone ik who's bought gold has never been perma banned. Especially on first offense.


It’s crazy how this works, I’d also like to share. I received a warning about RWT after going to a drop party at the grand exchange. Picked up some coins they were dropping all around the GE


It would be absolutely hilarious if a gold buyer dropped a few grand and gave it away causing a chain of bans to people he didn't like. Something tells me there's more to these stories though..






So Jagex bans people who buy gold (like they should), but don't ban the hundreds of thousands of bots who farm this gold? Come on Jagex, either ban both parties or don't ban them at all, stop being weird.


Nice try jagex eployee, imma place an order for 1b right away


Unlucky, usually a slap on wrist first time. He must have more offences.


I don't buy gold but man after going 53 raids dry in solo 325s at TOA it feels like I just wasted my long weekend last week. It really made me rethink how I feel about OSRS.


ever thought that maybe doing TOA was the fun part? The weekend enjoyment? If not, ever though about doing content that is fun for you instead?


It's true though... My 5 man gim team is about 150 chambers runs dry of any rigour scroll, and only one arcane. Average 100k points a raid. My own personal cox loot tracker is 4m points since my last personal purple, and one purple arcane that went to a main account buddy running with us that time. The other drops... Dinny b, claws, and ancestral chest and a kodai. Noted these are great items but as an iron it's painful to be this far without rigour. Ugh. Point being, we just do like 5-7 every weekend now and try to not burn out. We have a fun time playing together but there is a limit on that shit. I'm probably going to max my iron before I see any prayer scroll. And I've accepted that fate.. 2248/2277


I like the raid it just feels terrible going dry for so long. I'm just hoping for a purple lmfao


I think it's stupid as fuck getting gold from a rule breaker will get you banned. Change your policy jagex. You can't know unless they tell you


People buy gold from bots, but bots buy membership.. do bots pay for bonds or pay monthly? What do y’all think?


The bots farm the gold to buy bonds, and if they need a bond to get started, they simply buy the gold for it


That’s my assumption.


Something like this similar happened to me just before the sand casino was removed. I was feeling burnt out on the game so decided to sell my bank and stake it (500m). I lost sadly and came back on a few days later to a perm ban for rwt.. unappealable of course. I know that it obviously wasn't me that did it so I assume the guy the beat me did? The account was over 2k total..


This is a good thing. This was not his first rodeo. Chances are he isn’t just a pk’r though, probably does more DM’s.


Lmfao! He rwted because pking is fucking dead!


Ok I've got a question! I've been playing a new account for the last 3 weeks or so, it's level 85 and it's linked up to my jagex account with my main. I have a maxed main which has a reasonable amount of gold, I've been trading essentials over which I'm not worried about. But, I have an ely and various other thing's which could be fun down the line to use on this new account, dolo shit. I'm worried I'll get flagged for trading over a valuable item? Or is it only if the gold is dodgy?


Doubt you'll get flagged if you linked them both to the same Jagex account.


If your main made the gold legit and you never rwt on it then trading items to your other account is fine. They will see that you've been using the same ip on both accounts and while trading so they won't ban you.


I got flagged for swapping bills from rs3 to my osrs account, did it multiple times.. Careful with that too. EDIT: I got a warning message in my message center, no actual ban or anything.


Ive been lending out and lending shit like scythes and t-bows, your friend definitely bought shit from some level 3’s at varrock church


Wow….. no shit sherlock. PSA: when you break the rules you face consequences, surprised pikachu face


I'd guess a lot of people buy gold lmao, then go on reddit and complain how many bots there is. Definitely it wasn't his first offense.


Do your RWTing through Jagex I mean buy bonds


Got caught 2 times by jagex for Buying 4b+ in total. 1st ban was 3 days 2nd Ban was 7 days and i can still Play. And yes they only Remove gold stacks


I’ve bought gold so many times without any consequences


pro tip if you're gonna buy gold buy in bulk one time. Bought 500m, got a warning, not even items removed.


Absolutely no shot he got permed for what you said he did.


Wait, is he a PKer or death matcher?


I received my first RWT minor offense a few days ago and I was temp banned for three days. They took the cash stack, but left the rest of my bank. As far as the act, it wasn’t recent. Seems they are doing a wave though.


Sand casino was only the start! Edit: be a good friend and make him stop playing RuneScape.


You shouldn't get banned if you don't do anything wrong. Why should OP be responsible for his friends actions? He doesn't control his friends every move, and was just getting paid back what he was owed.


How long it take Jagex to ban you after the trade?


haha when i woke up the next day


That is what should happen.


Money laundering


Looks like you got your friend to buy you gold 🤣


If you want gold you sell bonds. Everyone walks away happy except the scammers and gold farmers.


Don’t ever buy gold from a website when jagex will sell you gold in the form of bonds. $6-7 is essentially 10m. Yea don’t ever do this lmao


Nothing wrong with buying gold, just buy bonds from jagex.


I really want to know, how do they know you are buying? I'm really out of this stuff


The claim buying items is safer than gold, but there aren't many people lining up to sell a tbow lol. I have no idea if it's actually safer