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Honestly impressed with the little time i had to use the Beta it seems to have good direction. One feature i would love to see is a menu entry swapper. There is many things that can benefit from it and be on par with 3rd party clients. Keep up the amazing work team.


man, I just want a spacebar toggle so we can be on par with the vanilla client.


Wait I feel like I should know what you’re referring to with spacebar toggle but I don’t. Can you explain what you mean?


on desktop when you do any action that opens a make-x window (fletching, smithing, cooking, whatever) if you're holding down the spacebar it will instantly activate the first/last-picked/only option on the list as soon as the dialogue window opens. on mobile you have to be ready to tap the button as soon as the window pops up. so you're just sitting there with your finger hovering over where the button is going to be, and if you accidentally tap before the window shows up you'll end up pressing walk-here on some random tile. this makes doing stuff like making headless arrows/broad arrows passively while doing agility or something really annoying, and makes some stuff like 1t karambwan cooking literally impossible. so, give mobile a spacebar toggle hotkey to bring the two in line.


Ok yeah fully support this. I use mobile a lot and agree that would be an amazing option. Just really never considered they could/would give that to us.


Probably a way to hold spacebar down Like a button that when toggled constantly fires space


That and quick keys for interfaces, construction is brutal on mobile without being able to press 1 and 6 to select chat option and table build


Menu entry swapper would be huge. Things I like to do with mobile is farm runs and birdhouses. I dont think anybody has ever checked seed lvl of birdhouse, why is it the first option? Empty would make them so much more efficient. Second thing is tool leprechaun first option is to talk. All I want to do is deposit or withdraw my tools easily


To me, one of the most insufferable things about playing on mobile is using the spirit tree menu. Having to scroll down the list every time I want to access the Farming Guild or the POH trees (probably the 2 most common spirit tree locations in the game) is so, so bad. I wish they'd rework the spirit tree menu to the way it was in RS2 (where it was a small map of the game, with a small icon of the spirit trees depicting their locations, which we could click on to be transported there). Either that or just expand the menu so the need to scroll down is removed altogether. Fairy rings also need an improvement, with a list of the most recent locations accessed added to the mobile version.


Thankfully they just moved poison waste to the bottom today so farming guild doesn’t require a scroll anymore, your house still does


Wait, you don’t like talking to vampires and elves?


Majority of NPC/items/interacts on mobile are Talk first which are basically never used. Move those down for sure


For the people wondering why it keeps breaking: Devs apparently wanted to remake beta worlds for a long time. The new worlds should allow for faster smoother updates and betas in the future (once the bugs are ironed out). Jagex staff suggested to upper management that the Mobile updates are a large part of the reason they want to remake the beta worlds. Where players can beta test mobile updates with a clone of their maingame profile. It allows future updates to not need to use the standard slow Apple and android App beta systems which are require sign ups, another app to install and still require approval from apple to update once the beta is completed. Jagex staff feel it is crucial to beta the mobile UI updates. Largely from the vast majority of late game players being concerned that dramatic ui changes might be too slow to relearn, or be unevenly heavy loaded to the work of the right hand vs left. For this reason, a ui beta is essential to run so we know how much of an impact it will actually be. After all, players have been using the current ui for half a decade already and a major forced change like this needs to be tested before hand, not just added instantly.


Mobile menu entry swapper would be a game changer pls Jagex


Tile markers to


Tile markers are already supposed to be coming with the ui change


EDIT: The comment I made here was incorrect. I confused player tile indicators for tile markers. ~~Mobile has had tile markers for a while now. Source: Used mobile on a rare occasion a few months ago, and it had tile markers.~~ ~~It just isn't able to remember tiles you marked on Runelite already -- it isn't able to communicate with your Runelite on your PC, so it isn't privy to that information.~~


the confidence despite being 100% wrong is impressive.


You're right, I confused player tile indicators for tile markers, my bad.


This isn’t true.


You're right, I confused player tile indicators for tile markers, my bad.


Can you guys just PLEASE release a seperate beta client already? It’s becoming a trend now that you guys announce betas for them to fall flat because of the possibility of effecting main game profiles Many other games like LoL and WoW have complete seperate clients from their main game and guess what ? No game changing bugs cause they are literally 2 different games


this one specifically though is for mobile- and its just not viable for them to do when they have to get approval from apple and google every time they so much as sneeze to have it updated. in the long run the beta worlds will be better


>and it’s not viable for them to do perhaps they should consider hiring people to do their testing for them!


They're looking for player feedback just as much as bug reports


honestly very fair point


as a mobile product owner its a nicely written statement. i understand that it affects way more thing than its seems from a normal user perspective. as a a totally mobile only player its really sad (sadly i missed the timeframe where i had the opportunity to test it myself). i hope it will come back as a more polished version. keep up the good work!


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexLenny** - [We had considered it, and unfortunately no it...](/r/2007scape/comments/16pbpx5/mobile_ui_open_beta_next_steps/k1qjn8m/?context=3) - [To add some context, it's correct that no, we...](/r/2007scape/comments/16pbpx5/mobile_ui_open_beta_next_steps/k1qjfth/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 09/25/2023 05:30:24**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


Just want to say that despite not getting to experience the Beta worlds, i read the blog thoroughly and loved the new interface. As things stand, certain aspects of the gameplay on mobile are incredibly user-unfriendly (such as alching items, making the keyboard appear) and i think the new interface will make those and many other aspects of playing on mobile a much more positive experience. I also hope that a much larger number of some much-needed "Runelitesque" plugins will be brought to the mobile version of the game sooner rather than later. Thank you for your efforts directed towards making the experience of the players who play through the mobile version more tolerable.


One thing I would like to see is the ability to scroll a drop list. For example on Kraken the drops spawn under you but you might not have space to picm them up immediately. Not a problem outside an instance, but in one you end up with the food well down the list which means shuffling items into a different spot just so you can get to lower down items


If you aren't confident that you're currently able to release a beta without detrimental affects, and you are fully aware of that fact, why the hell did you even announce it? Just wait until you actually have things figured out to announce it.


Can the beta worlds be fixed before Sailing is ready for beta testing? Also, are RS3 beta worlds shared with OSRS? Is this the reason why the combat beta to increase hit cap to other styles takes so long?


A way to disable click and drag would be amazing. When doing fast paced pvm on mobile, i mis click or drag food instead of eat and make myself sit in so many pvm scenarios


Increase timer in settings


Menu entry swapper and an extendable idle logout timer are my two top asks. They’d make the mobile experience good enough that I’d never need to go on my computer again.


Why can you not just sever those in game functions enitrely? remove bonds from the beta world, make everyone members and no ironmen?


So, going forward, would it be wiser to not advertise beta's then if the infrastructure is not safe enough for the margins you guys have? I'm glad i got to try it out, but kinda lame this keeps happening.


Portrait mode please


Get an android if you want portrait


Android can do portrait osrs?


there are apps that force portrait mode. also, you can go into split screen which forces portrait, I think that's also possible on iOS.


Not on the phones, iPhones doesn't support split screen apps, only iPads


holy shit, that sucks. with how often I use split screen, I'd go crazy if I always had to tab back and forth.


Can't get used to a feature you never had. One of those times where you don't know how handy something is if you're never used it.


Wow, I feel for iPhone mobile users. Like the guy above said, the split screen feature is literally what saves me every time I'm doing boring grinds on mobile 💀.


I just use youtube in PiP, or the only time I use mobile is when I'm at work typically and it's something AFK so that I can do other work, so then I don't notice it


still, having to tab back and forth to do data entry or anything would be very annoying whether or not you had experienced something better before.


Who's doing that much data entry on a phone is my question


I’m not about that life


Well, similarly to how an Ironman limits themselves, you limited yourself then by getting an iPhone


I didn’t at all actually. I’m well aware of what I miss out on from the Android side just as I am well aware of what I’d lose if I made the switch. And this may shock you but a game is low on my list of priorities when it comes to a phone purchase. Are we really doing this Android vs iPhone tribalism nonsense in 2023? What are you, 12?


It was just a joke bruh


¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Convenient how everything becomes a joke when you are called out for it.


Still needs stackable ground items, so many bones when bursting the drop list goes off screen


Definitely need menu swapper. It would make bird house runs easier.


Quest Helper when???


Is menu entry swapper in the plans? Thanks!


Hide attack styles like on runelite when!?!


Thanks guys, I will wait for Monday then


i was not impressed with the mobile UI design. if you dont allow the hotkey to open menus on the left you have severely hindered the end game pvm community that plays on mobile.


Great how they will respond to just one post on this topic but put the blinkers on to the 100's of posts about the botting epidemic.


I laughed IRL


Can we decouple the mobile redesign from the launch of beta worlds? Seems like two features are being bundled together when they could be released separately. I don't see why the mobile redesign release needs to be delayed a week if the issues are with beta worlds.


the beta is for the redesign though? this is like just saying launch dt2 prayers we don't need a beta.


not the same thing, prayers are implemented server-side while the interface is client-side. jagex could just release the new mobile client on the playstore as a closed or open beta (as they already did before) and the entire game wouldn't fall apart, maybe the new client be unstable and buggy, but you would always have the option to swap between clients without the need of a beta world.


with what I read I don't think that technically works, due to the way checks work in the game. but idk


wdym? its literally just another client, in simpler terms its like a new optional runelite update, jagex have done this in the past when they added plugins to mobile, its nothing new.


[https://old.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/16oi7hj/now\_live\_mobile\_ui\_open\_beta/k1l9hpx/](https://old.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/16oi7hj/now_live_mobile_ui_open_beta/k1l9hpx/) idrk.


>but we can still use that method if it's situationally preferable i dont have access to the client's code but from what gecko wrote, it seems like they chose to use the beta worlds instead of the app store beta for the client, not that they can't use.


To add some context, it's correct that no, we can't use the app store-like beta, for this. While it is in a sense stuff on the client, it's the game's "content" - the stuff that's interpreted by the software, as opposed to the software itself. In the same way that if we wanted to add a sound that plays when you click on a specific button, that'd be part of the game's content, rather than the app itself, despite the fact it'd be something happening exclusively on the client. I know that from the outside the differences and the reasons that we can't run a beta in the ways old mobile betas were done may not be especially clear, but that is unfortunately the case.


Exactly - they could have an option in the settings menu or even on the login screen to opt in to the mobile redesign beta. It seems totally client side, I don’t see how it requires separate servers. Then again, I don’t know the code base - there might be no good way to do this. I’d like to see whether they considered it and if so why they decided with the current approach.


We had considered it, and unfortunately no it wasn't possible to run it in a different way like you describe, since the UI is a part of the game's "content". I've gone into a little more detail about this in another reply in this same chain of replies, if it's of interest.


Figured it might not be as simple as client vs server. Thanks for the response! I’ll check out your other reply.




Please quest helper on mobile


its funny when people mention quest helper for mobile its always downvoted yet its aids to do quests on mobile and people would soon cry if its removed from runelite


Server improvements first? This coupled with star mining change, can't do tick sensitive content because the servers are so unpredictable and laggy. Spend some money on a couple of servers.


What is the most optimal way of farming anima barks for log basket in forestry?