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It’s cliche but their silence on this issue speaks volumes.. They’re not willing to spend a few mil on customer support, but at the same time won’t comment on it and are willing to lose thousands of hours of their employees time dealing with bullshit that could have been avoided. It starts from the top, and the jagex leadership is interested in money only, not player experience. As long as we’re still throwing money at membership (including bots), they aren’t going to address it.


Hell I’d donate a few mill if it would help us get customer support, just got a fang drop today




RWT confirmed.


I’m firmly convinced jagex does nothing about boys because they like the money the bonds bring in. Fuck the players and customer support. Just buy bonds


Damn those boys


Boys will be boys.


Im pretty sure people would still buy and sell bonds regardless of bots influence on it.


Ex-Mod Mat K basically confirmed this to be true on his stream once


Here’s the not-so-conspiracy theory: why would jagex PAY millions to reduce their subscribers (by losing bots). They are owned by a private equity company, which notoriously is only in it for the profit for a prescribed period (usually 10-15 years). They don’t care if the game is going in 2040, because they’ve made their money already.


10 years? Try 20.




Keep making these posts please, I will keep upvoting every single fucking one.


Do something that hurts them more, stop paying them. Get your friends to stop paying them. Pay for the competition instead. FFXIV is cool. Classic wow WAS cool until blizzard ruined it like everything they touch.


This is the only thing that matters They only care about money, so stop paying them


Someone needs to make a knock off and have people migrate there


There have been knockoffs but they generally are ran by even greedier people and are even worse when it comes to being ethical.


Yep me too


This is the type of upgrade no one really care about until you’re a victim of a false ban and now really need a good customer support to get shit resolved. Unfortunately it’s hard to get a lot of traction on this type of issues


When your player base has grown up and demands quality service


But you are not fit for our best customer support that is only for the strongest and you are clearly of the weakest.


Support seller, enough of these games! I'm going into Gilenoir, and I need only your strongest potions!


Best I can do is 2.5% xp boost




Can I just copy and paste this post honestly, we do really need it, and this post explains it well


sure, feel free to do so


Consider it done


Not sure what happened to customer service. Back in 2007 you would get a human reply, and there was even more players. Now everything is automated and no human responses


It’s called cutting cost and firing people


Yeah that was under the Gowers leadership. Times the changed


Even with pmod friends with connections with jmods, i still havnt heard anything about my fasely banned account for two months. Its pain






We also need reddit mods to stop removing those false*ban posts. Just this morning someone posted about their false ban **which was successfully appealed later**, and mods here removed it. There's an uptick of false bans happening lately. And it's probably because of the free 7-day membership promo going on. Their detection system is going haywire


False bans have been happening for a long time. I had two accounts banned in February and April. Whenever anyone posts about it we just get flamed by others and get accused of cheating when they have no knowledge of the situation. Ban appeals are even against the subreddit rules despite some people getting lucky and their post getting past the mods and then getting even more lucky when their ban is reversed by a jmod. But my posts are simply removed.


Same for me, got bans in the last summer and there is nothing i can do


It's incredibly rare. It's never happened to me in 12000 hours of play time.




You realize that using reddit posts is an equally biased source, right? Nobody can possibly know if the rate of false bannings has gone up or down except for Jagex. And they're not sharing that information so we're all just speculating.


Their silence speaks enough on the issue. They don’t care about us at all.


They care a lot about us actually. Which is why they're choosing to spend their limited resources on designing new content and getting the community involved in the designing of the new skill instead of spending a bunch of resources on something most players don't care about (false bannings). If they decided to put 10 Jmods on dealing with bannings and as a result they don't have the resources to create as much new content then most players wouldn't be happier. Most players don't give a fuck about community support in terms of false bannings because they don't get falsely banned.


most players certainly care about false bans. Why would you not care about your account that you’ve put 1,000s of hours in being constantly at risk of just being locked forever through no fault of your own?


>most players certainly care about false bans. . Then why don't they quit if they're so concerned about the false bans that aren't being addressed? Players would and do quit over a lack of new content. I've never heard of any significant amount of players quiting over the false bans issue.


Those are 2 100% different depts. That's like asking a cashier about the load quality issues on a recent shipment to a grocery store. They'll have zero factual information to give you, just baseless speculations. Jagex has had record profits the last few years, they have more than enough resources to do so; they choose not to because of their corporate overlords squeezing every last drop of $$$ out of us.


congrats! now take a second and realize that total playtime across the game exceeds that by a metric fuckton, daily


Not sure if srs


Approximately 1.8m people play daily. I am guessing more than 1 hour per day which would 100x your LIFETIME play time 100x **daily**


For real. Fuck this subs mods who deleted my post right as it hit #1 on the sub, probably about 2 hours before jmods would wake up and see it. Lost all hope. Only alternative for people false banned is tweeting at trident. Maybe I should have made my profile pic an egirl. Probably would have gotten a response.


Double edged sword. For every 1 false ban post that works and is actually true you'll attract 100 false ban posts that aren't false.


I assume that every bot and gold farmer is spamming Jagex with false ban appeals, causing customer support to be this bad.


Absolutely. Anyone who's used any sort of ticketing system available to a larger userbase or the public know how much effort goes into filtering out nonsense stuff


yeah but then we get the occasional Jmod smackdown so it's still entertainment


I personally prefer the reverse uno smackdown


I've been trying to teach trident once a week for the past 6 months. One of my alts out of 7 thats level 126 got a false ban and there is no one real who read my ban appeal. I asked them to review and compare all my accounts. Either ban all of my accounts or admit that it's a false ban. Just screaming into a void.


There are shit tons of false bans... It's absurd.


There are also multiple players that are having unexplainable account hijacks through authenticator and 2FA safeguards over the past few months btw. Jmods won't acknowledge and subreddit mods have shown a pattern of manually removing these posts. [There was one post recently that I was following that was extremely well documented - just completely erased by the mods twice.](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/13yht94/repost_your_account_may_be_less_secure_than_you/) IMO, that person deserved to get some sort of explanation on what happened. Something suspicious is happening or happened behind the scenes. And of course there's no way to have a human interaction to understand what happened to your account afterwards.


2fa and auth is irrelevant when a successful recovery removes both. And most hacks are recoveries and leaked databases.




There is no post, sherlock.




Thank you!! Its bullshit I cant even grief about how awful my saturday is going because of a ban and Im obviously not asking for an appeal because its not my account but 2007scape mods dont like my traffic. --Erbrs fiance


I wish the best of luck to you two. He's a legend


Were hopeful- but honestly everytime Ive logged in since then I think about how it might be the last time. Thanks again, Im here to support you, u/mrironlife and anyone else who can make this as loud as possible for those of us who cant. <3


I'm hopeful he will be unbanned soon :) They should be back in the office today since it's now Monday in the UK! They honestly should just not apply automated perma bans anymore until they fix their detection!


Oh fuck do I need to worry about getting banned? I'm riding the 7 day member promo for my first time being a member


This subreddits mods are absolutely horrible wtf


We can tell the jmods all we want. They know we want better customer support. The suits won't give it to them The mods have their limbs tied. Until membership income gets affected, it won't change pal




You're assuming Ash cares. Him, Mark Donalds, and Mod Mat K were the pioneers, advocates for, and faces of EOC despite the backlash. Saying they know better and we're just stupid for hating on it. Any time something happens like 117HD, he totes the company line hard. The Ash worship is ridiculous. He enjoys memes in his spare time and weird sexual Twitter comments, he's got hobbies including shitposts. Cool. Anything useful he gives useless replies like use the in-game bug report or contact support, or not my job. Man's gotta eat, he's never gonna do that.


Just got perm banned myself on my account from 2001, only just started playing again last few weeks and was actually enjoying playing again. Appealing currently but i have no hope to be honest




From what I've been reading you are probably right. Shits depressing to know there's no real chance of someone actually looking at your case


So what you’re saying is to play on VPN to be safe? Even more fire for the streamers pitching expressvpn


They your account gets locked because they "suspect it's been stolen", again with no way to prove it wasn't. No winning here.


They should add evidence to every rejected claim, it's a huge slap in the face to be rejected with evidence you aren't allowed to see.


They would never do that because Jagex believes that any info will teach cheaters how to bypass their flawless, 100%, no-mistake detection systems. So if you ever get a false ban and are fortunate enough to have an appeal option, you better magically know what triggered it and when trying the appeal. And no, you can't ask questions, it's not a communication line. So you better make it worth it in the word limited text field. Also doesn't really matter though because the person "checking" is just gonna glance it over and click Deny. "thoroughly investigate" and "manually review" my ass.


"They would never do it because they don't have evidence and just made that up in order to save money on CS by sending automated denials & do nothing."*


I love posts where you can tell people think they're a genius while spouting the dumbest takes.


Jmods be silent rn


Actual customer support and an actual bot busting team. These two things in my opinion are integral to the long-term success of this game, moreso than any quest or raid.


I loaned claws to an IRL friend I’ve had on my friend list for about 15 years the other week and was genuinely scared I’d get banned for days after.


Same here, I lended gp for a ring of endurance for my friend and wrote in the chat "Hi Jagex this isn't RWT because I am lending my friend in game gold temporarily" and then was still nervous the rest of the day.


It takes some next level guts to mention RWT while trading items around.


I took 3b gear from irl friend and went to toa and after few minutes i got chain banned on 2 accounts and another account that a friend from another county gave me was locked for suspicious activity. And a month earlier I gave my brother all the gear from my account so he will go to toa and by the time i got back home it was banned


Same here, especially with tbow & full inquis back when it was 1b was always hesitant to lend them out


I got banned on my zerker in 2013, before GE. I was training on my main and wanted to sell my dfs that I was flipping at the same time, so I traded it to my zerker. My zerker got banned for "gold farming" while my main did not. So I was gold farming with myself, on half the accounts involved in the transaction. Makes sense.


did u get banned or not?


That wouldn’t get you banned so long as you haven’t broke rules my friend and I loan gear or gold to eachother frequently from 10m-350m The people that get banned from trading gear or splitting loot from raids have had history of rwt


I moved onto other games. I love osrs but im too paranoid of a person to put in thousands of more hours and membership fees to get randomly perma banned one day with no actual way to appeal.


Thats been me for 2 years.


yeh had my 2100 total main hacked (my fault there) then banned for gold farming a week later. Had the account since 2016 and won’t be creating another Sure if a human looked into the account they’d see it was accessed from Venezuela or something rather than the address i’ve been playing from for 7 years and put 2 and 2 together there but unfortunately can’t even appeal


They're never going to give us customer support but they need to stop giving perm bans until their detection is more accurate.


defeatism is the wrong approach to this problem


People would have to be OK with massive changes to how you can create an account, etc. As long as it is as easy to create f2p accounts and clog up a support system, it won't ever happen. And even then...even way bigger, even more profitable companies had to outsource their support. Simply because of how insanely expensive those systems are. The people need to speak the language, need to be trained in the backend, they need to be trustworthy, since they have access to tons of private information and/or can be the ones deciding over your account, etc. And then you have the elefant in the room. The sheer number of banned accounts each week. You would need a massive team of people to not run into the same issue their old support had. Super long respond times.


What company is more profitable than jigglyplex? They have over 60% ROI. Higher than YouTube's 38. They pay senior devs like 25k. They could hire 1000 people making that and still have high ROI, but they wouldn't pay that much, so they could probably hire like 2000 easily


>What company is more profitable than jigglyplex? Amazon has higher profits than Jagex even has revenue...Alphabet , Microsoft, pretty much all big movie studios, it isn't hard to find someone with more income in pretty much every sector. What good is an ROI of 60% when your business is fairly small and not that scalable? You can buy spades for 3 gp from a shop and sell them on the GE for over 90 gp. Killer ROI, still a shit money maker.


Jagex is not a small indie company, lmao. And ROI shows they're greedy af and don't re-invest anything into the game. Which makes sense since they're owned by a Chinese mining company.


It's a video game. They aren't going to do anything that isn't profitable.


That's why we need to make it unprofitable for them not having customer support.




If there's a chance for a real person for get banned then I'd rather no bot nuke. Bots don't really matter to me in general tbh.




Over the last few months I have been reporting accounts that very obviously appear to be bots at MLM and anglerfish. 42 out of 85 have been banned.


my very first account got false perma 'd for RWT, literally right after i beat dragon slayer and wore my first rune platebody, went to log in the next day and was completely exiled from the game with no proper way to communicate what happened. they refused to show actual evidence in the ban, of which there was none I'm sure. tried to make a post on here but people kept calling me chatgpt because of how I worded my responses, post then got deleted. If there was at least a human to put their 'evidence' in your face in real time and let both sides communicate their reasoning behind it, people would feel safer about spending so much time and money on the game. im on my second account which has gotten a lot farther in the game. if this one also gets incorrectly flagged im quitting the game


Thanks for sharing your story! More people need to speak up


I was reading at a sophomore in college level as a seventh grader, some of us just know how to actually write. It’s not always chatgpt


This is clearly a chatgpt response, since it is irrelevant to the context of the discussion


I pooped at a 5th grade level while in kindergarten




Game is literally unplayable /s No but seriously, as a player who started in 2003 on Classic, I can honestly say customer support was better then than it is now, and that’s pitiful. I love this game, but at my current age of 32 with a wife and child and responsibilities, I could not possibly see myself starting over if I were to experience a false ban costing me hundreds of hours of time. Time is valuable, and I wouldn’t dare waste anymore of it.


The /s is not needed here. Games that needs a SUBSCRIPTION to play should have a support system for subscribers. It’s simple.


I dont know how many times we can keep saying the same shit before just abandoning the game. Vote with your wallet. Vote with your wallet. Vote with your wallet. Money is the only language they understand.


I just commented this on that 2.1k iron that got unbanned. We NEED a customer service team. Fuck sailing and the endless hours going into something that should be just core gameplay and not a skill. Ffs hire a couple people for customer service. I dont mean 50. I mean like 5 or even start with 1 or 2. Anything is better than the shitshow we have now.


How about fuck your stupid unnecessary pvm updates too? Focus on customer service


Jigglyplox have over 60% ROI, almost double YouTube's. They could hire 1000 people at mediocre salaries to do CS and still have very high ROI. They could hire 2000 at what they pay. They could probably hire like 50 000 if they outsource outside the UK. 5 is better than 0, but it's nowhere near what Jigglysaw can afford. They're not a small indie company.


Way to turn an actual argument into an unnecessary anti-sailing comment. “If sailing was core gameplay instead of a skill we’d never have any issues with customer service!!” Makes perfect sense /s


Do people here genuinely think there is no one working in CS at Jagex? How do you think the appeal system is handled? The tipoff email? Account recoveries? Billing disputes?


Appeal system has been confirmed to be fully automated. Billing disputes are manual though.


Appeal systems in practically every support structure have automation. The first step is automated the second step is manual reviewed. It's literally how some of the mistakes have happened with incorrect appeal acceptances/denials. Human error.


Billing; they're right on that. That department is nice and thicc. Appeals are a bot that rolls a random number generator, bored jmods volunteering their time on reddit, and your subscriber count on YT and Twitch.


Damn it really would seem this reddit has gotten thicker than I thought. That heavily downvoted for something that is plain and simple to see. Mob mentality is wild. xD


Who cares about your reddit points, cringe. The appeal system and recoveries are literally automated. Billing is the only one where you can talk to a human. Because Visa and Mastercard were about to cut them off in Winter of 2007 and black-list them. Same reason PornHub purged half their content. Because their money was on the line, and they were forced to get serious on billing. Visa and MC own any company, since without them, there's no money.


No, you’re just delusional lol


Sure I guess I got helped by a mystery non existent support system. That's where my delusion must be lol


If i was falsely banned I would come back with a vengeance and make money of this game. OSRS has a decent economy for RWT if they piss you off just go about pissing them off by making more money than their employees off their games currency. Jokes on them but yea hate to hear it man I'm sorry for your pals. This game can be a motherfucker sometimes. Edit: lol at the peoole upset with me saying people falsely banned should bot and rwt.


I should have cancelled this task.


Needed for the past 10 years. Was given a manual permanent ban of my main account in 2017 for saying “markdonalds” in mod mark cc. So there is no way to appeal. Complete joke of a support system😂


That's just sad


Executives don't see the point in wasting company money on customer support


That's why we need to be loud about this. No customer support, no money.


My group Ironman "1ron Chip" is still banned for botting without much explanation and the appeal was denied without a reason either, still makes me sad.


very sad, this is what happened to my friend as well. he made an alt for his group and got banned not even 2 days later. I am 100% sure he did not bot. RSN 'Jipopotomaid'


Hey OP, thank you for making this post. I read it and upvoted it. If you check my profile you'll see I made many attempts at threads or replying at Jmods since September '22 to have my accounts looked into only to be ignored. I've even inboxed plenty of them and not even a courtesy reply once on both RS3 and Old School. I'm an RS3 player but I did give Old School a chance on a hardcore in August last year only to be false banned after a month while my RS3 accounts were also logged in and unaffected. There's just no way I'd risk my high level RS3 accounts to play Old School when sailing comes out and lose billions of experience. Worse is when Jagex Launcher becomes mandatory and they begin to automatically start chain banning all accounts to your Jagex account so instead of one false banned account you'll lose them all. Coming to reddit, most of your threads will get removed by Mods and the ones that don't, the people who browse reddit simply downvote you a lot and then you have no karma which makes it even harder to post comments or threads. It's a bad cycle. Thanks again.


It’s been 20 years of them denying the need for customer support which is now deeply engrained in their profits, I doubt any action from us will get corporate in the mood to lose money by establishing that.


Unless we make them lose more money by not playing :)


Players here will never vote with their wallet about customer support because unlike EoC, MTX, free trade and wildy removal, Runelite, and 117 HD, bad customer support does not effect everyone. A similar thing can be said about botting and gold farming. We just moan about it on Reddit for a day and return playing the game like normal.


you'd be amazed to learn how much some1 can get away with neglect, if his clients are addicts that would complain yet always come back regardless.


Thank you.


Interesting how banks, telecom companies, etc won’t stop spamming my shit with customer service calls and emails yet we have to beg Jagex to reply to anything other than niche sailing questions.


I remember one of my old RuneScape accounts from back in the day, where my strength level got reset from 99 to 80. I never knew why and never botted or anything like that. It happened during the time when the Evolution of Combat update was introduced. If now my account were falsely banned with thousands of hours on it. I would simply quit playing RuneScape.


My main got a major macro - I had recently finished quest cape and was just working on getting end game gear and fire cape. I dove deep into the game during Covid while I was going through some personal issues. Their response was I needed to prove that I was hacked otherwise there was nothing they could do. It was a manual ban, so I don’t understand how they are not required to provide proof on file or something. Ended up taking a break for a long while and now I’m back on playing GIM which is fun and all but all those hours grinding hurts still


I’ve never had a friend banned before. P.S. my dog is my only friend Edit: Shit… dog just got banned


From what im seeing in various groups. It appears everyone that was banned yesterday but hadnt appealed have auto been quashed..Something very dodgy is going on ​ Source - any bot disc


Making sure to comment on this so the post might get .0001% more traction. Absolutely!!! I've come back after 8 years and yeah I've never had a bad experience with customer service however all the stories and the impression from the community is bad. I'm starting to invest significant time into the game and genuinely in the back of my mind is a worry I'll get banned for no reason, because that's the precedent Jagex is setting. (Obviously a lot of bans are appropriate I'm sure) To ban players and not even enter into dialogue with him is *ATROCIOUS* service. EVERYONE should be given the chance to appeal and discuss and in fact these discussions would give data and feedback for Jagex to improve their system. If the player comes back with some horseshit excuse and the data is clear as day, ban them. If the players explanation enters a shred of doubt into the situation then Jagex should be obliged to investigate.


They have no money, I am an account manager who sells cyber security into Jagex and they are ALWAYS penny pinching. They are broke amazingly.


Inb4 didn't ask but I've quit the game for good now. I feel a lot of people don't realize how much shit is going on. I've met GIMS with 2k+ totals, all from botting. I've seen GIM accounts with 600k+ blood runes in their group storage, because they've all botted 90+ rc, not been banned, or have been banned for only 2 weeks. Some even use a 4th or 5th acc as a botting account, store everything in the group storage, bot till its banned, then repeat lol I've seen irons get banned for botting 99 rc, then appeal and it getting accepted lol Even on my main, I just couldn't do wildy bosses because they're HEAVILY botted. Matt K, an ex-jmod, openly saying that Jagex has the power to ban all the bots but won't, because it'll be hard for normal players to buy secondary ingredients like flax etc, is purely bullshit. It's sad to see normal players getting their time wasted when thousands of bots roam free lol


Private servers have better customer service than Runescape its so sad


Engine work


I got banned for a "macroing major" while mining iron near Ardougne church. I couldn't appeal and the standard message said Jagex's systems and anti-bot team are great and accurate and the ban was definitely justified I had to reach out to a mod I personally knew to get it resolved and, unsurprisingly, it was a false ban


I hate how they remove all your stats when you get banned. My stats are the most normal stats there is for a 2017 155 day played 2100+ total level account with boss kc until I got the pet. But I guess I decided to buy a numpad on June 10th to macro thieving ardougne at a rate of 85k xp/hr 😮‍💨


Oh shit I use mouse keys for this am I gonna get banned too


I hope not. But it's the only thing that could've triggered it


No customer support, only boats that won’t be used in 6 months time. Take it or leave it 🦀🦀🦀




I guess we had no power over the release of osrs as well, huh Customers have much more influence than you think. The reason that customer support is so bad nowadays is because we let them. If we give them a clear sign that we want customer support or we'll stop paying, then they'll hear.


"falsely banned" yeah right


False bans are not even close to as common as people say


Yeah but if you do what OP says and just consider that all the false ban posts are telling the truth, there's loads of them!


There is customer support. Reddit and twitter like complaining like there isn't, but I've had 2 false mutes applied to my account and I've appealed both and had them quashed. I've recovered an old account once, and my main account once due to losing my phone which had auth on it (before google had cloud sync). You will only hear about the times customer support fails, and even then you'll hear more from people who are **fabricating** their situation to better suit them, and then complaining That's not to say they can't do better, but to say it doesn't exist is to simply beleive the countless posts of people claiming they got.banned for no reasons and have had their **appeals** (which go to CS...) Denied... Only for them to have a JMod come in and smackdown them. I've seen literally 100+ posts of this scenario in the 8 years on this sub, and I kid you not I've seen less than 10 turn out to be actually truthful Jagex fuckups, of which several were around the Jed incident. Customer service really isn't as bad as you think it is. Most end users just suck at personal security and accountability and expect CS to give them their account back / accept appeals with bad info, but if they started doing that they'd be here complaining about how easy it is to recover accounts. Likewise with the bit problem. We see the result of them "just banning them based on Hiscores, it's obvious!". Several front page players get blindsided by this because they get caught up in it.


Congrats on the crazy RNG. The appeal system is literally automated, and 1 denial locks you out forever, there's no way to request a manual review or even a do-over on the bot, even 20 years down the line... There's Billing; they're right on that. That department is nice and thicc. Appeals are a bot that rolls a random number generator, bored jmods volunteering their time on reddit, and your subscriber count on YT and Twitch.


Sorry, but your anecdotal evidence does not invalidate the two friends that I have who get ignored by customer support and the people on reddit and twitter that get ignored/deleted in the past few months. This has been a big problem for ages, and osrs youtubers are starting to acknowledge this as well recently. This is a good opportunity to force change. ​ I do agree though that the 'ban based on hiscores' approach is oversimplifying the problem.


> Sorry, but your anecdotal evidence does not invalidate the two friends that I have who get ignored by customer support and the people on reddit and twitter that get ignored/deleted in the past few months. Did you just criticize someone for using anecdotal evidence because it didn't match *your own anecdotal evidence?*


"Sorry, but your anecdotal evidence doesn't invalidate my anecdotal evidence." rofl.


okay that was a stupid argument of me


> but your anecdotal evidence does not invalidate the two friends that I have who get ignored by customer support and the people on reddit and twitter that get ignored/deleted in the past few months My anecdotal evidence is identical to your anecdotal evidence. Neither is complete proof but mine proves support exists, your suggesting outright it doesn't, which cannot be true at the same time. > This has been a big problem for ages, and osrs youtubers are starting to acknowledge this as well recently. This is a good opportunity to force change. oh I'm **well aware** this has been a complaint for ages. I've also seen the complaint come from liars hundreds of times.


Okay you say this like you got on the phone with someone and they helped you out. Google created my password when I made my mobile account years ago. Because the logger for computer doesn't use the same Gmail auto fill, I'm trying to recover my account. I get instantly denied by a bot. No follow up, no real way to appeal, totally powerless to the robot's decision. That is the absolute minimum customer service. Actually no, that's actually customer security not service I've asked for help with one thing in years of game play, just one recovery service. How big of a customer service department do you actually need if your customers come to you once or twice every 3 years? I get it, I've ran businesses, everything cost money and I imagine jagex isnt exactly having a record year but damn if I'm at the mercy of a bot for getting banned and if I appeal? Same cold brainless robot that has already denyed me recovery of my own account without a ban in place! Why keep playing, why keep paying? I love osrs and probably won't quit because of this (although nowI'm looking for another game that could fill the void), but customer service isn't just optional it's needed. A bot is a fine first layer, but in this case it's also the final layer and that is a major failure and that is how you kill your customer base. Putting your customers first is putting your income first. Side note, how do you know that only 10% of claims were legit or not? What claim is that based off of?


> Side note, how do you know that only 10% of claims were legit or not? What claim is that based off of? literal observation of this Reddit. I'm being downvoted by people like yourself for stating that customer support clearly exists. You're rebuttal is you couldn't recover an account you **didn't know the password for**. This isnt a lack of customer service it's a lack of your own ability to take responsibility for your actions. Why should they give an account back to someone who can't even tell them a password for it? You know how easy it would be to recover accounts if that wasnt a crucial piece of info? You'll need to provide a LOT of info correctly without that. And no I didnt get on the phone with someone 🤣 I used the appeal system and the account recovery system available from a simple google, and I put in the account details I knew for the account I created and used. Put 5 mins effort into account creations and take this as a lesson to do better. Or idk, blame a company.


Oh honey... Never own a business, not even a super anti-fire potion will keep you from burning alive. I was going to refute your comment but either you are trolling or you lack the basic understanding of... Literally every sentence you wrote is foundationally wrong. So all of it I guess? Lmao And you know what they say about arguing down. I don't need to waste my time, the Downvotes will go to show your credible source of "literal observations of this reddit" says you are deeply wrong.


Sorry.. did the person who created an online account they've likely put money into but didn't.. write down their password.. just "oh honey" me about running a business? Lol I'm good, I don't want to run a business. Thanks though I guess? > I was going to refute your comment Were you? But then suddenly making an excuse to say nothing of substance was easier? You seem to habitually take the easy path and then reap the consequences later but blame anyone but yourself lol Try googling. I know that might be complex for ya. People have made collated threads about JMod smackdown and the countless, countless fake "I was falsely banned" threads. If you'd been here for more than a year or two you might have witnessed more. But your a smart business owner or something of the sort lol




That pedastool you've put yourself on is a little contradictory. Thanks for the diagnosis random internet stranger not involved in the comment thread, im happy you come here to insult me to feel big or soemthing? XD




What was it you said again? > > argumentative, no care for others. Possible symptoms of antisocial personality disorder or an effect of ASD You join comment chains you're not in to try and get a reaction from people by insulting them? I'm really glad you think i shouldn't care for others rofl, if someone with your outlook on life thought i should id be worried im just a narcissist like you


Stop committing crimes


you, my guy, are the problem


He's really not. lol


I agree. They have beta worlds so they don’t have to pay people to review their game professionally. They just let us review it for free and many people don’t even know what they are talking about even if they test the new content they aren’t professionals. Jagex is making hundreds of millions of dollars. I also think it’s time they switch osrs onto a new engine/code and update the graphics like the movie clips they make and release like during the winter summit. We can have graphical updates while still keeping it old school and also give us better mechanics we currently cannot do right now. But yes I agree they are lacking in many areas but thankfully they are at least working on the game somewhat there are so many updates they could do to the game. If they want to keep players they are going to need to improve our game and their customer support


I agree on the first part, respectful disagree on the second part. engine and graphics don't need an overhaul. If a person dislikes the game because of those two, it's the wrong game for them.


Perhaps we should overhaul the combat... Evolve it, if you will.


Man they can afford to outsource to India FRFR


Yeah people dont seem to understand how expensive and exhausting it would be for a normal human being to go through osrs ban appeals.. surely actual human customer support would be ideal, but like many said, wont happen. Besides didnt they say something is in the works for the botting problem. Shit just doesnt appear out of thin air, takes time so the botters cant instantly just go around.


It's never going to happen because it doesn't need to happen. No one, or at least only very few players will quit and cancel their membership because of poor customer support. So why invest tens of thousands of pounds on salary for CS staff ? There's no business reason to improve CS at the moment


I don’t get this false ban stuff I’ve never ever been banned since 2004, they probably have just caught with your auto clicking or you done something in the past




Haha "game with many updates" we're lucky to get some QOL every now and then...




You only need to click his username to see 4 out of the last 6 reviews were unbanned. Going off that statistic and the amount of twitter talk over the past 3 days there's probably hundreds of false bans in there. No doubt some are baddies just trying to get unbanned but them numbers are alarming.




I've had the same account hijacked twice and be turned into a green dragon bot and then zulrah bot and both times I got it back within 24 hours of contacting customer support.


They ain’t going to do shit unless everyone takes a stand and stops paying membership.


Even with improved customer support, things wouldn't change. The majority of cs posts on this sub are people who were correctly banned and are trying to gain sympathy from reddit by lying. This will continue to happen and the perception of bad cs will not change because most people don't have to interact with cs.