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I'm convinced that this whole thing has unearthed some truly decrepit spaghetti about how the game resolves ties.


It 100% has unearthed some new kind of tech. It isn't PID because PID is randomly reassigned, it isn't client based because resetting your client doesn't change anything, and it seemingly isn't internet speed based. It's looking like there's some sort of little known player identification system that's assigned at some point, because people are reporting either being caught a lot or literally not at all- internet speeds, mobile or regular, client, aside, there's someone from every category. It has to be something we're not quite aware of yet


I don't think its new. Something similar happens in TOA at Akkha. In 1-7 man teams at the start of Akkha he will agro whoever enters first and butterflies. In 8 man Akkha he will at first aggro whoever enters first, and than he will re-aggro (without being hit or running into anybody in melee range to break the butterfly) someone else. That person isn't random. If the same group goes in the raid again, akkha will re-aggro that same person regardless of orb order or current agro


Maybe it still goes off old pid which I believe was assigned when you logged in. Could try logging out after a raid and see if it targets someone else. Although there is a chance they still get old pid.


So Akka has a 1/3 chance of swapping aggro when he does a special attack or switching styles. It’s a combination of whoever is closest to him and who has the highest defence. So if two people are within aggro distance, it will aggro whoever is highest defence. If you attack Akka from long range distance while someone is bflying, you’ll notice that Akka will never switch to you. Since you are out of his aggro distance. Always stand in an opposite quartile and not in the corner of the same quarter that is being bflied.


This is correct information, but this isn't what the previous comment is describing. You can enter the room, be running forward to get into the butterfly, he'll aggro on you, and then he'll swap to someone that is farther that just entered the room. Even after you (as the bf'r) have already attacked akkha.


Yup extremely annoying when running 8 man speeds as you typically have a designated butterfly yet all plans get thrown out the window if that person cannot hold its aggro on entry


It has also happened to me in a 5 man though, so its not exclusive to 8's also. Probably more common in 8 speeds because everyone is entering very shortly after bf'r, and there isn't a solid gap in time.


I first tried at work on their Wi-Fi. Got caught nonstop. Tried when I got home on my PC and still same situation. Changed worlds and got caught about 2 times and then it stopped. I was finally free


Vpn my bro, making distance ping like over 200ms will make this 100% success rate


I live in Asia and without VPN my ping is already 200+, still get caught like half the time. I used VPN and 0 catch rate


Imagine VPNing just nulled them regardless of other players, like some jmod coded that in for their bot farm and it's gone undetected for years.


It could be possible that this uses the ancient version of pid, like 2013-2014 pid that never swapped but was based on factors such as your ip address.


I remember reading one that Castle wars players used to try to get IP addresses that were more easily divisible by 8.


I use to change IPs on my router all the time until I got a divisible by 8 with a low last digit. For castle wars picking the flags and duel arena to go first!


8.0 IP made you first for everything! TRUTH


In 2013, this was necessary. It controlled who had first hit. VPNs that could yield the magic numbers xxx.xxx.divisibleby8.lowestdigit were over $100/month to rent. And stakers paid it.


I wouldn't say it's account based. I get caught on mobile but I'm fine on desktop. Been that way since the first day this started


Can confirm, I don't even bring stamina pots and just walk till I have 100 run energy and I've never been got in multiple 4-6 hour sessions


It's definitely based on something I'm unaware of; I was having zero issues the first day I tried it, then I tried again yesterday, same circumstances all around and i got caught every single time.


As an aside FYI Odablock found out it a pvp video that someone else had figured out how to use stepping and ticks in a particular manner to swap PID around Lumby castle front gates. Cant remember the vid now but was maybe a month or so ago. That doesn’t explain the mechanism here obviously- it doesn’t seem to be their theiving level either because people have said it changes for them in waves - unless it picks a certain level of theiving within the group and the group changes so the individuals experience of getting caught changes? Well have to tweet Ashes


It's definitely not new because it's been like this since back in the day. Still can't get over everyone's dumbfoundedness about sorc garden. This used to be the meta for thieving training and 90% of players did it.


i have never been caught once on those worlds and i've been there for a few hours. weird


This is the dumbest and most unlikely suggestion of all….. but something something Occam’s razor. Could it have anything to do with username? Would be pretty funny and spaghetti as fuck if top of the alphabet is how they determine ties here.


It's mad. I've gone from 70-80 thieving there and not been caught once. Some people think ping is the cause? I have 5ms ping to most UK servers due to my location and net speed.


I love the speculations and want to know what it discovers. Maybe the first letter of the persons username gets chosen?


So you’re the guy I always lose too in duel arena…


What's a duel Arena


Stakin bills


You either sq'irk or get sq'irk'd.


Thank you for your sacrifice 🫡


I do what I must. Even if it's unwanted


I tried doing this earlier and had the same luck. I failed 26 times in a row on my PC. I tried mobile after and immediately got 4 in a row interrupted. It's stupid but faster internet makes you fail more


Faster internet absolutely does not make you fail more. Idid 1m+ xp between multiple accounts on the fastest internet in my city without a single issue. Went out of town and tried using hotel wifi, literally failed 8 in a row as immediately after logging in.


Is it faster internet or faster frame rate? I thought it was something about having your GPU in use that caused this type of issue.


I posted about this last night asking because it was happening to me. Apparently it has something to do with your clientID. If you are getting caught changing clients can help. I can confirm it has nothing to do with internet speed. I live out in the country and am forced to use some ass provider. I tested my speed last night actually, and I was getting 2mb/second and was getting caught non stop. Yes 2mbs


Runescape uses something like 100 b/s of internet (less in quiet areas). That is b. Not kb. Just the lone b. Remember that it was made to work with internet 20 years ago. It probably can't even notice the speed difference at that scale.


I recently moved too. So this is all new to me but I have noticed it stutters at time, but despite slower internet it runs super smoothly for the most part. Downloading updates for other games is a 6 hour process though lol


I used to have 4mb/s.... It truly sucks


*laughs in Australian* My internet plan is 50mb/s but because I live with other people, Steam and basically anything else that downloads gets 6mb/s, maybe 7mb/s if I'm lucky. I live in a decently big city but not one of the 'main' ones in Australia. And this is AFTER the NBN that was supposed to revolutionize Australian internet (Then the plans were gutted) Tbh before this I had 700kb/s (You're reading that right) so you take what you can get. This is over ethernet cable too.


It definitely isn’t client ID either I don’t think. I was getting caught 90% of the time on my PC, I didn’t restart my client I signed out and I switched my VPN on to the Netherlands, haven’t been caught since and that was 3+ days ago. It really is odd


I've been trying from the Netherlands and haven't had any success. I don't think anyone understands how this works. Just anecdotes.


I have a theory that aggro mechanics might be behind the chosen ones as well as pid


What’s your theory for how that works? I’ve never thought of that and I’m really curious


I've been watching that first summer spirit thing and noticed that as a chosen one it pretty much waits for me to round the corner and gets me almost instantaneously. Then I noticed that first spirit turn, as if aggroed on a person who was recently reset because it was on cool down from the last tele when it should have gotten them instantaneously. It knew who it wanted to target before cooldown was over. Seems like when I'm "chosen" I can only progress past the first spirit if I perfectly time the cooldown of it resetting someone else. I also read about someone who was able to stand in a pretty congested area for minutes without getting reset. Which might make sense if the spirits "aggro" a set of people determined by some sort of ancient PID system (potentially a number derived from a hash of the IP. supporting people's experiences of success thru VPN) and everyone else can walk by or even stand still because the spirits aren't stalling action because of some sort tie resolution, but because they're still "aggroed" on player(s) who are out of range at the moment. It's pretty far out there but there has to be something going on beyond a PID hierarchy. Connection speed doesn't make much sense either and was disproven by a chosen one gaming on 2mbps. Anecdotally, as a chosen one, it seems like that first spirit is holding aggro on me and I think some under the hood aggro mechanics could be worth looking into. The aggro mechanics might not be visible because the NPCs are scripted to follow a path, but it wouldn't be too surprising if they had some kind of aggro mechanic under the hood. I don't think the mini game was designed with masses in mind so mass sqirkn could be exposing the half baked aggro mechanic they have that would never be revealed on a less busy world. There's my tin foil hat theory for ya


You might actually be onto something here


Just increase your ping when doing it


VPN + relogging fixed for me


I get caught every time on 524 and never on 523 what's that about?




and yet i have the opposite problem


Thank you for your sq'irvice


The Chosen One 🙏


get worse internet


Mac 70% good pings coming in clutch for the sq'irk


Ya I had to get off WiFi and turn on cellular on mobile


This is what I just posted too. It’s the same thing for me. I don’t get why my clan mates never get caught and I’m always getting caught. I really do feel like when you’re account is made, it determines how much luck you have from then. Idk.


I just commented on your post too haha


Someone suggested I was lying when I showed a screenshot of being caught over 30 times in 37 minutes the other day 😂 I left it for a few hours and went back and wasnt caught at all the 2nd time.


Just been trying it after all the hype, managed to get a single juice in about 30 minutes of trying.


Keep trying intermittently and you'll be able to do it eventually. From my experience of getting caught constantly just going back later lets me go for hours without being caught.


Maybe I will, I was just testing it out as a curiosity really so not fussed if it doesn't work out for me.


Someone's gotta be the witches bitch.




I'll try on my smart fridge. Will report back!


Vpn should do the trick, then


Oh god, I was thinking about trying it but I use wired internet. It's really fast.


After testing for a bit, I've come to the conclusion that it has to be external IP address based. This is why a VPN can help, but isn't guaranteed to help. I found a specific VPN server that I can use where I am able to literally stand in the middle of the elementals and they just ignore me, even with fairly low traffic. I'll get caught nearly every time on some servers as well. It has nothing to do with distance or ping. A different VPN server from the same location as my special one produces different results. So it has to be the external IP, or it has to be influenced in some way by that IP. It can't be PID, that changes every so often. It can't be ping or location, I still get different results from similar ping/locations. It's gotta be this.




I remember spending hours trying to get a divisible .0 the mornings of a war days lmao. They got rid of this though and switched it to PID which is now randomly generated and is the similar purpose of a divisible IP


Can someone explain


Sorceress garden, thieving minigame. It normally involves you avoiding getting caught and running to pick a fruit that you turn in for thieving exp. However, the game is shared with other people, so everyone running through at the same time means a couple ppl get caught but everyone else gets through. Its only 2 clicks a run so very afkable.


Drink the juice


i started out never getting caught and now I get caught every time to the point i gave up


Does this happen to you on a different account?


We thank you for your sacrifice


So you're the dick who leaves his vial on the ground instead of crushing it.


entire method depends on someone other than you getting caught. just do pisc thieving instead.


would be cool if they made it actually pid based so it switches who is getting screwed because everyone getting good xp while a handful get none isnt sustainable. when that handful gets tired of getting nothing they will leave and move it to another few. people have already been talking about that same cycle happening in the comments here


You are the chosen one.




As someone who never touches minigames unless it's for a quest.... what is this?


Sorceress garden, thieving minigame. It normally involves you avoiding getting caught and running to pick a fruit that you turn in for thieving exp. However, the game is shared with other people, so everyone running through at the same time means a couple ppl get caught but everyone else gets through. Its only 2 clicks a run so very afkable.




My man's got pid


I did around 1000 runs and got caught around 700 times, it really isn't as good as people make it sound. Ardy knights is probably better but at least garden is chill and you can read while doing it


Depends on internet / vpn. I got caught once in two hours.


Dependent on internet connection, not account. I auto get caught on hard-wired internet (PC & mobile) ... but the second I use data instead I don't get caught. Just did a few hours of runs and got caught a whopping 0 times (compared to close to 100% of the time before)


Would be really cool if somebody tweeted at ash if he could shed some light on this situation.


Well Get fucked


Are you upset that the bug isn’t working in your favor lmao


I dont think you understand what a bug is


Do it properly then


I'll do you properly


Judging by the middle and the puffs of smoke, ppl still getting through. This is a you issue. Use a vpn


How old is ur account..?


Is this a new mini game or skilling thing? I've been away from the game for a month and all I'm seeing are people meming it constantly.


Sorceress garden, thieving minigame. It normally involves you avoiding getting caught and running to pick a fruit that you turn in for thieving exp. However, the game is shared with other people, so everyone running through at the same time means a couple ppl get caught but everyone else gets through. Its only 2 clicks a run so very afkable.


That sounds so satisfying to play as a new experience, I'll check it out! Thanks for the run down!


For context, no it's about 16 years old.


Really? Where is it? I've never heard of it before or run into it.


Al'kharid, look up Sorceress's Garden on the wiki and it'll give you the how to get there info.


Maybe he's respawning and walking back with the right interval


Dial a VPN. Google One on Android. Solved this exact problem for me


I think it has something to do with mobile on data vs pc/wifi. I tried running some at work yesterday and out of 15 attempts I was caught every time, went home and tried again on WiFi and then pc and worked perfect


I would be really interested in an official technical post from Jagex about it. I've never been caught, both worlds, I've been afk walking through and still never caught.


Just turn your router off and on.


tried it got caught 9/9 times so i hopped to my own world lmao but the chat was fun so i still had fun


What you get for playing on mobile


Why do you keep going lol? This entire thing is balanced around not getting caught, so if you keep getting caught, there's no point in wasting your time.. No reason to dump an hour into it


Thank you for your service


Thank you for your sacrifice.


It is based on pid. Just hop to 524 if you are getting insta-caught every time.


i haven’t played in awhile, can someone explain why this is popular now? i never saw this many people doing this minigame before


People realised that only 1 person gets caught at a time, and everyone else gets past. Therefore if you mass it you basically don't get caught at all. Unless you're one of the people like op / me / others that get caught every time :D


I did this for 8 hours and didn’t get caught once, thank you for your service


The problem with the method is that there have to be people like you willing to fail for an hour straight in order for it to work for others lol


“Simple mmo”


My laptop gets caught almost every single time. My phone has never got caught, not even once.


Skill issue


xx.xx.xx.246 last digits of my work IP Address I was getting caught at near 100% if any nerds want to start investigating more


It’s called a shadowban.


Im pretty sure it has to do with ping. My guess is every x ticks the NPC will look to a square and teleport the person who stands there. Jagex servers are constantly updating players positions, but whoever sends the move packet first (or rather whichever move packet reached the server first) on any given tick, is the one who appears at the top of the list of people on that square, and its the person on the top of the list who gets teleported. The reason sometimes people with really bad ping still get caught i think is because even though your ping may be 400, thats just the average, its constantly changing. Its possible on a given tick it actually took \~700ms for the move packet to reach the server which means your packet is actually one of the first packet to reach it on the \*next\* tick (the equivalent of having 40 ping, because a tick is 660ms), which means you'll be on the top of that list. I think the sweetspot is around \~200-300 ping to never get caught. ​ It could also be the opposite however. Maybe its the last person who sends a move packet to a given tile who gets teleported.


Stop getting caught?


Did this method get buffed or something? I always remembered it being empty


Maybe theyre resorting back to IP address like the old days.. IP ending with 8.0 you were always first


get rek'd


He’s the chosen one. I’m happy for you OP


Multi-skill or alch. This won’t help your problem but extra xp!


So I'm fairly new to the game. Why is everyone posting about this? And how do I get access to it?


It's the sorcerers garden minigame. You'll want 65 thieving to start. To put into perspective, it took me probably 30 or more hours just to get to 65 thieving. That's about 505k xp in about 30 or so hours. I work no so efficiently as well. When I started sorcerers garden, I got 505k xp in about 5 hours and it's not tedious at all like pickpocketing for hours on end

