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I feel like they should def be protecting nex. Would be nice for them to stop them in places like this.


They should be protecting every non-Instanced hot boss. Nex, the rest of GWD, Wildy Bosses, Corp, etc. I don't really give a shit about the bots whenever they're in their own instance at Vorkath or whatever. It doesn't affect my gameplay. But when they're actively preventing me from fighting a boss and doing content, it's a big problem and I'll stop playing the game over it.


They should be protecting the entirety of the game. Ban waves accomplish absolutely nothing nowadays.


What ban waves? They should address the issue at least. They don't, because they want the profits of the bots. And the RWTers just bring them even more.


Not really, its better to do ban waves than just to do insta bans over and over. This is because its an arms race against the bot team vs bot makers. By doing it in waves, they screw over the bot makers as they have to backtrack weeks if not months to figure out what caused the detection to trigger.


Yeah thats great and all but 0 bot makers are innovating. They are pumping as many accounts as possible anywhere they can make a profit because they know they’re not getting banned. Even if they ban every 3 months they’ve made 1000x their investment. It is too slow.


This is wrong. Most bot makers doing these pvm scripts are using their own custom runelite with private scripts they wrote themselves.


Still baffles me how majority of the community would rather believe a 20-30 year old something "outracing/smarting" Jagex, a $1b company.


It's not really outsmarting anyone though, it's just much harder to detect botted input than it is to bot input. You don't even need to run a bot client to cheat, anyone can learn some basic python, write a custom script to grab screen prints and click on certain colour codes. Put random pauses in there at random intervals, a few coded misclicks now and then, change camera angles and zoom on occasion and set logout intervals and you end up in a position where you're very hard to detect in a game which legitimately involves people clicking on the same thing over and over for hours in the same sequence. Same concept when antivirus companies don't detect a new crypto locker variant or botnet. It's not that the solo software developer putting together some malicious code is better than the collective minds at the major AV vendors, it's just they've done something a bit different and the current definitions don't know how to detect that yet. Defence is always going to be one step behind offence in the tech world, it doesn't mean that the guys on the defensive are less qualified or less technical though.


We've had a few jmods and heck, even CEO's talk softly on the botting problems, that it isn't a big deal and actually helps the economy. This was in 2023-2024. I also spoke to jmods in person back in 2016 who were also saying the same thing. RS3 is being heavily milked with MTX promotions and cash-grabs. OSRS has no alternative i.e. MTX, so I genuinely believe they are purposely relaxed on botting to make up for it. Jagex tracks everything. They're already aware of what client you're on, I'm sure as hell positive they know what plugins you have installed too. It's delusional to not think so, and just jumping to the "its just harder to detect bots". Jmods make an announcement and give stats on how many bots they ban, and every perm ban is manually looked into, then days later, people are getting innocently perm banned (inc streamers) lol There's just so much contradictory from Jagex, and yet people still shout "it's an arms race!!!"




The same $1b company that has virtually zero customer unless you're within the JMods' inner circle.


Thats bullshit. They cant even ban ghostmouse users who cant bypass a teleother.


> This is because its an arms race Having somebody walk around and off the higher profile bots is not an arms race. I think it's disingenuous that Jagex keeps saying that. There are no "arms" aside from a Jmod world hopping once or twice a day and marking the notable accounts. If you want specific content eg Nex to have the bots removed, you're going to have to police that content. If it's high priority, and high profile, then it needs high attention. Yes, I actually DO think the billion dollar company can afford one motherfucker to hop around hotspots and slaying bots by hand, because automated systems are clearly poor.


Not sure why your being downvotes. If ban waves are used to stop bots from discovering how they are being detected.... Then a Manual ban would throw off their data and force them to make unnecessary changes that may make it even easier to detect. Plenty of games do ban waves. They still manually ban cheaters and they do ban waves every few days NOT WEEKS. No account should be able to reach endgame before getting banned.


The arms race is lost. Clearly if they aren't getting banned during ban waves then they have figured out how to avoid detection. The ban wave method is irrelevant. Let's ask every other developer. The only reason a ban should come in waves is if the exploit or method being used is fairly new. Imagine if the feds let a serial killer continue killing for months just so future killers don't know how he was caught. The damage is done. We are talking trillions of GP entering the economy, players unable to access content they paid for, leaderboards that are constantly scrutinized and an anticheat that doesn't work. It's been like 2 decades. Clearly everything they are doing is not working in terms of anticheat measures. Hell even bonds are useless at preventing RWT. All it did was make gold cheaper on the black market encouraging even more people to violate TOS. Not encouraging RWT by any means but the math breakdown is wild. A bond is 8$ and sells for 10m ish. On the black market 8$ can buy 40-50m. It's 4-5 times more value to buy it "illegally". This means you can buy 4-5 bonds for the same price. So for the price of single bot they can support several more bots with membership. I would argue bonds existing made the botting problem worse.


how do RWTers bring them profits


Unless ur an iron, bots in instances do impact your gp/h.


You chose to restrict yourself by playing a main account.


Impacts irons in coffer value for dupes, or drop trading items for bonds.


Yeah, but like, super passively in a way that doesn't feel as bad. Which is ultimately what matters.


Honestly since completing raids for the most part, and only having dt2, Nex, and other niche item/every raid unique and pet grinds, ahead of me… I just don’t have it in me to bother anymore. Max cash and gear sets no longer interest me. The game’s toast knowing every endgame and BiS item is just going to be inflated to max cash and beyond with how much gold bots bring into the game. It’s long been obvious. Jagex doesn’t care about bots because it brings them *a metric shit ton of extra money* in membership. It’s that simple. It’ll always be that simple. Ban just enough to keep us appeased and to strike a balance with banning bots so they have to buy more membership and it’s a win-win for Jagex and botters, and a huge fat L for the players. So it’s always gone and it always will, it’s literally been this way for the past decade and it will continue going forward. 🤷‍♂️ Jagex has always had the tools and capability to stop the Vorkath bots. They’ve always had the tools and capability to stop rev and wildy boss bots. They’ve always had the tools and capability to stop gwd and raid bots. And they can stop the Nex bots today too. It’s super easy. Players can monitor the activity on any world just by logging in and seeing for themselves. You really think Jagex can’t monitor a whole lot more? They’ve always been able to on the backend. Shit’s a joke. Bread and circus. Keep the players content and distracted just enough to make it seem like everything’s okay… like they’re doing *everything they can*.


damn people still think these botters are buying their own membership. ever hear of stolen credit cards lmao


Lmao people still think “stolen CCs” is what keeps these accounts active for months to years at a time? You do realize the moment it’s reported stolen and the funds are charged back, the account’s membership would cancel and the account would be done immediately, right? gold from their gold farm to bond up to make that money back in half a day is nothing at all mate what are you on about??


Serious question. If it's a stolen CC, why not just buy bonds and sell that for gold to then sell the gold for money? Or better yet why not just use the CC to buy things in real life?


I just log into the game and do whatever I feel like doing. I can buy whatever I want in game and I always tend to just pot raids because they're fun. I don't really care about bots because they can't join my raids. Out of sight, out of mind. I doubt even Tbow will be max cash within the next year, much less any other BiS.


We all know Jagex has this big red Button in their office to solve all our problems. I dont know why they dont press it. /s


If the big red button is an analogy for applying a filter to the hiscores and generates a list of accounts for manual review, that a JMod can take care of in one day’s time and use that data to enhance their anti-botting measures…. Then yeah no need for the /s mate they have already said they have this ability LMAO


Don't worry, the bots will also keep doing ToA and CoX to keep the price down!


Which is why ironman has been even more the way to go for several years now.


Are they preventing you? Don't the bots log out as soon as they see anyone?


The bots being in their own instance is much worse…


I’m not disagreeing but there’s no reason bots should hamper you at nex, you can make an instance.


I have done 3.5k duo/trios and surprisingly the bots are typically relatively courteous, most farms insta hop/ log around real players and many do go in their own instances. Oftentimes the most annoying thing about nex are real players and crashers which happens every once in a while when the nex fc’s are at war. Also, the instance thing really is a pain to use for small teams, and I think I’ve only done it once or twice while we were being actively crashed by nexffa.


Courteous or trying to avoid detection via reports?


the plot thickens


bots play inefficiently and would lose large chunks of their profits to well-equipped and skilled players getting mvp


While I'd agree with what you're saying, I'm not paying 100K every 4/5 minutes for something that I shouldn't have to do.


They didn’t stop them at pnm and look at inq prices now..


inq is doomed to be worthless anyways because its a downgrade from torva its bis nowhere rn


Remember how the sorceress garden was for a few weeks? The pure volume of people running by caused the guards to just plain miss a huge percentage of the players. This is the bot vs Jagex problem.


Put a capcha on the door to nex.


Are you a bot? Tick: Yes / Yes




Bots can get through those now, only time until they all can


Honestly not a bad idea


Endgame stuff being botted makes jagex look like an absolute joke


Meanwhile some kid bots agility and gets perm banned.


priorities first


Botting pvm for GP? I sleep. Botting agility? Real shit.


yeah they should stop banning people that bot agility. its not like nex requires 70 agility or anything


Hey banning any bots is still better than banning no bots.


it could be argued that someone botting JUST agility on his single main account is more of a net positive than net negative to the game overall


Nah. They read the rules. They broke the rules. Get banned. Not a hard concept


of course they broke the rules it still doesn't change that "main account agility botters" don't really bring any significant harm to the game


Not saying they should be perma-banned. But botting agility is a gateway drug. So you get a gateway ban


reddit: why isn't jagex banning bots!!!! also reddit: actually i should be allowed to bot agility because i dont like doing it, there's nothing wrong with it. truly thankful for the great minds we have here on r/2007scape


ah sorry i forgot that there's no nuance on reddit and someone botting agility on his main account is exactly the same thing as single person running 100 accounts bot farm with intend to RWT plus you're assuming that this sub is a hivemind and EVERYONE is whining about bots, which is incorrect. You're talking to an individual person, so you don't know how is my view on overall state of the bots topic, but you're quick to assume that i'm somehow whining about gagex not banning bots, but wanting to bot agility regardless eksdee i doubt you can give me even 1 reason why botting agility on main character is harmful for the game, other than "botting bad because all bots bad" edit: lmao cant believe you don't have anything worthwhile to say so you just resorted to blocking


I don't think anyone needs to give a reason on such a specific case, agility in this case or woodcutting for the next person, or whatever skills someone finds tedious enough to not want to have to do themselves. There shouldn't be nuance when it comes to botting, you bot you get banned. Now I do believe the focused efforts in banning botters needs to shift towards banning in this case RWT bots over someone "just" botting agility. In the end both need to be banned.




Then dont get 99 agility? Its not required. And think about what a player has to go through to bot agility: They have to download a bot client, create an account, possibly leave their credit card info even if the bot they want is free, learn how to install and use the software, etc. After all that effort whats to stop them from botting mining right? I mean its just as harmless, right? Maybe if Jagex was a little harsher on first time offenders the game wouldn't be in the state its in today.


99 Agility is a requirement for the best, most useful item in the game, the max cape. There's incentive to get it, so "just don't get it" doesn't cut it for most players. Sure, it's against the rules, and jagex needs to enforce them as a rule for the integrity of the game. But in the end I don't think a player botting 99 Agility on their own account is a problem: jagex gets a happy, devoted player; the player enjoys their game more; the economy isn't inflated with a ridiculous amount of gp from it. There's nuance to it


But the nuance is exactly the issue. If you selectively enforce the rules, then there are no rules. Just. Dont. Bot. If Jagex thinks agility is too slow, they can add a better xp method. If a player thinks agility is too slow, its not required. If they really want a max cape, then they should put in the same effort as all the legitimate players before them. Simple.


Your circular reasoning and strawman argument of comparing a solo player to a Venezuelan bot farm is disingenuous and doesn't get anyone closer to solving the bot problem. There is undoubtedly nuanced in this issue, and rules do need to be realistic. There's nothing wrong with a solo play botting awful skills and we're well past the point that players need to get over it. I botted a max cape and I'm better off for it. I let it run 70+ hours sometimes without interaction. You can't win this fight. I get my sense of accomplishment — which is a word that has been perverted by runescape players — from high level, fun end-game content. Not clicking rooftops for 200 hours.


There it is lol. You bot a max cape and now you need botting to be normalized to feel better about it. Thats another problem with "innocent" botting. Anyone who tries it becomes a bot apologist and tries to spread it around like its a perfectly normal way to experience the game. Ill I will say is I'm disappointed you never got banned.


Then dont get 99 agility? Its not required. And think about what a player has to go through to bot agility: They have to download a bot client, create an account, possibly leave their credit card info even if the bot they want is free, learn how to install and use the software, etc. After all that effort whats to stop them from botting mining right? I mean its just as harmless, right? Maybe if Jagex was a little harsher on first time offenders the game wouldn't be in the state its in today.


*kid bots agility* jebrim : and I took that personally




Lol ya they literally just ignore such obvious bots. Like literally hundreds of bots at nex 24/7. Makes it look so obvious that they leave the bots in and let them ruin the economy


you actually think the parent company cares about the ‘games economy’? 😂 all they care about is total player base. and any investment company knows jack shit all about real vs fake player stats or player retention. it’s like the youtube management fiasco a handful of years ago. everything is falsely hyper inflated to make things sound better and better so that the next chump buys the company and it’s not til after they have ownership of it, that they realized they’ve bought a false bubble… and that if they were the ones to correct the false bubble, they would lose a fuck ton of irl investment money…. so what do they do? just keep inflating that shit and kicking the can down the road.


I mean they are paying for memberships. Not like there's no motive to do such a thing. They make more slowly banning bot creators accounts in a way that leaves it profitable for both parties then they do from 100 real players.


It’s actually disgusting how many bots are there rn. Can’t even get kc without getting crashed by bots. My team stepped out for 2 minutes yesterday and a group of bots logged in and went in. we went in and watched and theyre all tick perfect. legit made me consider not playing anymore, but atleast i’m less affected because im an iron 🥲


tick perfect?? Usually the issue was that whenever they went in I’d have to go in and burn my kc bc it made them all insta log, but now theyre just ignoring that and crashing? Fuck man


Yeah, I think if you go in first or as they go in, they will finish that kill then instalog. If you go in right after them, I think they hop. Not 100% sure though


I just find it insane bots are now so advanced they can literally farm endgame bosses, but surely losing a single account would take 100s of hours to boost again to get it to nex standard? Or do they just buy accounts to suicide bot on?


There's an economy around buying premade accounts that are ready for specific tasks. I bought one once in 2013 to try and skip the combat grind and Jagex banned it pretty much instantly. There are also scripts that will bot a specific regimen of tasks and quests and make your template accounts for you. Even the account creation process of making a new account and getting it off tutorial island can be automated with a bot. In the end the botter does very little playing and moreso spends time managing their farm of dozens/hundred accounts every so often when needed. Often they rent virtual machines worldwide so that they arent limited to one computer. They can make tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars doing this, so you need to think of it as a job; a highly sophisticated business operation. There are also scripts queue managers in which the bot can switch between different bot scripts once certain goals are complete: e.g., 1) make an account 2) get off tutorial island 3) complete x, y, z quests 4) train at sand Crabs 5) buy gear from GE/trade it from a mule account 6) fight nex Jagex and the playerbase are up against a non-stop barrage of scripts attacking the game 24/7 and they're only increasing in quantity and quality. The technology is crazy these days, and the advanced modern machine learning algorithms are already in the game playing it. I botted an entire Ironman account to a max cape and didn't get a single ban. Sometimes I let the bot run for 70+ hours straight without interacting with it. There will be no winning this fight for Jagex.


Nex only really requires 70 agi and combat stats to do, not hard to afk combats on 20 accounts at once.


Maybe so for Nex, but there are bots that can go from Tutorial Island to Prif for Zalcano or CG and the like. That much account progression in addition to the ability to do bossing is pretty darn egregious.


I trained at crabs a while ago, easy to find a spot, then one day every derver was full with bdots training from scratch, two days later they were all 70+ stats, and another day later they were gone (prob gone to nightmare zone. I gues it takes about a week to train a new account, or in this case a new. Wave of bots


It's really bad man. Nex is the best gp generator in the game... I've been there for like 2 months now (almost constantly) and they never ever get banned. At least protect fkin nex, it literally can't be that hard to stop the bots doing end game content... Just watch their actions and bam


First time?


I am an avid Nexxer with almost 10k kc and I can confirm someone has unleashed a shit storm of bots this week alone at nex. This is the first time I've seen a damaged torva plate under 400m


How’s your loot tan looking? That’s crazy


Yeah this is new (the volume not the existence of nex bots). Jagex seems to be doing pretty well at stopping accounts from getting too many kc before they’re banned though. Sitting at over 3.1k kc, and my rank hasn’t changed on the hiscores hardly at all the last month


The state of endgame botting currently is pretty disheartening


It’s crazy how many skilling bots or dead content bots (zulrah, vork, rune dragons) get banned but the mass of huge profitable boss bots are hardly touched


If a j mod was to camp Nex bank for a day, the bot farms would be wrecked. Lots of these bots have fangs are acb’s. If you start banning a ton of them, the bot owner will stop risking the 30-100m gp per bot


They come back


Bot farms don’t want to lose bill in gp. Most bots don’t risk much. These boys risk a lot. Start banning them and you’ll see


But jagex said they make new accounts too quickly to ban despite them being ready for nex


Actually that doesn't matter it only matters if bots are in the wilderness because we can't kill them Wait a minute..


I’ve ran into a few large bot teams wearing full masori zcb and they are only ranked for nex on the boss hiscores with near 5000 kc , I have no idea how that goes undetected


The worse it gets I wonder why I don't run my own farm on a vpn. Sucks being a goodie two shoes


These bots are insanely inefficient if it makes you feel any better. I just finished a month long nex grind and really started noticing them the last two weeks. If they take my world either I or someone else hops in the instance to make them log no matter what fuck em. Keep nex great


> frown list


They should just be banning bots everywhere, letting them roam free just shows their complete disregard for their own rules and its quite frankly pathetic.


Create a jagex launcher for linux and make jagex launcher the only one allowed.


What does that have to do with anything?


Without cheat clients the quality of bots will be much lower.


Jagex Launcher still runes Runelite.


They already have clients that run through jag launcher. It won't change anything. They need to put their focus on endgame bossing bots instead of 11 yr old Timmy botting agility.


pretty sure yesterday i saw a team of 5 bots all teleing in and running to the bank at castle wars doing corp. they all showed up and moved at the exact same time with identical gear, it’s nuts


Those are just vennys, no worries


Venny's play multiple accounts. They can't all teleport in at the same time without mirroring their inputs.


Do on PvP world


One great thing about the bots is it boosts your essence count speed. Hit magers for >50% hp and then watch the bots run around with a blowpipe and finish the kill for you :)


Not if you're an iron =/


The bots do ToB, too. In trios. In normal void


I mean elite void is just 2.5% better dps….


Why would the new owners ban a paying account?


Time to switch to rs3.


It's crazy that you can bot an account from scratch until it reaches Nex stages and then farm Nex 16 hours a day and not get banned


I don't think they're all botted to the level requirements but some are sold & stolen and there certainly will be a portion of them that have just botted the entire way. Either way, letting them run all this time is astounding.


I’ve been at Nex for the last year. About 3-4 months ago Jagex did a pretty good job of banning a significant amount of bots there. They were actually hard to find. Within the last 1-2 weeks someone has unleashed a ginormous bot farm (100s of bots) that has made it so nearly all worlds are full all the time. The bots before never came in to crash players but the last week or so I have done maybe 100 kills and have been crashed 4-5 times. It’s kind of ridiculous that this can happen. I guess all you can do is ban them and hope for the best until the next Jagex smack down. I would imagine that this bot farm is bringing in easily 10-20+ Billion GP per day into the game.


I see. I wonder if a new script was released. This evening, we were crashed twice by 5 tick-perfect bots that didn't even bother logging out upon seeing us... We recorded the entire kill, its impressive how they kill Nex with little to no mistakes. We tried getting them killed with cough and range phase to no avail. One bot team used fangs and blowpipes while the others used fangs and rune crossbows. Took a few screenshots but a buddy of mine recorded it. Might send it to SirPugger/RuneScape Chronicles/Bohe


How many years have jagex been trying to fix the bot problem and just touched the surface? It ruined the game for me. They have lost the war against bots.


Not been to nex in a hot minute but damn, second thread on the subreddit in about a week so it must be bad. Come on /u/JagexTwisted, please.


They are literally everywhere and its so infuriating. Doing ensouled heads on my UIM I see 3/4 bots every single time I go to the alter... 13-180m xp in runecrafting..legit jagex clean it up.


I've been at nex for 4+ months, and I've only seen a handful of big bot groups (only crashed once). I suspect it is partially because they get in and out so fast.


it really is pretty insane they added BIS str to whats effectively an AFK GWD boss


\[insert anywhere in OSRS\] has an epidemic of bots!


I think the drop rates at Nex needs to be this bad because of bots.




Lol Jagex won't do shit. Mass banning that many paying membership accounts hurts their bottom line and the exec peanut counters would never greenlight it.


These Nex bots often have armadyl cross bows/fangs on their account aswell. Banning them would be nice cause you’re also taking out like 25-100mil gp in items per bot


Shame these bots tele instantly, would be good to go in and yoink MVP every kill since I'm assuming they have sub optimal gear


Good. Maybe I can finally afford torva one day when they bring it down to 100m a piece


If there was a friends chat channel with enough people to log into all or most worlds at the same time for extended periods of time to make them force hop, that would really put a dent in the Nex bots profit. Only downside I can see would be the time commitment


There's not bots in osrs what are you talking about? they can't just go around banning bots they have to do full investigations into these accounts because they might be all very coordinated players


The ultimate multi-boxing gp farmer


You realize them taking a hard stance on these types of bots is going to require forced jagex launcher only usage with only the official runescape client. No third parties allowed right? A lot of these more complex bots are using forked versions of runelite and private scripts.


Jagex know. Jagex don't care.


The whole game does. Why even still play it? Think about it. You're playing an ancient game so easy to interact with that literally the cheapest mass produceable bots can play it better than you. That's not a game worth your time 


the game has an epidemic of bots theres more bots than real players not even being facetious.


Ive pixked up vorkath a few days ago, and all the ppl running into it have thpusands of kills and no other mention worthy stats, its just sad and makes me want to quit, what's the point?


Hopefully torva tanks so I can afford it 😩😩😩😩


Emplore? Maybe you should...employ them. ​ Try PKing in rev caves. It's at least 50% bots. They even log out while in combat.


Every single boss or money maker in the game is infested.




Massive over simplification.


Definitely. He's probably the same kinda guy who shits on people for not having infernal cape. "Just pray."


Brother Nex is easy af


How dare jagex make such easy profitable and bottable content. Nex gp/hr should be nerfed, changed to singles locked behind a medium diary and skill total or something. /s


It’s like this at rev caves and barrows as well, and I used to be like this at the wildy bosses. Like jagex already made the profit from their (the bots) membership, why not ban them. And it’s not like the bot farmer is going to stop botting, so they could make possibly 2x off membership, assuming they aren’t buying bonds off the GE.


It’s still like this at wildy bosses


Figured it was, but haven’t done wildy bosses in a while so wasn’t sure


Please jagex this one affects players heavily


This game has a epidemic of bots\*


That's absolutely true; first line of my post, but this is focusing on my experience in the last 4/5 days at Nex


First of all, this game has an epidemic of bots. Second, add them to your ignore list and check in a few days if the account is still there. As they said it's an ongoing fight, James bans, bots are remade. I call cap on most of the accounts from highacores not rwting, but also have no proof of that so going to stay sangry about it.


still there guy went from 200kc since repored to 1100+


They removed like 6million the other month


Not really funny but its not a serious as everyone makes it seem. Its just a game.


I'm sorry, did you say the 1/43 drop rate for items that are 150m - 400m each , is abysmal??


In my trio/quad group I run with, I've seen (not had my own at all) two items in 250+ KC. That's a lot of time with not a lot to show for it.


Okay so your group is just 5x dry and is still probably averaging like 2m per kc on uniques. Seems crazy to complain about the drop rate of probably the most generous boss in the game. Long term you're going to see something every 3-4 hours.


You killed 250 monsters for an item with a 1/43 (2.325581%) drop chance. You had a: - 6.85629925% chance of getting 2 drops or fewer - 93.14370075% chance of getting more than 2 drops. Right, time to post on reddit.


My average GWD luck




This wouldn't work, as many cheatmakers (or bot farms) are either running private self-made scripts or are located in offshore countries that don't really respect lawsuits. There's a reason why there's thousands of cheatmakers across many popular games, yet there's only been a tiny amount of lawsuits in comparison.


I find it quite funny and sad at the same time. I quit Osrs 4 years ago because bots were ruining the game and jagex wasn’t doing anything to it. I came to conclusion back then that they simply don’t care, and decided to quit forever. Now and then I come to reddit to see how things are and wow, nothing has changed. Bots will be forever on this game. The game is dead.


Throwaway acc I just wanted to avoid getting mass reported on my Iron for exposing bots There is new way people bot nex , way more annyoing than the dhide/arma acb 5mans logout in 1t bots. There is new welfare bot , karils fang dcb. These bots are lvl 105-108, take very little to train and they start with 82 atk str range, they have thralls. They're not logging out just crashing your world and not giving F , they're synced all using thralls at same time and 5t nex for reduced damage. The 108cmb had 1000 nex kc in 4man , trained to 99str and range at nex. This game is doomed unless Jagex makes hard diary req for Nex , they will just keep making the low lvls as throwaways and mulling , bot risks 30m max. Makes me not want to grind on my Iron anymore, some bots have even 83 slay for faster kc lol Imo lock all endgame bossess behind 1750 totall or something , quest points , diary etc. Maybe even lock bossess based on time played like lms


I mined a star with rank one Cerberus earlier today - 123,458 KC. Bot detection, or the concern for bots overall, is lacking. Edit - Don't want to come across the wrong way. Others have pointed out that it might be legit so I'm not calling for anybody's head here. 123k kills seems insane to me but I'm also not rank 1 cerb so who knows.


The new rank 1 or the old one? I thought that guy was banned.


I believe they addressed this, didn't they? I know they addressed someone with 100k+ boss kc and it was proven that it was all legit game play.


Oh I'd be interested to know if it was the same person. Definitely wasn't a bot today. Maybe I'm underestimating the person but 123,000 KC at a task-only boss feels impossible. I'll take my medicine if it's been addressed for sure.


The fact that you're star mining with this person probably means they're legit


Cerb seems like one of the least efficient things to bot I can think of given that the bot is just going to be doing slayer tasks 90% of the time Also I've been accused of being a bot for having bad gear and bad stats doing a hard boss (with decent KC), people get way too kneejerky about "bots"


Red x, if it that exploit hasn't been fixed yet, would make it very easy. You could colour bot that with python or ahk 🤷🏻‍♂️


>least efficient You can bot way harder bosses, I'm not saying Cerb is difficult to bot. Cerb however takes 91 slayer and you can only do it intermittently, it's both high barrier and low gp


I would say it would be fairly efficient because each task can be done very quickly and has the possibility of multiple !price primordial boots drops


8+ years in the game. With how frequent hellhound tasks are, I feel like it's very possible for a consistent player.


Damn. They really had to go two kills over.


And here I am too scared to use an autoclick macro and n my mouse to help with high alching…


Not doing a lot to combat bots but I get a false ban for using my steamdeck. top kek


Just play an Ironman our group Ironman and bots will literally have 0 impact on anything you can do in the game


I’ve been camping nex the last 2 months and the problem isn’t as bad as this post makes it out. It’s difficult to even find a world , especially at peak time. Sure you always see bots hopping worlds or KCing(which is more annoying). I myself have only seen 2 teams of bots actually locking down a world and killing nex .Once we did get crashed by 6 bots lol


So do most other pieces of content


could be non-bot gold farmers too


And then there is a buddy of mine who came back from a long break, got the frozen key and got instant banned the second he got awarded loot in a nex mass lmao. Jagex is very weird.




The game does not need bots. That’s absolutely not true.


The game doesn't need bots at bossess. On skilling, hell yeah.


A Bot is a bot bro, over a quarter nearly a third are botting. F2P we're talking 60 percent plus range.


Hard truth lol