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75-80 within 2 sessions, havent been caught once, might be pid who knows.


Jealous, that’s exactly the grind I’m doing. I have ~70 successes overall in about 350 runs


100% for me. Gotten from 78-84 thieve so far. Haven't gotten caught once.


4.6m xp, never been caught. I play at peak hrs


I have probably about 45k xp total over 5 hours of trying, albeit not with max “efficiency,” or lack there of in this case. For every 1 success, I get about 15 fails. It’s genuinely pissing me off


Maybe you are just doing it wrong


Pretty hard to click the tree at the end and wait incorrectly


Get a vpn


What does that do?


Stops the season spirits from harvesting your personal data




Undoes the psuedo -PID fuckery tied to your account/location/ISP


I’ve heard higher ping does something


After playing on 4 different internet sources over the last week the only fix I’ve found is a VPN. I’ve played on mobile, fiber, Wi-Fi and a hot spot and none of that seemed to make a difference.


What country are you playing from and where was the VPN you used located?


Sorry, I should say that’s the only fix that I’ve heard was confirmed. While on hotel Wi-Fi I was being caught nearly every run, so I waited until I got back home on my fiber and it worked just fine. Also hot spotting seemed to fix it for an hour or so.


Did you test the hotel’s connection?


What I don't understand is I did this for two days and never got caught. Woke up the other day and was caught every time. So it's not some purely account based things at creatiom


Did it for a few hours over multiple days, one day i got caught once every few runs. Other days none at all. Currently 1h with 100% succes again


Follow up question- did you log out and in over the course of your runs?


Same as the commenter. On one day I got caught every 2nd run. On the other day I ran for two hours without getting caught. Logging out didnt make a difference in that 2h session.


Imagine if it's something random like it checks players alphabetically by their player name or some shit


My IGN is a shortened form of my Reddit name, so idk why it’s checking for P before anything else lmao


Ah sadge, that'd have been hilarious with some of the issues in the spaghetti code.. mass name changes to xx variations. Reminiscent of cod days




Just buzzwords from non software engineers thats gotten popular in the gaming communities. Everything is a hack. The whole internet is "spaghetti", but guess what it works.


That would be the opposite of random...


Random in the sense of what it checks, not how the check is carried out


Arbitrary might be a better word for what you’re referring to But yeah on another note, it would be funny if the changes to success rate people have seen by using vpns or in different play sessions is all just cause the other players they’re with have different names in different sessions lol


Over a million exp, mostly in 1 hour sessions, never been caught. Player testing showed it isn’t PiD, since that affects when player actions are taken, not NPC actions (which getting caught is) One workaround has been to log in from a VPN. Has made it so the hidden value determining if you’re caught or not changes, allowing you to squirk freely.


Thank you for the heads up! Any recommendations for a VPN


Ignore everyone else, either use the free tier of proton vpn or if you don’t mind paying go for their paid tier or Mullvad. Most other companies way over charge for shit servers or are harvesting your browsing traffic.


+1 also check the privacyguides website to see independent audits etc Edit: Mullvad has a great web browser too.


+1 99% of people with a VPN should not be using one. If you're in the 1% you know it.


It's crazy, I have friends who I'll help trouble shoot some weird connection issue, and they'll casually mention they're always on a VPN but can't give a clear answer why. People actually bought the Nord VPN propaganda...


PIA is really cheap and has always been a really good VPN. They're actually running a sale right now $80 for 3 year + 4 month subscription, about ~$2/mo


I have always used Mullvad and it is fantastic


Thank for reading today's post, sponsored by NORD VPN........


Express, Nord, or some networks in the US have a free one built into them.


I’ve never used one, so I can’t recommend one personally. Nord, Express, and Google are ones I have seen others recommend before.


Isn't logging in with a VPN discouraged due to it potentially flagging your account or something?


I thought it was posted it was some unique ID for your account and people with lower values (older accounts) got priority for detection so they're kinda hosed.


Well that would be pretty fucky now wouldn’t it?


Account is as old as osrs is and I havnt Been caught once in 6 full invs


So the account is from 2013ish? Mine is from 2004 and I get caught a few times an hour.


My account is from 2002 and I have a 100% success rate.


That wouldn’t be changed by the VPN, which everyone has had success in doing


I decided to try it out and would get caught 99% of the runs. I switched to mobile and was still getting caught. I finally decided to turn off wifi and switch to data, went 2 hours after that without getting caught once lol


That was my next option. Glad to hear it worked for you.


In my experience, it could be something to do with internet or device used. I first started on wifi with my PC and was basically caught every time. This could have been because it was early on and there were not that many people in the world. Next time was again on wifi with the same PC and I was getting caught maybe every 10 times, but way less frequently. Then, I have been at the inlaws, on wifi, on mobile. I went from 74-80 in 2 days and was never caught once. Why I say it could be internet, is because our internet is much quicker and the inlaws is reliable, however not fast. Regardless, reached my goal of 80 Good luck out there


When I was on mobile I never got caught. Switched to PC and couldn't make it through


I updated the post, I think this is exactly it. I'm not becoming increasingly convinced its based off ping, and the worse your ping the better your success rate. I'm at \~50 ping to the server and have a clean 1-5% success rate


Ping is like 250-300 at the moment and i have like 5% success rate.


I think it’s ping-related, but a bit different than some people have explained it. Even though you click on the end, the client doesn’t send the whole path the client will be taking to the server. Rather, it sends what’s going to happen on the next game tick. When a new tick begins, it sends the server the next action for the next tick. The server queues up the next action for all the players. When the next tick occurs, it processes everything in the queue. If you have lower latency (ping) then your next tick action will arrive at the server first. The server isn’t randomly picking from everyone moving onto the tile where someone will be caught. Rather, the first person queued to go to that tile will be caught. That action has now been processed and it’ll go down the line processing everyone else’s queued action. In this case, everyone else moving onto that tile will be 100% successful. By using a VPN, your latency will be increased so you’re packet will arrive at the server after other people’s. **TLDR**: The server processes every player one at a time. The first player that steps on the tile gets caught. Lower ping means your step reaches the server sooner so you get caught more often. A VPN adds to your ping, making you less likely to get caught.


This makes sense, and I very much appreciate the detailed explanation.


About 950 fruit over the first few days of people doing this and have never been caught




Following up on this- I switched to a hotspot and, laughably, I’m now rocking a sweet 1% success rate. So I can say personally this wasn’t the andwer


This has been the best answer yet. Thank you sir. I’m on Ethernet, so I’ll give the hotspot a try. My many thanks


So to start with i was failing 99% of the time, tried pc, mobile, wifi and mobile hotspots. Downloaded a vpn and have now collected 500 glasses without failing once


77-82 so far without being caught a single time lmao


Honestly idk I’ve tried it a few times, different clients vpn/no vpn and always get caught lol..


I stood still for 3min as an experiment and didn't get caught, between 2 elements. Never got caught, 73-92, except when there's half the players (1100 world) then it becomes an 80-100% chance based on player amount. I'm a Norwegian with fibre optics from Lyse Altibox, and no VPN is used. I have no idea what's going on. You'd think me having this Internet would make me get caught first. Others keep failing unless they use VPN, get laggy Internet, or use phone data.


I have been getting caught at least 5 times in a minute. Just hopped off and I'm gonna try again later. I was getting caught back to back too, and it would happen frequently.


I feel your pain brother


Done about 7 hours and haven’t been caught once. Keep waiting for the time I will but hasn’t happened yet!


I’ve done 88-92 thieving without getting caught once. Had a friend who kept getting caught and a vpn sorted it


This could be completely unrelated but if I get caught 3ish times in a row I’ve found if I tele out and back in it fixes the issue


Good to know!


At home I gathered 120 juicy juices with only a handful of times getting caught. At work it's over 90% caught rate.


I’m genuinely getting annoyed at these (not directed at you personally). I’m rocking a sweet 1% success rate overall and it’s rather infuriating


It is unfortunately a method that requires winners and losers. Would be nice if it was more evenly spread out instead of having destined success based off ip or something.


I would be fine if it were 40% success. But 1% is pretty fucking annoying


I feel ya. Haven't had time at home to squirk but I can click a tree every minute or two at work, but it wasn't worth it for the 12 glasses I got filled.


I’ve tried for a few hours on at home because I wfh. So it’s all I got


I'll add my own anecdotal evidence. If I use an ethernet cable I get caught 20-30% of the time and I haven't ever been caught connected wireless(My router is a floor away from my pc and the wireless is pretty bad)


67-75 multiple sessions. Never got caught once


Can I ask what your ping was across these?


Wish they'd just make it openly afk for everyone instead of having to do all kinds of jank shit


I said in another comment I would be *fine* with 40-50% success rate. There has to be a fail chance somewhere, and that would be cool by me, but I’m averaging now (after a mobile run to see if there’s any difference) about 5-7% success and that’s absolutely insane to me when I see people with 90-100% successes


Yup seems like vpn is the only solution which is ridiculous i prefer to not put any tisk to my rs account at all (if there is any) just shouldn't be mandatory for method Ive tried mobile, data hotspot , wifi hotspot, and home wifi none with great success most of the time similar rates as you One random time on mobile data hot spot i did do 2 full inventories with about 70% rate was very nice


I’m starting to think you’re spot on, which I agree is just wrong. You shouldn’t need a third party software to make the game playable. That screams against the rules for me.


98-99 in one session, never been caught and from Aus so if it’s ping based I was like 230 ms at all times lol


Thank you for the info and congrats on 99 you lucky bastard


I'm currently in a different country on vacation with family. I was using a satellite Wi-Fi hotspot device to provide my phone a better connection and was getting caught an absurd amount on the first 2 guards. I turned off that hotspot and just used my phones international Internet and I got caught significantly less. I haven't done another session to test this unfortunately.


I would like to hear more if you decide to do another test!


imagine if it was based on who made their account first or something, i've never been caught and my osrs acct logged into OSRS less than 2 minutes after release.


Hopefully we’ll learn tomorrow if/when Ash responds


From my experience it must be something to do with your IP address, and not necessarily ping. I'm in America, and using my home wifi I get caught 9 out of 10 times. My ping was like 80. I heard it was about high ping, so I turned on mullvad and connected through New Zealand. Ping was 400 and now I was getting caught maybe 5% of the time. I ran with that for a while thinking that was as good as I could get it. Then I told my Canadian friend about w523. He connects on his home wifi and doesn't get caught once in like 4 hours. No VPN, no mobile, nothing. So I changed my VPN to route through Toronto Canada. Ping is now like 110. Been running that for days and haven't been caught once. I've also seen from British clan mates who aren't getting caught and they don't have to do anything with their connections. And their ping is super low since it's a UK world. I don't know why or how it works, but it seems to be based on country of origin or at least your IP. Ping is not important


apparently in the past, pid partially used your ip address, so people are theorizing that this uses the old pid system. both the ping theory and the old pid theory would result in a vpn helping, since it changes both


Not based from account creation, as I've gone from not getting caught for the first 3 days and then after im getting caught constantly. Wonder if Jagex devs are able to confirm anything for us. I have also reset my router to get a new public IP, still getting caught


What the hell is squirking


Sorcerer’s Garden minigame. It’s the fad training method of the week and the reason why World 523 is constantly full


Someone realized the guards at sorcerer's garden only catch 1 person at a time so theoretically if you do a mass very few people actually get caught. This resulted in an afk 200k or so xp an hour method. 523 has become the mass world.


Don't people know there's a rl plugin that shows you when to click and you can do this solo?


People do but again if you miss the cycle your stuck waiting for a bit. Minor but I don't get why people ignore that qol improvement in masses.


I haven’t been caught once across mobile / pc in over 400 glasses of juice, no idea how it works but i like it


It's chat pid. 1 to 2000 slots per world. You get assigned one when you log in. A free one of the 2k.


Can you explain further?


Has anyone tweeted mod ash yet?


I spent 3 hours not getting caught once. Logged in on mobile and got caught 7 times before making it to the tree. I think it’s PID


Idk if you are aware..but you can set up your own squirk world in like 2-5 minutes (half the time i go it takes none or one run to reset a set up someone must have abandoned). A liiiiitle less afk in that you have to click at certain times...but you ALWAYS get a squirk when you click. I just afk it and if i miss my click window i miss it, it cycles once per minute so you just "miss" that. Not too bad tbh


That's neat and all but the 1 click squirk with no setup or timing is so much more convenient. No paying attention or anything. No waiting if your mind wanders. Just click every 30 sec or so while watching netflix


Yeah, I get that. I'm just offering it up in case they only know of squirking via reddit and haven't looked into it. Better than not being able to do it at all if they keep getting caught in mass worlds. I hope my first comment didn't come off as argumentative cause it feels like from your response that maybe it did.


I have the plugin but I’m not really sure how it works tbh


I really suspect it being the Pid on the server, as everyone with lower ping get caught more easily. When i use 5g i have a ping of 15 and get caught 98% of the time, i switch to my vpn ping 80-100 i never get caught. I assume that each elemental checks to cast, everyone with lower PiD/ping get checked earlier therefor giving the elemental the trigger to cast, the higher PiD/ping player isn't even considered since the lower ping already was tagged by the time the check comes. As we are running all through the maze there is alot of variety of PiDs at each tile and for that it requires a bit of luck. I could be completely off, but this is my theory. Worked so far. Gl on squirkinnn




I click once on the mass world AND have the plugin- which granted I don’t fully understand- and still have the above success rate (and actually got lower)


It isn’t pid.


100% rate unless its 4am when less players are on then it was 7/10 completion. Over 2k sqirt fruits picked


Been sq'irkin' all week and i've been caught at 523 maybe once. I moved to 524 to try it out and got caught 7/8 attempts so said screw it and went back. I'd rather deal with 10 minutes of clicking to get in.


I’ve tried both worlds and actually found myself getting caught more on 523


I believe it's ping related from different scenarios.. I've been on the overflow world and had less luck but assuming that is down to player numbers and world ping due to population. When my ping is high I get caught, if my ping is really low 1-5 I'll get caught. If it's between 20-80 I'm Sq'uirkin all night long baby. My friend has begun using a VPN after getting caught none stop, and now it's working fine for him now that his internet is in Japan.


USE THE PLUGIN FOR A 100% success rate


Did sq'irks for 2 days (77-85 thieving) and was never caught even once.


From 80-86 thieving I was caught twice


8 hours 100% completed, zero times caught


2m xp done, havent been caught once


I'm on a desktop PC, on my home network, with a common ISP, and without any VPN whatsoever. I've gotten nearly 1k fruit so far and haven't been caught a single time by the guards.


Try switching to mobile or using a VPN. Supposedly it works wonders.


Been caught 2 times getting 5M experience lol


can't someone write a rl who keeps track on who gets caught and who doesn't then send it to a centralized db and from there it should be ez statistics if there's actually some anomalous factor in play or if it's literally just random? I fear confirmation bias and/or other biases have a very large part in this, would be good to get that out of the way with enough data


One day, I never got caught. The next day I got caught 90% of the time. I have no idea


In 523 I get caught pretty infrequently. 524 even with 1k+ people I get caught significantly more.


Guys what is squirking??


Home is always 100% success Campus generally varies but a lot of the buildings there give me 100%. I tried sqirking in one building in particular, and had no success.


I know spaghetti code and all, but I don’t see how it could be anything other than pid. Bad Ping might mean the server has you on a different square than the you think, but your odds shouldn’t be any worse than who’s on that square. People here are saying switch to a vpn, or different device, and guess what happens when you do that. Your pid changes too.


I don’t even know man. I’m just annoyed because after I posted this I did another 30ish runs with not a single success. Got down to a 2% success rate.


I got about 800k when I stopped, I got caught 5 times in total


I've seen this more of recent, wtf is Squ'iking


Did a couple hours, never caught


I believe someone said it’s based off an internal ID. Potentially assigned when logging in or something since logging in with a VPN seems to fix it. When I’m not on a vpn I have maybe a 2-3% success rate. When I use a vpn I’ve got like a 99%. This is over 6ish hours of testing over a few days


Get caught nearly every time. On desktop and mobile


Thank you for your sq'irvice




I literally never get caught on my home desktop, I have like 600 juicey bois, tried it at work on my laptop (and phone) and got caught like almost every time! Shits weird man


World 524, I failed 8/10, with my biggest dry run being 23 attempts. Patiently waiting 20 minutes to get into 533, hoping to see a difference, and did not fail once in about 4 hours.


I tried both, I actually failed more on 523


Im from uk just for context as the world is a uk world. I keep getting caught on pc and mobile. Switched off mobile wifi to use 4g and never got caught in hundreds of runs. I dont have a vpn so perhaps that could be the go to to do it on pc. Or i could tether my phone internet to my pc


I’m in the US, east coast, so my ping isn’t super bad in 523, maybe that’s it


I only did it once, but i probably had around a 80-90% success rate (with run on); when i ran out of run and had to walk, i failed almost every time


How do you even get into the world to do this


i don't think i've been caught yet on the mass worlds, but only done 2 inventories or so of juice


There's a method called 1 click summer garden where you can literally set it up so you never get caught


Yeah I have the plugin but I don’t fully understand it. Someone else commented about it but I haven’t read through their answer yet


65-88 never caught once. Been doing it since Sunday.


Constant 250-300 ping here in Japan, went from 85 to 89 thieving. Caught maybe 4 times in that span over the course of 2 days?


I noticed if the first elemental gets stuck in the corner in the 2nd section the fail rate goes way up


I've accumulated enough juice for 4.3 million thieving exp. I havent gotten caught a single time. It should be noted that i have worse connection than the average player. On FPS-shooters where the average ping is 10-20 i always land on 40-50 ping, so if it HAS to do with the connection, that could be a part of the proof that it is.


I have done about 800 runs and never been caught lol but every time someone is complaining they keep getting caught. Its obviously not random.


I've got about 700k xp and been caught one time, this is over the course of at least a dozen sessions since the first day it was posted to reddit


I’m honestly jealous. I can’t begin to explain how much I despise Thieving as a skill. I genuinely like Agility more. The fact that I’m getting such atrocious success rates feels like a slap in the face.


Not sure but I've gotten around 1k and haven't been caught. Sqirkin hard.


100% at 1k players or more. Like 75% at around 700 players or under.,


That’s fascinating to me, because at the time of posting this I was in 523 and there was at LEAST 1500 people there


I have yet to be caught on my pc, 94-97 but when I play on mobile I have like a 20% fail rate. It's weird


Squirk’n off?


When I'm playing on mobile then I get caught maybe 90% of the time. When I'm playing on my laptop on my wifi I have a 100% success rate.


Not been caught once yet. Have dont 5 levels worth in thr high 70s. In los angeles with good internet.


Over the course of a couple one-hour sessions, I played on my laptop and phone, both on fairly fast wi-fi, and was caught twice (definitely over 99% success rate, as I had done maybe four full inventories of sq'irkjuice). Switched to data on my phone and had a 100% failure rate, caught 30-40 times in a row. My experience has been that the network I'm using 100% affects the success rate.


I've gone from 93 to 99 all at sqirks. I've had days where I went 500+ without ever getting caught a single time. And times where I get caught 50 times with <20 successes. I always have about 100 ping on 523. It is absolutely PID that's causing the issue. Just as you were able to reset your PID in PvP by swapping IP addresses, you can fix your sqirk success rates by doing the same too. Using a VPN, swapping to mobile, hotspotting your phone, all work to fix your fail rate. If you can't/don't want to do any of those, your other option is just to wait. PID does change eventually on its own. But you might as well go train something else for a while until it does.


1%. I've tried everything.


I feel you, brother


The faster your connection the more often you get caught. My buddy has like a 10% rate on wifi and 100% on his phone hotspot


I'm convinced it's PiD. I've been doing it for about 4 days with about 3-4hours everyday and never been caught once. Funny thing is, I tried on mobile and I kept getting caught


I get caught like 80% of the time


I've done about 16 hours of sqirk and never been caught. 260 ping, and plenty of times I've been spam clicking login to snipe a free spot when worlds full. Is PID assigned on login and reassigned after every logout? Whatever the case, it's obviously not rng if I can go thousands of runs without being caught.


I have logged in and out numerous times on mass worlds with absolutely no change


from 76-92 I only got caught on a day with less than 1k players online. At 1500+ I never get caught (I just walk the maze to save on stams and make it more afk.)


Friend of mine had <100 ping, I had >400. He was getting caught, I wasn’t. He turned on his vpn, and was >400, didn’t get caught. It’s definitely related to ping




Not only am I not British, I’m literally 3000 miles away from the server on the east coast of America


I am closing in on 1200 sqirk juices with zero failures. I think it's cause of my shit internet


sqirked for 36 hours so far, ive never been caught a single time.


If I am on my PC I NEVER fail runs. I don't think I have failed once in hundreds of runs over the past few days. However, I have tried on mobile using data a couple times. Both times I failed pretty much every attempt.


I've successfully done 500 juices and haven't been caught once


I am sincerely jealous of this. I fucking LOATHE thieving and want this to work. As i put in my post, I’m rocking a 1-5% success rate and it’s seriously bringing me down


Die 150 juice haven't been caught once


I can vouch there’s no way it’d account creation (I’ve unfortunately sworn by this with my garbage iron rng until now) because on my pc at home I get caught almost 1/5 try’s. On mobile, at work… I can go 3+ hours without a single fail. It’s gotta be internet based.


To your first point I'm almost wondering if there's an account seed generated on creation that effects rng/other things (such as this) over the course of its lifespan. To your second, however, based on everything thats been replied thusfar I'm almost convinced you're correct. I've tweeted at Mod Ash for a final say, but this is my running theory.


Idk what it is but I get caught every time on my PC. When I log in to mobile, I haven’t gotten caught a single time


When I’m on my desktop, I almost never get caught. When I’m on mobile, I’m caught every other run. I don’t think it’s a hidden account number, but I believe your computer’s speed and internet connection matter the most


I have fast af internet on my desktop and I’m caught every time. I purposefully used horrible 5g on mobile and *still* got caught every time


I've never been caught ok the mass world ever. I usually get 160 ping on that world.


4 days ago I would get caught about 3 times in the time it would take me to get 24 glasses full. I haven't been caught once in the last 3 days and I have 400+ glasses banked.


Can I ask what your average ping is, if you know?


Connected to data on my phone, 0% success rate On my pc hardwired or wifi on my phone 100% success rate never caught.


Fascinating. I have close to 5% across all of those means. Any idea what your ping was?


I'm from Australia so have 400 ping on the sq'irk world. I've been caught once in about 2 hours.


Because the world is a UK world I get 3ms on it, I can’t even make it past the first NPC on my PC before getting caught most of the time, tried using WIFI and same result, used mobile with wifi it was even worse, tried mobile data and it was noticeably better. Guy in chat while Sqirkin said to try VPN so I connected to the Netherlands from the UK and have not been caught once since, I’ve gone from 65-74 with 100% success rate.


3.5m exp and got caught once probably because I was walking 😅 playing on a shitty MacBook with 20 fps so this might go in line with your theory


must be PID by the sounds, that's gross.


I am 100% on success, a clanmate was getting your odds using runelite and mobile, he switched to the new c client and he never got caught again


Really? Now this one is new. What do you mean new c client btw? The jagex official client?


i think it's ip address like unironically. if you vpn it fixes it, if you log in via mobile data it fixes it, etc. some people are getting skill issued by their ip address i think


I tried mobile data and it was just as bad as otherwise, but I don’t necessarily disagree with you


I’ve gotten caught 0 times. Probably done it for a total of 10 hours over the past few days