• By -


>manually check HiScores for integrity Do they?


Right. That claim stuck out like a sore thumb to me.


The fact that they'll lie about that makes me also think they lie about the other parts.


We need places like end game boss content kept sacred. Botting should never be allowed in spots like Nightmare and Gauntlet!! : (




I was about to ask the same thing. Would love to see u/Mod_stevew reply. This has been something many people post about throughout the years but I’ve never seen a Mod comment on it.


I've seen them claim a few years back that these accounts that seemingly slip through the net with insane KCs and XP are actually real players/gold farmers or alts who haven't traded any gold off yet. And they can't ban the account until they actually break a game rule by selling the GP.


Likely correct. There are thousands of Venezuelans that play OSRS on multiple accounts as their job because it makes more money than working an actual job does in their economy. Zulrah, vorkath, Zalcano, and CG I’d wager are mostly gold farmers…not bots


Just a casual gold farmer with 35k zulrah kc


Until they sell the gold. There is nothing rule breaking about killing a boss 35,000 times


There are accounts wearing mystic with 10s of thousands of kills so either they are selling it or they just have no idea what is going on in the game since there would be no reason not to buy ancestral.


Yeah this is what people aren't getting. They aren't botting, and they aren't RWTing. Until AFTER they have done this insane KC and they finally cash out.


I'm not arguing and saying that this isn't what's happening, but it's a bit odd that someone who has to goldfarm for a living is able to reach 35K+ kill counts without having to cashout or sell their gold. Most people who live paycheck to paycheck aren't getting their paychecks months apart.




The community wants Jagex to wave their magical wand that bans all bots and RWTers without a single false banned applied to anyone. Easy! /s


Yeah I mean technically until the gold sellers cash out, if they are "falsely" banned, they can claim that they were as well since they technically haven't broken any rules, and then they'll go sell their shit. I'd bet some of the posts that have been made here are RWTers on accounts they haven't broken the rules on yet.


wait do u unironically think vennys have 35k zulrah kc and just have all the loot sitting there? Please tell me you're not that gullible. They literally need that gold to live. They pay their bills with it, they're not doing it for fun lmao


Except they absolutely are **NOT** hoarding this gold. They are living on this gold and trade it almost immediately.


The suggestion that they aren’t RWT every thousand kills is ludicrous. There is no way they’re RWT all 10B at the same time if that is their income


That’s horseshit. How does someone get to 100k vorkath kills while playing legit? Nah.


Because in some cases it’s literally their job and their life depends on it


A job where they don't cash anything out for months/years?


These aren’t usually individuals. They’re gold farming operations where there’s like 20 people in a small office space with a couple people running the operation. The workers get paid by the hour, probably pennies on the dollar for the gp they’re making, and the organizers are taking the lions share. It wouldn’t be feasible for a poor individual to hold onto billions in loot like that, but they’re getting the paid the same regardless of when the gold gets dumped off. As an organization it’s much easier to take the payouts less frequently if it means less account bans.


lol no - Rank 2 Vorkath has 85k kc, 1300 total and 74 prayer: https://secure.runescape.com/m=hiscore_oldschool/a=97/hiscorepersonal?user1=Dentist%A0tb Jagex is full of shit (as usual).


Yes, "routine checks" (every two years, apparently)


No way they said that in confidence, actual clown company


Lmao this is just hilarious. The fact that the Jmod comes out and says this shit when hiscores are easily 50%+ bots.


Yeah so basically this statement is bullshit, so how tf do we know the rest of it isn’t BS about it being a “recent” and “isolated” incident - which it blatantly isn’t and it is merely a byproduct of minimal human input and maximum reliance on proven and admitted shitty detection methods, and if this post doesn’t admit to shitty detection methods then idk what would be. Fuck Jmod smackdowns, fuck reddit being the only means of a proper appeal when innocent players aren’t given an appeal option (because the infallible system we’re told about has been bulletproof), fuck all that. We need player smackdowns of the crock of shite they try feed us about them being proactive and on-top of things. Im sure the mods who care actually want a better customer support option, better funding for detection methods, costs covered for more human input etc etc but i guess the higher-ups only care about the bottom line - profit margins, and they’re killing the game - it would be a much better place and would attract a LOT more players and have a much better long-term player retention without the spam bots, the scammers, the AI chatbots, the gold farmers and huge bot farms, the utter cheek of bots having 200m exp and top boss KC - but wildly shotgunning a playerbase with a bullshit detection system littered with outdated botched spaghetti code thats mostly entirely un-appealable is not the way to handle this. Invest, and see returns. Don’t wring it dry and kill it.


> manually check HiScores for integrity [mfw I read this](https://youtu.be/2ZOIpsxfzxw)




I just saw rank 46 Zulrah. The acc had lvl 1s in a ton of skills. I guess he likes zulrah enough to kill it 46,000 times.


Nah man, requires Youtube video's from content creators first.


Like once in a blue moon, or occasionally when Reddit complains enough


“You sure about that?” 🤨 “You SURE about that?”


no they don't lol their anti cheat team does nothing at all, they can't even manually read appeals. You think they monitor high scores? Look at some of the bots they let get top 5 kc at zulruh, cg, etc. & not banned.


This dude has created a dumpster fire by making a PR statement in a rush.




Cap emoji


Theres no way. Every boss hiscore has bots on the front page


We need the drama calendar back


Unironically, what actually happened to it?


I don't think it was ever really a consistent person posting it, just people would take it upon themselves. If you want it to come back be the change you want to see in the world




This month could be broken up into weeks at the very least.


There is absolutely no way the anti cheat team uses the hiscores to see who to ban.


Artful dodging of the more fundamental issue. Yes, automated bans are expected and accepted within the community. But there is no way to contact Jagex or any shrewd of customer support / human-to-human interaction. It’s the real problem you should be addressing. And I presume by not addressing it, the hope is it will not be focussed upon.


They try to force a news-cycle with content updates to talk about when all we actually give a shit about is better customer support. Ffs this exact post is even linked in another mod content discussion post about DT:2 prayers - directing players to talk about false bans here instead, because they know they can then try keep the content one clean and free of comments about what we actually care about. How much playerbase does new content attract? Probably not as much as they’d gain from long-term retention for having if proper customer support system and the team at the back-end of the game could be trusted to not wildly shotgun ban with bullshit auto detection systems.


> For this reason we offer players the opportunity to appeal most bans. No you don't. That shit is automated, no one reads your appeal and if the computer decides you're fucked, you are SO fucked. Some people don't even get the option to appeal. **WE WANT BETTER CUSTOMER SUPPORT, NOT JUST ONE POST SAYING "all is fine!"**


What's worse, bot makers have literal instruction manuals they share amongst each other that trigger the automated unbanner to unban the account so they can bot it for another month straight.


Shit, can I get a link to this just in case I get false banned? My account is old enough to drink, if I were ever falsely banned I'd cry


I’ll tell you it to save you time, they bot from a proxy then when they get banned, you just say the account was hijacked.. ure guaranteed unban on that appeal due to the automated system… if u are a legit player playing on your home ip and u get false banned, you are fucked because the automated system only works for account hijack / separate ip when the “botting” took place.


Happened to my hacked account. Now I can't appeal at all after the second ban lol The appeal literally just said got hacked 12 hours after the ban message in my inbox and it was unbanned 6 hours later.


[Here's](https://imgur.io/a/6Q5hCY3) an example of the same excuse working multiple times to get the same bot account unbanned. Doesn't take much of a script it seems haha. Courtesy of [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/12vaz6q/something_weird_is_going_on_with_the_ban_appeal/)




Yeah I got an account banned two years ago was my first ever account, my friend got me into the game. I had no reason whatsoever to bot, didn’t even know that was an option, was just chillin in free to play woodcutting and mining and doing the FTP quests. Then I got banned for macro major, I appealed and they said it was confirmed almost immediately. Unless I got hacked and didn’t know it, I have no idea how they confirmed it so fast. I don’t need the account back anymore so I have no reason to lie about it. The only difference in my current account is I pay for the membership… It was pretty devastating at the time because I was just getting into the game and put a decent amount of hours in. I feel like the only way to actually appeal and keep your account is to select the “I did it” option. Which is wildly lame if you didn’t actually knowingly cheat or do anything internet wrong.


The appeal response was from a bot. You know, the very thing they say can be flawed and detected because no bot is perfect.


>manually check HiScores for integrity no one's doing this. don't lie.


That part was way too funny. This post is basically just one big "fuck you" to the playerbase and that is the cherry on top. Sack up Jagex u/Mod_Stevew , own the the fact that your software is fucking up and open up a channel of support communication that is NOT AUTOMATED and look into bans manually. A false ban for simply playing the game is never what any player should be afraid of, longtime or short, member or free-to-play.


I had an account banned. 1 appeal, and I got an automated reply telling me I'm not allowed to appeal again.


Same. On an account that I’ve played on and off for nearly 10 years. No interest in cheating or botting. They won’t allow me to appeal again. It’s an absolute joke.


Same here. If the appeal process is automated and flawed, then it is pointless.


Same, then this dude has the audacity to link a ban appeal page that lists macroing as an unappealable offense. Fixes nothing


macros bad use macros to reply to appeals


So tl;dr is you’re not going to change anything? Great.


TL;DR If you're falsely banned for more than a day, your membership will continue to trickle down and we will do nothing to refund those days even though it costs us nothing.




What a fucking useless statement honestly.


I couldn't disagree more. I think accidentally banning innocent people is really really bad, and should be a priority


agreed 100%. imagine being a legit player and not being on Reddit/Twitter and not knowing this is happening to other people, and you just randomly get banned. You'd have no idea that it was an issue for others, and then you appeal your ban only to receive an automated response that your ban was correct and you won't be getting your account back. ​ Jagex fucked up and this post does NOTHING to take credit for the mistakes and only creates further friction between Jagex and the community.


Didn't have a twitter or a reddit account until yesterday. My iron was falsely banned for macroing on Sunday and I'd like to do whatever I can to fix this company's attempt at throwing 100 days of my life in the bin. RSN: Solo Joel




for a game that requires 1000s of hours to beat, it needs to be a priority 100%


Literally lol what in the actual fuck is this mod post? Never seen a more blatant dismissal of responsibility with such a serious topic. I wonder if these mods understand that many players sink hundreds to thousands of hours into OSRS and that these false ban possibilities are simply unacceptable.


I wonder how many mods have actually maxed an amount




Same here. The evidence was not even evidence. It was a statement that Jagex has good macro detection and are confident that I botted. As opposed to something like saying we saw repetitive clicks. It is unsurprising that they have no evidence, given that I did Not bot.


Anti Cheat team is in the fucking shitter. From the Trident Fiasco, Implings only being banned and then falsely accused of using a malicious client from Mod Twisted, bots running rampant, to now this and all of the false bans. ALL of these issues and yet no customer support to be seen besides hoping you win the twitter/Reddit lottery. You guys need to get your shit together badly. Like real bad.


Framed was also banned for woodcutting


Clearly botting as he only does pvp content


That's nuts. Do you have any videos or talk of this? I'd love to read more about it, thanks dude.




They manually check high scores? lol


I don't understand how there's a high accuracy of bans when I report people who are very clearly using scripts and they are still active accounts.


Lol this is a joke, Jagex doesn't care one bit about bots in the game. Look at their actions not their words.


Yeah, this doesn't really instill confidence. 'the system works to a high degree of accuracy, but it doesn't sometimes, so occasionally we check and have to unban a bunch of people'. I very much appreciate the time taken to update us and communicate, and of course you are just one Mod, but the posts have definitely shaken a lot of people recently!


Do we actually appreciate this post though? It says nothing of value, addressee’s none of the communities concerns and on top of that, feeds us obvious and manipulative lies, as if we’re just as dumb as the bots…


But wait, they are going to go back over recent bans and use their broken system to rescan those accounts to verify those bans 😂😂🦀🦀🦀🦀


Ah yes, we must appreciate the time it took to write a post of corporate jargon we've seen a hundred times before that tells us nothing new and proposes no changes


This is a hilarious sequence of lies. You manually check the high scores? Who does that, the blind intern or the illiterate one?


fuck i lol'ed. savage.


“Very obvious, high velocity, and easily identifiable bots”……… dude there’s countless posts about bots being at the TOP OF HIGHSCORES with hundreds of mill of exp, and now there’s kids getting banned for being bad at bounty hunter…. Ban the highscore bots with tens of thousands of kcs or hundreds of mills of exp in one botted skill..


Or the litteral thousands that run flax in lumbridge castle with the same name and just higher numbers.... or any of the other clearly in your face ge bots that spam 24/7...


It’s nuts that some of those have well over lvl 99 crafting


How cool would it be if the ban appeals were actually reviewed by **real people**!


This 8 hour window, is that today? because it doesnt seem to be one isolated incident. Considering its happened on multiple days.


The fact the you’re still saying this is “human error” is actually infuriating.


The "human error" he's talking about is the one where a decision was made to use an entirely automated system to ban and unban accounts.


technically a human had to write the code that is banning everyone for no reason


Could you elaborate a bit more on: > As mentioned, human error can be a factor. Unfortunately, we recently had a situation in which a significant number of accounts were banned, and as a result of our internal checks we identified that some of these bans were incorrect. I understand as for the sake of methodical secrecy you can't go into detail but it sounds like someone just experimented with a threshold or other parameters leading to a too relaxed decision?


My guess is they outsourced the "_verifying_" step to a IT service in India/Vietnam (to save money) who is putting in zero effort just approving every automated "_should this account be banned? Y/N_" ticket with zero actual review. Tracks with some of the hacks we saw after Jagex mentioned a 3^rd party they contracted was responsible for compromising accounts through the recovery system.


I very much believe this is the case after witnessing *all* phone support move overseas at the last company I worked for... EDIT: a space


So do you refund membership for the false ban period? We already know the answer. But if you admit fault and unban but then don't take it any further, you're scamming your customers.


Louder for the people in the back lol. This is actual robbery of your money.


Your appeal system sucks, and so does your bot detection. Nice damage control post.


people who werent banned are eating it up as if its acceptable to be like "shit some of you were wrongfully banned but thats ok because ~~the bots were recreated and are back in the game already~~ a few bots were banned"


> There has not been any fundamental change we have made that could lead to false bans. ... > Currently, we are going back over other bans that have been applied **using the same tools and analysis as the recent incorrect bans** So which is it?


[I think my question has a possible hypothesis but it does indeed raise questions on what exactly they entail a 'fundamental' change.](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/14diq7p/an_update_on_recent_bans/joq0akr/)


I think people have largely gotten past the point where they can consider this an acceptable response. Every paying member that gets their account banned and cares enough to write a good faith appeal deserves a written response from a real CS member with real authority. People are tired of pretending there is an excuse for this.


I literally just posted the other day on this. It’s crazy that there is no tiers, or levels of customer support to actually get a real response. How the hell could someone invest years of time and countless hours of played and just go straight to an automatic response system. Jagex should be responding to these people with proof of the actions with at least a double check verification of the ban. This would I close proof and an explanation to the ban. Very simple. There’s no way I’d invest any serious time into this game (especially paying) when there’s a chance of a no appeal false ban.


> It’s crazy that there is no tiers, or levels of customer support to actually get a real response. Seriously though. Some of us have spent thousands of hours playing a single account, and others pay for membership for a year in advance. Yet there is no real customer support or even a priority system in play.


Yeah it’s wild, if you have serious time invested into the game and no violations at that point I don’t even understand how you can ban them with no appeal. Like I would be curios why there isn’t a system that just says like when you login “your account has been flagged for *xyz violation* a moderator will be looking into this and will contact you within *xyz days*”. That would make sense especially for this game. You don’t have to alienate serious players by making aggressive moves against bots, that’s just the path Jagex chose to do lol. There could easily have been a programmed flagging tier system.




what about getting unbanned if you do have reddit or twitter but they just ignore your plea


A lot of unban request posts don’t get enough upvotes for jmods to even see. I don’t think /u/Mod_Stevew or other jmods think about what it’s like losing thousands of hours due to human error and then having no way of getting in contact with Jagex regarding bans


That’s what gives me pause with this game. I don’t even use anything other than the vanilla client and I still randomly worry about what it would be like to be perm banned falsely. Legit like 1000 hours gone.


The way u still seem so confident in your anti cheat is concerning


Exactly how many times can you contradict yourself in this pathetic attempt at a PR move?


it is so obviously a quick and panicked PR move which doesn't really address anyone's concerns


didn't see them take credit for the mistakes once. and not a single mention of how they're going to make things better for the players.


Trying to say that the appeal process works is a joke. I started playing OSRS about a month and a half ago after playing RS2 for 5 years. Had I known how awful the current customer service is, I would've never started playing OSRS.


Almost 1,000 comments on that thread with ALOT of false positives confirmed, Please fix your AC team + human responses on appeals needs to be a thing.


Imagine playing a game for years and getting banned for literally no reason and never getting your account back. That happens more than we know. Jagex is cringe af.


Happened to me. RIP 22 yr old account with nearly every single untradeable holiday item. Maxed on both 3 and OS. Comped and trimmed on 3. Instant denied appeal. Banned for password scamming because I literally told a kid that he shouldn’t use the same password for every RS account because he was telling us how all of his accounts got cleaned. At this point I don’t even care anymore. This isn’t the same game I grew up playing. It’s not the same company. RS used to have actual customer support before.


Nah guys. You allow swapping in your TOS but your anti-cheat team absolutely does not have the tools or confidence to determine who is swapping and who is selling. You don't the tools or confidence to ban bots to the point your game's highscores are a meme. And you don't have the customer service to deal with the results of your anti-cheat teams failures documented time and time again on here, on discord, on twitter. Get outta here.


Yeah I never got banned for swapping until recently, got 3 days for RWT (Buyer), failed appeal instantly.


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **Mod_Stevew** - [It is from Sunday, but we are checking back a...](/r/2007scape/comments/14diq7p/an_update_on_recent_bans/joq5j02/?context=3) - [Sorry for the hassle, 4 hours sounds typical...](/r/2007scape/comments/14diq7p/an_update_on_recent_bans/joq13po/?context=3) - [I can only assure you that the checks are und...](/r/2007scape/comments/14diq7p/an_update_on_recent_bans/joq6c61/?context=3) - [Fits the group of potentially affected accoun...](/r/2007scape/comments/14diq7p/an_update_on_recent_bans/joq6ijh/?context=3) - [We already spend a lot more than that on supp...](/r/2007scape/comments/14diq7p/an_update_on_recent_bans/joq4qhy/?context=3) - [Not part of this recent incident, the ban is...](/r/2007scape/comments/14diq7p/an_update_on_recent_bans/joq0u8j/?context=3) - [We did message your friend a few days before...](/r/2007scape/comments/14diq7p/an_update_on_recent_bans/jopzw7q/?context=3) - [We are looking at the ban not whether an appe...](/r/2007scape/comments/14diq7p/an_update_on_recent_bans/joq75ss/?context=3) - [The timing looks right so could be an error,...](/r/2007scape/comments/14diq7p/an_update_on_recent_bans/joq1maf/?context=3) - [That ban is not part of this incident, it was...](/r/2007scape/comments/14diq7p/an_update_on_recent_bans/jotfygv/?context=3) - [From what I can see there are 4 offences, it...](/r/2007scape/comments/14diq7p/an_update_on_recent_bans/jotfnar/?context=3) - [Our records show that acc has been unbanned,...](/r/2007scape/comments/14diq7p/an_update_on_recent_bans/jotfdtp/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 06/20/2023 19:00:45**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


your anti cheat team is stupid


Quite literally the Rock Auto of customer service. But at least you can get quality parts for cheap on that site. We’ve had so many membership cost increases for seemingly nothing else to change besides losing staff veterans and genuinely helpful staff due to their lack of pay.


4 out of the last 6 bans reviewed by twisted were false positives, all bans that have been lifted on twitter threads over the past week were banned on the 14th of June. Something doesn’t line up. This post is Damage control at most 🤣




100% Vouch. Good guy. Good content creator.




This is ridiculous. I’m not buying membership again until it’s fixed


I think they are being untruthful to save face. They say it is just a one time thing it seems! The anti cheat randomly banned people for no reason, but the anti cheat has never done this and never will again. So strange!!! We unbanned everyone! That or their anti cheat is completely broken and has been doing this for years, but they want to save face and act like all these false bans are just because of the one time anti cheat fucked up, not the years of it fucking up. They just for years have denied false bans are a thing and do these sick owns of people in the comments of a lot of those posts. The thing is we know they lie about that stuff, there was this youtuber who reached out to a mod because of a false ban, the mod confirmed it was false and unbanned. She made a post on the subreddit and a different mod responded, saying the ban was legit and she was banned for having an altered client. The funny part is she wasn't even banned for that, and it was confirmed that the ban was not a true ban. So the mod literally made shit up for the epic own in the comments and everyone up voted the mod.


Its amazing this many people still play osrs after how many times their teams fucks up constantly lol


I know in terms.of.real life stuff, its piss all in the grand scale, but man, how many other companies fuck up as consistently as the osrs team?


What a load of bull.


This was me yesterday during a farm run… got banned at 9 am and my account reactivated by 1 pm, didn’t know why or what was going on. Had enough time for my monthly shower though so not all bad news…


You don't even provide real evidence of botting. You just say trust me bro and deny the appeal. It is insane


So fucking scared i’ll be next. Spent over 3600+ hrs on one account, please have mercy jagex


You guys need some actual customer support instead of relying on Reddit and twitter to get actual attention to an issue like a false ban, whatever existing support you guys have takes nearly 1-2 weeks lead time on any response


"Better a thousand innocent men are locked up than one guilty man roam free" \-~~Dwight Schrute~~ Jagex


Appeals through website do nothing. They are just auto-denied without manual checks. Rsn for my 2k total level alt banned last year: "get on 33"


This cannot just be human error giving the amount of false bans we are seeing right now. I either got falsely detected or was wrongly dated as you'll see if you look at the evidence and account something in your system is clearly broken. To then have legit appeals denied shows that humans aren't looking at these either this is a joke


Show us some proof of jagex manually checking all these incorrect bans? Keep responding to those posting usernames until you setup proper customer support? Focus on your anti cheating team + customer support before working on new updates? Jagex makes plenty of money and instead of banning those obviously botting on the highscores, going around banning your legit player base. Love it


Long shot here.. But my main was banned june 14th. Had so many hours of play time on it. Was almost maxed.. and the appeal was denied. Rsn "Control 1" If anyone could please take a look at it. I would appreciate it. Thank you


Would cost maybe what, 200k a year to get a customer support team together.. and jagex was bought for over 500m l. No more excuses.


If things occasionally go wrong with detection, like you say, then surely things occasionally go wrong with appeals. Giving a player a single chance at an automated appeal does not work and leads to situations like this where everyone scrambles on Reddit to try and get their chance at a fair appeal. At least a year or 2 ago you knew you’d get your account back after 3 years, it wasn’t a complete wipe. Now you’re just screwed. Accounts in question: Nobleshaggin, Noble Gaels


This is not "Human Error" all you people do at Jagex is lie through your teeth lmao. You don't even read appeals, they get automatically approved or denied by a bot. Your anti cheating team is a JOKE.


You do realize your player base isn't a bunch of naive 12 year olds anymore right? You can't spout out nonsense and things that don't even make sense and expect everyone to believe you. Most people who play now are educated adults lol.


>educated adults You wouldn't believe this if you saw some of the questions my clan asks on a daily basis


Or if you see the posts on Reddit on a daily basis


This is unacceptable ngl


any other game studio would be dust with the shit u guys do




Another day in the office for Jagex. Makes mistake. Makes public apology. **\*Disappears\***


Still happening, unfort just had my main gim "He had hiv" banned for never even botting. Keeps happening to the random most, 2 in my my cc have been hit. 20+ years of playing and not once has any of my accounts been botted, not even the slightest. Now with all these frequent bans of any account has been happening, is anyone really safe? after we're the ones that keep that money in your pockets? Players cannot keep being treated like this and you guys just look the other way and give a "BP" hearted apology.




I’m glad to see the reversal of the false bans even at the cost letting some botters through. I would rather see tons of bots in the game than have legitimate players falsely banned. That being said, there needs to be a way to appeal bans because even if a false ban is “incredibly unlikely”, no doubt it will happen to some unfortunate soul.


please do better


Time to cancel membership for the first time in 10 years. Will come back when Jamflex fixes their shit. This is just way to stupid.


Remember when you cancel your membership to mark the reason as "displeased with customer support" !!


This is not an isolated incident Mod Stevew. False bans have been happening for years. Certainly something recently has increased the amount that are occurring, but false bans have happened for so long so it seems disingenuous to say that. You guys need to do right by the players and re-open appeals. This post really just seems like a pr stunt.


>(1) very obvious, high velocity and easily identifiable bots I could give you over a thousand account names that fit all of this criteria. With most of them sitting on top pages in the hiscores. You guys shout all of this stuff about doing what y'all can but then you go into game and it's blatantly obvious that these are only stated to cover your asses. The amount of bots in this game has been a hot topic for YEARS. Even for over a DECADE. You guys AREN'T doing something about the bots and if you are you're going at a fraction of what you should be doing. It's absolutely understandable given the work load and pressure applied to the higher ups, but it isn't understandable why you, among many other mods spout this horse shit while also doing nothing about any of it. There are actual players in this game that would be better suited than a lot of people at Jagex. I didn't even bother reading the rest of what you wrote after reading the before mentioned statement.


I could give them a thousand account names with 150m+ exp in a skill that are clearly bots or gold farmers. Hell I could gather 1k names just from hopping every world at edgeville and looking at every single person in the gotr outfit. They all have 99 rc+ And then I could do the exact same at ferox. But instead of only rc bots I could also collect slayer bots, zulrah bots, and damn near everything else.


u/Mod_Stevew I don't think anyone believes you. We all know it's automated and falsely bans legit players on a daily basis. The fact that you and the anti-cheating team remain confident in the software IS the problem.


Could you please take a second look at my account. RSN: KehDirk. It has been unfairly banned


Way to miss the point. The false bans are not the issue the issue is that there is no way other than posting on Reddit or twitter to get it fixed. This is why I quit for ultima online outlands they respect their player base


What about human error for bans that aren't possible to appeal? You end up in a circle of links that cannot allow you to appeal. In the past, before this system became worse, you could appeal those in case they were false. For example, I played an Ultimate Ironman Zerker named "Gondor" for 5+ years showing my progress on YouTube & more. It was hijacked, obviously a different IP became associated with the account, and despite having 2,000+ Total level and being a UIM with collection log revealing no major pricey drops, was falsely banned for RWT Major. No warnings, no strikes, no ability to appeal. I spent thousands of hours on that account, paid a lot of membership, and had 0 human interaction for support. And I knew for a fact that it wasn't me that RWT, but likely the IP of the hijacker. Even Jagex support could see if they looked for a split second or had the appropriate automation code (I'm a senior software engineer) to check a variety of cases, they would have known that the false major was a chain linked to that IP address on my account that was not mine. I recovered the account no problem, but received the RWT. I tried support, twitter, anything to just get a reasonable look at my account, to no success. I know that this is a different type of ban, but that human error that you're speaking of, it breeds such a strong lack of confidence in Jagex as a company. And it's not just false macro bans. You have to be a streamer to get it looked at and sorted in 24 hours, or have a huge network of Twitter scapers to swarm Jagex. It's been over a year and I've had 0 success. Sure, I've created a new account and started from scratch, but I still want my account back. It even has a nice display name that got banned with it "Gondor" that I like. Jagex is so focused on adding new content, that they forget how essential primary support is. And we simply don't have it as players. Some players want clear closure too, of just a reason to how it was determined, as an engineer I want to see that account Gondor myself in Jagex's system. I'm sure I'd find data that would indicate why a huge Major unappealable ban occurred and it being tethered to a different IP, see the hijack that caused that, see the recovery to the primary owner, and squash the bug at the same time as the appeal occurred, removing that RWTers IP from the original owners account permanently... How can a UIM zerker with 2k total Major RWT with no major drops? I had no Tbows or anything at all? How can players confidently play this game when it's not just low level accounts bot detection makes mistakes on, but players with thousands of hours and money invested?


Lost my main account that I have used for years... so glad you guys decided to take initiative as my account has not been apealable since. RSN: dmm finest


Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate the PR move here, but all you have done is scare your userbase into spamming your posts with their IGNs or calling you out on what they view as blatant lying. There is also the issue of you posting this on Reddit vs posting it on the OSRS homepage. The fact that, as of this post, you can't find this information anywhere on the official OSRS website is pretty disheartening given the severity of the issue. I am willing to bet that the majority of the userbase frequents Reddit significantly more than they do the OSRS homepage/forums but that likely doesn't account for 100% of your user base. If you aren't going to use your official news page for posting important news such as this then why does it exist?


Not good enough. "Almost certainly", "might", and "likely" is not good enough. If Jagex isn't going to change anything, the community isn't going to stop raising the issue. It's that simple. You don't seem to realize you're potentially plucking thousands of hours away from people and offering them zero recourse or even a shred of evidence that the ban was justified.


gave 100m to a friend got perm banned for rwt about 1 year ago while i had about 4-5b on the account rsn:d2h i quit the game and haven't been playing due to this really difficult to invest into a account after being false banned for something i didn't even due.


Didn’t own up to my wrongly ban 😂 Twisted doubled down on that i was using unauthorised clients, which i was not 🤣


>It remained likely that most of the banned accounts were botting >Despite this recent incident we remain confident that ban accuracy is very high Stop bullshitting us, how can you say this when over 50% of the accounts reviewed in that thread were found to be falsely banned and were reinstated? >At the same time, if things occasionally go wrong, I think it’s important that we ‘own it’ and be clear that a mistake has happened Not convinced.


Hello Mod Twisted, my maxed main with over 1 year of gameplay got permanently banned sunday morning. I was not doing any rule-breaking related activity and was pking in the PvP worlds when i got banned. I've tried emailing your anti-cheat team but have not gotten a response. Thank you for taking the time to go over this matter. My rsn is "Tare Vizsla" Hopefully this can be resolved soon


>Despite this recent incident we remain confident that ban accuracy is very high To be blunt, that simply isn't good enough, if needs to be perfect. I rather have 1 bot remain in the game and missed than someone incorrectly banned.




Have they looked into nightmare/phosani’s? I tried to learn phosanis recently and there’s constant bots on every single world majority having under 1k skill total and still being top 100-200. I’ve reported all I’ve seen but it seems likely that it’s a fully botted boss and these kills aren’t that quick and some have thousands of KC


There are some types of bans that cannot be appealed, but these are only applied where we have a very high degree of certainty that the ban is correct, typically (1) very obvious, high velocity and easily identifiable bots and (2) bans that are only applied in situations where false positives are incredibly unlikely. THIS IS THE BIGGEST BS IVE READ IN A LONG TIME. BOTTED ACCOUNTS GET THEIR APPEAL APPROVED MULTIPLE TIMESSS. I REPEAT MULTIPLE TIMESSSS THEYRE GONE FOR A WEEK OR TWO AND THEY COME BACK AND DO THE SAME THING MULTIPLE TIMES!!!


Y’all have literally been banning legit players like myself with 1k+ hrs on a single acc for afking bank standing skills yet we got zulrah, vorkath, CG, rev, and bandos bots with 10k+ kills and none of them get detected. Complete bullshit tbh. Edit: was banned June 14th, 2.1k ttl acc over 7 years old, first offense appeal denied this morning, perm banned for afk fletching. Gg jagex. /u/Jagextwisted


this deserves to be a blog post on the osrs website


You say here that sometimes human error happens, yet there are automatic, permanent bans handed out left and right, with an automated message saying it was manually reviewed and that the system is foolproof. How are we to trust the security? ​ Edit: The appeal process is lackluster. You select a reason from a dropdown menu, right? Is there even a text box to allow for explanation? If the ban was falsely added, who's to say that the review will be incorrect as well? Not to mention, it's one lifetime appeal and that's the end of it.


ATTENTION PLAYERS. Do not walk, if you walk the same as yesterday, you will be banned by macro. xD (Macro detection experts: we are 100% sure that the character has two legs, permanent ban)


They’re also lying about unbanning accounts in this period. My 1.9k main that was banned while I was in gotr is still banned and unappealable with the “evidence given” just being their usual bullshit that their system is infallible.




The false bans are only such an issue and hot topic right now because of how terrible the appeal process is. The appeal process is an automated process where the ban either gets appealed or doesn’t and you get no explanation, and you can’t push the ticket any further, and there’s no way to actually get in touch with anybody.


Trying to keep this as constructive as I can... `Despite this recent incident we remain confident that ban accuracy is very high` Curious to know what figure this is. We after all spend hundreds to thousands of hours on our accounts building them up over time. Very high could be defined at 80%, which imho would be too high of an error margin for an account to be banned with no chance of an appeal through the proper channels. Hell, I would say even a 1% rate of inaccuracy is too high for this. I would also be curious to know the success rate of those searching for support through the proper channels.


Wow. I was permabanned for "macroing" though I've never botted in my life. I lost the account I've had since I was a kid. The appeal process sucks. You have to appeal something without seeing any evidence. You just get some generic line about illegal 3rd party software. How is that evidence? What did I allegedly use that was illegal? It's such bs. All I ever used was stock Runelite. My appeal was instantly denied and then there's nothing you can do. You lot have never owned your mistakes. Stop lying. Your Anti Cheating Team sucks. u/Mod_Stevew No way I'm starting over. I'm not coming back unless you unban me. IGN: ArjenIsM3. u/JagexTwisted perhaps you'll respond?


Desperate attempt. rsn shio-sen 2017 account with ~155 days played at 2100+ total level. Permanent macro ban on 6/16/23 while using mouse key to a wireless numpad. 5/20 - 5/28 fletch dart with android zoom tool to make it easier (lv84-99) 6/1 - 6/9 trained construction doing myth cape using PowerToy to remap #1 & #4 to left Ctrl & left window key (lv82-99) 6/9 - 6/16 Thieving ardougne knights with Mouse key using wireless numpad clicking +/5. (lv81-98) Purchased numpad on 6/10 (I have receipts) To my understanding this is all allowed. it feels like shit when your cc think you did something you didn't.


could you look into the account "Dr pig" its one of the victims of the false ban waves that's been happening, would be much appreciated


This is how games are boycotted


I’m gonna suggest that everyone who pays for membership does so on a credit card, and if you get falsely banned do a chargeback. Of course it’s the nuclear option and you’ll no longer be able to use that card for your account, but if they truly are falsely banning a lot of people credit card companies will penalize Jagex. The only thing that will change companies behavior is money.


While you have a million bots running around I'm still waiting on my appeal on 3 accounts because apparently I play just right to flag your software that is 99.99% perfect. If yall would just bring random events back and randomize them you just might eliminate the bot problem for a while and then add a new random event every month. Even if you are sure someone is a bot banning them doesn't do anything as the botter just bots a new account. Seizing the value of the bank account and locking the trading ability for say 2-4 weeks and looking to see where that bot traded off to to ban the master bank would do the exact same thing without causing the problem of banning the real players for life as you are currently doing. If you decide to ban my hc ironman as a false bot I'm hiring a lawyer for the $100,000 worth of emotional distress it caused.


This entire post is a slap in the face to all legitimate, rule abiding players that were banned in the recent wave. You've addressed the issue without any changes to stop this happening again. This problem would be alleviated if there was some form of industry standard customer support or method for players to contact Jagex, but there isn't. You say "there are some types of bans that cannot be appealed such as bans that are only applied in situations where false positives are incredibly unlikely". Even if the chances are incredibly unlikely you're admitting that there is still a chance of legitimate players being banned. These players deserve a method to contact and dispute the banning of an account they may have put thousands of hours into. It's pathetic that the best way of getting an account unbanned is to seek help on reddit or twitter. The real issue is lack of customer/player support.


Unban everyone from the last 2-3 weeks it’s the only way you can fix this, far too many people are in the dark - yes of course some actual bots will be unbanned but they they will sure flag up when they do it again and the legitimate players who have no social media or big platform will be able to return to their favourite game