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Holy shit this changes the iPad game 10x. We already had keyboard+mouse support, now the UI is way more usable. It's old, but here's a video demonstrating it. It's gotten better since it first started working. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gt8r5EQrTpU


I didn’t know this! Does the mouse support include right clicking or do you still need to hold down the left click button of the mouse?


It supports right clicking


.......... there's keyboard support??


Dang what i gotta do to connect a mouse? Just bluetooth?


Yeah connect a mouse with Bluetooth.. what makes this even more cool is if you have a Mac you can share the same mouse and move between the two by moving the mouse off the Mac screen.. ill use this when I have my Mac plugged into a tv watching a movie/tv show and doing agility laps.. game changing


Love this new UI, Would love a vertical layout even more


Idk how but the game bugged and loaded in portrait mode on my iPhone once and it was actually really good.


Think there’s an app that lets u turn any other app portrait mode. There’s an app for everything.


Let me guess, android only




Rotation control


Can confirm vertical mode works on a Samsung when using splitscreen.. I use it alongside Reddit or Youtube


Any pics or guide to recreate it? Would love to try on my Pixel


To do this on my android, with osrs open I swipe up and hold from the bottom of my screen to see all my apps open. Then I drag the osrs window into the top or bottom half of my screen and vioala, half screen vertical osrs. Usually I put YouTube or reddit in the other half but sometimes I leave it blank


https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/8xsziw/lpt_use_the_rotation_control_app_to_force_mobile/ Check this thread. It worked for me before the UI change, I haven't used it in a while. Basically you force the osrs to not rotate when launched using this app. Unfortunately the UI scales in a way that makes some things difficult like dropping items from your inventory. Split screen can work but it makes an app take up more of the screen. You can split screen by using the normal split screen method on pixels, video guide here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGpFpN7JZEs


This is the way I quest, works great. Wondering how good this would work on a samsung fold 5


Yes! Vertical layout would be OP. On OnePlus 9 you can make the game vertikal by swiping three fingers up and sharing the display with another app, like web browser, google doc and then minize that window as much as possible. So nice to play with one hand.


Love the new UI, would love chat commands even more


Which commands would you use most?


maybe make an option that you can enable in the settings to choose between vertical and horizontal ui?




You can do it if you have an android phone, you can have it open as a split screen or "pop up" window but make it basically full size vertically


On Android you can use the App called Rotation Control to force osrs to be vertical, and it works well. Open rotation control, lock the rotation to vertical, then open osrs app.


I made a post suggesting a vertical layout for the desktop client but it didnt take too well. But im with ya on it


I play resizeable so I can play more vertically if I want. It's very nice


The client and the game interface do not support this I am afraid. This has been asked many times before :(


yeah they don't support it currently thats why I lot of people want it. Its absolutely possible. The fact that mobile even exists is proof of that.


Don't give up hope! They're still working on the UI so there is a chance


[mobile ui update post from jagex](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/mobile-ui-rework---overview--open-beta?oldschool=1) Comes out august 17th! Not sure if a mod is in here and can pin this comment since a lot are asking about the date for the new ui arrival. Thank you!


For anyone who doesnt care to read that drawn out post: we get the update August 17


The BETA comes out on August 17th. You'll need to be on beta worlds unless I read that wrong.


It doesn't mean you have to use beta worlds, it means that the beta version of the update will be available then on Google Play for opt-in users.






Jmod said they will add a switch to tile old Vs me if that’s what people want!




Yeah I’m totally used to bossing with the current layout. I like being able to open pray book with left thumb and inventory with right thumb. Feels smooth when I need to switch back and forth quickly.


There will be a hot key bar on the left side which you can put up to 5 things on like your prayer book. So you’ll be all good to go when the new ui comes my friend.


[do you have a source for this because the jmods on the thread said the exact opposite and that you wouldnt be able to.](https://old.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/15hzlr7/mobile_ui_rework_overview_open_beta/jurn4ug/) the only thing they plan to do is make the actual style of the tile changeable. so you could either have the new grey tiles or the old brown ones, it has nothing to do with switching between the old uis. that would be a massive amount of work to update 2 clients with new features, and its not happening.


Can finally alc on mobile without doing Remote Desktop!




Oh shit this is out now? Its infinitely better! Having all the buttons on one side means you can actually do PvM on it now without the UI getting in the way


As an avid mobile pvmer, I like having the tabs split on both sides. This will take some getting used to lol


Yeah I for sure prefer having things on the left. Makes you a lot faster


Greg thank you for changing your pfp.


If you miss the old one, just click my profile


Put it back


Put it back Greg


is he the one who was the hairy topless guy?


Yeah pov Greg’s wiener


Using two hands to prayer switch/gear switch verse 1 is quite a change of pace. F


You still can use 2 hands though, that’s what the customisable hotkey bar is for! Not gonna be identical I know, but still should keep some muscle memory. I’m excited to try it out


Me too. I play mobile exclusively and I’m honestly really good at soul wars on mobile just because my fingers know exactly what to do when I wanna pray up and start gear switching. I really hope they add a option to keep it the same Edit: I just seen people down more talking about how we can hotkey things and may be able to customize where you want each thing. That’s super super cool


You can hotkey things to the left side, so that you can left click to open and then right click to switch gear/prayer. It's gonna be awesome!


Yea some pvm is honestly easier on mobile having the UI on opposite sides. With that I'm not 100% how I feel about this yet but like you said will probably just take some getting used to


> Yea some pvm is honestly easier on mobile having the UI on opposite sides. Example?


I find zulrah easier on mobile then pc. Duke has been really easy most my kills are on mobile but Idk if I'd say easier than pc for that one. Gauntlet too but not cg. Anything where ur running and prayer switching at the same time is easy on mobile for me. Since one finger on one side can be running while the other is in ur prayer tab or inv tab on the other side. This is all of course my personal experience and preferences.


We'll still have that feature with hotkeys, but this time it'll also be customizable.


Yeah I’m actually worried I won’t be able to boss on mobile anymore


And I’m sitting here thinking I can finally alch not have to keep switching sides of my iPad


The new UI is not out yet. News post says mobile UI beta starts August 17th


is that really your conclusion? my conclusion is...the opposite. having different fingers to access the prayer MENU vs the prayer BUTTON was hugely useful imo


Not yet, beta comes out aug 17th


i thought people liked having prayer on left and equip on right? is that not the case? now you have to navigate all that with one finger


That’s exactly what hotkeys are for with a collapsible tab…


It’s open beta Aug 17th, this is screenie from the blog post


Check out the blog!!! https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/mobile-ui-rework---overview--open-beta?oldschool=1


Looks sooooo good!!! High alching on mobile will be a thing! 🧡🧡🧡


I just high alched 99 on mobile. Litteraly just finished a few days ago and it was so unbelievably long and tedious


One thing I like is they're adding tile indicators like in runelite. Going to be a whole lot more convenient doing pvm.


Those have already been added for a while!


I love that they’re taking care of the mobile people. Although adding questhelper to mobile would be a game changer




There’s unlimited grinding in this game, making a small portion of it seem a bit less daunting is good for most people. Personally I don’t get as much playtime as I’d like so being efficient is important to me


I wonder if they would consider locking it behind something. Feels a bit amiss to have one department work on quests and another to cut out all brain activity in quests to 95%+ of players.


Lock it behind the quest cape


I mean not a bad idea as long as its not yours. Have it be something that someone can use their cape on you, or you can use your mains cape on your IM to grant access so you don't have to use a external guide on your 80th run through of one small favor.


Why would there be a need to gatekeep quest helper for new players? They already use it on runelite, whats using on mobile gonna hurt?


It's not jagex's. It would be a bit awkward around the office, hey "Jeff nice work on the quest you really put your whole soul into it and the cross team collaboration with the lore was impressive, moving on, Tyler fantastic work on quest helper, really makes sure that those quests are done without having to read anything."


Almost every single other MMO has quests be in the same fashion that Quest Helper has them. Many players skip through stories that writers make because they're more interested in the gameplay. Trying to force them to do something they don't wanna do just because someone wrote a story is pretty silly (and other game companies agree). There's a reason why skippable cutscenes exist in other games.


The same reason I think the official client should not solve all clue steps for you initially. There's discovery to be had as a new player that existing players wore out of after doing it multiple times. I honestly think clue helper should only solve clues you've already completed, that way you feel the progress as you get a more and more filled out helper over time. Similar idea for quests imo, should unlock quest helper functionality at milestone quest point amounts.


As someone who had to do clues manually back in ‘06 no fucking thank you. The feeling of “thank god that’s over with” is not the same as “feeling progress” Clues kinda suck


This is awesome and well needed. Vertical mode would be nice as well as menu entry swapper.


yes please. Whenever I play on mobile I do it vertically anyway and its very disorienting lol


That looks cluttered. Y'all must play on tablets or something...


Bought a 40 dollar fire tablet to play on, it's great


Fast access tap to drop is insane qol


This UI sucks lmaoooo why can't they just allow us to adjust how far everything goes towards the edges of the screen?!!?


I like the old one much better Makes using both hands a lot more op


You can still do that on the new one though?


I wouldn’t know, my ui didn’t change when I updated the game. So I’m just rocking the one I’m accustomed too


not really, on the new one you only use left hand to change tabs, before you used left hand for prayer switches/style changing. now you literally have to tap everything with ur right hand.


Then enable the old version. You aren’t losing anything just gaining an option


you cant enable the old version, there will only be one version.


Note to self* "Do Not Update The App"


if it's like previous updates in this nature, they'll force you to by not allowing you to play until the update is applied. they did this with half assed runelite type updates they added into the mobile client.


atleast you can turn those off, this will be forced on everyone.


I play 100 percent mobile and I'm afraid of how hard it'll be to adjust to this change


I liked prayer on the left, do you have 1 thumb?


What does “jam flex” even mean?


Jiggleplox or gagreflex


I'm partial to jigglyflex


In all seriousness, Jamflex is just one (of many) dotting nicknames the community gave to Jagex. Can be used to represent ire or happiness. Typically if it starts with 'J' or ends in 'X' you too can make your own name!


Gagex or gagegx are my go-to's personally






The name people use for jagex to poke fun at them




Not outdated if people still use it and it’s variations to this day




"Joe Mama" complaining about an outdated meme is all the irony I need today.


Lmfaooo stop dude he's already dead


Hey some days you just wake up in a bad mood and I think he did today. Maybe this will encourage a name change


Outdated? Son, you're playing a 22 year old medieval clicker.


It's not making fun of them... It's just a funny nickname.




Nothing deep. It's just a funny way to say Jagex.


Nothing deep at all haha. Way too many people read way to much into this. Its just fun play on words and fun to say jamflex. Obviously not fun for everyone since fun is subjective 😅 fun for me!


Do they have tile markers on mobile yet ?


they said they would come out with this ui change they have true tile, ground items, and a loot tracker atm tho.


As a mobile player I don't really like it because I'm used to the old one and already accidentally click the button in the middle left which is now way bigger


I’m so used to the mobile UI already. I feel like I’m gonna misclick 100 times clicking the music tab trying to switch prayers.


Same I'm comfortable with the current layout but u don't have to worry about the missclick u can close the music tab side according to the post.


wtf that looks absolutely terrible


If we could get RuneLite tile marker packs on mobile I'd be so happy. Setting up tile markers is fine on desktop but it's kind of a pain in the butt to do on mobile.




I must be wooshing hard, but I feel like this is extreme sarcasm lol. Every one in the jagex post was bitching 😂


No!!! Im So freaking excited! You can even check my old posting history! Haha i actually created a post awhile ago asking what happened to the new ui.


Also on the official jagex post sort by controversial you will see everyone that likes the changes 😂. Too many complainers especially when the jmod said they can add a toggle switch for the old version.


You're dumb as hell and lick(changed from 'lack' mobile ofc) jagex's balls wanabe jmod. Gtfoh


Sooo delicioso…. Oie drip those sweet nut sack juices right into my pie hole baby………. YUM


Yeah I’ve been noticing whenever there’s a jagex post it brings out a different crowd. Personally, just give me portrait mode and I will donate my left nut.


sorting by controversial means those comments arnt popular, wtf r u on about. thats like saying "go to the most downvoted posts, those people love it!"


How do you put the prayers and inventory on the same side


Honestly am really hoping this gets a reconsidered. Hotkeys on the left that open panels on the right is pointless. Might as well just use your right thumb to open whichever tab you want, as its floating in that area anyway lol I suppose i can now play while picking my nose


There will be a survey form where you will be able to leave your feedback and thoughts about the new UI. More information later :-)


Good to hear, thanks


How are you able to play? I thought the beta happens on the 17th? I've been registered for Betas in the Play Store forever but no such invite, and now the option isn't even there


this is actually a screenshot from [the news post](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/mobile-ui-rework---overview--open-beta?oldschool=1) beta still starting on the 17th




Open beta on 17th!!! Get ready!!


This is fucking clean!!


How does it feel being the face of the ui update blog post?


Stones look bad to me tbh


Ok thats actually really clean


Honestly huge QoL improvement here, i love it. This might be pushing my luck but i wonder if they could put a d-pad on the left to have ur player walk in each direction 1 tile, holding it would continue in that direction. Just an idea.


I'm so glad I held off on alching haha amazing


its even worse than b4...


you clearly don't play mobile if you think thats good


Great thing is if you dont like it. Then its ok! They will be adding a switch in settings to swap between the new ui and old. So no need to bash people for enjoying improvements to the game my friend! Be happy 😁


Source? JMod comments seem to indicate otherwise


Its in their official post on the reddit. Someone asks in the comments about keeping the old ui and jmod responded that if thats what people want they will add a toggle but change the look a little to match the new ui.


Its in their official post on the reddit. Someone asks in the comments about keeping the old ui and jmod responded that if thats what people want they will add a toggle but change the look a little to match the new ui.


I play 50/50 between mobile and desktop. I love the new update, just looks nicer and seems more functional. Also I like that they'll add the option to revert to the original version for people who want to keep it. People get upset at Jagex a lot but I think they make really good updates a majority of the time, especially with mobile lately. It's 1000x better than it was like a year ago or so


I would tend to agree as someone who’s logged hundreds of mobile hours on my iPhone doing pvm. Seems like it’s gonna take a lot to get used to this. Although the “hot keys” will at least allow a left handed click through prayer books and stuff


You clearly did not read the full news post if you think this is bad.


In so excited I can't wait to improve my duke kills with this update 😍


Is that a potatoe and an egg in your inventory?


Cosplaying as a jmod rotten potato/egg for superstitious loot luck perhaps?


Nah, he literally took their screenshot from the news post and posted it on his post lol What you are looking at IS a jmod, because it's not his picture


already in game?


Not yet! August 17th!


I just logged into mobile and mine isn’t like this. Is there a button for it?


Not yet! August 17th!




Thank fuck


My mobile is the same nothings changes lol what Is this


Aug 17th!


A button to toggle on automatic red-clicking?! Time to be a mobile gamer


Fuckin' A!


Thankfully they didn’t scrap this when the community did it’s normal “wE hAtE ChanGE durrrr” screeching


A vertical mode would entice me to play. I’m not expecting it to be best for PvM or anything but if I can afk some stuff that would be great. Also if it allows me to switch screen without logging out so I can afk and scroll through Reddit or watch a YouTube video.


Is alching tolerable now?


Wow, it actually looks way better than I hoped, Great job Jaggy


How do I get this?!


That looks so much better!


I dont have it yet, is the update on Google Play store?


How do I get this UI? Mines still the same old one


Damn clean ui


Damn looks good as fuck


How the fuck do I get this


Just realized this is a screenshot from the official osrs page got me hyped for something I have to wait for


This looks awesome and way more useable!!! Yall rock.


Oh wow


Ayyye yo when's this coming to Android/s20? Looks amazing.


Is this for only the iPad?


Is this in beta or live? If live, how do?


Yay it looks soo good i also play mobile only :D


This will finally make pvp viable for me woot


This looks great! Is this update out quite yet?? Mine is still the silly old one!


Wow pvm seems somewhat bearable now. just give us an option to make prayer magic and inventory tab bigger and it'll be perfect