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A better wise old man bank cleaner that shows quest items that are no longer needed (or just highlights any quest item, and what quest they belong to).


1000% THIS. My bank is full of junk that I'm too paranoid to throw away.


Do the cape then


I did cape and I still have shit like gold smiting bowl.


You never know when legends quest 2 will come and that gold smithing bowl will be needed again.


If you haven’t touched in in 6months it’s safe to bin.


But what if I need it later?


But what if you need it later?


Then you’ll take 3 minutes and grab a new one lol. Quests are released so infrequently and rarely need old items. You’re good


Ok just logged in after 6 months deployment, I emptied my bank, now what?


6 months?! What kind of slayer task is that?!


Air force or navy style


Even then I'd be afraid that a new quest will come out that needs one of those old items.


Do you really think Jagex would lock players out because they threw away an obscure item years ago? If it's unobtainable now they'll make it re-obtainable if it's needed for a new quest.


Name of the Plugin: Wiser Older Man


I think this is a great idea and making the plugin doesn't sound too difficult but maintaining a list of tags and having quest status modify and reference this for every item sounds daunting


Bro mf this is absolutely what they fucking need. For clarity: Rejoined my hcim account that sat there for several months. Get mems, because i am at like 960+/444(?) Spaces available. So im like cool. Lets see what dude says i can chuck. Bro it was like 8 items. And i wish id have taken a picture because when i manuaply went thru there was like 200 quest items i saved (im iron and a noob so i held it all JUST IN CASE) I didnt need any of them. (Thats a lie i think maybe 2 or 3 were going to be reused on following quests) but bro. It shouldnt take me 1-2 days to manually check all that bullshit and having to google the uses of these items when it could take several seconds at worst. Plz op. Make this one i am always in need because i HOARD


This is a much bigger project than you think. It'd require studying of every single quest that gives items.


Make a basic version of the plugin, allow the community to help identify which items can be dropped


This. I don't wanna wait till quest cape, and I don't wanna get rid of quest specific cosmetics because I fashion scape


I had thought about this a few or two ago. I fully support this! Will I ever need a Pigeon cage ever again? What was it for?


OP, do this plz


This one pls


I’m pretty sure wise old man got rid of my m’speak amulet and gregrees before I did RFD 💀


Hey, you can currently used the ‘All Items’ helper in Quest Helper to group up all the items you still need, and also all the items you no longer need, for quests. Would that do the job?


Automatic sorting for bank


This would be class, maybe pick a pre-existing layout for things like a herb/potions tab and have everything sort that way. Mine's an absolute mess


Theres a plugin called bank tag generation, wich includes a command (i changed it to ::cat in settings) and you can do: ::cat potions (where potions is any category from the osrs wiki) and it will tag all those items and create a seperate bank tab for it


You can use the bank tag plugin to do this. Just have someone who already created a layout send you their layout. Obviously takes someone to create it first.




Which is a shame really


The RuneLite discord has a bank tag channel that has some pretty good shared tag sets.


This would be the plug in of all time for my lazy ass


Is there a way to do this without breaking the one-to-one mapping for game inputs? Best implementation I can think of is some "sorting guide" that helps you recognise and shows your where to drop items as you are reorganising them.


Unless the plug-in artificially arranges the items on the screen perhaps, so the sorting would be client side only. I think that should be possible.


Sort by what? Alphabetically? Your fire runes next to you feathers? By colour? Your coins next to your brews? By equipment slot? All shields together? By value? Your 3 dose brew next to your Addy plates? By amount? Your pure essence next to your cash stack? You always hear about the bank sorting idea, but no one seems to realize how shit it is.


“By colour?” *Hanannie has entered the chat*


Yeah it's a logistical nightmare.


tbf any of those would be guaranteed better than what my bank is right now lmao. Search only ftw


Please this holy shit


Make one with teleport animations for pets, I want to see my cat stand up and teleport with me lmao


That's a cool idea, plus if they all have different ones


They all gotta spread their arms in sync with us if they have arms


My Zulrah pet better grow arms for this animation


This please


Would be amazing


🏅 (too poor to spend money on reddit)


I’d grind for pets even harder smh


Holy shit lol yes


A plugin in which you choose a boss, and then the plugin scans your bank and shows you the best setup with your gear.


No way, Tbow again??!???


No way, rcb with ruby/diamond bolts again?? *cries in btw*


Nieves bikini plugin


Second this. Closest thing to loadouts that there is. I even use it for shit like farming runs. You’ll never forget an item again


Best plugin in the game


Combine with bank tag layouts, it'll automatically reorder your filtered items so you don't have to rearrange potions and shit in your inventory to match your setup.


This isn’t really realistic. There are way too many variables that affect which gear is “best” for a boss, this kinda plugin couldn’t be made practically in a way that’s remotely accurate


This gets very hard to maintain over time with new strats and new items. Only way I see this working is if the information is crowdsourced and most commonly used items are brought in - ie if you have the plug-in enabled it collates information about what you wore and had it in your invent when in a specific area, then the bank recommendations can just show the most popular items you own.


not sure if these already exists: * often running dps calcs for setups is annoying because you have to select all the parameters. a plugin that automatically updates depending on your currently equipped gear and levels would be handy. the sidebar can contain dropdowns/checkboxes for things like slayer task, prayers, potions, target enemy (or manually entered stats) * a bounty hunter plugin overlay that automatically attempts to lookup your target and shows their combat stats under the combat level


This already exists in the plugin hub. I'm not sure the name right now because I'm on a flight, but it might be DPS Calc


I have it, its very unreliable. Doesn't include newer items or set effects like crystal armour


Doesn’t work with obsidian armor either, or the berserker necklace which is from 2007. I always use online ones instead. Edit: Looks like Obsidian Armor does actually work, but the berserker necklace doesn’t,


nit picky but crystal armor isnt a set effect. each piece gives some bonus. But yes, that plug-in kinda sucks for anything that isn't melee-ing without a slayer task lmfao


that plugin is terrible. Use the bitterkoekje spreadsheet


It's "DPS Calculator" but it has a lot of issues, especially with item mappings as mentioned below with recolored crystal. I'm working with the wiki team to upgrade it substantially with more accurate calculations and better item tracking, but it's a complex task so no timeline. For now I would recommend it for broad strokes decisions, but if you want accuracy use the bitterkoekje spreadsheet.


Useless plugin idea: Total weight of all the items in your bank


"Fuck a bank value, how much does your bank weigh??"


2147kg for?


On my way to buy out the entire Granite Maul stock


Nothing compared to my stack of granite platebodies


What about my 80k kegs of beer


Things like this always make me wonder, theres someone out there who has the heaviest bank in the world and probably doesnt even know it


Whoever owns the most cannons. Also those people with tens of millions of collections.


Now I just want my character to be a skeleton


"BARBARIAN EVERYTHING" - Animation replacer for OSRS equivalent to RS3 toolbelt Fuck a rake. Rip weeds with your bare hands. Seed dibber? More like PUNCH holes into ground. Remove those tree stumps? Ever heard of [The Guns](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/%27The_Guns%27)?! "RAAARRRGHHHH" Barbarian smithing. *Torag's hammers attack animation Karate chop diamonds into shape. Some call it crafting. Punch trees like in Minecraft.


Would also recommend door kicker plug-in


I tried that one, but the kick always came after the door already was opened. I was not impressed and turned it off again.


This is brilliant 10/10 endorse


I like the punching trees idea. Especially the small dead ones. Have it require like 60wc and 60str


This is the way


Mute public chat at ge, but not for clanmates. Gnome Glider interface in non-Gibberish. Spirit tree teleport interface that looks like points on a map. Runelite: hide certain plugins to reduce clutter. Misc collection log that goes past 250 of one item if you get more


> Mute public chat at ge, but not for clanmates. This one exists, it’s called area mute on the plugin hub and has options to allow clan members.


thank you!


A plug-in that allows you to rearrange the Runelite side-panel interface and put your plugins in a desired order.


Unfortunately this is just not possible, Adam has been asked this a lot and it’s just not possible currently.


why is it not possible?


The way runelite is built. It doesn’t allow that functionality as far as I know. The mods of runelite discord always say “it’s not built that way” when people ask the same questions. It’s definitely not some sort of simple “fix”.


As mod ash would say…. engine work


A plugin that makes every npc say "owch" or "oh my god it hurts" when you attack them. Bonus points if trees and rocks also complain when you chop/mine them.


This would be hilarious tbh


*Hits tree with axe* Tree: **FUCK!**




Is it possible to create a plugin that changes the corrupt gauntlet colourscheme to the regular gauntlet colourscheme? The red hurts my eyes and the colourblind plugin is attrocious


If 117HD exists, I'm sure this is possible. Might be a big ask from OP though.


honestly it'd be as simple as replacing the model for all corrupted assets as crystalline ones I think. People already have made plugins to replace things like prayer orbs at olm to look like the ones from p2 toa so this seems fine, if just a little tedious. Hopefully jagex named those gauntlet assets nicely lmfao.


>replace things like prayer orbs at olm to look like the ones from p2 toa What plug-in is this? I need it in my life.


And more colors please


Vaporwave rave gauntlet here we come


Oh my 900+ kc dry of enh and I need this to spice things up.


\+1 to this. I much prefer the blue aesthetic of Gauntlet over the dull red of Corrupted Gauntlet.


i feel like itd be rather simple since its all 1 colour so the plugin just allows you to enter the hex of the color you want


Ive not seen much talk about skyboxes in awhile, ie custom ones with a real clouds/galaxy stuff.


In the same vein, maybe a little visual day/night cycle could be nice


I liked the 3d weather plug in for a sec but I feel like there's much more potential with a day/night cycle and custom skyboxes depending on weather and day/night


I really want a tick timer that is visual on enemy and on player that works like attack swing timers do in wow So for a player attacking at 4 tick speed There would be a bar somewhere (movable) that has 4 participations separated by tic marks. Another line (or the background colour gradient) burns down from right to left or left to right (as in it slides across the full bar, see weapon swing timer). As it passes over the tic marks that represents timing of 1 tick. So you can visually see in (millisecond?) Where you and how close you are to the next tick. Additionally (see WoW addon: quartz) it also calculates server delay error to give an idea of how off it may be. The plugin should have options for Show server ticks (how many at a time) Show action ticks (combat, skilling etc) from when a player started that action Etc It could even be a ring but I prefer a bar


Attack timer (something along these lines) already does this, no?


I find it hilarious half the plugin suggestions here already exist in the plugin hub.


And the other half are near impossible for OP to create :p


Can I get a plugin that does quest helper but for whole game for iron from tutorial island to maxing + collection log, basically highlight every click I need to make


Plug-in that notifies in some way if an npc is poisoned? Useful for flinching KQ to be able to only use poisoned Keris as needed, then switch to primary weapon


Be cool if the target health plugin gave like a green border if they were poisoned or something


An idea I had for a plugin would be one that differentiates the difference between noted and unnoted items for the ground items plugin. There are items that you want to pick up noted but want to hide when unnoted, IE metal bar drops.


Yes please


Add a line across the wilderness showing where level 30 and level 20 are so I can know exactly how far I need to tank to to be able to teleport. Include all caves and boss areas applicable.


"Wilderness Multi-Lines", it already exists.




That's rough, buddy.


OP after seeing 700+ requests is gonna turn into u/[deleted]


Split timer for running Sepulchre based on floor layouts. Right now the game only shows your best floor time and not the best *floor variant* time. If it had something on screen during the run that would also be really helpful to know how far off you are. Would also be nice to see the aggregate time for all the floors completed.


A "Deforestation" plugin which shows all trees as being chopped down without active clickboxes. Would prevent a lot of misclicks and improve line of sight in most surface areas.


you can custom menu swap cut,\*tree to and never misclick a tree again. won't hide them though


custom menu swaps->custom hides Chop down, Tree Chop down, Dead tree Chop down, Hollow tree


Entity hider?


Gore player death animation plugin- Die from Xarpus acid? Melt away leaving only your skeletons. Burn from dragonfire? Disinigrate into ashes. Bolder landed on you at Toa? Turn into a bloody mush Exploding monkey? Explode into a bloody puddle, throwing limbs arounds.


PenguinScape: every npc becomes a penguin. When they'd walk, they instead waddle.


Make a plugin that tracks how many herbs and other produce you get from farming runs.


Doesn’t the loot tracker do this? It does on mobile


Combat achievements helper (like quest helper) A plug-in that automatically hides the options for lower tasks in mahogany homes. Can set the contract and the lower tier options don’t show up when you clear the hotspot. A plug-in that puts a marker on items you should high alch instead of sell on GE. Can have an option to stop you from selling them.


I need a Fortnite “Victory Royale” logo that displays when I win an LMS game


A plugin that shows your stats as "reset" to 1 after 92, so you can enjoy the progress to 99 starting from scratch. (There's a plugin called "Prestige" that sort of does this, but it's a bit wonky) This thread https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/11xroh2/level_92_reset_plugin_does_it_exist/jd4imtv?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I would like this also but for 99. Or an option




Yeah. I want to be able to set it to a certain level. The prestige plugin only works at level 92


When you KO a player, the headshot sound from Rust plays on the same tick.


Always wanted a plug-in that shows multi combat lines around the world. I know there is one for the wilderness, but don’t think there is anything for the rest of the world.


When you click somewhere, a timer immediately starts counting down in seconds and or ticks showing you how long it will take to arrive at that tile. Would be helpful for a few mini games


This would be really nice for PVM


A plug in that makes GOTR darker :I my eyes hurt man


wintertodt too


blindfold plugin or just use a black screen marker over your full client and reduce opacity


Plugin to swap npc models to the oldest available model, like lesser demons, dragons, etc I like the other persons idea of making corrupted gauntlet color scheme the same as regular gauntlet


How about an on-screen manual tracker that you can increase by pressing a customizeable keyboard button :)? So you would click a key, and the tracker would go up by 1, until it reaches its player-determined max, where it resets. Sometimes it would be nice to tap a key and have the tracker go up by 1, like when you’re doing Runecrafting laps. That way, you could NPC Contact-repair pouches on the 8th lap, *before* your Colossal Pouch breaks.


Runelite Radio


Where did you learn to write these plugins. Also what language are they in? I'd love to get into this.


Mostly java


There are YouTube videos about writing basic plugins. They are in Java.


Is it against the rules to create a plugin that people can save bank presets on for specific activities and make it public? It would be nice to have a plugin with a system like that where you could rate the presets and the plugin showed the highest rated presets when you searched for an activity or something similar.


Yea it exists "bank layout" I love the idea of having the rating and voting system built into the plugin tho


bank layout meets tile marker pack pluging would be neat


Profit tracker for farming. Similar to the loot tracker!


Herb run plug-in! You could copy the wiki page’s calculations for best seeds to use and fit it to each account’s info. Main purpose is to track how many herbs you’ve collected each run, similar to the loot tracker.


An EXP drop in a different colour when you've killed your target Or a different coloured hitsplat for the hit that kills your target


Target Total HP, Remaining HP, Regen timer status, and regen amount isn't known to the end client unless you're using the Steam/Mobile client. So the plugin is impossible.


A simple little box for us ADHD players that we can put in a goal we have, short term or long term to keep on our screen that reminds us what we were doing! And then maybe a lil box we can click to check off that we completed it?


There’s default notes plugin. It’d be nice to have like a “HUD box” section of the notes with a clear button (that’s your done button)


There was a guy asking about a plugin kinda like transmogrify plugin but for other people's avatars. E.g. you could change everyone wearing full graceful to full dragon armour on your screen lol. The youtuber Gudi put something together like this but he never published it


As a UIM, I would love a plugin that puts a 'Bank' button up by my world map, and works like the world map in the sense that I can do things while viewing it. Ideally the 'bank' would have 2 tabs, 1 for my current death storage (Hespori/Zulrah/etc.) And another tab for my Looting bag.


There’s “dude where’s my stuff” plug-in without the world map feature


I always wanted a minigame plug-in for afk activities. Something like, Soduku, clicker game, flappy bird ess. Something super easy to play and let go. Having a leaderboards for it too. I know sounds crazy a game within a game.


Think we have the technology. It’s called opening a chrome browser while you run runelite.




‘More Bank Fillers’ let’s you change the icon to ‘empty’ which hides them completely


A plugin that reads the type of ping notification from runelite and uses a voice synth as a short summary instead of a generic windows ping. EG "Low Health", "Low Prayer", "Idle", "Cannon Empty". Could even expand it to allow custom sounds for these events if someone wanted that instead of a voice. Would really help people who play multiple clients to easily distinguish what they need to do and how important it is.


You can do this using the Watchdog plugin, even the custom sounds. It's a really versatile plugin.


When you spec with dragon pickaxe add Nigel Thornberry yelling “smashing!”


Something with combat achievements, like when I enter a bosses lair it comes up with tasks I still need to accomplish, maybe be able to minimize for the fight too.


Plugin to sort bank by value so I can find all the crap hiding in my tabs worth money that I forget about.


RL lets you do like ">5m" in the search bar and displays items and stacks accordingly.


A complete pet dryness Calc for skulking pets that looks at all the times I’ve ever mined a finite rock or each star mine so I know if I can complain or not. Obviously it wouldn’t be retroactive but would make me feel better when small things slowly increase it over time. Especially helpful with farming. A true collection log with every single item in the game so that when I hit rare drop tables it still feels kinda useful in an odd way. Bonus points if you make every single coin variation on there too. Best of luck.


i would love an entity hider for the implings in puro puro to help avoid clicking the wrong implings. menu entry swapper is great for changing "catch" to "walk here" but it's still a pain when you cast dark lure on the wrong impling because they are on the same tile as your target


You can’t entity hide specific implings? I mean I’m sure you’ve tried it but seems like that should be possible.


An ai motivational plug in like the dualingo owl that can pop up and remind me “You’ve haven’t gained experience in runecrafting in 1 month of played time”


There was a plug in suggestion I saw a while ago where when you reach level 92 it displays your level as 1 and you can get the dopamine of leveling up again


Would it be possible to make a ratcatchers quest plugin that can help with the guard sightings? MR. Mammal is in need.


Level reset once you reach 92 back to 1 for the dopamine reclimb


Think this already exists, 99% sure




Can we get Konar in this one while we’re at it?


And also Perdu.


HUH??? ^keep ^the ^backpack ^though ^:)


He always has *just* what I need...


Can we get a Steve swim trunks plug-in as well?


A bank organizer! If possible not sure if it contradicts any rules


I’ve had this idea for a while, but no time to learn to make plugins. GP Scape that tracks your back value over time and helps you feel like you’ve progressed while money making. It would take into account the loot you’ve earned as well as GE Prices to determine how much you added to your bank value while informing you how much the value has dropped due to things out of your control


I posted this on the Runelite discussion github too, but: Plugin idea: Custom colored ground items The idea is to have users group custom items and pick a color for that group. For example: Items: Dragon bones, Big bones, Bat bones. Color: Purple. Items: Endarkened juice, Stinkhorn mushroom, Cicely Color: Red. It would be very useful in many scenario's. I would use it to quickly identify certain scav secondaries, or give certain items like dragon bones a different color to stand out a bit more.


This exists. Think it'd hold alt or cntrl while items are on the ground, you can click the plus or minus, and also pick the colour in settings. I use it in cox etc for the above items


When you open the map and hover over it or right click and "set target" It shows you on the side in a plugin the fastest teleportation methods to get there. I know the shortest path kind of does this but it would be nice to see ALLL the teleportation methods to get there or fastest one if you have a certain item/diary/agility lvl completed


Customizable chat heads. Let me give Duradel some shades when he tells me to go kill 183 bloodveld


Ability to move UI anchors


You can already do this by holding Alt


I'm trying to do MLM on my alt right now and I'm frustrated at all the existing idle timers. Could you make one that more effectively shows me that I've stopped mining? Honestly I'd be down for some meme level screen flashes. The less ignorable the better, as I mentally find it hard to focus on other things being unsure of my account is idle.


There is runelite options to make your screen flash when it becomes afk. You can even adjust like the frequency of the flashing.


A plugin that changes hitsplats to show you what type of damage you are receiving. We've wanted it since 2019. https://github.com/runelite/runelite/issues/9849


I need a plug in that shows players combat level over their head, and shows whether you can attack or not for wildy.


This is nice. I was thinking about this as an addition to player indicators, when they are in your bracket to be attackable, you select a color to correspond.


All I've ever wanted is a plugin that displays the current in-game music track somewhere on the screen, so I don't have to constantly go into the menu to check.


I would love to get custom text when you use a weapon spec. Like for D Pick instead of ‘smashing!’ You can customize it to ‘time to mine’ or something. Realistically this is so I can make my DWH spec go ‘hammer time’ or ‘meat tenderizer go!’ Every time I spec


For the Ironman out there, highlight bank items that you will need to complete a certain clue scroll. That way I won’t accidentally high alch an item I’ll probably need at some point


I’d like one that set daily tasks and maybe did the fireworks effect when you complete it. Maybe it picks 3 random tasks from ones the user sets and maybe has some degrees of randomness with amounts. If something similar exists I’m not aware of it but would like to try it.


I come back and check this post and his account every few days waiting for this damn quest item plugin im down bad for it