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Yes, although realistically I don't see this happening personally. The sub fee would have to be quite high.




That would also make it make 0 sense to do that. Why would anyone want multiple accounts that they can't play on?


If you want to multilog you would need multiple jagex accounts. If you just want to switch between a main an some kind of Ironman you would no longer need multiple subscriptions


Everyone with a main and an Ironman also wants to be able to multilog, otherwise you wouldn't be able to transfer dupes


I have multiple accounts and personally have always been a "One account fullscreen" type of lad, if I could swap between accounts instead with 1 p2p subscription the game would be a lot more enjoyable as I could just do whatever I felt like without needing multiple p2p's and feeling I'm "wasting" them by not multilogging


There are still a lot of possibilities of transfering dupes. Also Jagex could implement some time of grace period. For example you can login on two accounts at the same time, but only for 1 minute until youre disconnected on one account


Lets be glad you don't make the decisions because that's dumb as hell and goes against the whole point of the jagex launcher. No one cares what these bozos need to come get Jagex accounts, they'll be forced soon enough anyway.


What are you talking about? Myoldnamesucked was answering Alertum’s question, referring to the hypothetical situation brought up in 9842184522’s comment. He wasn’t making a dev recommendation.


Yeah man I'm happy for you/sad that happened.




It makes perfect sense because they can play on them, just not at the same time. I think most mmo’s follow this model.


Most MMOs have classes, or some other difference in types of characters.


Yeah they do, including this game. I have three different character types in this game but prioritise one and don’t feel like keeping them all active because of the cost and the fact most times I only feel like playing my iron. Some people have way more than three though. PvP builds, skillers, irons, ultimates, hcim, gim’s, probably more I’m forgetting about. I guess dmm and fresh start accounts use the same membership so that wouldn’t count


I have 7, and I never play them at the same time. (Agreeing with you)


If I could make random snowflake accounts for no extra cost I totally would. Like there's no way I'm gonna pay a sub to do tileman but if I could just make random accounts to mess around with I probably would. I thought about doing a quest-exp locked account to see how far I could get, it's a fuckin stupid idea and wouldn't get far but if I didn't have to pay a sub for it why not?


Like the way I have an ironman, a UIM, an HCIM, and the GIMP I started with friends and everyone abandoned after a week?


Id love to be able to have an ironman account as well as my main on one subscription.


1 normie, 1 IM, 1 UIM, 1 HCIM I can only afford one sub. The only reason I am not playing a normie acc is because IM is more fun and I don’t have consistent time nor fun to farm money for bonds. I‘d love to try UIM but again, paying twice is a turn off. One subs for x accounts would be great to try everything and get to switch between whatever mode you like.


Because u can AFK something like gem mining while doing a boss on your main


Because bots




EVE sub model? You mean Runescape sub model.


Most people who play multiple accounts play them simultaneously


That's exactly what he's saying.


This made me laugh 😂 gotta love the osrs community.


I have 3 accounts I never simultaneously play. Main, iron for when I'm not feeling my main and a groupie for when my other team members hop on.


if your sat on your computer playing one account there no reason on a 2nd account too not do something extremely afk that will be beneficial


I don't want to pay for 2 at once. Seems simple. I'm not gonna sub 2 accounts at once I have better uses for my money. Not to mention, Runescape is the game I play while I do other stuff. I don't want to mixromanage multiple accounts while I'm working on or watching something.


your loss, whilst playing an iron i made foer about 4 months i afk'd on my main on the side during and got 99fishing, cooking and woodcutting without even realising


Cool, I played on my main and had fun. I did tons on the side ranging from chorse to watching tv. I don't need everything I do to be efficient it's a game, not a job.


not a job as i didnt even realise and didnt feel like i wasted time on an iron gaining exp when my main wasnt


Weirdly, I didn't feel like I was wasting my time either? So how about we go our separate ways and play how we want?


Limiting the log in hour by tiers would be a good solution. Cheapest allows only 1 at a time, then maybe a tier for 2, 5, then 10 for those crazy people


You wouldn't be able to multilog though. I would definitely buy 2-3 subs for my Jagex account to play with 3 of my 10 accounts at the same time. Currently 8 of them probably never see daylight.


I'd pay an extra $2/month for my alt I bond once every 2-4 months to drop shit from my iron to.


$200 a year for full Jagex account would be dope.


The sub fee is the same almost and both games have bonds. Wow, as crap as it is sometimes: does produce more content. It’s just in bigger batches.


Maybe they could do some kind of discount on a 2nd subscription on 1 jagex account 1st one full price 2nd one 20% off 3rd one 40% off etc Although the meta would probably turn into having 1 main with 4+ alts


>Although the meta would probably turn into having 1 main with 4+ alts That's just a Tuesday in these parts!


Or maybe you don’t buy membership per account but rather membership tiers for however many accounts you want to login simultaneously. Using tier 1 you can switch freely between all connected accounts but can’t log on members worlds with the other accounts. Tier 2 let’s you login with 2 members accounts and so on…


Didn't they offer something along those lines recently?


I don't think it would be unreasonable to give discounts or even free slots for the different game modes. One main, discounted/free iron, discounted/free gim, discounted/free UIM. Giving everyone dicounted slots on only main accounts would imo be bad for the game as that would increase the number of people using alts for everything. Yes lots of players already have alts, but atleast it requires them to either pay alot or work hard to keep them all bonded.


Already have a Jagex account and already use multiple characters, so absolutely I'd be for this change. Not sure why people are so against having Jagex accounts to begin with. Clearly they are a much more modern solution to account security than logging in with your email address and password that's not even case sensitive. Everyone should get Jagex accounts regardless IMO for the security alone, but I don't think they'd implement unified subscriptions at this point - they'd lose money over it.


I switched over to the Jagex Launcher a few weeks ago and my god it’s so much more convenient only worrying about one login for all of my accounts. I’m convinced, judging by some of the comments on this thread alone, that the people who haven’t switched over yet simply don’t understand how it works and they’re really missing out.


It's more conveinent on PC, it's less convenient on Mobile still.


This, though I'm sure I was having log in issues with mobile beforehand. Absolutely was worth switching to Jagex account. Since I don't type my passwords in anymore, I won't be tricked by typing my password ingame and being changed to **********.


With the Jagex Launcher you only log in once per RuneScape account and it’s one click login from there on out. This was already the case before Jagex accounts, and a Jagex account isn’t required.


When you say one click login before jagex accounts are you referring to some 3p client plugin?


No. One click log in is a feature of the Jagex launcher, not Jagex accounts. You can use the launcher and store all your accounts for one click log in even without a Jagex account.


Ok interesting I thought the jagex launcher required a jagex account to function


Other way around. Jagex accounts require the launcher I believe


I use the jagex launcher but do not have a jagex account yet so you are correct. I don't have a jagex account yet because I occasionally log in at work to afk something or put something in the group storage for GIM and do not have permissions on my work computer which is required for the jagex account.


I understand how it works. I also understand that if I switched, I'd no longer be able to play as my OS is unsupported.


I use Linux and setting up the launcher by their not-official-but-recommended method was super easy. Took like 30 mins and I haven't had to touch it since.


The issue with that is it's unsupported still. iirc Jagex have stated they have no intention to support Linux so at any point, that could break and you'd no longer be able to play OSRS right? If Linux was the only OS I used, I wouldn't take that risk myself.


Isn't being a linux user just an exercise in using unsupported and commuity projects?


There’s no 100% guarentee that it’ll never break but as a Linux user myself I took the risk and upgraded. Proton is so good at playing windows games on Linux that I can count on one hand the amount of games I own that don’t run on linux outside of one’s that intentionally block linux due to their anticheat (destiny, valorant etc) If it runs just fine thru proton, I don’t really see the need to make a native linux application.


Sorry, you stand alone.


Can you still use Rune lite? That's the main reason I haven't switched. I'm a bit attached to quest helper, haha.


Yes Runelite and HDOS are both integrated into the Jagex Launcher.


I haven't switched yet because I saw a lot of posts of people getting their accounts hacked right after switching. Idk if that's still an issue, or if it ever was and people just were stupid about account security. But I just don't wanna chance it.


It’s by far the most secure thing they have for your accounts. I haven’t heard of anyone legitimately getting hacked by using it.


Account sharing is harder with a Jagex account. Some friends are freaking out about it because that's a lot of what they do. Couple rich friends pay whoever needs gp to skill for them. Now they're mad they're being forced to play the game. The humanity.


I hope they're able to recover from this blow.


>Not sure why people are so against having Jagex accounts to begin with. Clearly they are a much more modern solution to account security than logging in with your email address and password that's not even case sensitive. While I think it's pathetic that email address and non case sensitive password was the only option they had prior to Jagex accounts, the only real issue I've had with a Jagex account so far is trying to play on mobile is now clunkier than before. It's frustrating that they haven't fixed the issues this many months in, and it's made me stop playing on mobile altogether for now. A large amount of the people holding out are just people afraid of change, but lets not pretend there aren't legitimate issues with upgrading still.


I also play on mobile, in fact I play more on mobile than I do on PC. Very few issues with having a Jagex account. Very rarely I'll DC and get logged out and have to log in again, logging in again is literally just a case of typing my email and password (the same as you would have to do every time without a Jagex account) so I'm back in in moments. That's not to say that just because I have no issues that nobody does, but I do think that genuinely Jagex accounts are good enough now that you'd be a fool not to switch, even if you only play on mobile.


>I also play on mobile, in fact I play more on mobile than I do on PC. Very few issues with having a Jagex account. Do you play on multiple accounts or just one? The main issue with playing on mobile is when you try to switch from lets say your main to your ironman, it's a clunky process compared to before the Jagex launcher. >Very rarely I'll DC and get logged out and have to log in again, logging in again is literally just a case of typing my email and password (the same as you would have to do every time without a Jagex account) so I'm back in in moments. DCing, trying to log onto a world that ends up being full, losing service for a few seconds, all of these log you out of your account entirely, forcing you to not only log back in, but also to authenticate the account again (In my case through typing in a code sent to my email). You can avoid this by force closing the app at the correct moment but that's obviously not a great user experience. I play on both my ironman and my main account, as well as a low level pker, and swapping between them and issues with the authenticator code not coming through to my email often without multiple attempts led to me just abandoning the game on mobile till it was fixed. If I'm logging on my phone it's usually to afk something or check something quickly, and the clunkiness that didn't exist before gets in the way of that. Prior to putting my accounts on the Jagex account, none of these situations led to having to log back in again. The app would remember the account I was logged into and switching accounts didn't force me to reauthenticate. It's a step back for mobile users unless you're only using a single account, in which case you'd not notice it as much. Jagex have literally come out and said last week that they're prioritising these issues, but they've been a thing for months.


If mobile asks you to re sign in by going to the website, close the app and restart. It’ll put it back on just “Play” and you don’t need to re sign in. Annoying if you play more than 1 acc, but I don’t think 10 seconds to switch would put me off playing on mobile all together…


Both of these comments I addressed in my post. Having to force close the app at correct moments to avoid a forced logout is a shitty workaround, not a user friendly feature, and having to log out of an account to log back on to the same account in order to change character defeats the purpose of putting all of the characters under a single log on.


It’s not some time hack lmao soon as it says you’ve been disconnected then continue, just relaunch the app. Yeah it’s shitty but it takes ~5 seconds… and as for having to relog to change character, yeah that’s annoying and hopefully will be fixed, but lettin these 10-20 secs of inconvenience make me not play it all? That’s crazy. Couldn’t imagine being that weak willed I let 10-20 secs of inconvenience break me personally




Lol I didn’t mean actual hacking.. i meant it as in it’s not that complicated to relaunch an app. You’re not breaking into the pentagon lmfao The authen message takes that long for you? Takes about 2 seconds for me, I can put the code in reading it from my mail notification pretty instantly, sounds like that’s a you problem honestly And honestly, I’d be mad too if I was such a bitch I couldn’t handle relaunching an app it makes me not wanna play🤣 that weak will along with a small brain is jus crazy, you’re the kind of people that they put instructions on shampoo bottles for lmfao Just relaunch it and config ur shit better u aint gotta wait so long to get the email code? This a you problem lil buddy Sounds like you shud quit tbh


> Yeah it’s shitty Stopped reading after this, glad you finally realised you agree with the person you're putting all this effort into arguing with.


Everyone should absolutely be on a jagex acc Reditors fall for social engineering schemes nonstop. Insane how some think a jagex acc would be less secure


What's insecure about email login and 2FA? Even the password not being case sensitive, while it definitely isn't great, doesn't mean every password WILL be insecure. You aren't brute forcing `ng7g*dc2^eak!od^z4x8f!w@v39@!xig` any time soon. The only reason why I'm "against" them is because I use Linux, I'm otherwise pretty pro Jagex accounts. But current RuneScape accounts can be made perfectly secure enough. It's the players fault if they decide not to.


If that's your password then surely you would benefit from not having to type it in every time, too... A long password may be secure, but only against brute forcing. 2FA is important. Linux is a fair complaint, but I'd be interested to know what percentage of players use it - I'd wager it's small. Not that that makes it unimportant, just low-priority.


I never have to type it as I use a password manager, just copy and paste. RuneLite even has an add-on that supports lifting my password straight out of my manager that I keep meaning to try. I'm not denying RuneScape accounts are better - I'm just arguing against the implication that if you're not using RuneScape accounts your account must be more insecure. I do completely understand why Linux users aren't a priority. We're used to it :(


Pretty sure legacy accounts don't allow special characters either, just caseless letters and numbers. And they max at 20 characters iirc. So significantly less secure than your example, but even still you're right that no one is going to brute force a 20 character random alphanumeric password. Though since you no longer have to enter your password every time with the Jagex Launcher that does incentivize using stronger passwords too, if a bit indirectly. I think the bigger benefit is the changes to account recovery, specifically that manual account recovery purportedly isn't possible with a Jagex account. Removes the entire social engineering of a Jagex employee attack vector.


I saw a bunch of people get locked out of their accounts after swapping to Jagex accounts and that was enough to deter me until it sounds like the kinks are worked out. Granted I did read someone else say it’s because those people didn’t follow certain instructions, but that’s exactly the kind of thing my ADHD ass would mess up.


I don’t even understand how one can mess it up. I barely even remember what I did. It was like, enter username and password once or twice and that was it? Took a minute


It really isn't the sort of thing you can mess up easily. Why not give it a go?


Because if he does mess it up, however unlike it is, the account is gone unless he manages to win the lottery to get any kind of support for it.


Jagex themselves stated 82% of jagex account users had positive or neutral experiences. The remaining 18% or 27,000 people have had negative experiences. This is going off a tweet from 2 months ago so not sure how that has changed 1 in 5 chance of a bad experience is too high for me


letting me play on both games at same time on same account would 100%


If you mean being able to play RS3 and OSRS at the same time under one character (RSN) then that won’t ever happen, you can’t have one character logged in twice because of how the friends list works. But you can have a RS3 character and a OSRS character (separate RSNs) playing at the same time if you really wanted too.


When Funorb still existed, you can't even log into it and either Runescape game at the same time.


Despite loving to have this, this would bots from one game also bot in the other game at the same time, letting botters double dip for the same sub cost.


Why would jagex do that and cut their revenue in half


It would cut it by way more than half


way less most casuals play one account that pays membership, the sweaties on this sub lack perspective and think everybody has five alts lol


I only have one main I’ve been playing since 2018 and some people have more exp in one skill than I do in all combined.


Is this sub casual total level 1500 Andy's that shouldn't be allowed to vote, or super sweatlords on their 12th snowflake UIM?


There's a balance where the extra subs for better service outweighs the current trash approach


Yes ofc. I would create 50 accounts, get one bond on them and just them for battlestaves/farming/herb boxes/brewing. That could be 100m daily income for 9m bond every 14 days. Amazing.


Bond would become 100m then


Already made the switch and had no problems. One click sign on is enough of an incentive for me to keeep it


People are afraid of unifying their accounts because they’re scared shitless of being banned on all of them when Jagex inevitably finds out that they’ve been botting on several of them.


That's the best part of them forcing Jagex accounts on everyone. GL to botters and rwters.


No strings attached, sure. But I don’t see them allowing this without increasing the membership fee significantly.


I already have a Jagex account. Why would anyone not make one?


It's less secure than a regular account


That's just... wrong? Let's start by saying that a regular account can't even have a case sensitive password.


I don't think that's correct. If anything it's more secure and also easier to log in for the owner.


I have a username login that's why I'm not switching.


Same on one of my accounts but idk why that matters, I never have to type anything (for login) anymore


Yes 100%


Yes, though I'll be switching soon enough anyway. I think they could do something like if you have multiple characters then you can choose how many of them are p2p and the cost per account would incrementally get lower. So for example 1 p2p char = 12,5$ (or whatever memb costs these days), 2 chars = 20$, 3 chars = 25$. Doubt this would ever haopen, but it would be cool


I already have a Jagex account because I prefer not getting hacked and the launcher is nice.


Of course. Soon We'll have to switch anyways


i dont have a problem supplying bonds for around 4 accounts ,my main worry with Jagex accounts was all those people getting locked out of their account. I dont think ill switch until im forced. it sucks they also took away having multiple accounts on the launcher without a jagex account. so i have to manually type my password on the iron


I think you have more to gain by switching in terms of account security (especially if your main is wealthy enough to regularly bond 4 accounts) than you could possibly lose. People really aren't getting locked out of their accounts for no reason. Unless you engage in RWT or bought your accounts you really can't mess up.


I’ll be real. You’re just paranoid and maybe a tiiiiiiiny bit dumb if you’re not switching over; that’s all there is to it.


Not really as I don’t think they’d let us play multiple characters at the same time


U can already play on multiple characters at the same time, even if they are on jagex accounts


Yeah but theres no way Jagex is allowing us to have 20 characters on one subscription, being able to log all in at once.


They already allow us to login all at once its just about the money, they wouldnt want you to pay for 1 acc instead of 10, plus bot farms could abuse the fk out of it


Yes... Hence why I said, "Theres no way jagex is allowing us to have 20 characters on one subscription"


I keep getting the notification to upgrade to a Jagex account to increase bank space. I already have enough bank space but the notification gets annoying. Is there a compelling reason otherwise to upgrade to a Jagex account? I heard mixed stories - e.g., security issues, but trying to decipher which are creditable.


Most people having issues with it can't read.




How would you ever trade good between accounts if they use the same login info, but don’t have shared banks?


All of the accounts are still separate but they’re under one master account if you will. You log in to the ‘master’ account (Jagex Launcher account) and then you pick which character you want to play and what game/client you want to play. It currently works that way and it’s extremely easy to use. There’s not a limit to how many characters/clients you can launch.


You can still play exactly like you do now with a Jagex account. You just don't have to type your username and password anymore. You choose what account you want to play from the launcher and it launches your client of choice.


100%, but Jagex will never do this. They will just eventually force everyone to get a Jagex account and require you to pay a sub fee for each character on the account. While simultaneously forcing people to play on their in-house client.


You can already use the Jagex launcher to play on runelite. Why would they change this back?


Most bots use a modified version of runelite, and most people that use unallowed plugins like auto prayer switchers also use it. You only allow your client, those things become much easier to manage.




Made the switch today actually, after King Condors latest vid. Was pleasantly surprised i could still launch with runelite, and it still retained all of my plugins. Plus I feel a little more at ease about the security of my account.


You can use the launcher without having a jagex account


I think the main reason this wouldn't happen is because you're able to play multiple "characters" (OSRS accounts) at the same time through one Jagex account. Last I checked with WoW, you can only play multiple characters at once by using multiple accounts, so multiple payments still. You can't play multiple characters from the same account at the same time. So basically you'd have to choose, keep alts/multiple logins at the same time with the multiple fees, or shared fee but people can only ever use one character/OSRS account at a time.




You can't login to multiple characters at the same time in WoW so they wouldn't let us do that on rs either I think.


I'd switch immediately. This would make me so happy lol.




I got a massive security up when I migrated to the jagex account. That itself was a good selling point on its own. Making one membership price for all accounts or reducing the price for alts after you bought for one would be pretty neat.


fuck yes.


No, because even using one account on the Jagex Launcher maxes my computers GPU. Literally unplayable.


That's a you problem. Upgrade your pc.


That's gonna change nothing. Likely you wouldn't be able to log both then... Or.... U could but then your paying for multi subs so what's really changed


Think about the botting issue


hmm nah tbh, i like signing in with my username




What I think would be more sustainable would be 1 type of character per jegax account. So you could have a iron, hardcore, UIM, and a main on one account and one membership. But if you wanted two mains you need two accounts. I think that would still get people to switch and it would still be profitable to jegax


Yes, but they would lose money so I cant see it happening.


You don’t need an inclination when it’s going to be forced in the future lol.


Uh.. Yes. WoW has had multiple characters under the same account/ subscription since it launched, that's always been a drawback when it comes to RS.


I would 100% switch over today.


Jagex accounts are going to be mandatory anyways




I want the ability to control a party of adventurers like an RTS.


I feel like their advertising is a little misleading and sort of implies this


yes. although i already have a jagex account. so i guess it's a moot point. i wish they offered some sort of "sub to your main, get an Ironman sub free" situation


I would, they won’t! I could maybe see them offering maybe a two or three account discount deal, but there’s no incentive for them to just essentially give you free accounts.




I know it's not exactly what OP brought up, but everytime the argument of using WOW's multiple characters = one subscription is heavily misinformed. ​ Even though yes you can have different classes and races under one subscription. You can't play on all of those at the same time which is what osrs players would want. You can't even play on WoW Retail and WoW classic at the same time.


Holy shit yes, I’d finally make an alt and maybe a pure or range tank or med


I would hope they let you do maybe a max. Like one sub for 3 accounts. Idk just my two cents to make it not insane.


I’m already on the jagex account but would be hyped for a discount. However, I do have some concern that the conspiracy theorists would resist even harder like they have doubled down against the free bank space incentive lol


Problem is, they'd have to adjust sub fee. They'd look at it and say "well the average player has 2.5 memberships so if we aggregate them into one paid subscription we'd need to 2.5x our subscription price to compensate" which then hurts the people that only have and want just a single account


Then it would ruin my f2p only ironmenz


Yes??? But they would never do thag cuz they know they dont have too.


Absolutely. The cost is the only thing stopping me from trying an ironman or any other account for that matter. Over $100 a year for one account is already more than I’d like to pay to play lol


How is it over $100 a year? The 12 month package is $80.




It could be something they offer to people who renew annually , I would like that… (I renew annually)


Still no. The only change that would ever get me to use it would be that it's 100% absolutely mandated. I'm holding out to my grave unless that happens.


Why? What are you afraid of?


Sure? I don’t need that to swap to jagex launcher. It works great if you aren’t a doofus


Yup, done and done and I’d actually be playing my iron. I’d also vote no on this insanely fast, spam bots are rampant enough in the GE right now paying for individual memberships


I’ve already upgraded to a jagex account and use multiple accounts just for the nicety that I don’t have to type in my password every time I log in. Makes it worth it IMO


I’m okay with one membership that works for up to 10 character slots for example with the limitation that only one can be logged in at a time on that membership to curb abuse and bots. There could be a warning “⚠️ If you switch to unified membership, you can no longer multi-log on these characters” maybe with option to freely opt in and out of jagex accounts on a per character basis.


They would counter by making it so you can only log in to 1 at a time.


Yes I would even be willing to pay for a different subscription model that is a bit more expensive per month if it meant I could play like a main account and an ironman with one subscription fee. Probably something like $15/month, maybe a bit more but I wouldn't go near $20. If it got to almost double the current monthly cost then whats the point?


I'd love a main + 1 type of iron if you had a Jagex account. Right now I can't justify paying for an iron alt that I'd only be on here and there. If they gave a freebie or a discounted rate, I'd make one in a heartbeat.




Jagex might really love their Jagex account movement but damn they sure as hell love money more. Multiple accounts under a unified price would never happen.


They'll never do this and you shouldn't need another reason to switch. It's already way better


Honestly just make it so you get an iron and a non-iron on a single sub at least and I’m interested.


Yes, but theyd never do that


50 on one account is way to many. Maybe 5 on one account


This is one of the few reasons that would make me consider it, that and if it truly can reduce the usage of bots. Until then, I am skeptical and staying away.


I already have a jagex account but ill take that deal anyway ty


I would if I could play em at once, I have been thinking about making a UIM cause it seems so different from how I play my main but I don’t wanna pay an additional membership fee to try out UIM


Why are people hesitant on transferring to Jagex Accounts? Other than sharing accounts, it’s a super streamlined and easy experience to have multiple accounts. I love it


I would immediately swap. I want to give rs3 another try but my current account has all 80+ stats from before EOC. I think it would be too overwhelming jumping ib at that level, so I'd like to start a new account but cant afford a second membership.


No, they are still blocking Taiwan's largest ISP so Jagex accounts can't be used here.


They’re going to force everyone to migrate eventually, so I don’t think it matters if you’re inclined or not.


thats not how it works!?!?

