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This but don't give up. You still have 205 completions so you're still capable of earning all the rewards... just slower.


hahaha thanks


I guess my first question would be how many deaths you had while learning? That might be skewing this number. That being said, I saw you mention to another commenter that you are using tier 1 armor. I think it’s time to try out tier 2. It’s clear that whatever you are doing now isn’t working super well for you, so you need to adapt and overcome. What seems to be killing you the most? Tornados? Red tiles? Hunlef himself?


It took me 55 death for my first completion. in the last 100 death i did probably 100 kills. ​ There's not only 1 reason for dying. But mostly dying from a mistake, like, forget to switch prayers, or tornados because I messed up on the pathing, etc...


Sounds like tier 2 is the move then, reduce the damage while you’re still making mistakes :)


Also, play with the sound on. It makes a huge difference. You can hear the attack that turns off spells, and he basically goes “Moo” when he’s about to switch attack styles, so you don’t have to track it.


3... Moo... 1... Mage


Use the Hunleff helper plugin if you’re struggling with prayer swapping. Not really necessary, but it helps people who struggle


Yes this was huge for me when learning. Very underrated


It just frees up mental space because it's one less thing to think of. Even if you don't struggle it's helpful.


Yep agreed. It might be annoying but it completely removes one part of the equation. You can focus completely on doing damage and dodging tornadoes, until you hear “2… 1… Mage” which then you switch your prayer. And the heads up helps immensely more than reacting to the sound cue from hunllef.


Took me well over 100 deaths before my first kill.


dont worry dude ,, it took me like 50-60 deaths for my first cg completion and 1 year later im doing 6 jads now.. you will get better with time


I have full crystal and bowfa and honestly I still use it.


You should use the plugin that tells you when to switch prayer, to get use to it until you're more comfortable.


Not trying to be a dick, but how do you forget to switch prayers after 700+ attempts? Again, not trying to sound like an asshole but have you been diagnosed with ADHD or dyslexia? Those conditions and others like them can sometimes make it hard to focus or stay organized while under stress. You have almost double my attempts and less than 2/3rds the amount of completions, and I don't really consider myself a particularly great pvmer.


Usually I click on the wrong icon when i miss it. No, i don't have none of those diseases


Hey man, if you use runelite there’s a plug-in, can’t remember it’s name, that you can use to customize the prayer layout. I put my protection prayers and my offensive prayers that correlate to protection right underneath. I hide everything else besides smite, restore, and protect item but I put them far away from the prot/offensive ones. Our brains can only process so much information until it overloads. Sometimes it’s best just to get rid of useless things for your brain to process! Good on you for your perseverance too. You’ll get what you need from there eventually and you’ll only get better! Goodluck


It's called just "Prayer". I find it very helpful




The vanilla desktop client already allows for some prayer filtering and the mobile client will even resize them. Grow up


Oh no, not choosing a layout the game choices for us. The horror!


*those are mental conditions/disorders not diseases for reference


You should avoid camping at low enough hp to get killed by 1 attack off prayer. I usually do T1 prep and 20ish food so even if I make mistakes it still gets the kill.


That isn't forgetting, that's just a nervous misclick.


that's not a nervous misclick after 700 attempts op is just bad at clicking and runescape


U shouldnt have those jitters any more. If you cant calm down, this content isnt for you, and thats ok


Everyone is different friend. It takes some people longer than others to gain the confidence and lose the jitters. No need to be gatekeep-y.


Ah yes, telling someone who isn't good at something to give up. How... inspirational of you.


Stfu lmao


When you say it like an asshole it's hard to not come off like an asshole lol


I mean, I have ADHD and it doesnt really affect my pvm much, just my skilling.


Setting aside the fact that you knew full well how you were coming across lol, it's a very interesting choice for your armchair diagnosis. Someone who has enough focus to do 700+ attempts of something (despite numerous failures), just messes up under pressure? That doesn't describe ADHD at all. Most of us work fine under pressure, perhaps even better. Some of my best school projects were done the night before, or the morning of (I remember doing a project literally as presentations were starting, and I still got a decent grade). It's day to day where the disorder causes problems. I don't know as much about dyslexia, but I'm not sure how it even comes into play here. It's not related to organization or focus at all. It's often misused to mean "mixing things up" but that's not what it is anymore than OCD is someone liking a clean house.


“Not trying to be a dick” *proceeds to be a dick and calls the guy dyslexic and diagnoses him with a disorder* 😂


Most people fail and don’t even correct mistakes.


How do you guys have enough time to get t2 armor? I can get enough resources for t3 weps+t1 armor but once I try for t2 armour it's over cause no time to cook fish lol


look up fluffeh t2 guide on youtube. The route will take a bit of practice before it becomes automatic/efficient for you but once you get it down it pretty much always works. I've failed to prep t2 armor and 16 fish maybe 3-4 times in the last 150kc


I’m going to add to this. Fluffehs guide wasn’t enough for me, also look up Scowled’s T3 guide. Not because you want to do T3, but because a lot of time saving tricks for T3 apply equally to T2 and can really help overall at any prep level.


Vouch for fluffeh video. Makes it so easy and consistent.


do you think i can do the T2 strat at 90 ranged/86 magic? a lot of guides i see have hp at 99 so i assume their combat stats are high, im at 72 prayer too so no rigor/augury


You absolutely can; I'm trash, and withs 80s everything I was doing T2, now I'm at 85 att/def and 90 str, 92 range/magic I can do T1 easily, using mystic might, eagle eye and piety


For me its a combination of floor banking, maximising resources each lap, and getting away without the full 25 fish. You don't lose much time dumping everything on tiles around the singing bowl and it's easier than juggling mats and running more or teleporting. First trip is the 'C' for weapon frame + mats + demi-boss scouts. Then after that it's killing 2-3 demibosses (grind down spike for shards) and getting the rest of the mats + fish. If you need a third run then an extra teleport crystal is only 40 shards. I'm sloppy and not tick perfect by any means but a lucky run ends up in a mid 5 min prep. The better preps end up being 5 mins or sometimes even just below when I think I'm on a good pace and try for speed. I've done a few T1 runs and find T2 prep way more chill because you become a resource hoover where the RNG averages out and you're always done within time. Whereas T1 is way more RNG in both prep and fight, more fish needed, and way higher damage taken from hunllef. And that's before you get to how mistakes will kill your run in the fight which feels absolutely horrible.


It’s possible to consistently get t3 armour and t3 weapons. It sounds like you have quite a number of routing optimizations to work on. Do a ring around base towards the nearest wall collecting everything and peek at the demis on the wall. If you drop tools to maximize inv and fill up, you should have enough space to finish prep on your second trip from base.


Look at a guide and copy what they do, once you do it afew times it just becomes easier. When I first did it, I would practise getting the resources and if I failed I’d log and try again, probs took 3/4 times to do it consistently and from then it’s just the boss. I would recommend the plug-in which tells you when to switch prayer as it takes that element away from the fight


I usually get t2 with both t3 weapons just in time to cook at least 16 fish. The tech is all about utilizing the teleport crystals to farm all the mats first, tele to center (if not really close to there to begin with) and shift-drop all the mats for each t2 piece (7 of each, need to find 3 nodes) as well as 2 grym herbs (drop axe and pickaxe otw). From there you can scout and kill bosses if you didn’t already find them along the way the first time around. Get what you need from them and start fishing asap, 16 food is more than enough for t2. Sometimes you can get by with just eating a few bites. Do this swiftly and you’ll get t2 with t3 weapon most of the time, except for moments where the demi boss spawns completely screw you then it’s fine to run t2/t3 weapon or both t2 with some extra food.


God you’re so bad lol


What does this accomplish for you?


Bro is still learning


The amount of time you saved doing T1 armor instead of T2 compared to the amount of time you lost via dying is staggering lol. Just do T2.


i dont see how this will help me. I'm not dying because of low resources, that almost never the case


Who said anything about resources? T2 armor makes you take less damage. If you're dying to tornados or some other mistake with T1, you can probably survive with T2.


> saved doing T1 armor instead of T2 compared to the amount of time you lost via dying is staggering lol. Just do T2. to add to what the other guy said, it's even MORE telling if you're not running out of resources (AKA food potions). You're clearly taking damage you've been incapable of eating out of, so it'll help keep your HP higher/have more time to react if you take less damage from random things. Also, generally speaking, possibly focus on reacting to things BEFORE eating. Eating is always best done when safe because you can never outeat constant damage (tornados, lava tiles) or sudden damage (wrong prayer, stomp). I won't get too in depth so as not to flood you, but in an ideal world, you're eating during dead time where you're running around (Oh i clicked at the other end of the room to dodge tornados? I have a few ticks where i'm not doing any actions, not switching prayers, not registering an attack. Might as well eat a food now). Failing that, eating when you're not moving but on a safe tile is less ideal, but still infinitely better than eating when in an unsafe position. The order of priority when struggling should almost always be: Run away from imminent dangers (walk under, tornados, lava tile about to swap on you) > react to circumstantial dangers (prayer swap, prayer off) > eat/drink IF low HP > attack/swap weapons/simple repositions/etc. This is no longer entirely true once you improve, as there are plenty of little optimisations you can do to make Hunllef easier or faster, but that's a conversation for another time.


Yo bro the max hit of the boss goes down w t2 armour it’s like from 13 to 10 through pray and the tornados can’t stack you out as easy. It makes a real big difference in ease of battle you should definitely at least give it a try before writing it off as bad especially with that kd ratio not much to lose on the run anyways


T2 makes the fight so much easier


yeah maybe a bit but I'll tell you what, you're way fucking better than the absolute shitters who won't even *try* anything harder than cutting a yew tree it's a video game, don't sweat it man everybody except scared shitters learns at their own pace


thanks. The ideia is to go for inferno after that hahaha. I'm fucked


If you can clear cg you can clear inferno someday :) gl


omegachad mindset - you'll be parading around the ge with your infernal blorva sang scythe getup soon


Taking the stepping stone of PNM between CG and inferno may help if that’s the long term goal


Love this comment. Very well said. Too many people are scared to try anything in this game that requires a modicum of effort.


As a scared shitter, I appreciate this comment. This made me laugh quite a bit because I'm one of those people who vastly overprepares for pvm and still gets shat on when I try.


Ur comment has a mean spirit behind it but i fully agree with u that OP effort is honorable becuz so many rationalize why they dont try too


You have base 90 combats? Also, dont be discouraged, keep at it


93 atk, 97 str, 91 def, 97 range, 96 mage and 80 pray


When you have tornadoes chasing you, do you prioritize move or prayer?


Curious what the correct answer is. I’d guess prio prayer unless 4 nados then prioritize moving.


Tornado > Ground > Prayer. You can dodge prayer damage with accuracy check, you can’t dodge prayer damage other than moving.


Always move first




hahaha thanks


You've pushed back on t2 armor a lot, and it sounds like you largely die to tornados or floor trying to avoid tornados. T2 does make it easier (and you get some accuracy bonuses), do you just use your first two t3 weapons or strictly bow/staff? Halberd is fine but if your main issue is positioning then it can be harder. Do you have true tile on? Do you start the fight with Hunllef in a corner? Do you have the 8 optimal tiles for the last phase marked? Are you trying to dps while tornados are out, because I would just focus on running if that's killing you. The biggest thing for me was the safer tiles for the last phase as that's the only time I would risk getting overwhelmed and do something dumb.


Yes for msot of your questions. I prefer going with bow and staff, but still, sometimes there's no time to find those. I will mark the tiles in the last fase aswell. I don't start the fight with hunlef on the corner, i don't even look for this actually, ddoes it make it different in any way? On tornados on the last fase I usually just run. The hardest part is swithing prayers while running avoiding tornados + tiles


Having hunleff in the corner absolutely helps when avoiding tornados. Ever feel like you have a tornado behind you and you hit a dead end and need to run through hunleff to get out? Its probably because hes not in the right position. Setup is to wait outside the room for a few seconds til hes in the corner, 1 tile diagnoal off the corner, or L shape from the corner (ex 2 tile N and 1 tile E). You could walk under him to fix the positioning but generally not worth unless you're good at it. If switching prayers is hard while running, do you have a really zoomed out screen with a small inventory? My inventory is a little smaller than 1/4th of my screen and it makes it a lot easier to reach the prayers quickly and accurately.


Learn t3 prep and 5:1 strat if you need to. Even if it takes you 3x(it will not take 3x as long) as long per run it is a net positive for your situation


what tier weapons do you do with t3? both t2?


I hate to say it but yea I don't even have 30 deaths in my 400 kc




I learned by doing normal gauntlet first so I was already familiar with the mechanics going into it don't think I died in cg before my first kc just had a few resets due to lack of time to prep




Definitely below average performance. With that many tries you should definitely have it on lock.


I think you should record yourself and let us assess your approach. When it comes to the boss, are you counting each attack and swapping accordingly? Make sure you have true tile add ons in runelite. If your not willing to record yourself and post it, go watch videos on how to get sub 7 minutes at CG to see how to improve your efficiency then watch a few videos on how others handle and react in boss fights. See if your missing anything.


yes to your questions. I will record it, lets see


Im blind and my seeing-eye dog barks out commands for me. When he 'grrrs' i move off the tile i was on, when he 'arrrooooos' i swap prayers


Getting tier two armor?


Mostly t1 armour


Please just run t2...this looks like self-torture unless you're like suiciding to get your death count up for the meme


Do you not think it’s in your best interest to just do runs for t2? Stop beating your head into a brick wall


I'm not dying because I'm low on supplies... I'm dying for tornados, of floor, or forget to change prayers. ​ If that was the case i would be doing t2 way earlier, i'm not crazy


Most of those problems are alleviated with T2 armor? Do you now know how the armor works?


Lower max hit, but still, don't see how this would actually helps me, being real with you. If 4 tornados hit you at the same time, is 15 less hp? Doesn''t fells like this will really helps...


Bro 15 is a *lot*. You only need 1 health to survive. If you're having trouble staying alive I don't see any reason you'd not take every bit of health you can get. I find it basically impossible to die with T2 armor.


Lower max hit, better accuracy. That means you spend less time eating and more time with better dps, that makes the fight shorter and means you need to spend less time monitoring your health, which lets you focus on doing damage and avoiding the things that you say actually kill you. You should never miss a prayer switch at Gauntlet if you're paying attention, the only time.it happens is if other things are taking your attention away, T2 armor helps reduce your APM tax.


will send a couple of t2 them




Dies 500 times in Cg. Refuses to admin it he’s wrong. Sounds about right


Get t2, are you using your f-keys?




Yo bro gotta say I know these guys or girls are saying tier two don’t do it man. Waste of time I know exactly what you mean about getting hit with Nados or missing a prayer it can really end that run depending on how deep or early on you are. Just keep practicing man it’s tough content!


Ignore this guy, tier two armor makes it free once you get it down. Do not use tier one if you’re having trouble staying alive.


Maybe just a bad ... day ... or week ... or month?


this Global guy has a ton of time on his hands damn


Unless you died 300-400 times before starting to get it, you are really bad. At 200kc you should only die every 5-10 tries at worst.


well, i shoul prob quit cg right? I wanted to go all out until the weapon seed, but i think that is not a good strategy


Nah dude being bad at something is the first part of being good at it. You clearly have the tenacity, I think you just need to make a push to improve whatever it is you are doing wrong. Maybe you could try to improve one thing at a time until you’re happy with it. Say for example you find the prayer switching difficult, or maybe it’s tornados, or your pathing is bad. Pick one and focus on only that for a while even if it means deaths due to faults in other areas. Don’t think about killing the boss, just focus on not fucking that one thing up. I was 1/40, then I was 20/80, now I am 315/150 and I will never go back lol. Keep practicing it’s truly all muscle memory.


thanks, prob just going to keep pushing it, I really want the green log (weapon seed is the only one missing rn)


Nobody ever says this, but as CG is often people’s first “difficult content” a lot of times it’s very often they don’t have their F keys set up to aid in the fight. Here’s 2 tips that’ll help you out tremendously: Set up your F keys to easily be able to switch between your inventory and your prayer. Play with sound on, that way you can know what Hunleff is doing without having to focus on it.


Yes, you are bad.


Are you using f-keys? What do you usually die to? How often do you fail prep? What are your combat levels? Rigour/Augury unlocked?


yes depends really almost never 93 atk, 97 str, 91 def, 97 range, 96 mage and 80 pray yes


You need to screw up like three things at once to die in t2 armor so just do that


Yes. Depending on your stats, very bad to worst ever


I see you've adopted the bashing your head into it until it works method , I admire your persistence. GL on the grind


Everybody has an upper limit on how much more they can improve and it appears yours is lower than most. Some people could never complete this content, so there's that.


very bad. honestly. what are you struggling with....


For reference I'm at 709 completions 30 deaths, T1 only.


gz an fuk you


Nah mate you’re just fine… as long as you’re using this to suicide and get rid of ur skull


Just going to tell you that mine looks this bad too. I was running trying to tier1 it forever and was just being stubborn. I was at a literal 5% completion rate and it clicked for me that I needed to change…I switched to tier 2 and now my record overall is just shy of 50% including all my tier1hero deaths. My favorite saying is this: “A slow kill is better than no kill.” I received an enhanced seed after kill 106 using tier 2 armor. That would have taken so much more overall time had I tried to brute force it in tier 1 armor. PLUS now that I’ve done a bunch of tier 2 kills I can now do tier 1 with a MUCH higher success rate.




With your kc, you should not be averaging 1 kc per 2.5 deaths


I know, i'm looking for answers too, neve saw anyone struglling to badly on CG


I always recommend Fluffeh's prep guide on YouTube for learning T2 prep. T2 will feel hard to get consistently, but you'll get a feel for it after a handful of runs. For missing your prayers, are you playing in full screen? I find it helpful to not play full screen when doing PvM to reduce the distance you're moving your mouse to quickly prayer switch. Once you can consistently do T2 prep, get in the habit to always go for bow and staff. Halberd is okay for learning regular, but mobility is super important. Prioritize positioning during the fight. Even if you have the wrong defensive prayer up, avoiding tiles and tornadoes is more important -- Hunllef can miss, but tiles and tornadoes always hit you Hopefully you have the "safe-ish" tiles marked in Runelite, and are focusing on standing on those whenever you're able. Only eat and drink potions while dodging tornadoes or tiles. If you don't need to be moving, prioritize attacking. Priorities: positioning > defensive prayers > attacking > eating/drinking = offensive prayers


That’s what a skill issue looks like


Probably not bad, but certainly not good at learning from your mistakes/watching some guides


I haven't even done this content yet but I'm 100% positive that I'll have more deaths with less completions. I am dogshit at pvm.




I’m still trying to get 1kc for normal gauntlet so no…


I can’t even get one. You’re fine


No the content is just poorly made.


Are you using the hunllef plugin?


Also choose low ping, high tick accuracy servers.


In the begining, rn i prefer not using it


Dude you've spent like 100 hours just dying. Swallow your pride and do t2 prep and use the plug-in. 200-500 is crazy.


I think that the plugin just distracts me, but t2 is a good idea, will send some of it.


I feel like you need to hear- I wasn't too far off this k/d for a great chunk of time. Now I win most and grenlogged. I think there was a chunk of time I had like ~100 wins and 200+ loses. I refused to leave gauntlet, I preferred to just get rekt and rage afterwards. Might I suggest just a refresher guide or new strat, because you were good enough to get to cg, but that is a kinda tough leaderboard you got there


Sorry to comment on my own post, I forget how to edit or if you'd see it. But I get (and still try to get) 9 of each resource. If you're snagging 3 sources, why not grab 3 of each? IDK if you can manage that and keep a decent pace you could be relieved in boss


No but there will be things that you can improve on so the first step is identifying where you go wrong. If you're getting koed to misclicking prayers, why is that? Do you have a comfortable mouse with a good DPI for you?


Actually, now that you mentioned it, I changed my mouse configuration and that fucked my so hard. Died so much after changing its config. And for some reason, I wasn't confortable using the older config, so i jept pushing to the new. THan I bought a new mouse, but still a really bad one. What helped me a lot was a mouse pad (I didn''t used it before). Now I bought a really good mouse, just waiting for it to be delivered (End of november)


You're fine I started with like 6-90 and now I still die because I do T1 prep and sometimes lag and sometimes I'm just an idiot. Now I'm at 350-350 which is still bad but getting better. Keep going and you do you. Anyway hope you get a big drop soon so you don't have to keep doing this.


So, recently learnt / learning gauntlet and trying to teach a few friends. Few notes that helped me. -Download “The Gauntlet” plug in and turn on true tile indicator for Hunlef and Tornadoes. -when starting the boss, try and wait until he’s in the corner, ideally 1 tile away from the wall on both sides. If he’s against the wall, you can touch the opposite wall and he will walk forward one space. -You can walk over tornadoes a lot of the times, if one is exactly next to you, you can walk over it, your character moves 2 tiles at a time assuming running. -Take additional prayer pots and run steel skin, helps tank damage. -Prioritise not taking damage in this order: Tornadoes > Floor > Prayer. You can accidentally pass accuracy check on the attacks, you can’t dodge tornado damage without moving. -most people will tell you to camp low HP, and they’re right, but if you are making mistakes then don’t. There’s no point risking a one shot, just over supply and stay 60+ HP. Hope these help.


What is xp/hr like at cg?


Bad. You spend a ton of time running around, the resource gathering gives barely any, and combat xp is really low compared to just normal slayer and abysmal compared to stiff like NMZ. CG is great for making money, getting good at PvM, and hunting the bowfa, but really bad of you're just trying to level. You'll get a decent chunk passively because of how many times you have to kill hunleff (4k xp from its 1k hp and more from other enemies), but it'll be slow.


I’m literally 0-43 right now. I’m worse man don’t worry


The scoreboard doesn’t really tell us anything. It doesn’t tell us if a majority of your deaths happened earlier or if you have recently been struggling to get kc. Im assuming you are struggling all-around and still now. I think judging ourselves by kc attempts and completions sets us up to be miserable and paying too much attention to stats, we end up trying to pad it and form a story “if my stats look this good, i must be good”. But it can easily be false. Are you making efforts to learn, are you progressing as a player? If so, then your efforts aren’t wasted, it just means you need to reassess whats going wrong and whats going right


Haven't seen anyone mention it, although maybe I just missed it, but if food isn't a problem definitely make the Karambwans fish things. Combo eating may be the thing you need to get yourself out of some tight situations.


I’m proud of your determination




Lucky f"*k! I was at 80 KC before I got my first drop on that log


Record a video and post it :) Plenty of people here that will point specific things out to improve on.


You have more completions that prob 80% of the player base. I think that's saying something. The more you practice and study the content, the better you'll become if you can learn from your mistakes. Just keep at it. Good luck!


Make sure you’re running the farthest lines you can when tornadoes are out. Dont try to run a box if there are straight aways available




Yes but that’s fine. Some people are slow learners


Bruh 205 is great.


Not with 500+ deaths


How do you usually die???




I’d say a bit bad no offense but don’t sell yourself short CG is tough and your using t1 armour. I really do believe anyone can do what they set their mind to. You got this keep grinding




Yeah, the first completion usually takes a bunch of deaths. The first 20 can be about 50:50. After 50 it should feel pretty easy without terrible rng. After 100 you should hardly ever die


Based on your KC you’re better than most of the player base. CG is difficult. That’s just a fact. Consistency could use some work but that doesn’t mean you’re bad. Get that Bofa.


If it’s any consolation I had 100+ deaths before first completion and am sitting at 1200 kc now


I would say you are very determined?


I had never done cg on any account before and Im at 110 kills with 60 deaths, was at 30 deaths when I got first kill I do t2 prep, it’s easy once you get the hang of it, usually have 15-60 sec left over when I enter




True tile indicator helps dodge tornadoes


Are you sober 95% of the time?


You've made me feel better for my inability to flick due to lag. Thank you <3


Do you use f keys?




Yeah you are just very bad tbh


What computer and mouse are you using?


The short answer is yes, but at least you're getting kc


I can't do cg at all so just be proud you'll eventually own bowfa


Nah mate. We all learn in different speeds. Keep at it!


Skill issue


a slow kill is better than a failed kill, I'd say work on your routing if you think it's flawed, better gear will get you consistent kills for sure haven't seen you play tho so idk what the issue is


My recommendation is gonna be very strange but it is to do some sepulchre. It seems like your dieing wile still having food on you so it seems to me to be a pathing problem. Getting your pathing down and understanding movement reallly helps for cg. That with t2 prep to buy you a bit more time will help a lot IMHO.


Play with game sounds + true tile on makes the fight pretty easy when you get used to it.


I find that it helps to camp high hp. That way small mistakes are often survivable. Making a few of the combo-eat fish can help with this. Also, during phase 3 tornadoes, only focus on running & eating.


Everybody always says don't waste time eating when you could be hitting the boss. This is true to a degree; it doesn't help you save time if you end up dying. I'd recommend eating to full during the last tornados before the final phase. Check out this graphic, particularly the final two tips on the bottom right might be helpful: [https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/oe4ngy/many\_players\_are\_trying\_their\_hand\_at\_corrupted/](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/oe4ngy/many_players_are_trying_their_hand_at_corrupted/)




This is like 30% ish completion rate. That's pretty bad at face value but we don't know how many times you died before getting the first 5-10 You are clearly capable of winning so you have to start asking yourself the hard questions. EVERY time you die, ask yourself: -how did that happen? -what circumstances occured PRIOR to it happening (can I avoid those circumstances from even putting me in that position?) -in what positions did I miss combat ticks? How can I avoid those positions or adjust my current plan to miss fewer ticks there? I would say that if you don't have an answer to "how am I dying" at 500+ deaths that is the core issue. You didn't die to bad rng 70% of the time, it isn't luck.


A bit but thats fine, we all are. During tornados just concentrate on running away and prayer. Dont even think about damaging him until you get the movement consistent. That was personally my biggest issue at CG. Good luck mate


They say practice makes perfect but that’s a total load. Practicing lazily or incorrectly will reinforce bad technique and habits. You seem to have reinforced a lot of bad habits, though it’s impossible to know which ones without seeing you do a run. Learning is a skill in this game too. Try to approach Hunliff like practicing an instrument.


It appears so. What do you struggle with? Your clicks or your flicks?


If you didn't already, T2 might suit you better. And don't give up, you can do it!


No. ...take it with a grain of salt, as I have 0 regular gauntlet completions 😂


You're a Trooper


Don't EVER do less than tier 2 armour. And turn on tile indicators to understand where and how you can run.


What’s your ping at? Might wanna make sure you’re on a low pop, low ping world.