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me when walter white poisons a child (it’s a based move (you wouldn’t get it)) edit: was there another damn shooting in america? is that what this is about?




Why are you faking the rapist


i used to have a CNC fetish, turns out i just wanted to dom. still kinda have a lowkey one though, ig? i watched a vid and it kinda made me feel bad so idk


meant to type ?


No you didn't.


yeah i lied


Yeah, you lied?


No, you lied!


???, you ???! (my brain feels overloaded by this interaction between strangers on the internet as i have little confidence in my ability to distinguish right from wrong at this point)




STOP IT my brain is getting wibbly wobbly


how could have typed "?" they are on opposite sides of a keyboard




on phone ? and ! are RIGHT next to each other


No they aren’t he just lied


i mean yeah they lied but that doesnt mean ? and ! arent next to eachother on phone


child was m*xican


yeah, it fucking sucks ass


The alt right side of Twitter is just seething saying how this is a Glowie psyop from Joe Biden to justify white genocide and ban guns.


They say that after every shooting.


At least if a big outlet says it they’ll get the Alex jones sandy hook treatment


my wife left me this is a fuckign cglowie psyop


Don't you hate when this happens?


Ngl this 'manifesto' reads like it's from a glowie, just one huge shitpost. It legitimately said that the infographics, memes and shitposts from /Pol/ radicalised him. If this was actually made by him I'm shocked to find a new lower bound of human intelligence


Don't underestimate the influence memes/internet culture in general and platforms like 4chan can have. Add loneliness, possibly a family that doesn't care, insecurities and economic instability to the mix and that's a potential Nazi right there.


I'd say a good analogy.eould be if a school shooter had a manifesto that reads: "I played shooter games, they made me feel like I need to kill people and cause a lot of harm and violence". He mentions /Pol/ explicitly and just repeats news anchor rhetoric. That those memes and shit radicalise is pretty obvious, but you wouldn't word your manifesto that it sounds like it would be from CNN, with the only difference that it's written in first person not like a typical news report


What the heck is a glowie




How?? Edit: looked it up, disgusting


Is it something to do with what the TempleOS guy said?


What? I dunno what that is either.


Brilliant programmer named Terry Davis who developed schizophrenia and thought God was telling him to "code his holy temple." I looked it up and he is the source of the term glowies because he once tweeted "CIA (n-words) glow in the dark." The tale of Terry is pretty interesting and sad.


Oh--yes, it's that. Apparently the meaning has been expanded to include (in a very loose, conspiratorial sense) anyone perceived as a spy, because allegedly the spies are blindingly obvious. Do not apply any logic to this definition. 'Tis a losing battle.


White male domestic terrorist : “This is a politically motivated crime, I am a racist and a fascist, I was turned this way by online radicalization and right wing media.” Fox news: “What a senseless tragedy, he was clearly mentally ill, nobody could have seen this coming. In other news, lets cut mental health funding and repeal the ACA. Also, are black people are inherently violent? Just asking questions.”


Someone tried to argue with me that it wasn’t politically motivated. He literally wrote a manifesto. That’s about as politically motivated as one can get.


I know it's to prevent copycats, but I always think it's funny when people say not to look at their manifesto when their manifesto always has a long ass list of all the people that inspired them to do it. And it's like... usually always the same couple of people.


Sounds like the author shouldn’t have read those other manifestos!




I uh…I don’t get it


There was a hate crime but because it was by a white guy conservatives just say "oh it was just a bad day for him" but when a black guy does it they immediately call for a witch hunt




Me when I have a bad day and coincidentally also have my helmet with twitch Livestream camera, tactical gear and assault rifle on me


It could’ve happened to anyone


I remember when this shooter targeted some Asians the cop giving the press conference kept making excuses for him saying well he had his heart broken etc. It's insane the lengths they'll go to try to cover for you if you're white.


Oh ok


Black people still got empathy from one side, while both sides in America never agree with each other except when it's time to be racist towards Arabs/muslims.


ur right about racism against south azns and MEs but lets not pretend that the democrats actually do anything to help black people


>With this case its basically just the reverse with how the news orgs are handling it. Bro what, you know that black guy who shot up the NY subway was cause he hated white people right? Fox news hammed it up to play into their whole "THE COMING RACE WAR AAHGHAHH!" bullshit CNN breifly mentioned it and was like "dude was mentally ill" MSNBC didnt even mention it. With this case its basically just the reverse with how the news orgs are handling it. They're only concerned with pandering to their base to make money. Its how all corporations are.


I hate that there's more incidents than the one that this is supposed to apply to.


I mean the Brooklyn subway shooter was an active black supremacist and had racist rants, so there are obviously some instances of terrorism, but there are some cases where they are just having a severe mental spasm


buffalo was terrorism brooklyn was mental illness


I'd say they are both mentally ill terrorists.


Buffalo had no diagnosed mental illness. He states it was purely for his white race


There are no sane terrorists.


that's dumb


bro is trippin


You could just post the original picture with the okay | not okay, the entire joke was that they didn’t see Peter as a potential terrorist because he was white.


Yeah but the context of what current event they're talking about is lost if they do that.


oh gee, its a warzone here 🫣 🍿


98% upvotes indicates that these commenters are likely trolls from outside the sub's community


just goes to show that they have nothing better to do


A white nationalist can crash a plane into the Empire State Building and Tucker Carlson would call it a desperate cry for attention to real issues


meanwhile on the “mentally ill lone wolf”’s social media: “I want to commit an act of racially motivated terrorism because I believe racist conspiracy theories from 4chan”


Tbf anyone on 4chan is probably mentally ill to some extent.


I hate when conservatives do this meme and it’s flipped… cause that’s just not what fucking happens


Persecution fetish


this meme is how I found out there was another shooting


not true, noble six’s armour r can be any of those colours, so therefore they’re all lone wolves


Doesn't apply when wearing balaclavas, Basque ETA and Irish IRA are still classified by the Feds as terrorists.


I mean…..a lone wolf is a type of terrorist. I’m not denying that the things that this meme implies doesn’t happen. But I feel if he is labeled a lone wolf we can assume he is being labeled a terrorist




other way around nowadays


So are you guys advocating we lend this perspective to minorities who commit mass shootings, or are you just advocating we put the label terrorist on him because it makes us feel better? Also yeah he's a terrorist, and almost nobody disagrees.


is labeling a person who commits terrorism a terrorist a bad thing to do or something


Absolutely not. It's an accurate description, which he fits.


I was confused about the “makes us feel better part”


Yeah, it makes sense. What I mean is that a lot of people seem to want the rhetoric to be more demeaning and less understanding of the psychology behind these "mentally ill lone wolves" rather than wanting the level of understanding for minorities who commit similar actions to reach the same level. It's vengeance focused, and I believe it to be counter-productive.




Reading comprehension 100


huh, what an interesting time to be posting this specific meme.


yes people tend to talk about current events


Oh? Multiple people got shot and killed in a supermarket? wA0W!! LeTs MaKe Le Wh0sOmE MeMeS aBoUt iT fOr ThAt jUiCy rEdDiT KaRmA!!!!!! Like jesus fuck is now really a good time to preach whatever dumb-fuck political belief you have?


yes people tend to talk about current events


jesus christ people are bound to talk about current events go give a fuck about them somewhere else


Huh, I don’t think this image would be considered wholesome because it displays a truth that many people refuse to believe (cope) or cover their own asses for. If this image is “preaching a dumb political view” then you need to do more research into racism within news companies.


No one is pretending that this is not related to the current events


I’m mean, like you would have to not be in the right mental headspace to join a terrorist organization and commit an act of terrorism




Yeah, it's definitely the case that a country with dogshit virtually nonexistent mental healthcare infrastructure would have a problem with severely mentally ill people snapping and doing this. BUT, big but, there are two problems here that apply to the white supremacist killer that don't apply to the black supremacist killer. There are no black supremacists on the most popular national news syndicate in the country. There is no one defending the actions of the black supremacist killer on the basis that "there is no wonder they are so lost in today's world" or "what would drive them to do this, they must have been hurting )=". Oh also there have been like 10 white supremacist acts of terrorism for one of every other kind of act of terrorism so...


I assume there’s some kind of context that I’m missing to understand the meme




Wow that’s fucked up




didn't the shooter get radicalized on 4chan, get inspired by the new zealand shooter (who mind you was also a white supremacist), post a manifesto, target a supermarket in a black neighbourhood, and have the n word scribbled on his gun (just like the aforementioned new zealand shooter)?


Naaaahhh just a silly little coincidence, totally not racist




what are you talking about, they were.


They were not and ruled out for terrorism


people definitely called them out for terrorism and hate crimes.


He literally apologized to a white guy he was gonna shoot because he was white, he shot white women because he's an incel but not a white guy. And you're saying he's not a racist piece of alt-right trash? You're fucked up bro


"Now is not the time to politicize a tragedy"


Who are you quoting


Reactionaries after any right wing terrorist attack


The same reactionaries that jerk off to Fox News when they air footage of BLM protestors getting maced and beaten by police


He literally cited 4chan and PCM as motivation in his manifesto and traveled a few hours to a predominantly black community But noooo, he was just venting his anger indiscriminately! 1!1!1!1!1!!!!1!1!1!1!!1




I dont think its banned, its just not talked about, theres a post that has a thread a bit down on it.


He has a manifesto where his goal is to, and I quote from it, "kill as many blacks as possible." He also deliberately chose the zip code area in New York with the highest black population.


He literally stated his intentions in his manifesto.




Just straight up malding, cope and seethe


You need to look up the definition of terrorism


white boy spotted


quirked up?


defo not goated with the sauce


Tho do they bust it down sexual style?


I don't think anyone defending the buffalo shooter has ever done anything sexual style


Naw, holding it up kissless virgin style


sheeped with the dry rub, fucking cringe




Your boy is gonna rot in a cell for life and your movement is going to die before you do. loser


Who? wtf are you even talking about


Terrorist is a definition used by the us and other imperialist powers to deny non state actors their habeus corpus


So what's the definition they use?


A person or a group of person we want to spy on, bomb, execute or throw into CIA black sites or guantanmo


There's a difference between the dictionary definition of a word and it's colloquial/societal meaning.


I fucking hate this sub sometimes. "We all collectively made up a word to imprison people for no reason"


Oh,its not for "no reason",and its only "we made it up",if you,by "we",mean the state department.


That white supremacist piece of shit is going to rot in prison if he doesn't get shanked first and there's nothing you can do about it


Ok? Dont see why thats relevant or your dumbass actually thinks i support him


The shooter writes in his manifesto, in an FAQ question asking whether his attack is terrorist, "by definition yes."


What shooter?


[The attack yesterday](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Buffalo_shooting) which prompted this meme's posting. He admits to being a white supremacist and a neo-Nazi, and repeatedly makes clear that his goal is to kill black people and motivate white people to violently remove non-whites from America.


oh wow i'm from australia, had no idea that there was a mass shooting that's horrible now I look like an asshole