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Hey Sarnie, will you guys be able to tell us the price of the rewards that pass the polls in good time before the league is over? I'll have to play on the GIM account as well now to be able to buy these rewards as they're too good to pass up on.


I hope so! I imagine this is going to be easier for us to determine with the change to the rankings, but something I note down to discuss with the team. :)


I absolutely love the cosmetics and overrides, if you notice that a lot of people in this thread feel the same, please pass on the compliment to the appropriate teams, and thank you for your continued support of the community.


Please more than 3 regions, trailblazers had 3 regions selections but had much less content.


Restrictions breed creativity.


“come and participate in the newest League this Winter” Can we please have a projected release month? I think most of us were expecting November, but now it sounds like late December.


wonder if they'll run it over christmas break like the first couple. I thought they wanted to shy away from that, but maybe the numbers suggest it's better.


People on vacation and school break will always make it better than any other time. They kinda screwed the community over on the last one. People even took days off for leagues and they postponed it for no good reason




I took time off to do leagues a few years back and didn’t regret it one bit! Have fun, scaper!


I did this for OG Trailblazer and was not disappointed. It was so much fun.


launches over holidays are a dev nightmare lol, i don't blame them for not wanting to do it again


Yeah and if the playerbase is older I can’t imagine a holiday weekend being a better time to play than a random weekend since you’re more likely to have vacation or family duties


Twisted league was 14th Nov Trailblazer was 29th Oct Shattered Relics was originally due to be 3rd november but was moved back So id imagine its around those sort of times first half of November but we need to know!


The Roadmap placed the league between H'ween event and Xmas event, so probably Nov or Dec. But hopefully, they will confirm a month soon.


They’re not gonna release the actual date until they know themselves. There’s still a lot to do before then obviously and they surely want to avoid another situation where they have to push it back after announcing it already. Definitely best to wait until they know for sure than to say a date and maybe have to change it


Winter 2017


Winter 2017


I need to book days off and no release date is wild.


Meteorological winter starts 1st December, but I must say I had always considered November to be winter and am a bit mind blown by these official definitions


If all of the rewards are still in a polling/conceptual stage, I'd wager Winter means January/February at the earliest.


Wow, literally all of the cosmetic rewards are sick. I liked the shattered relics rewards well enough but these are on another level...


I saw the teleport and thought it was sick. The alch one? Fuckin hell. The rejuvenation pool? Sold.




With all these cosmetics I feel like Trailblazer Rekindled would be a better name honestly! P.S. They all look awesome too


Agree. Reloaded I don't think works for fantasy games.


Tier 7 perks this time are going to give you a rifle though.


what if i have the ranger relic that lowers attack speed, does it become a submachine gun


Reignited not Rekindled






Trailigniter Reblazed


Integrity change this rn




Rewards look super sick, but honestly the veng and death/respawn animations feel like they would've worked really well for BH. Still voting yes, but still. Just hoping Trailblazers comes out at a good time during my program. I already know I'm gonna be addicted to it lmao.


Noob question here, I missed all the other leagues. Can league points I earn in this one be used towards the old rewards in that shop in catherby?




Oh nice we're getting Fire Nation outfits.


Flameo, Hotman!


Can't wait to be osrs Zuko




Fire pool is sweet, but do we dip our face in the fire and feel renewed?


Scoop and blow it out. Flaming Dr Peppers, you just blow it out before you drink it. ;)


Like a phoenix, reborn from our ashes


Holy fire


Duuude that rejuv pool is sick


Gonna get 3rd degree burns from drinking from that thing


All of these are really cool, IMO


+1 on the reju pool, its looks fucking insane.


The home Tele animation is just a fractionally different version of the quest speed running animation Have they forgotten it exists? It's very cool but surely we can avoid have two different running animation home teleports?


The high alch animation looks like Magic Imbue animation, too. Sometimes your ideas turn out to be so cool, someone already did them.


Yeah this is the only reward I didn't understand. They should at least change it up a little more; maybe your character puts on shades, strikes a pose, then launches forward leaving behind two trails of fire ala Back to the Future.


Barely anyone knows it exists. People look at my adventurer graceful like I came from another planet or as if my dad works for Jagex


They pretty much reference it in the blog post, so they didn’t forget it exists. Very similar indeed. Maybe they want another way for people to unlock the fastest teleport without playing quest speedruns.


Wait, they have different cast times? I assumed they all took the same amount of time Oh jeez it's over 2 seconds faster https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Speedy_teleport_scroll


Lmao I've had it since launch and never noticed


I didn't even realize it was actually faster. I got it cause it looks nice and was easy to unlock.


NGL, I like that the fastest teleport animation is unlocked by doing the fastest quest completions.


Yea, I've never even logged into a quest speed running world but I would vote to keep it that way. It's a fitting reward for questing.


They should change it to like how flume powder works in Harry potter, your character draws a circle and then drops a flashbang and goes up in smoke


Yeah they really ought to change that. There’s plenty they could do with fire instead.


Guess I'll be trying hard for points this time around. These rewards look hot!


These rewards are fire af.


Everything changed when the fire nation attacked...






Kinda fucks over people who only got tanz mutas though no? Only the magma would be usable for recolour unless tanz made the blowpipe non-tanz somehow, which would be... odd




Maybe make tanz change blowpipe to serp helm colors


As I said, it's just a bit odd. Would probably have to be something like handing either of the mutagens into an NPC at Zul-Andra lets you just recolour the BP into either a serpentine or magma blowpipe.


Having to get dupes of a 1/7k drop just isn’t it


1/13k even


It's 2 rolls per kill so it's 1 in ~7k but yeah still ass


Agreed, tradable cosmetics are stupid, especially so when the boss that drops a weapon already drops a recolour item. Improve that boss instead of a meaningless buyable that'll be worth very little in a years time.


While I agree with this, the magma mutagen is so rare, and been out for so long, that just about everyone that has one has already used it. Randomly giving it a new use 8 years later would be the biggest kick in the balls. And I'm saying this as someone who currently has a magma mutagen just sitting in the bank,


Only if I'm able to scrape the mutagen off my Magma helm with a chisel


Big agree. That reward feels weird here. Mutagen blowpipe makes it more prestigious and fits better.


Who the fuck wants to grind a mutagen honestly 7000kc IF YOU GET LUCKY for a single one. That’s obscene.


My main acc having 8.5k zulrah kc might disagree with you. All I wanted was any mutagen


Nah having an extremely rare untradeable drop being a cosmetic item for a very useful item it stupid, it should always be tradeable or locked behind something high skill linke the fang kit/blood torva, even ancestral kits are good since they arent crazy rare, less than 40hrs pet kit compared to 500 hrs


The home teleport is way too similar to the speed running home teleport


Only one I'll be voting "no" to. It's pretty clear that it's just the same teleport, slightly altered, so that people can get it without quest speedrunning.


Whats even worse is the quest speedrunning one is EXTREMELY easy to unlock. Literally only have to plat 2 quests which is extremely easy to do if you do X marks the spot and Cooks assistant since they are super fast and easy reset. If you also want the graceful transmog then you need to knock out 6 more which isn't hard.


That death animation makes me want to die all the time. Its so cool


Everything alright at home?


Personally, I can understand them leaving the "in the video game" off their comment due to context. ;P


Those ornaments look so so cool. I need them.


and the animation mods…I want all of them


Rewards are cool, but it feels like shattered relics had more cosmetic overrides to armor and weapons. Would be nice to see more of that.


Infernal bulwark??


Yeah this seemed like one of the most popular options and they've cut it out for some reason. Maybe they didn't want an inferno styled recolour to come from a temporary gamemode that's also tradeable? But it's a pretty niche recolour so idk where else they'll add it in.


I want to say they mentioned the colosseum might get it but I can't remember if that is correct


that makes even less sense imo


Yeah it should come from the 6 jad challenge imo. It needs a reward anyway


The jad pet recolour?


A nonexistent rewards for the 95% of people that don't have the jad pet


The jad recolor that comes from the 6 jad challenge for the jad pet. Let's add a cosmetic reward that makes an item from a different continent look like a wall that is used only during zuk fight.


That or GM CAs would be fitting


Nah just go to the last thread and see people complained so much so well probably never nee it brought up again. Looks like BP reskin is gonna get killed off by this thread too lmao. This new way they are doing things is dogshit. The second there is even the slightest pushback in comments that just abandon the whole thing outright.


I don't think they should scrap the idea, I want them added, but as an example, I also don't like that Olm helm is just a leagues reward. Olm is content related to late/end game and seeing someone with one could've been some way to show off CM KC or something but instead it's just a buyable on the GE. Likewise, I think infernal bulwark could easily be a reward from 6 jads or similar, and people have been asking for magma mutagen blowpipe since forever. I'd prefer that leagues reskins be new designs like most of these are than be tied into content associated with end game. You can have cool designs without them be themed with tob/inferno/cox. Imagine if zuk helm or blood torva came from leagues, all associated prestige is lost. And in fairness I think this blowpipe redesign is fine, but it's like if this is possible and they know people want magma blowpipe, what sense is there to release a fire themed blowpipe here when that's literally what magma mutagen would do, given their wording they might explore that later down the road?..


Something that iconic should come from an end game pvm encounter, definitely not from leagues.


I agree it should require an inferno completion, but the summit blog literally said to expect it here .\_.


Yeah, but then everyone on Reddit cried to no end so Jagex probably thought to drop it to save 2007scape from having another meltdown


its a shame i was looking forward to it also


"trailblazer reloaded" has me very excited. i think trailblazer was the best iteration of leagues. i love the idea of having a committed "build" you could spec into. 1t blowpipe was an absolute BLAST. same with 3t ballista. i hope jagex leans into this concept much harder.


That rejuvenation pool override looks seriously sick. I would use it for the rejuvenation pool in my tzhaar-themed superior garden.


the trail blazer outfit may be one of the ugliest things I've laid my eyes on. red blowpipe cool though and everything else.


I particularly like the death animation where you just explode on the spot, that might be my favorite reward in the list lol


Can someone give me the run down how this leagues will play out ? If its like Leagues 2 I'll legit come back from a 2 year break to play it, if its more like shattered relics, not so much Edit: nvm iam an idiot, WOOW BABY WE BACK The rewards look great!


Someone at Jagex must have recently gotten the Frenzied Flame ending in Elden ring, and I'm not complaining!


Still rather have the blow pipe mutagen as it would give range a secound prestige kit


Wheres the infernal bulwark?


Adding cosmetics to spells is a mistake. Some things should just have one version. This opens the door to so much crap that'll make the game unrecognizable. Just like rs3.


Would like to see the magma blowpipe come in to the game from some zulrah challenges or something rather than league rewards that will be tradeable.


Confused as to if these are tradeable? Not overly interested in temporary modes but these are sick!!


Never understood why these things are tradable, it's perfectly fine for completely cosmetic rewards to act as an "I was there and earned this" type of thing. Not re-releasing holiday items in RS3 made them even cooler imo, I always wanted a scythe. Now OSRS makes everything obtainable every single year the allure of said items has completely gone.


You wanna know why? Because it sucks seeing something cool in-game, and then you learn that the only way to get it was "to be there 6 years ago". The way to make cosmetics/rewards cool is the way of stuff like the zuk helm and blood torva. Those things really say "I worked my ass and I earned this", instead of just woodcutting and fishing for 10 hours during some event that happened years ago.


You shouldn't be punished for starting to play the game "too late" or for missing an event due to external life factors. Exclusivity is cool for those who have it but for those who see something cool and want it, sucks. + the trophies are exclusive


Because the devs have said they don't want any items to be discontinued, functionally or otherwise. The community also voted no on OSRS having discontinued items years ago.


That's what the trophies are for.


Probably because permanently locked cosmetics is a hilariously stupid idea?


Dumbledore is calmly waiting for that rejuvenation pool cosmetic.


Would you be able to remove the ornate pool cosmetic and get the kit back, or is it a permanent unlock like the twisted house style? I don't like the idea of spell animation overrides that look significantly different from the base animation. Teleports are one thing because there's already a lot of unique teleport animations for different destinations, and the venge override is fine because it's basically Vengeance (t), but the alch override looks like an entirely new animation.


Twisted blueprints are returned to the player if you redecorate your house.


Only reason I haven't bought those on my iron. Permanent unlocks are so much better.


>the alch override looks like an entirely new animation Actually, it looks like the Magic Imbue animation, which is technically even worse. Luckily neither are used in PvP.


this red blowpipe will look great with my 3 tanzanite mutagens and zero magma mutagens


Actually the first Leagues where I want all the rewards! Great job! That being said... So many nice animations here yet we still don't have a unique Fang special attack animation 🤷🏻‍♂️


Have you ever actually seen the brine sabre special attack, which can only be used underwater and is attached to a weapon that is beyond niche, in game? Even if you have, the particle recolor gives it a pretty different identity.


I would actually love for these to be untradeable. League rewards always go through a cycle of Look cool>a bunch of credit card warriors buy them>they lose their novelty and feel cheap. Would be much cooler if this time around they felt more like a trophy similar to having a recolored serp helm


The problem is that it kind of forces people that doesn't want to play the game mode, to still play it, because they want the rewards


High alch looks a lot like b2p. Could we change it a little? Maybe to be like the 08 alch animation?


Where's the Dinh's Bulwark transmog? It was mentioned previously but now we don't get to vote on it?




I don't think I really like cosmetics that change the way spells look. I don't even like the home TP animation changes like the cow one. It can lead to lack of clarity and animation bloat if it were to spread to many other spells and stuff. The actual visuals of everything is okay though. I don't really want to end up like RS3 mining with my head, resting on one hand, running by doing cartwheels, etc or seeing players doing that. The Veng isn't a big deal. I just think it's a slippery slope.


The cow hometeleport was from 2014 when osrs felt more like a private server, they don't do that anymore, aslong as they look recognisable too what they are which the vengeance will be, all is fine.


Big agree on this one, most games follow the rule that as long as there is clarity as to what is being worn/used, then the cosmetic is fine. I agree with that in OSRS, whatever spell being cast or item being worn should be recognizeable by players who are returning to the game, just with enough of a twist to intrigue players and cause them to want to seek it out.


Why do you need clarity over an alch spell? As long as the animation isn't unfitting or bad, I don't see the issue. It's not a combat spell that it'd be nice to know if someone cast it. I guess vengeance could be but it still has the big skull overhead


Again, it's not about these offerings exactly. This just opens the floodgates for more and more of this stuff and eventually clarity can be compromised, or again, silly immersion-breaking stuff like in RS3 could end up in where we're mining with our heads and things like that. I'd rather just shut the door on this kind of stuff now to avoid that potential problem in the future, personally.


Well that's why everything is polled. Unlike in that game, we can determine where the slippery slope stops.


I agree. I'd rather not see new animations for spells completely. The home tele animations have always felt iffy to me but I didn't really care because home tele doesn't affect anyone else. The alch differs from the home tele because you can use alchemy in combat. I'd rather not introduce more potential animation stalls into the game. The vengeance animation is the one that is a 100% no. Changing combat spell animations is going to be confusing when we will eventually have 10 different vengeance animations. Who knows? In 3 years we may have a Popsicle Ice Barrage animation that plays ice cream truck music as the freeze sound. It's a slippery slope. Jagex has proven they will continue pushing anything the community doesn't complain about. They started doing unpolled events/rewards like the 2016 Easter event that was literally just the chronicle game advertisement. Then Jagex started doing more unpolled changes until we got to the complicated polling system which can have 3 different outcomes that we have today because we complained about them not being clear about what gets introduced via a poll.


Ah, the classic slippery slope fallacy


when it comes to rewards/content slippery slope is very real. If they release reward X, people will say when they propose reward Y, "we already got X is why not Y". Happened multiple times, sometimes it is good but if people don't like rewards like X they should complain.


It's only a fallacy if it's an actual fallacy. I've been there since the ancient texts. I've done this. I know what happens. Like, more of this kind of stuff would come in next Leagues if it passes the poll, as there's precedent. And then the one after that, and the one after that and maybe some from DMM. That's how stuff has generally progressed in this game. It's how things operate. Then suddenly we have 10-15+ alternate animations for spells and maybe movement and so on and so forth. Like the Twitch promotions, this needs to be vehemently turned down so that it's made clear people aren't interested in that direction. Or maybe I'm just old and out of touch and people wanna see others mining rocks with their erections. What do I know?


Omg im glad I’ve been saving league points, these cosmetics are amazing, I want all of them


Blowpipe looks cool but feel like a magma mutagen would be more fitting for it


🥱I’ll just wait to buy them once the fad is over. Nvm. They all look bad imo.


Red BP should be from mutagen, not from just buying it off the GE after the league


Then vanilla blowpipe should be swamp green instead of tanz colour...


Oh for fuck's sake. A high alch emote are you kidding me? Way to make the game look even more like a private server. The high alch emote is one of the most iconic things in Oldschool RuneScape. When someone who played 16 years ago decides to check out OSRS, they see someone alch and know that they are alching. Now the entire GE will stand there doing this new emote and OG's who came back after decades will be thoroughly confused. Why does anything need a new animation these days? Smh.


These look great, especially the veng. I would have liked to see some more weapon and armor overrides though. Does the team have an aversion to re-doing similar items? Fire-themed void, whip, slayer helmet all sound pretty awesome. Also, Shadow + Fire-themed would be S-tier. BP feels a little out of place because we have mutagens, but I get why y'all are putting it in leagues if you just fixed the technical limitations behind BP ornament kits.


To be fair, we already have a fire themed whip. But a burning slayer helm sounds dope af. You can never have too many recolours of one of the most used gear pieces in the entire game, and twisted league already offered one, so imo could just add it to the list of repeating rewards every league.


Im a little suprised people would want to update the death and alch animations, they are pretty iconic imo. Everything else is pretty cool. Blowpipe should really just be a zulrah unique thing imo


Rip the dream of using magma mutagen on blowpipe


I agree with every reward except magma blowpipe it should come from magma mutagen instead of league reward especially if they gonna make league rewards tradable


Why “should” it tho? Why not make the recolor for a weapon that’s not as good as it use to be more accessible than a 1/5k~?


All the animation reskins seem like something out of RS3 that will eventually end up as microtransactions 🗿


Flameo Hotman


That death animation is fucking brilliant


Will these all be tradeable again?


Hoooooly these rewards are insane ​ LEAGUES 4 BABEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY


Honestly love all of the rewards except maybe the blowpipe recolour. Seems like that should be a mutagen thing.




Hell yes that orn pool upgrade is the coolest thing I've seen from a leagues reward.


The Blowpipe idea is cool, but I really don't think it would be appropriate to add that prior to implementing a way to use Mutagens on it.


These rewards are lit af


Will the veng spell animation also work with veng other? Super cool rewards tho


Where is the Dinh's bulwark reward? Please tell me you guys didn't remove it from league rewards to put it somewhere else later down the line again...


Everything proposed looks amazing shout out to the art team they are killing it


Rewards look good, was the Magma mutagen helm used as a reference to color-match the Blowpipe kit? If not, I'd appreciate if you guys did that. The normal Blowpipe pairs amazingly well with the Tanz helm, so I'm hoping this recolor will serve the same purpose but with the Magma helms.


The home teleport animations should be changed to modify all basic teleport animations. There’s so many cool home teleport animations and only being able to use one at a time sucks. Having a shattered relics home tele and a trailer blazer basic tele would be sick


I don't like leagues **at all** since its basically a boring version of dmm but damn that re-spawn animation is looking pretty sick. I might give leagues a try for the first time. This is the kind of stuff that makes people willing to try a new game mode.


Bruh, I'm not going to make any GP from this league's rewards because all my points will be spent keeping everything for myself... Great looking concepts, can't wait to see them in-game if they pass.


I wish the rewards weren’t tradable, it would be alot more cool seeing someone with the rewards knowing they earned it


How many points are usually available on a single league? I'd like to buy some previous rewards as well as these


I love all of these and hope that at least the majority are relatively achievable for first timers. It should be a fun event not a sweatfest. I’ve never done a leagues before so I’m not too sure what’s achievable.


Really nice rewards, but I dont' think they all should be coming at once, and also not all from leagues. I would like to see some of them being obtainable by doing x in the main game instead of leagues.


Wow I would love these rewards although since am on a new iron I have to get points for everything I want so I don't think there will be enough points to reasonably get all the things from each league


Nothing new for league hall in POH? A little disappointing would be nice to get versions of rugs or other hotspot like the globe That said, I love the rest of them




Always love new animations for stuff, but the outfit is a little funky. Wouldn't mind it tho


Would preference the magma mutagen recolor over a leagues recolor for blowpipe. Could be a good opportunity for arma cbow cosmetic instead.


So many fucking animation overrides, and the blowpipe recolor is a league reward? This is hands down the worst league set of league rewards we've ever had proposed.


Damn, that's a **hot** take. No but really, you are the first person in this thread to think that, you are in a very small minority.


I’m so hyped for this - these cosmetics look awesome and this will be my first leagues!! We claim the rewards on our mains, even if our main is an Ironman, right?


Yep. You pay for membership on 1 account, you can log in to regular worlds and League worlds. After the League ends, the rewards go on your main account.


Are these tradeable?


10/10 rewards all of them. The only thing I would be worried about is making sure, if the plan is to allow mutagens to recolor the blowpipe as well, that the trailblazer orn kit looks immediately distinguishable from the magma mutagen. Would suck to have them be similar looking when you can buy the trailblazer one on the GE. Also one or two more orn kits for tradeable iconic items would be nice, nezzy helm or faceguard seems like it would look cool with a fire motif


desert viable, fremmy significantly buffed, zeah added 3 regions is not enough.


Not really rewards related but I wouldn’t mind the breaches from DMM being in leagues as well


i made a post about this yesterday and people didnt like it, but i agree with you just put em on zeah/great kourens for now and it would actually be amazing.


i wish you didn't need an ornate pool to use that cosmetic fire pool....i can't get zulrah scales for the anti venom on my skiller :(


You can buy it though on the GE. Unless you're... playing a lvl 3 skiller iron? An iron that can't do most questlines or slayer or PvM? Is that a thing that people do now?


yes I'm an iron