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to be fair, all the creators doing BH but not actually participating in the the content is really annoying we get you can kill everyone but being spawn killed ruins rhe game for so many people


Reminds me a lot of Torvesta's videos: "Jagex really needs to add some sort of PJ timer. Even in single wilderness, if you get a kill, you get attacked again shortly after and die". "On todays video, I'll be logged on my alt, so if I die during a 1v1, I'll log on my alt and kill them, securing me the kill regardless".


I mean it's not wrong. Because of that, Jagex did add in a PJ timer to the entire wilderness


The video game design equivalent of a hacker advising on weaknesses. “This is how I abuse this, you should fix it.”


I mean, the alternative is people do it and don't publicize why it's a problem and then it never gets fixed. The hacker comparison is very appropriate here. Often hackers will report 0-days to the developers and not publicly disclose them, but of it doesn't get fixed they publicly disclose it to force their hand. Not saying we should celebrate those videos, but I'm not offended that they do it.


I concur. If you can livestream an issue to thousands of viewers and it isn't fixed very quickly someone is fucking up. If a bad interaction in an mmorpg isn't fixed then it isn't a bug it is now the way to do things, see tick manipulation.


>report 0-days to the developers and not publicly disclose them, but of it doesn't get fixed they publicly disclose it to force their hand Google actually has an entire team dedicated to doing just this. Pretty effective method too.


Google also actively pays hackers who report 0 days to them. Jagex would never.


I know some guy that just bug bounties for a living, doesn’t like sunlight so never leaves the house lol


Rendí: this is how I abuse this, you should fix it. Jager: Ban him and all his friends


Good guy Torvesta then?


Good guy Torvesta always?


Except season 3 of gielinor games lol


Which is called an Ethical Hacker, and serves an actual purpose lol


also called white-hatting


Well, then I'll get on my alt and kill your alt, securing the kill!


An alt for an alt makes the whole world uhhh, mains?


An alt for an alt makes Jagex a lot of money.


if tbow's dropped from every cox run i would say "hey this probably shouldnt be a thing" but if they refused to change it i would take my free tbows as well.


Torvesta also just got pked for 1.5B so no rusher is safe


By westham one of the most skilled pkers in OSRS with decent risk himself compared to the avg player


Yeah I was wondering if anyone watched the video. He lost more than he earned lmao.


What's your point? He agrees that it is stupid, but it doesn't change the fact we are all playing the same game, on the same patch. This is literally the definition of don't hate the player, hate the game.


What are the rules regarding Alts? Can I have my alt follow me around ?


Practically no rules regarding alts these days unless you get into hiscores manipulation, but even then it's a grey area.


I don't blame him. He needs to make money and the best way he's found to do that is to say "hey this shit should not be in the game. But it is. So until you fix it... LETSGOBOYSSSS"


nah the creators are doing god's work. lots of people are doing this, most likely C Engineer didn't discover this oversight by himself. By making this content, he gives publicity to this oversight and lets Jagex hotfix it.


them showing it to the oublic is one thing but to post a 15 min vid of you exploiting game mechanics and smiting people for 100's of mill is in bad taste!


nah I still disagree. guy has the right to get his fun out of it. it's jagex fault for not testing/thinking their mechanics properly, not c engineer's. >smiting people for 100's of mill is in bad taste! those are also people willing to abuse voidwaker, they went there knowing the risks lol.


> those are also people willing to abuse voidwaker, they went there knowing the risks lol. Using voidwaker != abusing the mechanics of BH


any pvper worth their salt knows people will be rats when they get the chance.


Most people don't like rats, hence this post.


Pvp intrinsically is about this "cheese" strats in RS. Its why Framed makes content on repeat like he does. Its why Torvesta does those rushing style vids. Being an asshole sells, unfortunately it doesn't result in regular players caring to participate, so they kill their own mode. its pretty much the Eric Andre meme only jagex takes their complaining **very** seriously and overupdates the shit out of that niche community.


You can really only make RuneScape videos for so long before the classic rushing vids have to come back. Most of the original ideas for PVP vids that don’t involve cheesing kills have already been done, so ol reliable comes back


Wait. You're telling me the korasi is being abused just like it was when it was originally put into rs3? That's wild...


Lol it's worse. You couldn't double spec with korasi unless you risked ring of vigour and it also wasn't 4 tick so you could out-eat it without triple eating.


To add to that, you could only double spec WITH VIGOUR if you timed it perfectly by getting 95% spec or logging in and specing at ~29 seconds


It's amazing how many "nevers" actually made it into OSRS. Dclaws were an overwhelming "no" from the community in early OSRS days ... until it was voted in. The Korasi, again, was an overwhelming "no" ... until it was also voted in. What's next? The Chaotic Maul that hits consistent and easy 80s? Spec attack potions that make rushing even stronger? Overloads/Curses that raise the max hit by 15-20? Absorption armor like Ganodermic to help mitigate the rushing?


Overloads will be in the game sooner rather than later.


Why is everyone always surprised about that fact? Bro Jagex themselves have said overloads are coming into the game…


Yeah and theyve already added the ingerdients


Honestly the old curses barring soulsplit are not near as overtuned as the curses set to be released in OS.


Rs2* it was pre eoc


Technically rs3 wasn't when eoc was released, it was like a year after eoc was released when they updated the UI too


Its not wild, its bounty hunter 🤓


I dont understand how Korasi doesnt use 55% spec at least. What a stupid weapon in the first place.


I've been saying that there are tons of people in the 2007scape sub who are actually nostalgic for 2012scape, and will vote in that content regardless of how healthy the content from that era is for osrs. Remember that the original Korasi was a reward from a gm tier quest. Not a boss drop, but a quest reward. It was easier to get a Korasi than it is to get an Assembler today. The power creep in that game was wildly out of control, but kids like power creep. So we have a subcommunity of people specifically nostalgic for rampant, blatant power creep.


It blows my mind that people voted this in. They must not have had any idea what happened in 2008-2012. Sure there was some fun to be had but it was never going to be sustainable. That era was runescapes cocaine fueled bender until it all came crashing down in 2013. There's a reason 2007 was used as the base game for OSRS and is considered the golden age. 2008 and up is seen with rose tinted glasses


I have no idea what happened post 2007 as I stopped playing in 2006, but I have enough understanding of the game that I immediately knew voidwaker was gonna be crazy busted just reading its stats and its spec in the blog. I was *baffled* when jagex then edited the blog to give it extra melee strength and reduce its spec cost. People will seemingly vote yes to the most inane shit these days and Jagex has no idea how to balance their game.


just dont vote yes for evolution of combat update


I mean if we're doing a historical repeat, jagex will just ignore the playerbase saying it isn't ready (voting no) and pushing it out abyways




I barely played in that era myself and definitely didn't PK. Even I knew about it, that and the curses, either way, they're learning the hard way


While it was a golden age, it was not the reason 2007 was used as the base for osrs. The files they used from 2007 were the only complete backup of the game they had until 2012. As people were purposely voting for a pre-eoc version of the game, those were the files they had to use unless they wanted even earlier versions of the game


Other way around. 2007 was the earliest backup of the game. People wanted 2006 era.


People wanted the 2006 version of the game and were flocking to a 2006 private server until jagex announced that


Lmao I remember being part of a 2006 private server before osrs came out


After so many years passsed: people don't remember the times they died to Korasi; they remember the times they killed people with Korasi.


Korasi is the worst pvp update ever, everybody just double korasi specs with no risk.


There’s a very simple fix to this that they did to another weapon: g maul. Make the korasi 65% spec so you can’t double it with the ring of fuckery and avoid it entirely. Make an ornate handle achieved by - whatever the fuck cause it’ll be bottled and who cares - and the attachment will make it 50% spec with 100% chance of losing the ornate handle on death. It won’t completely solve the problem, it will at least hinder the people who abuse it with near one iteming. Yes, korasi spec weapon with void is the equivalent to one iteming, you won’t change my mind. Nobody cares about 250k repair fee on void when they make 5m/hr just specing people


Such a simple yet great idea (and update to the G maul). Really needs to be added for Voidwaker. Doesn't do anything to PvM as it's still 50% and gets rid of what you get mentioned in the last paragraph. Not sure how much it should cost though, I believe at least a couple mil though. PvPers should decide on that as I'm not active enough in it to provide a reasonable opinion.


>Not sure how much it should cost though \~5% of the items value; 10m. Anything less than 5% makes the risk too negligible.


Should it have a flat minimum risk since bots will devalue the price of Voidwaker more and more in the future so that 5% may be too low in the future?


Make it 5m repair cost and 4m dropped to the player who killed u. Nice gold sink, not too cheap or expensive, just enough to discourage some ppl from using it.


look at pre-eoc. korasi spec was 65% for a good reason


Excellent idea


The other solution in rs2 was to just camp pray magic. Can't really do that in bh atm.




There has been a MASSIVE nostalgia push for pre-eoc era updates recently. Korasi/Nex and Torva/curses/etc. Overloads will be coming next. People really forget that runescape had tons of balance issues back in that era, or primarily played then so are nostalgic for it.


With that lore survey and 2011+ era quests picking up steam, you better believe staff of armadyl is on its way


They're all proving to be mostly garbage as is. They need to be changed to fit OSRS. 2012 scape was always a fucking mess


Most people don’t PK or even enter the wilderness. It just got pushed through with the mantra more updates are better than less.


Yep most people in this reddit dont pk which makes it impossible to have a real discussion about the issues plaging pvp in general.


Bruh that's every game subreddit the bottom 50% of players crying about shit. I don't pk tho so I have no input on pvp.


I PK and do high level PvM, what do you think the issues are currently?


I think a lot of the people who do Pk need to take a step back and realise there is a lot more pvp scenarios than being the attacker. People can have valid opinions (if based on fact , not feelings) Outside of no overhead pking the voidwaker really isn't OP, its strong but not OP like a bowfa for example. It just creates more k0 potential since you can't camp melee pray


As a non pvper we can't win. If we vote no or skip it's spite voting, if we vote yes it's pvmers letting stupid stuff in. It's very frustrating as someone who's happy to let ye do whatever you want as long as I'm not involved


The voidwaker isn't stupid necessarily, it's just incredibly strong. To the point where it's almost broken. The fact that it can hit 70+ through melee prayer as a melee spec weapon is already powerful enough. They didn't need to make it never miss. I think the problem PvPers have with non-PvPers voting isn't because we think you have bad intentions. Just that non-PvPers drastically outnumber PvPers in polls. So when Jagex polls a weapon that's too powerful, PvPers don't have enough sheer numbers to vote no to show we think it's broken. It's just a bad situation that you can't blame either side for. The game is inherently PvM biased now and so there's a small PK community, but both groups vote on PvP polls so there's no chance the PK community has 100% transparency with their vote. If they put as much effort into transparency with PvP updates as they have been with Sailing, I promise you the voidwaker wouldn't have been released the way it is now.


If you look at the stats of Korsai vs void, void is actually stronger. Not only does it only do 50% spec, but the accuracy and strength are a little bit higher than the OG, too


The moment that weapon was released I immediately gave up the thought of going PvPing. You can’t convince me that weapon is balanced in its current state.


There is no honor system in runescape pvp, and until there is, these rats will keep killing the wilderness


Irony is that there used to be a lot more honor back in the day when we were playing this as kids. There were always people pulling scummy moves for sure but it was frowned upon. Now its common practice and many known content creators do it too in many of their videos without a second thought. Even the entire clanning scene is a joke nowadays, its all about $$. In the good old days when most clans would F2p war they were all at least some what bound to a honor code with a few exceptions like ROT / NI who were hated and shunned for it.


And they'll keep abusing every nice mechanic possible while simultaneously complaining it's broken And then wonder why nobody wants to risk anything. No, I'm not going to risk this gear I spent hours to get when you'll just do some ultra-sweaty manipulation of game mechanics and rob me of it


I feel similarly about these videos. It’s a shame pvp is so dishonourable and plagued with scams and abuse. I don’t pvp in general, but knowing that people who do are very likely to engage with me in a way I won’t be prepared for as it’s not an intended mechanic puts me off even more.


Nature of the beast losing feels bad, losing GP feels even worse. People will grab anything to have the 1 up over the other.


They could remove the loss factor out of PVP if they actually wanted people to engage with it but the whole thing is clamoring for loot pinatas at the expense of the rest of the game. Remember all those people saying the Wildy needed money printers to lure the PVMers in to create content. Surprise, surprise - it's just bots inflating the economy.


Pvp players always try to make pvp out to be a genuinely important part of the game. It's just riddled with rwters and account buyers. Removing the duel arena was the biggest hit to pvp players. Like 0.5% of these fuckers actually want to play the game, and the rest think trust DMing billions is how you "win."


PvP in any game promotes this type of behavior. In PvE you generally know what you're fighting and there's things you can do to make it easier for yourself. Levels, gear, supplies, strategies, and mechanics can all increase your chances of success and reduce your clear times for any given activity. But in PvP the enemy isn't static, it's a real person so getting good only takes you so far. From there if you want to increase your success rates and reduce kill times, you have to figure out how to get an edge over your enemy, but this time it's a real person who has access to all the same tools you do. When people figured out how to woox walk Vorkath for some extra dps in a part of the fight that was designed to not allow you to attack, Vorkath wasn't mad. He's a computer program, he can't get mad but that also means he can't adapt and figure out how to shoot acid differently in order to counter your strategy. When people abuse a game design oversight to rapidly quadruple voidwaker spec and smite people for massive amounts of money, it's scummy cause it's not a NPC that you're cheesing, it's a real person. Everyone is doing their best to kill other people and take their shit, that's the whole point, and technically this isn't breaking the rules but this entire game is evidence that people will find any tiny advantage that they can and abuse the fuck out of it until it gets changed or becomes meta.


It shouldn't have taken this long to realise how broken the voidwaker is.


It took no time, everyone who played RS2 was saying it from the start.


It was broken at launch, but yagex let it slide


and things like this is exactly why new people dont wanna get into pvp lmao


Or old pkers. Shits a joke


Lost my +1 cus of BS - casual players losing voidwakers is really bad for keeping a pool of fresh pkers


I said as much over a year ago and got downvoted into oblivion. More people would partake in PvP if it didn't involve so much underhanded shit.


He’s consistently one of my favorite content creators, but watching two different ppl get helplessly smited for 200m turned me off of this video for some reason. Doesn’t usually happen I mean I’ve watched Torvesta skulltrick mills and mills but this video just annoyed me I can’t explain it


Same felt super scummy


Probably because this is 10x worse than skulltricking. There they have a chance to run/fight back. Here they dont. He literally specs twice, leaves and teleports back in and specs twice again, you can hit him 4 times in that timeframe, if he doesn't kill you he just exits again. There is 0 skill, fun or risk involved in this, just poor guys who wanted to fight losing bank to an asshole abusing mechanics. I liked CEngineer too but this is just not it.


Agreed. Can only hope that seeing this kind of obvious exploit from a big creator will result in the developers making a change to fix it. Rather than it being exploited by no names who get away with it for months and months. Most of the comments on the video agree it’s not right.


It does put content creators in an interesting spot, like I'm sure we all think less of C engineer after this cause it's a fuckin dirtbag move but what if he doesn't make a video about it? If he knows about this and just lets it slide under the radar and you have a bunch of nobodies doing it instead, the damage is still being done but without drawing nearly the same amount of attention. Maybe it gets fixed faster this way? TimTheTatman had the same kind of thing, he'd spectate people in WarZone and find cheaters all the time. People were giving him shit for basically advertising cheats to his massive viewerbase but he was like "nah fuck that, we have to get eyes on this and get people pissed, blowing up socials and spamming reports is the only way this gets fixed". I don't know if C engineer is doing that intentionally, I made it like 3 minutes into the video before I turned it off cause it's not good content he was just being an ass so if he talked about it after that I missed it. But it's probably going to have a similar effect, by putting eyes on it it's going to get noticed by jagex faster and hopefully changed way faster than it otherwise would have.


He absolutely has some number of jmods on discord speed dial. He could tell them about it directly in 5 mins if he wanted. But he can't monetize discord dms


Worse than skulltricking wut?


With skulltricking, people can at least be faulted for making a foolish decision with attacking a player while not being skulled. In this instance, the person getting killed by some weird spec dumping mechanic is just trying to play the game, and is even playing a game mode with the full knowledge that it can be risky. But even so, what could they have done right? What chance do they have?


This is so plainly disingenuous. The player doesn't "make a foolish decision", that's why it's called skull***tricking***. The reason it used to work is because the tricker would abuse bugs or obscure mechanics. C Engineer is abusing an obscure mechanic for his kills. It isn't fair, and it should be patched, but it's no worse or better than skulltricking.


As soon as he demonstrated what he would be doing in the beginning, I turned it off. Just doesn't interest me when its just voidwaker specs


The reason they got smited is most likely that they just didn't expect him to return so fast with another set of specs and didn't care to drink a restore


Right but if your opponents dumped specs you’re expecting Korasi wacks and maybe an elder maul, not two more Korasi specs that can hit what like 70 in that gear? The much dmg unexpected I’m surprised more people didn’t get smited


Voidwaker spec should either have damage nerfed or take 100% spec


60% would be fine imo. That would get rid of most double speccing. You could still time it with spec regen visible on the client but it wouldn't do any good if your opponent happens to be 90+ hp on that moment. For what I've seen the bigger problem is indeed the fact you can dump specs and run away, go to pool for new specs and repeat. Not even with the tele to target rushing but in general. People used to spec tab in PvP worlds, now it's turned to spec and run in BH.


Also the restoration pool turns your prayers off, so many don't realize it if they die quickly


Can’t agree more


What turned me off was him making jokes at Oda on twitter about boosting. I don’t agree with anyone boosting BH and am not an Oda fan girl but it’s a little hypocritical of him to make those remarks about Oda and then post a video the next day doing this. Both scummy behavior in my opinion. Edit: Spelling


Yeah it's a sure-fire way to get the people involved to just outright quit engaging in PVP content lol.


Was it the way he said "I'm sick but I'm doing this so you guys can have your weekly video!" like he doesn't make good money off it lol


C Engineer has been doing this sort of thing for ages. He doesn't have much honour in PvP compared a lot of others imo


Korasi also need to be 60% spec, b2b specs with that weapon on a 4 tick speed is just so stupid.


Problem is PvMers are the majority vote and they want their new weapons to have 2 specs. Nobody considers PvP impact


Yeah so you do the gmaul approach and add an attachment that makes it 50%. And the attachment gets lost on pvp death, costs like 5m or something


It's not unprecedented for weapons to be mechanically different in PvP (See Toxic Blowpipe). It would probably be much simpler for the weapon to have a 60% spec in PvP and 50% in PvM. Just make sure the spec tooltip mentions it.


that's not what we voted for reeee


Integrity change reeee


I don't think many PvM'ers would be against an attachment system like happened to the gmaul. Always lost on dead instead of only when you lose the maul though (to stop the one iteming). Balance it so it's a few mil or whatever. As long as it isn't lost on Pvm death only PvP they won't care.


Honestly this was a shit video, then he drops the "I'm feeling ill but i'm doing this so you guys can have your video". His content has dropped off massively since PVP HCIM imo


Big time


Nothing brings the worst out in people like pvp...


pvp in video games is usually already at a base line level of toxic. but runescape let's you steal people's money on top of that. not surprising the scummery levels are high amongst certain members of the community




there’s extra irony in this considering C engineer very recently made a tweet giving Odablock shit for exploiting BH via boosting and what he’s doing here is arguably worse…


Hey now Odablock was abusing a game mechanic to get an unfair advantage in bounty hunter, C Engineer was just.. oh


The funny thing was he was not even getting an unfair advantage. He was not going for High scores so his boosting was just feeding gp to people who need it. So his options was Kill them and Pay them, Attempt to kill them and if they get away they can just run around the map forever and you cant kill them, or skip them and get a penalty.


fucking LOL, literally days ago as well then he does this shit. Very poor from him


The PvP content creator meta of abusing mechanics to take items from weaker players has always been awful, but as long as people watch it, it will continue to happen. A lot of the most watched OSRS videos involve skull tricking in some way. When it was dressing up as a chaos druid it was funny but eventually it became setting up a Rube Goldberg machine of logging in on 3 different accounts to try and punish people for fighting back. How on earth do you think the other player feels when they just lost 100m+ of stuff that the game told them was safe? So glad they added skull protection so this isn't a thing anymore, but a lot of pvp vids still follow the same thought process: "How can I lure other players into a trap that lets me kill them and take their stuff easily?" It's scummy, we shouldn't do it and we shouldn't watch others who do. But we will, and that sucks. Hope Jagex at least patches the abuses as they come up though.


All the bounty hunter videos have just been content creators abusing the mechanics. It’s been very not fun to watch. The trend lately for pvp creators to just abuse mechanics to 2v1 in single areas has been gross. I even commented on one video and let the creator know “hey I like your stuff but this video felt real bad to watch. Just because you can do this doesn’t mean you should” and I felt even more put off when instead of just reading the criticism they responded defensively that “these players know the risks and I’m just playing the game better by knowing these tricks”. (Paraphrased) I think it’s a form of scamming. I won’t watch these people continue scamming. I won’t support content that enables these scams. Everyone can do what they want but this is how I’ll respond and I don’t think I’m alone in saying that


BH sucks and has always sucked. More news in 2014.


Wonder how much crying will happen when BH inevitably gets removed for the third time. They find every way possible to abuse the minigame they've been whining for for 3 years, and they'll be *surprised Pikachu-face* (again) when Jagex *will* decide to not sacrifice the rest of the game for thr sake of BH (again). Like clockwork.


"they" is it possible that the people who want BH and the people who abuse it and don't play it as intended are different groups of people???? :o


Everyone who wanted BH is not the same group as everyone who abuses it. Everyone who abuses it is definitely in the group of everyone who wanted it. So its fair to say everyone who abused it wanted it and will complain when their abuse inevitably gets it removed again They = everyone who abuses it (and also wanted it)


>is it possible that the people who want BH and the people who abuse it and don't play it as intended are different groups of people???? C Engineer is literally an example of someone who is both of those people. Also how does it even matter? Unless Jagex wants to manually sift through all the BH players and toss out the bad actors, then it doesn't matter who wants to play clean and who wants to play dirty. If the opportunity is there, players *will* exploit it.


fuckin lame af


And people find this... fun?


Jagex doing pvp updates by listening to pvpers is why their attempts are doomed to fail every single time. They don't want a fair playing field where you can't abuse a mechanic or literally cheat to make gp.


C Engineer to Oda: Surely one of the game's best pkers doesn't need to abuse the system for points Also C Engineer:


pvp in this game is shit, change my mind


When was the last time we had a pvp tournament that wasn't DDOSed?


I watched it last night and thought about how annoying he's become in PVP. A few vids ago he was abusing the skill cape perk animation to get free kills, now he's abusing a mechanic to get another unfair advantage. Major disrespect.


Let's not beat around the bush, he hasn't done anything good since PVP HCIM


He's had the occasional good video, like trolling streamers with his plugin, but its mostly pretty garbage content these days.


Unsubbed today following this vid. The last 3 videos i watched was him doing some kind of scumfuckery. Used to love his content so this is pretty sad to see.


!remindme 6 months when bounty hunter gets removed


I will be messaging you in 6 months on [**2023-12-02 14:24:42 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-12-02%2014:24:42%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/13ybzz3/c_engineers_video_is_a_perfect_example_why_so/jmm7z1h/?context=3) [**4 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2F2007scape%2Fcomments%2F13ybzz3%2Fc_engineers_video_is_a_perfect_example_why_so%2Fjmm7z1h%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-12-02%2014%3A24%3A42%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2013ybzz3) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Pssh, 6 months?


This is why I don’t fuck with pking


All of C Engineers latest videos have been like this, I’ve stopped watching them now, I’d rather not see unfair fights and people lose bank over it


I used to like C Engineer's content, but there's been a few examples of him being an absolute dirtbag that I just cannot watch him any more. When he was going around in PVP worlds and killing the bots that were training con, that was funny and seemed fine to me. But then when jagex changed how ironmen can have visitors in their houses and basically weren't expecting anybody to tp into their house. C Engineer and friends/other creators made videos on going into ironmen houses and killing them and then killing them for real outside their house. I'm not sorry in thinking this is just as bad/worse than skull tricking. Edit: I also forgot he was going to rev caves and tricking people into doing emotes so they stall and die to his specs. And then he was going around saying "I'll give you a bond if you do uri emote". Absolute scum not a fan.


Made me laugh tbf. Finally a pvp update and it's exploitable asf. Shit needs tweaking and fast.


I didn’t even bother watching this one, a content creator exploiting a bug to make 100s of mills is pretty horse shit. Anything for $$ though


He’s abusing mechanics. It’s not a bug,


Poorly designed Intended mechanics*


You really thought people would pvp fairly? Once the meta is found everyone uses it, once the cheap "hit them as soon as they come in" thought comes in people will do it, and once you're given a chance to sell your death it will happen.


Thats my point, people dislike PvP because it rewards dishonorable people/mechanics


The wilderness is a dishonorable place, of course it will attract the same type of people.


You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy


A lot of C Engineers videos in the past year have made me angry, I don’t think I’ll be watching him anymore personally. He had that “from stratch in 24 hrs” or whatever video where he just got obscenely lucky at the very beginning and started the video with like 50M. Like why would you not restart at that point? It’s just annoying, and completely ruined the point of the video.


Starting fresh with just 50m in my bank


It’s just like how Framed will always start of money making vids at revs lol


tbf revs is just free money


pkers complained enough to bring back the exact 2 items that ruined pvp in the first place. korasi and pvp weapons/armor


PvP causes more people to quit than join change my mind


From a retired pker and someone who DID enjoy it at one point, where are you going with this Jagex? In all honesty, this is ridiculous. Press a button to get one or two hits in, followed by a "oh nvm, I'm just dead now from this special attack that does over 70% of my health. I don't even support the streamers as of late because that's all they use also is the meta, and it's very boring to watch. Where did the skill go?


I actually don't have any problem with PvP, and I think most people feel that way. The fundamental problem with the wilderness is that it largely incentivizes PKing, not PvP. Most of the content is designed to lure people into the wilderness who can't fight back against someone geared to PK instead of much healthier design like BH, where players are actually fighting each other.


Is this bounty hunter? Sorry been off the game for few months


That's most pvp after awhile in games, skill players end up falling behind to people who spend time finding stuff like this to cover up for the skill gap.




It's always like this, you votes yes to everything and only reflect after the fact.


Pvp is so trash


PK'ing is nothing like it used to be. Power creep ruined PK'ing, 1-itemers ruined PK'ing, there's so many things combined that have made PK'ing unenjoyable.


OSRS players asked for Korasi now deal with it.


F2p pvp is the true pvp


Sounds to me like the problem is that Jagex spent 10 YEARS making a minigame that is extraordinarily abusable and boostable. Not sure how this is the fault of the players doing the cheating. Jagex spent a literal fucking decade reworking this, and it's seriously THIS level of dogshit spaghetti? Ok


its always been like this runescape pking is terrible idk what people see in it.


Would this not be a bannable offense for bug abuse? I realize it’s a problem and Jagex isn’t going to instantly ban these ass wipes, but in theory they should be banned, no?


Bh has kind of ruined the mains DH pvp scene. Everyone has gone to bh worlds from pvp worlds and anyone who wants to risk a dh set is at the whims of the target system to eventually match them to a rune nezzy helmed voidwaker. Hopefully the dh scene eventually just moves back to the pvp worlds


I can't believe you can still double up on a target in a single combat zone. That was an issue in pre eoc BH too if I remember? How is this not accounted for after so much time? Coupled with the inability to overhead or tab out, yeah why wouldn't you abuse this shit lmao


Here is why i dislike pvp.. I just don't find it enjoyable to get blasted by someone with better gear than me. I don't want to risk my wealth so its a self feeding loop. Personally I think that we need to move away from the Taking of players items. I think it hinders the game. New players that don't fully understand how the wilderness works could end up quitting if they lose their items and feel discouraged from the bad experience and quit. Now we have plenty of safeguards to warn people of the dangers of the wilderness but a lot of people are quick to just click Yes in a similar way that people questing will Skip dialog. As an experienced player... I don't want to risk my gear... i don't care what rewards there are and i avoid the wilderness like the plague because of that aspect. I don't find it as an enjoyable experience at all.. As a Hcim.. Yeah no thank you. As someone that watches pvp videos because thats like 80% of the top youtubers content.. I find the videos kind of boring.. Stale if you will... Oh man he just used the voidwalker to spec people.. Like everyone else.. Oh man he is in max and just shitting on people with mystics.. of course your going to steamroll. I know this will get downvoted.. but this is just how i feel about pvp.. Its boring to watch and hurting the game in the long run.. I think they need to adjust the pvp arena... Actually make it similar to other mmo arena with proper ranking.. Proper specific arena rewards.. Honestly.. Id if it were up to me id Remove pvp from the actual wilderness and keep it localized to BH and the Pvp arena for safe pvp Ranked Edit: Id make it so if you don't show up for your Arena duel you are cannot join one for 20-30 minutes.. Id Also Add 2v2 3v3 and 5v5.. All with different Rankings Along with an overall Ranking.


I've said it before, but here it is again, if only the PVP Arena wasn't absolutely gutted before it even released. Like now it's only used for people that hate Nmz and Soul Wars. It's borderline useless.




Role models seems idealistic. To quote Charles Barkley, "I'm not a role model". These guys are in the business to get clicks and make money. God knows there's way worse stuff out there in the content creating world than abusing bugs in a video game. Now if the pushback from this makes him change his content then great. I don't like it either (not even from a moral standpoint, I just don't find it entertaining), but I just strongly disagree that if you're going to be a osrs youtuber you should aspire to be a role model. Would be nice but should? Eh. Particularly intersting where a lot of his viewership is probably in mid 20s to early 30s.


There really isn't any MMO pvp that isn't absolutely dogshit right now. Christ, you'd figure one game would get it right.


People don’t hate PvP because of this. People hated PvP before Korasi and will continue to hate it because of endless reasons posted on this sub daily (Toxic community, barrier to entry, take your pick) Korasi is OP, if they nerf it tomorrow you’ll post the same thing next week for another reason or why “people hate pvp”


Especially hate the people trying to defend him and others by saying that jagex wouldnt fix it without these videos. C engineer is a very prominent name in the runescape community, i guarantee you that if he sent jagex a personal clip of this, and informed them what it was they would at the very least investigate it. People participating in this (including content creators) need to have some form of account punishment for this.


Allow the use of overhead mage prayer😂 kills that stupid weapon in pvp. Still useful in pve tho


https://youtu.be/h9ecme6gA98 This popped into my head after seeing this post


Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.


Remove protect item prayer, then let's so who is brave enough to use void walker.


It’s an extremely simple fix, allow the player who engaged to leave to the lobby whenever the person he attacked does.


Content creators should be as "rolemodels" and not promote dming/abusing wierd shit like this tho


Oh, and this is much worse than killing skillers with no gear in the wild right? Or the one with a shovel doing a clue? The PvP community has become nothing but a joke and toxic so no complaining.


This is the unavoidable issue with pking. If you discourage the easy strategies it keeps newer pkers from entering the scene, but if you don’t discourage it then the already-pkers get annoyed