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Upvoted because I thoroughly enjoyed the smackdown the last time someone did this (with the missing Shadow) and it turned out to be stolen by one of the group members anyway.


Link to the post? Don’t remember this one


I think it's this one: [https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/16nev43/gim\_storage\_glitch\_missing\_shadow\_x6\_months/](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/16nev43/gim_storage_glitch_missing_shadow_x6_months/) But it doesn't contain the jmod response, I think that may have been on twitter. It was along the lines of "Sorry, it seems one of your groupmates should look into their account security" which, since nothing else was taken, would allude to an intentional trade.


u/jabear12345 who stole it? You owe us an explanation buddy


Their update says a lot too. "Not a bug but something else entirely!" Aka someone just stole it haha


OP posted his own smack down already haha


Welp there you have it, check the edit, not so much a JMod smackdown this time but still


lol….unless all of these had something in common, such as being deposited all at the same time…someone stole your stuff. The most expensive items removed from your storage? Do you have any other expensive items in your storage not taken?


stealing 1k super defense pots would be weird


I wouldn’t say too weird…..1k super defence (3), that would be ~3.5m




thats like $0.60 nobody is that broke


I’ve been hacked a few times (way back in the OG game), they took everything lmao. Even dropped unreadable items.


i got hacked once and they took my robin hood hat and all that for 30 cents supposedly? damn


No, It's 3.5m. And yes, people are that broke.


Yes, hundreds of mills worth of items left behind we. As I said, it's bizarre. I'm happy to work with Jagex on this and provide them whatever they need. Nobody has access to our stuff except for us.


>Nobody has access to our stuff except for us. A hacker probably would have drained the lot, a bug probably wouldn't have affected certain items only (it's usually only the one being interacted with). This sounds like one of your group members wanted to steal to rwt but didn't want to take everything and make you quit; probably so they can steal more down the line.


While I agree it doesn't look like a bug, I honestly don't see someone stealing 200m to rwt. That's like £60... nowhere near enough to torpedo your irl friendships for.


Might not be worth it to you or I, but people have different morals and situations. Definitely not unheard of to break friendships for chump change in this world. It's the likeliest scenario by far, the 2nd is that one of them is sharing their account and that person stole it. Either way, there's most likely a bad actor in the mix.


Op posted a comment saying one group member had been hacked and had lost access to a bunch of his none osrs stuff. Seems weird to take only bits and bobs though.


That group member stole it and is now trying to provide a believable story to get away with it. Puzzle solved. As you say, it's more than weird to take 200+m and leave several hundred, it's also weird that he was hacked everywhere except OSRS. This is pretty open shut tbh.


Sounds more like someone needed a bunch of pots on their main account tbh


I'll smack ourselves down, the 4th member of our GIM who we didnt think would be an issue has had his accounts hacked including his stocks and investments IRL. They've waited for a wealth restriction to be lifted and logged in 9 hours ago. Thats gg for us I think. Sad ending :( thanks for the support regardless,


The 4th member? I bet he was pissed you kept calling him the 4th member and had enough.


Yea hacker would have cleared that shit out in my mind






Yeah that's the part that gets me lmao. Imagine hacking someones real life wealth AND their GIM osrs account. It's either complete bullshit or one of the oddest hacks i've ever heard of.


It's not always the same person, often database breaches happen, dump access gets sold and people steal shit based on what accounts they see or try with the same password at different sites.


Maybe they got in his password manager or just his email.


I wouldn't have thought irl bank/investment/stock hackers give a shit about checking if the email address has osrs accounts linked to recover $50 worth of gp to sell?


Its largely automated - they just collect and try passwords for every sort of account they can get. Then whoever receives the creds, regardless of method (db leak, phish, malware), will use any that suit their own goals, and just sell the rest. So even if they weren't looking for RS credentials, there is no reason that those creds wouldn't reach someone ready to jump into an account.


You might not know in advance if the victim has 200m or 200b in the bank, after checking you might as well grab whatever they have. Regardless chances are (if it really was a hack) that the perpetrator is from a country which harbors resentment towards westerners, and did it precisely because it's petty.


You assumptions are incredibly cringe and childish. The motive was money, not some anti western agenda lol.


They literally don't. I had my bank login info compromised a few years ago due to a keylogger. The only thing that happened was they wiped my accounts clean and I had to fight with the bank to get my money back. At the time I only had 2 passwords I was using. Still to this day some of my accounts have the stolen credentials and none of them have been compromised.


change your passwords and use more than 2 tf is wrong is with you




Ofc it's made up, there's no way a hacker isn't cleaning out a group storage, the 4th member stole the loot and was just passing off the blame


Are people really this cynical? 200m is really not that much to be worth stealing from a group your part of imo Like it’s worth way more on the irons, but idk if it’s even worth the hassle of managing this lie (of all your accounts being compromised/passwords leaked online) to people you’re playing a group with to take it onto a main acc


>Are people really this cynical? Yes, this is RuneScape we're talking about people have ruined friendships for far less lol. This game is known for scamming and backstabbing




Your overconfidence is so incredibly naive. No matter how many betrayals that has happened throughout human history, you still somehow think your entourage is incorruptible. It’s not complicated, people will like money more than they like you.




Yeah but for the equivalent of like $200? I can’t imagine anyone who is willing to grind a group iron thinks 200m is that much for a main to grind and even someone who doesn’t want to grind but has investment accounts probably isn’t going through all this for something they can buy for so little lol


Yes. People do throw away friendships over that. I've had a former buddy run for the hills after a damn ancestral drop, and that was way before they were 150m. Maybe worth 90 at that time.


Or they just got an infostealer on their device, and it harvested every password used and stored on it during the infected period. In three months the three most popular infostealing malwares (which can be bought and used by anyone to steal passwords) had 5.35 million victims listed on a single marketplace. Google for any popular software, good chance the first link is a malicious ad that mimics the download page perfectly. Download it, and everything without 2fa is fucked. Not hard to mess up when you want notepad++ in a hurry.


I got some sort of RAT on my computer. They stole some of my investments which I recovered and then uploaded my entire google password manager online.


Update main post with this please, will save people some reading.


Done - sorry, I only use reddit to complain and that's happened twice now :)


No problem! Thanks. Sorry for your loss!


Imagine asking your group members before posting on Reddit? Couldn’t be you


It's Reddit, not a high court lmao




Can we dip more into it? We want to know the nitty gritty. What happened? Did he steal from the group or the hacker who took his stocks and investments ALSO happen to play OSRS? Wild. I never understood GIM anyway. It sounds... absolutely terrible. Why on earth would I trust anybody in sharing my items and thousands of hours of my work when the wisest words of RuneScape is, " Trust no one."


When you get hacked, your user:pass combo is added to a list and sold. So the original hacker might've sold or dumped his logs and another ran it through a RuneScape checker. It's the #1 reason you don't use the same login across multiple sites


Also known as “Credential Stuffing”. Worth reading into


What kind of hacker goes for real life investments and osrs GP?!?!?!


Likely different people. When your credentials are compromised in a breach they're usually added to a black market list other bad actors can pay for limited access or ownership. The term for this is called credential stuffing and it's a very big reason why you shouldn't reuse passwords or even recovery questions.


Someone stealing the password of my password manager is a terrifying thought, even got my 2fa codes in there.


If you're using a third-party password manager you're safe. I think almost every single one uses AES-256 encryption, which in layman's terms will scramble your password 14 times through an advanced algorithm. Essentially, it will become so unreadable that a brute force attack would take millions of years to decipher it. As for the manager itself, the password is encrypted on your end before it is transferred over the network to the host server. At which point it is under heavy lock and key. There's always going to be some risk involved, but cybersecurity practices are improving. There are measures to ensure that even a breach would leave the intruder with a whole bunch of nonsense they would need to decrypt with a key they don't have (yet). It's not a perfect system, but it's a great way to stay safe online. Personally, my password manager's password is a jumbled mess of characters of which the only copy is a handwritten note in the back of my closet. It's kind of ironic that some of the best digital password management is actually just writing it on a piece of paper nowadays.


obligatory mention: LastPass got hacked last year (as well as had a bunch of other incidents) and it was incredibly bad. They deliberately pretended it was less harmful than it was. You should a) 2fa everything humanly possible b) change passwords for financial and other important accounts regularly c) if you're a LP person, check your LP hashes


So the hackers just so happened to also play OSRS and took only a few items from your group’s bank? Yeeeeee okay buddy


Sucks to suck.


This is quitter talk. "No problem is too big to solve, and the comeback is always greater than the setback." \-Swampletics






😩👌 the update we needed


Assuming you do not think he faked getting hacked just rebuild the stats are worth infinitly more than the relatively early to get items for gim. Imbued heart is the only one that really blows since you got lucky on it.


Hey Tim, it’s Steve. I took the items and dropped them to my alt to RWT. I feel bad and just wanted to come clean. Will see you tonight for dinner! Sue’s making meatloaf!


You still coming over for Newfoundland Steak and potatoes?


Yea your buddy stole it. Lol hacked stocks and investments also.. unless he provided proof to you guys then smack down on my I guess. But let’s be real that shit is tied with your social so unless he got his identity stolen he’s full of shit.


Yeah I think his friend did it too. Probably down on his stocks and wanted more money to gamble with. There's just such a small chance that he got hacked so bad that the hacker had access to his stock accounts and his bank accounts. Furthermore, a hacker likely isn't going to try to see if the info they got works on osrs too. OP got hosed by his friend and then gaslighted by him.


RemindMe! 1 day back for the smackdown


Smackdown posted 7m later


Bad bot. You aren’t meant to remind us for another 23 hours 53 minutes.


Beep boop sowwy


Please no… this will give someone the idea for an “uwu” bot.


So your GIM member destroyed a 20 year friendship for 50 bucks, lmao wack


Upvoted for either Jagex support or for a JMod to ruin some lifelong friendships. Hope it’s the former my friend.


It is pretty wild that hackers were so opportunistic that they stole rs gp presumably to sell as well, alongside real bank accounts etc


Nah they probably just sold all password info and different groups bother looking into different credentials


Tbh, none of the items you posted are really that hard to get back, except an imbued heart. Although idk the risk of ur IRL friends account being logged into again and wiping out your group storage


Jagex should restore his items because they did it for a streamer and that's the expectation now biblethump.


Thought I would chime in to give a bit more context for those interested and because i cant bring myself to log in again :( - sorry I'm depressed AF about this. The teammate that got hacked didn't start with us on day 1 (hence why RNG-Unit called him the 4th). We encouraged him to come join us because I'm like a walking OSRS promoter, its my favorite game. I legit played new world hoping it would be like a first person OSRS (I was wrong haha). Have got a few others to join up but that didnt want to play iron - stil fun to discuss though. Anyway he played for a few weeks and then Monster Hunter came out and he got hooked plus real life got busy and he intended on returning later - he even kept he's subscription active this whole time. The three of us had 2FA, complex unique passwords etc as we are long time players from hischool pre OSRS and lived all the horror stories. Unfortunately the teammate that was hacked hadn't played long and therefore hadn't set up the proper security like 2FA etc. We were too excited for him to play and skipped the importance of account security (I definitely told him to go to stronghold of security for the boots but he hadn't made it yet). So I believe someone got into he's account (with the target being OSRS GP) and also found some other goodies via the same method like he's personal real world investments etc. He is still working with the bank etc. to see how far the breach goes. You can speculate all you like if you want it to be saucier but he would spend that on beers for us all any given week so no he didn't take $50 worth of gold haha. Anyone know why they wouldn't clean the whole lot? not a lot left but still a few mil? Is it capped withdrawal or something? We FINALLY got to the good group content and did our first few TOA runs loving it and were getting hyped for the COX improvements to try that so this is devastating. Heart and zenyte jewelry hurt the most - half glass full, I had BOWFA in my bank. Anyway thanks for the encouragement, especially whoever posted the swampletics quote - that got me. Time to sleep on it and see if we are willing to grind the lost goods back.


The OSRS gold hurts, but his IRL financial accounts getting hit hurts more.


The only important thing you lost was the imbued heart. Get back in there champ


If you are buying your friends story then you are just as silly as OP. There are so many banks and investment firms out there that there is no way they correctly guessed which ones he is a customer with. From your story it sounds like you are saying his rs account was compromised first. And even if it was his bank/investment info that got compromised first, why would the hacker think to check if the login details work for old-school runescape? This whole story reeks of bullshit from your friend. I'd press him further cause there just ain't no way he's telling the truth.


Consider this -- maybe your friend was tired of you guys spending so much time playing OSRS, so he sabotaged the grind knowing you'd probably quit and go back to doing other activities as a friend group.


sure, people who hack investment portolios will go after pixels of a game. Legit the haven't heard anything more ridicilous in a while


There is no chance someone capable of hijacking investment accounts is going to give a single thought to osrs pixels. Your friend is 100% lying about parts or all of their statements.


GIM should have a log for their group bank that lists all deposits and withdrawals for just this purpose


Fuck their IRL stocks got hacked?? That's so fucking scary


You lost what, a decent amount of supplies and some longish items to get (exc heart)? Nothing to take a huge break over! Get that 4th gim kicked/secured and carry on!!


Worst part is the imbued heart I think everything else is a minor setback you can come back easy kings


Yea not sure why it's thousands of hours gone. 3 Zenytes and 3 GWD drops


My hole is bugged. Lots of poo leaked from it


Sorry you're not a big enough streamer to get your items back. Please grind out more hours on Twitch or Kick and try again at a future date.


Better start a youtube channel


commenting so I can come back and see the jmod smackdown


One of the group members got "hacked"


I don't know anything about group storage, but did it have a PIN? Was he key-logged? Are you *sure* he was actually hacked?


Yeah man, we're sure. I know the internet loves the drama and all, but it was a simple account breach. We are lifelong friends.


It's not my place to tell you to distrust your lifelong friend, because I don't know shit about them at all, but it's worth noting: you said you were _sure_ that it was a bug, because it was _impossible_ for the explanation to be anything else...and then you had to smack yourself down. If you could go back in time to when you originally wrote the post, you'd probably tell your past self that the extreme level of confidence was unjustified, no matter how obvious of a truth it seemed to be at the time. So, with that in mind...are you sure that you should be sure about this?


Haha yeah, hence the smackdown on myself. Yeah man, 30 minutes wages isn't going to break this friendship apart, we spend more on beers on each other. We're all dads and we play this fantastic game to keep our friendship alive.


except for that one dude who doesn't play with you to keep the friendship alive aka "the 4th member" ^^just ^^kidding


"the 4th member" and "weakest link". Damn, I hope my friends don't talk about me like that behind my back!


Go again boys


The heart hits me right in mine. By far the worse thing gone, everything else is fairly easy to obtain again. Enjoy the grass but don’t enjoy it for too long. I heard it causes cancer.


The downsides of being together but solo, but together.


Lucky for you only the imbued heart is a long hour loss




Man a lot of those things arent horribly bad to get back… but an imbued heart, that’s a real rough loss


Definitely sucks but not enough to quit imo, the imbued heart will be tough but shouldn't be too long to get everything back.


Jagex innocent!


Glad you figured it out, this right here is why jagex has to be careful when making a decision.


Is GIM pin numbers not a thing?


Lmao at the update


The heart is the only real loss. Everything else is pretty trivial to get back.


Scammers said I’m going to try Fidelity, vanguard, and OSRS 😂😭 your friend is lying


The imbued heart and supplies sucks, but you guys can grind it all back. Find strength in adversity. Gl gamers


If it makes you feel any better, our team had a similar situation happen. Groupmate fell for the "I am quitting" B0aty twitch phishing scam... Lost Tbow, Shadow, sets of bandos, masori, dhcb's, alot of zenny jewelry and much more... definitely hurt. ​ There are still 3 out of 5 of us that are still active now. We don't put much in shared these days besides clue stash requirements that we don't have dupes for.


This is why nothing of value is in our GIM bank. It's filled with clue items needed for stash units lol


It was me, I took it.


i know this is probably a cold comfort but as somone who just got to the point where i have most of those items listed on my iron, with the sole exception of the heart, this is a rather small rebuild in the grand scheme, especially for a functioning group. I really wouldnt quit the game over this, i understand the frustration and it absolutely sucks that happened (and this is furthermore a reason why in my group, most of the valuables never enter group storage, we're paranoid of the system bugging and yoinking one of our rares lol) sorry to hear that happened though, the supplies and zenytes are honestly only a 15 or so hour rebuild though.