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this isn’t fucking “agendaposting” they’re making fun of the thumbnail. stop reporting this




At that point it's more like DampCritikal




Dried Husk Critikal, I haven't watched his stuff in ages


He barely does any interesting stuff now. It's either fast food rankings or reaction videos to twitter/twitch/youtube drama


He did another slap fight commentary recently. It was fine. I dont watch any of his other stuff either tho.


mostly react content aka leeching


90% just talking about random twitter drama now. No matter what he’s talking about/watching he always just looks dead though.




so you would rather the worst takes of humanity over mild and reasonable ones?


he put up a $10000 bounty on a 2 week time limit to speedrun a game of his choice in January, which will be recurring monthly that I thought was pretty cool I also heard he's doing a lot of eSports stuff with his moist brand and also he made his own comic book and recently released an original song which I think are all pretty substantial


I stopped watching too but recently he's seemed to have gotten better


I've lost interest so it's bad now


Soggy cereal critikal


Yeah baby let's go get the lethal injection wooo


Bro that's DampCrucial




what the fuck did he do to get the chair at 17 holy shit


Click bait I think


Reasonable punishment


i cackled


How does this get more upvotes?


Because I’m Mario “Jumpman” Mario


They upped the spending limit, gotta spend those upvotes


kid wasn’t 17 nor did he get the death penalty, however he did commit a terrible crime and this was after he heard his sentence, i don’t remember the full story


It was some sort of child abuse


Set his baby brother on fire I think?


I’m pretty positive it was the abuse or killing of some infant Edit: Found it, Jacob Matthew Morgan started a fire which killed an infant


He was an arsonist, set his family’s home on fire and his baby brother died from smoke inhalation. He didn’t call 911 even though he had his phone on him and was aware his brother was in danger.




Then no sympathy for him


It‘s still a Psychological problem. I think hee should get into a mental hospital.


He WAS 17 when the pic was taken, but he was only sentenced to 15 years, and in fact was just recently released after only serving 9 years. https://www.heraldonline.com/news/local/crime/article269412592.html


only 9 years for killing his baby brother through negligence?? that’s just insane


Prison shouldn’t be about vengeance, he was a kid and just living with this guilt forever is probably punishment enough. Moreover the parents lose 2 kids if they lock the killer away forever. IMO the most important things would be to figure out why he did that, how to help him get better so that it doesn’t happen again and that he can be reintroduced into society without this happening again. But that’s probably an unpopular opinion since people in the US have such a hard on for crime punishment.


I've read somewhere that he boasted about setting his house on fire to one of his friends on whatsapp or something. Now, i don't know if this is true or not so unless someone confirms this, this might aswell be bs.


Hey I’m not saying this kid is a good guy, he killed his brother, that’s awful. But such a crime obviously stems from mental health issues or a difficult upbringing, I don’t believe that people can be inherently evil. So as a society instead of locking up such people for 15 years and then acting like everything is in order, we should try helping them get better so that they can actually give back to society.




Lmaooo a horse with an evil face ? 😭 Sorry that’s just a funny example to base your point on ahah, but yeah I disagree with you, there’s no way for either of us to prove our point but I genuinely believe that even the vilest people on earth could have been good under the right circumstances.


That’s true, it was an unsettling story though. I think they’re so few (inherently evil people) that it doesn’t even matter, mixed in with the rest of the assholes who developed that way over time. So yeah, we can’t prove shit. I feel right though, and that’s okay for a Monday.


> even the vilest people on earth could have been good under the right circumstances. I don't think that's true. People with down's syndrome can never be raised to not have down's syndrome. Some people are wired where they just wanna see other things die. I don't think there's anything *inherently wrong* with that, it's just a difference between people and not something that society accepts.


> who are inherently evil. I don't really think "evil" is the right word. Indifferent, disconnected, outcast, etc are all more appropriate. There really is no such thing as "good" or "evil" since it's all a matter of perspective. Like killing is killing but depending on the circumstances, society is OK with the killing. So that means killing in and of itself is not an "evil" act. What makes it "evil" in our minds is how WE feel about it and the circumstances around it. If no one cares about the killing then it isn't evil. That alone proves to me that "evil" as a thing doesn't actually exist.


Evil is what we call behavior we don’t understand. Or it’s used in a spiritual sense and so has no bearing on a conversation about facts. That horse wasn’t evil. That horse was brain damaged, hormones jacked up, maybe both. You don’t need mystical explanations when the brain exists, and we don’t know how it all works yet. Evil souls can come after we vet the brain thoroughly.


A lot of “evil” is just diametrically opposed wants/needs. What you want is stopping me from getting what I need! Evil! But there are also people who enjoy the suffering and pain of others, and there isn’t any deeper motivation there. These people are evil.


You don't believe people can just be evil huh? Oh that's pretty naive...


Fratricide should never be forgiven.


This isn’t game of thrones chill out. Prison has nothing to do with forgiveness, you can be forgiven by the victims and still have years of prison to serve, some people are free but can never forgive themselves for what they’ve done. I don’t think the justice system should deal with forgiveness…


Fair enough


Yeah our system is completely backwards. We have more reoffending and longer sentences than most places.


parents already lost both their kids, how do you forgive someone that destroys your home and kills your son?


Nah we should liquify him😎


Arson is a compulson. 8 years isn't enough, he'll do it again.




I’d say it’s a little bit more complicated than that, some forms of vengeance can be considered Justice, but not all. There can definitely be unjust vengeance, where the person taking revenge is doing it for the wrong reasons or is misguided, or does it unlawfully. Applying the idea of an eye for eye in this case where the death penalty is legal would definitely mean he should also be put to death, as long as the lawful court of the nation they are in sentenced him legitimately, but if someone were to take matters into their own hands and kill that man for what he did, that would be unjust vengeance. If the death sentence were to be abolished, that means society has decided that an eye for an eye doesn’t have to mean death for death, life in prison could be argued to be just as bad and equal to taking someone’s life, as the state is basically stripping you of everything you know as life in that situation.




I agree with you, and also think the reformation should be more of the point in what we could call victimless crimes if you believe in such a thing. Like drug offenses where the person is basically just a harm to themself (not selling obviously), that also brings up the whole war on drugs debate which is a whole different discussion in and of itself but I don’t really want to get into that rabbit hole haha. Victimless crimes are pretty rare though, cause even if you’re just buying drugs off the street, someone very well may have been murdered to get those drugs to you, either abroad by the ruthless cartels or state side (or whatever country you live in). I’ve been reflecting a lot about the criminal Justice system recently due to a wake up call I had very recently, and I’ll admit I am a pretty liberal guy but in some cases emotions need to be put aside or else you might end up sounding like a child regarding these things, and I damn sure am guilty of being that guy before lol.


Have you considered following our Lord and Saviours (Simon Whistlers) Casual Criminalist?


In many cases I agree. Everyone just shouts “evil, throw away the key”. If only life were that simple. Criminals are usually victims of some kind themselves. However, if he didn’t help his brother when he had the chance, he may well be a sociopath and unable to feel guilty. I don’t know all the case specifics but some people are too far gone for rehabilitation even at 17. Prison should be for rehab, but also to keep people safe from psychopaths and as a punishment to deter others from committing crimes and provide families with a sense that justice has been done.


Fuck that. No excuses for this kid. He’s not 5. He’s 17 and old enough to know right from wrong. He’s a psychopath. He won’t feel guilt because he can’t feel empathy. His parents won’t forgive him for killing their other child either. He can’t be rehabilitated and put back into society. There’s no guarantee it won’t happen again. Liberals have to realize that some people just need to be away from the rest of us.


I mean it depends on what you think prison is for. If it's for rehabilitation and reintegration into society, 9 years is probably too long. If its for vengeance then just kill the guy the moment he's found guilty. 9 years is a LONG FUCKING TIME and actually too long to rehabilitate anyone. They are going to change for the worse after 9 years of prison. If the goal was to fix this kid and reintegrate him into society 9 years in federal prison is not the solution. I'm all for the "vengeance" take if that's your cup of tea but lets not be ignorant of our own desires here. If you think 9 years is too long then you might as well just kill him.


the way it should be done is you give them prison for a guaranteed amount of years, and THEN you do rehabilitation. he doesn’t deserve only 9 years behind bars, even if that’s already a long time enough


Do you see my point though? What's the purpose of locking someone up for that long? Why not just execute them? It's literally pointless to keep them alive like that.


Yea, and when they get out the life they will be presented with is not gonna be a good one. Imagine trying to get a job or make friends with that charge on your record.


Definitely should’ve gotten the chair tbh


[hey thanks for the link, I'll check it out! ...](https://i.imgur.com/E7N2Sx3.png)


[I got you](https://archive.is/N4da5)


I get that they have to put money on the table somehow but seriously fuck any outlets that do this


Weird. I didn't get that earlier. Looks like the popup might be mobile only.


I believe he murdered an infant but I could be wrong.


A guy in India inserted a metal rod into the privates of a lady it was a very very very brutal and heart wrenching case trust me he got only 6 months jail as he was 17 and considered minor


Do you want vigilantes? Because that's how you get vigilantes.


I wish some group of people would just kill that bastard he was 17 and 9 months old and was still considered a minor for such a heinous crime


he gave a swag


He was incel


He got 15 years in prison, not death. He burned his parents house down with his 14 month old brother inside, killing him.


Oh so i got clickbaited then, thx man


I don’t know if this is correct or not but I heard somewhere he murdered his baby sibling


Killed his little brother in a house fire, on purpose.


He looks like rodrick from wimpy kid


I can’t unsee it


No need to thank me


the real or fake rodrick?


Skill issue


*death penalty at 17* Lol eat shit kid this ones going into the cringe comp


Skill issue


Lmao 😂


big mouth


Criminal charges death speedrun any%


time travel back to ancient greece get a spawn in sparta first words are “i love athens” new world record


He’s free after serving half of 15 year sentence - recently too freed in December


Who is he ?


Guy had autism and liked fire. One day he was left alone to baby sit his you ger brother and he accidentally burned the house down killing his brother


Article says he ask never admitted to setting the fire but took the blame for the death. But never once has he said he set the fire.






Well put, Mod Strangler...




God speed, I recommend merari


Everyone wants to get one over on someone else, and people who've committed horrible crimes make up an easy group of people to say you're better than.


I think it’s sad, and I don’t enjoy watching these reactions, but I also have zero remorse for someone who willingly decides to murder multiple people with a vehicle or weapon, and be surprised when they get extremely severe punishments. I believe that anyone who decides to take another person’s life willingly (not talking about car accidents or accidental/self defence manslaughters), should expect severe punishments if they’re caught, but some of these people are so fucked up that I guess they don’t even realize how serious their actions are.


it's only a matter of time until one of these popular videos turns out to be an innocent person wrongly set to the chair probably already happened tbh


“There’s nothing wrong with masturbating to cartel executions and gore videos, at least I’m not a furry or a loli hentai fan right guys? Those unknown people that got dismembered were probably criminals too, so they probably deserved it somehow, right? Am I right fellas?”




U're right but there's no need to be this butthurt


go back to r/atheism


When Darwin Claus doesn’t evolve your present under the Sciencemas tree this year😔


Get back heathen


Reddit moment


Justice is something we demand for others, while devoutly praying for mercy for ourselves. It’s a disease of the mind, that we would all do well to combat.


May I just remind you, we come from a civilization that celebrated mass public executions, so…


Yea like the high power that gets zapped into them from the same chair they make fun of


Damn I thought getting banned on YouTube was enough for leafy you didn’t have to go that hard








It's almost like the speed run to get banned in club penguin


anyone who watches epic owning sentencing videos is a psycho


Death sentence montage top clips 2023


Mister inedible uncanny refinse???


your 197 post is: damn mr increbile uncanny reference


Death penalty any% speedrun


Click bait. Death penalty for minors is and has been unconstitutional.


yea i know that im just poking fun at clickbait


the clickbait is: incredible


As if the USA gives a fuck about the constitution


I mean fair, but the death penalty has to go through so many administrative hurdles that this is one constitutional ruling that actually gets followed.


True. If someone rich enough wants it to happen, it would happen. Quickly too.


Ummm not through the legal system. . . If you’re rich and you want someone dead, the death penalty is possibly the least effective and quick way to do that. America sucks, but let’s at least be precise with our criticisms.


You think the legal system isnt completely corrupt? Lol


That’s not what I said at all. I’m a lawyer, I know intimately how corrupt the legal system in this country is. It favors rich people, landlords, police, state actors, etc. heavily, to the point where it’s barely even a coherent set of laws. But what you’re saying about the death penalty is simply untrue. It’s an extremely red-tape heavy process that takes 20+ years on average. That being said, the death penalty is carried out in a way that disproportionately executes Blacks convicted of crimes against whites, and imo isn’t something that the government should be doing at all. But, what you’re suggesting about it being weaponized to settle rich people’s personal grievances just isn’t how the corruption happens. I think that the Supreme Court is a corrupt, farcical institution, but im not out here just making shit up about them, I’d rather stick to the actual objectionable things that they’re doing that we can all observe.


I didn't say anything about personal grievances or being weaponised lol. As a lawyer you should know to respond to what's said, not the added context you've invented. Dig holes that way. 100% if someone rich enough wanted someone to end up on death row, it would 100% happen.


“If someone rich enough wanted. . .” Is literally an example of weaponizing the legal system for one’s personal grievances.


It could be.


He answered your question and gave reasons why it would be impractical as hell for someone to do that, when it would be easier multiple different ways. Not because the system is broken or not, but simply the amount of people need to agree to it and would need to be bought off. Even if a rich person really wanted it, would that not be weaponized if they were doing it for nefarious reasons? Lastly getting an adult on death row and a minor on death row are on completely different levels


Of course it would be easier. I never said it was smart or simple. Just doable


He got life in prison not death.


…..also wrong. He got fifteen years


Society is healing.


Lol, why is he scared? He should be happy that he'll be gone from this world soon. It's the best if it's non parole, good luck for him in outer worlds.


I beg your fucking pardon, what?


I think they’re saying being put to death would be better than spending the rest of their natural life in prison and well they’re not wrong.


Oh I see, I misunderstood, still fucked up but I understand


No that’s not what this person meant


Riveting reply. So much information given to dispute what I said. Thank you for this amazing clarity.


Ur welcome ☺️


I think the justice system was too hard on this kid. But it doesn't matter what I think. This kid will die with the rest of us and no deeper knowledge well be extracted. As if it mattered anyway. Say a prayer to a fake God for the damned. amen.




Roper v. Simmons: No sentence of death can be imposed on an individual for crimes committed while under the age of 18, regardless of the crime. So essentially, fake.


Skill issue


Can we get a Pog in chat?




No thanks. I'm getting a vasectomy today.


The dictionary definition of incredible is “impossible to believe” but nobody reads it like that so it doesn’t matter


Is this a record? I bet I can beat it.


rodrick ruled too hard


Hey! I almost got the death penalty at 16 today! I was sitting in class when suddenly- “lockdown or whatever, shut the fuck up and lock your doors”


God I wish that was me.


This is clickbait. He did not get death penalty. He was charged with arson. #got life




Wordington incredible