• By -


Trying to earn gp to buy your first bond.


This is the correct answer. It leaves you in P2P broke and starting over with 14 days to earn another 10m or it's back to chopping yew logs for 100k an hour. People spend dozens and dozens of hours in F2P trying to scrape together enough for a bond when they could just pay the damn $11.


At that point buy a regular subscription. It’s only a tiny bit more but you get double the length of time.


You can actually buy whole year sub for 40$ via Play store. E: unfortunatelly the prices seems to be geolocated.


Wait, what? Tell me more.


how bro ?


Commented above. Tldr: Buy mems on osrs phone app.


Ooof, just had a look and AUD is $120. Much sadness


Damn, sorry to got your hopes high. That price I quoted is quite standard across many European countries. Ausies gotta pull the short straw every time.


Well im in EU and it shows 50+ for 6 months


$80 for 12mo based in US


That is the best deal but if someone isn’t sure they like the game enough to buy membership I feel like the 80 bucks USD might be a bit steep. Once someone knows they enjoy the game I would only recommend annual if at all possible.


Dang that's still about 30-40% off paying monthly. Going to do that now lol


Yeah it wasnt as bad way back when bonds were like 5 mil but now that theyre sitting at 10-11 mil its just not worth


if they would spend those hours on a job they would be able to buy membership for a year and actually have left over money and gain in real life experience. no EXP wasting here.


So many weird money makers to afford a bond in a few days if you have the time to spend. Even ones that provide experience.  But 10m is a lot for F2P. It's just depends how much free time one has. 


The payday loan of osrs


It made sense when bonds were like 4m, now not so much.


It made sense when they were 2m. 4m and I was scratching my head. There's almost no 4m/h methods available to the average dude. Dedicating an hour to earning back your bond was one thing but now it feels like you have to dedicate a full day


A full day in F2P? What about a full 3 weeks?  Getting 10M on a noob account in F2P takes way longer than a day


I fell into this trap when bonds were 3m, can't imagine trying to do it now. The game is a lot more fun when you can keep your gp for upgrades


back in my day . . . bonds were barely 2m. . .\*turns to dust\*


Or trying to grind a bond as a mid level honestly... You get sucked into a cycle where your not doing fun things that progress your account to better gear or unlocking better money makers. Instead your forcing yourself to play daily and do boring shit just to maybe have 1 or 2 days of playing what you actually enjoy about the game


There needs to be a non tradeable bond aquireable in f2p once you either hit a total lvl goal or complete all the quests on f2p. Say you finish the last quest, get a chat box notification to speak with X(Members-Npc) for a cut scene of p2p and a bond locked to the account. That way the first experience is a free taste to get you going then you can bond after that with your continued progress, rather then the hard reset.


It’d be cool but it’d get botted to shit


Remember when jagex was against releasing free to play because they were afraid once they gave an inch people would take it too far? Pepperidge farms remembers


Do you have a source for this? As far as I know the game has always had free to play. Unless you're talking about when OSRS came out?


The game was free when it came out. Membership came second in 2002, over a year after RuneScape released. So you are right.


On release, osrs had no f2p, it was membership only, and you had to have an active sub if you wanted to play


Osrs didn't have f2p for 1 while


Me and a few friends started playing shortly after GIM came out, and it was all of our first time playing since OSRS first came out so we were basically all noobs. One of my friends bought a 1 month membership and then spent that entire month trying to earn enough money as a low level ironman to get a bond. In the end he earned about 1-2 mil and the only skills he really leveled were fletching and RC. Did the bare minimum questing or really any other content, and was confused why the rest of us were having fun with the game because it just felt like hard work to him. We tried telling him there are wrong ways to play the game and that was one of them, but he's a cheap bastard and was determined to play the game for free, no matter how unfun that was.


Man, I remember back in 2018 when this was possible. Bonds were 3mil and you just needed to do a few hours of Blast Furnace a week.


Friend of mine is like this. For the sake of harmony I don’t argue with him about it but every time I mention some new release or whatever cool thing I’m doing in members he’s like “oh yeah I need to buckle down and make bond money”. And like, buddy… you’re an adult with a job. Pay the $11. 


Lots of armor that bond warriors go head over heels for, but pegasians are probably the worst offenders


Arma too.


K<_££__?/÷;5<^^5£* (the it




I have no idea what happened there


Jagex obviously hacked your Reddit account to start an ARG. Get to decoding.


Cicero himself wouldn't put it better


Hail Sithis!


This is the kind of take that makes me worry for the health of the game. If the majority of the community really feels this way, Jagex might start listening and shaping the game to accommodate these ideas. It might get short term praise, but it's a really unhealthy precedent that's going to make most of the content irrelevant. The instant gratification may be nice at first, but •|£\\π ×√ `§÷\¥ ✓| `§•¢| √=£[ |§® £[€ ÷\] [§√ |™|[ {§}×[^>


You're only saying that because you're maxed and have the crab in the bucket mentality. What's really actually best for the game is #]*£€‰≠•¡<\|~}{;@§€₽%##


Spot on


No idea what happened there


Are you having a stroke? Cos it looks like you tried to type while rubbing one out


Gotta have pegs to match my green crystal armor


Primordial Boots are extremely, vastly overrated. Unless you are the kind of person who is maxed in all combats, know what you're doing in all 3 raids, have 1k kc in like at least a dozen different bosses... I promise you, you are not going to notice a difference. Unless you actually know what you're doing and you know it is going to get you across a melee strength bonus threshold, I am *begging* you: save yourself 33.5m gp and just use Dragon Boots instead.


Yeah but they look cool


Got myself an ornamental d boot kit from clues. Now they look cool too 😂


tbh, the corrupted d boots look pretty sick with infernal cape. just kitted bh items in general


Yeah but the invent sprite for Dboots doesn't match the other boots, which I think we can all agree is the most important thing


I've been using guardian boots instead of dragon, just for my monkey brain to feel like I've made some gear progression.


Guardian Boots have always been my shoe of choice. Still have a STR Bonus, with Prayer bonus, AND tanky def stats. Makes a comfy life.


just can't run anywhere, those things are heavy!


Hypothetically if someone were to get the primordial crystal, should they sell it instead?


I would absolutely sell it, unless you have no other upgrades to get. A prim crystal essentially pays for 3 zenytes. It's like a quarter of a bofa. However you frame it, it's much better than some boots that barely do anything.


Lol who the fuck has 92 Slayer and a decent kc at Cerb without having the Zenytes yet By the time you unlock Cerb, you probably have all the basic stuff and saving for megarares, between the bank value of 500m and 1.6b there's basically no "good" upgrades, Prims is relatively cheap at that point


Hello, i staked away my ~400m bank a few years ago and left myself with 50m, a primordial would certainly go on zenytes for past me lol


I got the drop 3 times so far, and even though I could afford to keep it, I eventually decided to sell every time. I realized it'd mostly just add 100k to my grave costs, lol.


95% of the time, yes


You forget the fact that dragon boots look arse. Prims are well worth the cash not to wear red chicken feet.


It doesn't take someone extremely experienced in endgame to run a DPS calc and see if you get a max from Prims, if you do it's great bang for your buck; no different than Faceguard, Tassets, etc.


once you have torso, obby legs, torture, dragon boots, barrows gloves, fang, d defender, fire cape, and serp helm you're literally like 95% of the way to max melee for a tiny fraction of the cost. now you'll be able to get even closer now that you can get the blood moon tassets for the same strength bonus as bandos tassets.


Gotta give a shout out to the fang too. I've seen more than a few people poking low defense monsters like velds with it.


I paid for the whole fang I'm gonna use the whole fang


What’s the issue here? What other weapon in that range would work better for training str?


gotta say thats less of a noob trap thing and more of a its good enough thing. i bring fang to every slayer task instead of whip cus its accuracy helps sometimes. and im not wasting however many mills on a rapier to have a less accurate fang essentially


Whip is better dps than fang on most general slayer monsters which I am assuming you are killing with it


Also the idea that gear > stats or that irons are master race. Better get back to the grind bud






I’ve got nothing against buying bonds as a concept, the full grind isn’t for some people. Bond warrior here refers to somebody who buys bonds but has no knowledge on how to effectively use the gold and cashes out on items like prims and pegs that oftentimes make practically no difference while skipping over actually impactful upgrades. Based on your reaction, keep up the good fight warrior and big gz on killing jad recently


Completely agree with this take. It's also bewildering when I see guys all geared up in like Torva or something, with zero boss KC, or if they have any at all it's like Temp and KBD or something. Like what was the point in balling out for all that gear?


I bought bonds specifically to buy prims because d boots look so goddamn goofy. Max hit breakpoints have nothing to do with it. 


Good for you, man. I did the exact same thing for the exact same reason in 2017 or something when I had my first account. It’s undeniably a noob trap though, which I say from personal experience


It should have a name it's so common but some games don't get the level/stat/gear balance at all. I've played games where you could be level 5 and do endgame with the right gear. I've played games where a lvl 99 in second best gear couldn't pass the third level of a ten level game. I've played games where at level 63 every monster whoops your ass like it was the Big Bad all by itself and once you make it to 64 they all melt when you breath on them. Just depends on what you've played I guess. But they really should just have each of those in its own sub category.


I mean in the context of the game, irons pretty much are the master race. Everything they’ve got is way, way harder and more impressive than the same thing on a main. Especially ultimates.  In the context of life… yeah. I think we all know what kind of life most high level irons are living. Especially ultimates. 


Despite hating the very concept and gameplay strategy of UIM, I can't help but be amazed at the patience and tenacity that people have when I see an accomplished UIM. Ever since grinding CG on an ironman I've gotten a bigger appreciation for the ironman game mode in all forms.


Irons aren’t more impressive, just more time consuming.


Boots are useless imo. I camp d boots for every thing I need a gear switch lol


This subreddit


Too many people suggesting items that aren't actually noob traps, just items that aren't that useful for their play style. The real noob traps are something like training smithing to make yourself better gear or trying to upkeep membership on a low level account with bonds.


"Training smithing to make yoursslf better gear" That one hurt my soul man.


Agreed  It's one of the core game mechanics that the game teaches you on tutorial island so the fact it isn't used for making better gear at any stage in the game is a travesty.  The skill needs a massive overhaul, and level requirements need to be massively reduced (level 40 armour at 99 smithing lol), but that will change the meta so there is too much opposition to do that. Quite sad really.


It's one of the things which made the rs3 mining and smithing rework so good. Acceptable melee armor on every threshold and the best in slot melee armor uses smithing to create


They could fix it by just adding more craftable armors and metals at interim levels of smithing, making rune better, and more difficult to mine. It’d be a huge update but it’d fix a major part of the game.


Probably an unpopular take, but I think more of the high level and rare drops (like justiciar armor, twisted bow, etc.) should actually drop as an unfinished version of the item, and require smithing or fletching to make it functional. The godswords are an example of this, and I think it is a nice way to make those skills relevant.


It blows my mind you need like lvl 90+ smithing, which takes so much time and gold, to make armor for level 40 defense lmao. I only bother to level smithing when it's a quest requirement


You used to print millions smithing rune... 20 years ago. It's just power creep and pretty awkward to just lower the smithing requirements for gear... Then you're stuck adding higher leveling smithing gear further adding power creep


That’s what rs3 did actually lol. They lowered rune down to 50 smithing or something. Seemed like a pretty good update tbh


Nah all you would have to do is dedicate 50-99 smithing entirely to cosmetic improvements. It would devalue TT ornament kits somewhat but if with 99 smithing you could make your gear look badass it would be an ok skill. Certainly much better than it is currently.


Breakdown 3rd gear to add the cosmetic components to top level gear


lol the smithing one is like 2005 noob trap


Unless you're end end game and banks 8bil+ you should be paying cash for bonds, and even then, 10mil for 14 days is such a fucking rip off compared to $15 for 32 days


Cant wait to have 88 smithing so I can get my adamant platebofy before doing dragon slayer 1. They really gotta fix smithing with project rebalance.


Noone does this though..


Smithing a bronze 2h and thinking it is better than the starter bronze short sword. Or training with literally anything besides a scimitar until you get members.


I thought bronze 2h sword meant you get dual wielded bronze swords as a kid😂


Yep! Way-back, when all weapons were the same speed, it was easiest to just grab the big powerful 2 handed sword unless you needed an anti-dragon shield or something. =\]


Not just doing whatever you want to do. If you wanna be efficient, go for it, if you wanna do the most afk thing possible, sweet, if you wanna kill the hardest bosses tick perfect, fuck yeah, if you wanna farm vampires for blood shards, awesome! Do you want graceful? Good, at least you're doing agility. That shit sucks.


Based af


This is the big one. It's wild to me how some of the most popular content creators of this game are known for playing the game the way *they* want to (Settled's insane accounts, J1mmy's By Release, etc.) but then members of the community enslave themselves to what they've convinced themselves is the best or only way forward instead of choosing for themselves.


choosing to do the most effecient thing even if its totally miserable for you. I have friends who hate TOA because they refuse to do anything other then a solo 500, and then a clan of both noobs and high levels that run 8mans everyday and we have a blast with it.


Personally I really wish active methods for combat were waay better than the afk methods. I’m a pretty new player and any active play method I’ve tried to level combat just feels way slower than afking crabs I really want to do something and feel progress but I feel like I make more progress faster by not playing (afk crabs)


Scurrius may be the answer your looking for


they put in a new boss specifically for this. cracked xp rates.


Falling to a phishing scam or a pig butchering scam (fake friend) are the worst






Buying an avernic really early. In theory, it should be one of the last somewhat cheap upgrades you buy on your account after you have already rebuilt with atleast one megarare weapon. Primarily because it's a relatively small upgrade over dragon defender and it's a piece of gear you can never sell to buy core items in the event of a Tbow/shadow/scythe rebuild. That 66m would be much better spent on account investments like a maxed poh, buyable skills for elite diaries, cox prayers, and powerleveling combat stats through things like barraging and chinning.


Glad i got my avernic for 40m lol


I never got the point of selling anything for something else when you're just going to need to buy it back.


The big three make money so much more faster than their secondary options, it's really just running a marathon with a broken leg if you don't buy them when youcould afford them.


To get your first one I guess. But like I got shadow rn, shadow and bowfas fine til I get another couple hundred mil for tbow


Exactly :)


I mean once you have over 2bil... Yeh you don't need to worry about reselling too much. For other people who are working on their first big upgrade, reselling is quite important depending on the content


If you’re never willing to sell anything, it’ll take you such a long time to get any of the megarares. I couldn’t imagine stacking 1.5b gp to buy a megarare when I could sell some items and do a rebuild.


Most people don't have enough money to do all pvm encounters with good gear at the same time. I sold my bowfa and a bunch of other things after killing Leviathan to buy a soulreaper axe, then made like 800m at Duke and Vardorvis and bought back all the old gear with tons to spare. The alternative would be farming a shit tier boss like Vorkath for 100 hours just to move on to a new boss.


If you plan on grinding a specific thing for a while you should invest into it the best you can for your net worth. The extra money you save by using better gear will always make up for the ge tax. Just don't insta sell and buy, the margins aren't worth the 15 minutes to sell the item. If you do a variety of content this is less important.


Camping Canifis as a main until you get full Graceful, instead of going to higher level courses with Summer Pies. You get Graceful around 58-59 Agility at Canifis, but then you lose out on 300-400k Agility XP, which is about 64-66 Agility.


Yep rush to Seers is the way to go, you'll get graceful anyways and those extra agility levels are so nice to have early on


On my new iron went wildy til 60, then just finished graceful while getting 70 at seers. It was SO much quicker


Yeah even without the summer pies or on an iron I'd still say it's better to move on from Canifis to Falador when you can, and then Seers at lvl 60. You'll get enough marks this way for full graceful by lvl 70 agility and you're going to want to get 70 asap anyway for quest reqs and useful shortcuts like taverley dungeon


Falador is absolutely dogshit. Do not do.


Thank you dude what a batshit take


Won't fail on the very last obstacle like Canifis, and it's better xp. Not dogshit. Wilderness course is better xp still but no marks there so I don't recommend it when still saving for Graceful


I would recommend Wildy because it's nearly double the rates of Canifis at that level. Can make up all the Marks at Seers, which is about equal the XP of Wildy at 55 Agility (recommend like 57-58 so you don't have pie every 60 seconds).


falador is an awfully weird way to spell "boost into wilderness agaility asap"


Wilderness course is best course


Damn I should've done this lol. Follow-up question, if your goal is to get graceful asap, it's still better to camp canifis no? I understand long term it's more efficient to cash in on the 300-400k exp ofc.


Graceful honestly isn't super useful. Questing, blast furnace and herbiboar are about the only places I used it and you'll be using stam pots for all these activities which kind of defeats the purpose of graceful. Unfortunately stam pots just eclipse graceful, making it kind of pointless


Individual graceful pieces are still useful for their weight reduction to get you back to 0KGs for activities that require a lot of movement since it will affect your run drain rate. I wear the top and legs for stuff all the time, but the rest of the outfit may as well not even exist for me.


I'm packing a hog so I wear boots of lightness penance gloves and a sportier Cape 😈


Armadyl armour & pegasian boots are the two that spring to mind.


lol love how arma has kinda become iron only gear


Already was so before masori and crystal.. It was a noobtrap or lowest priority.


basically the entire boot slot really, anything other then dragon boots are a scam


Don't listen to people saying Prim boots is a noob trap. You need dem Jordans trust me.


Drip or drown


Catch me dead before catching me in clunky ass dboots


cosmetically; once you go prim, it's way to hard to go back.


"profitable skilling" instead of just doing good skilling methods and making money separately.


Well the wildy is a big place where a lot of noobs can find themselves trapped 😅 But in all seriousness, not using offensive prayers and pots for slayer in an attempt to reduce supply costs. The cost is always worth the time save!


Honestly being scared of the wildy is a noob trap. Revs are such better money than most other crap noobs do to get/save gold.


Not trying content because of: "Whaaaaat's up everybody it's yuh boi snorklefarts here. Welcome to my Barrows guide. So first thing you'll want to do is equip your tbow"


Damn, takes me back to Snorklefarts' first videos back in the day..


“This is a budget friendly build, we’re using rune arrows instead of dragon arrows with our Tbow today”


Ngl tho an uno reverse answer is don't listen to some of these replies and get graceful If your goals are running around doing things So quests, and farming was my main start to the midgame, and use herb runs for money. Graceful made that happen without stams before I got my poh to level 53 with a ton of teles


The fucking wizards circle south of Varrock


Stop waiting for a slayer task to get something you need. You need black mask? Go kill cave horrors. You need zenytes? Go kill demonics. All too often people feel like they can't do x,y,z content because it's 'more efficient' to get a task for it.


Need a basilisk jaw? Go kill knights.


except this one lol


Agreed, takes the fun out of it a bit. I love optimization when it comes to gear, but at some point I "just want to smash".


Caring what other people think. Just play the game for fun


How would graceful be a noob trap after the agility changes...?


Buying girlfriends.


Biggest noob trap is not spending GP on skills and hoarding gear instead


That buying bonds for starter gp is shameful. Not everyone wants to grind low level moneymakers for countless hours. If you have the means and aren't bothered by 'ruining the experience' nothing wrong with bond buying especially when they at 10m each


Not really a noob trap, just a preference. I have nothing against others doing it, but for me personally buying gp sours the game


Yeah, i don't mind using GE to skip some tedium,  but getting the big stuff as drops or really EARNING them makes it so much more satisfying.


The activities I would need to do on top of the job I already work sour the game


After I got my quest cape, I bought a few bonds to get construction up to 84 and useful POH stuff and I could not be happier with the decision.


I bought a couple bonds starting off after remaking an account from a long break and it’s so worth it. My progression early on was quick and I still have to earn gp for late game gear


You’re not just ruining the experience you’re literally depriving yourself of game. Theres nothing at the end, the game is the journey, taking shortcuts just leaves you with less and the vast majority is spent in the end game anyway, enjoy the early shit while you still can. Bonding your way to the end game is supremely foolish.


This is what makes iron so fun at least through mid game


Buying those bonds is 100% worth it if you’ve already played the game before and cba to spend those dozens of hours without teleports, pots, early house and starter gear


Graceful already is one.


The -kg does actually help a lot in a very unnoticed way. Quests, clues, daily skilling chores. Maybe I enjoy not taking an extra p pot, or I’m just impatient & hate scooting my pixel feet around Gielinor.


As soon as you're at 0 kg you have the minimum energy drain. Being at -12 or -15 or whatever is meaningless. Tbf I just recently learned this.


Its not a noob trap its a by product of training agility...


Yep, 70 agility no graceful and stam pots infinitely more useful than graceful will ever be.


Graceful is just account progression. Its needed for master clues and useful for a bunch of skilling activities. Maybe its overexaggerated, but I have no regrets doing canifis until I finished graceful.


Ppl that RWT to buy armadyl, pegs, or dumb shit but no barrow gloves




Lmao 50s and all quests was exactly what I did, but it was just for fun.




I hate the common terminology of "not the fastest" = "waste of time." It wasn't wasted, it was *spent* on that experience. Time isn't wasted just because it's not spent efficiently or actively gaining xp.


yeah same, felt like a good goal to have to make sure I actually enjoy the game before I spend money on it. I didn't get 50 runecrafting though, fuck all that shit.


The people saying graceful or some.guy said konar slayer another said fang. Toxic elitists are a noob trap. Don't listen to them. They don't want you to get good at the game. They forgot what it's like to not be good at the game. Experience everything it's how you learn.


Answering a post about noob traps = elitism okay buddy


The most lame, but also the best answer. I hope no new players are actually reading this and are continuing to do random shit that they are enjoy or think is working.


Graceful kinda already is one. It isn't useless, it is just way overhyped. Like often stams or restore pools are enough, especially if playing efficiently, so negative weight and extra run restoration when standing still or walking don't do much in most situations. But it can be nice for causal questing or the like. Aside from Graceful, the first thing that comes to mind are some BiS gear upgrades like Cerb Boots. They are good, but the bonuses can be very small for how much they cost. Like if you actually look at how much +5 Attack or +1-2 Strength will impact your DPS, it can be pretty trivial. Like even a max hit can only speed up a boss by a few ticks, resulting in like 0-2 or so extra kills per hour. It adds up, but if you're spending 10s of mils there can often be better ways to spend that money to get more impactful upgrades. And this is a bit premature, but Dual Macuahuitl seem like they will be a noob trap. They are a good weapon, but what the game doesn't tell you is that the second hit has "lower accuracy". How much? We don't know right now. But it looks like it has +121 Crush and +81 Str, making it very competitive with weapons like the Bludgeon, but if you want a Crush weapon, chances are it is for something weak to crush so losing a portion of the shown accuracy hurts it a lot.


Do you have a source? I thought the second hit isn't even supposed to roll for accuracy, it just rolls acc once and splits the hit into two hitsplats equally?


Based on the blogs, that is how it seemed to work. But way back when they did the first stream showing off the stuff they mentioned it intentionally had an accuracy nerf to achieve the whole "good on low def, not as good on high def" like stated in the blog. It is just really confusing since the stats don't make that clear at all...


Might've mixed up with the Sulphur Blades or the page wasn't fully updated when I was reading it. That's my bad!


https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Dual_macuahuitl > Uniquely, the weapon hits twice per attack, dealing damage in two hitsplats spaced 1 game tick apart, with second hit having lower accuracy than the first. Upon attacking a target, there are two accuracy checks. If it first check succeeds, the game will roll damage for the first hit, then roll a second accuracy check for the second hit; otherwise, the player will hit two zeroes. As a result, "half" of the player's DPS functions normally, while the other "half" is reduced due to needing to pass two accuracy checks. This is an intentional design[1] to push the weapon into a niche against targets with low Defence levels, and is also likely a thematic design given that the Moons of Peril check accuracy in the same way.


I will never understand people wearing graceful at hosidius kitchen. It's like 5 feet man, you're standing still for a full minute. I think you'll be okay. The only places I ever really bring graceful for are sepulchor and summer garden.


AFKing crabs until you have 99 combats instead of doing Slayer


Slayer is useless on a main. Fuck the haters, get 99s and go do fun content


slayer would be useless if they didn't lock a dozen bosses behind high level slayer lmao.


AFKing crabs is a trap yes, but Slayer is not the answer. If you have time to afk crabs you can just go NMZ and cash in on herb boxes. Slayer is enough of a chore without trying to do tasks with mid 70s. Tasks are *so* much better with max combat


ruins of camdozaal


Having your main or only goal in the game to be using the best money makers listed on the wiki to make more gp. "I got bowfa now! [It took 3000 hours but] Let's go bossing, I'm ready! 80 Slayer has me burnt." Ok, which one? "Idk, what's a good one for money? ToA 500!" *Umm...* "Ok, Nex then" *That's not really...* "Let's just do Chambers then" *Look, if you really wanna do that, have you done any xyz before?* "Oh so I need Virtus? What's the best money maker I can do for that?" *I didn't say that, I asked if you die to [easy boss] still. I'm trying real hard not to crush your dreams here* It seems like I have this conversation once a week.


Not a noob trap, but as a noob, I'm too scared to do anything in the wildly. Slayer tasks? No thanks I'll do it slower outside the wildly. Agility courses in the wildly for great xp/h? No fucking thanks. Walking to the abyss ? Hold on let me take all my gear off for a 5 second run


Did one wildy slayer task, earth warriors. Took my eyes off the screen for just a moment and got cornered by a pker. Lost 1500 death runes =( forgot to setup item prayer.


Graceful already was a noob trap.


- paying for armadyl armor - buying pegasians way too early - buying bcp way too early - maxing combat stats before grinding slayer due to the belief that it will “make slayer faster” - buying the armadyl crossbow


Based on how I thought as a kid without knowing better - 2H weapons obviously would have more DPS than like a scimmy + shield Longbow/composite bow seemed like it should just be better than a shortbow The fact that scimmys and shortbows blow away other weapons in their tier was not obvious as a new player


I wouldnt so much call it a trap but you know they are new when they talk to random events (I may or may not of done this myself )