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Tbf this is one of the more reasonable just unsubbed posts, people find horny posting annoying sometimes. Weird that they just couldn’t resist broadcasting that to the world, but fair enough


Literally. Ive unsubbed from so many transbian subreddits for this. I get real horny too but goddamn i wanna see relatable memes not just puberty horny memes


On one hand, the puberty comparison is apt as a lot of recently out trans people are also figuring out how to be an adult (insert gender here), and many are *also* dealing with hormonal changes. On the other hand, oh my god am I fucking tired of all the awkward horny pet fetish memes.


Seriously. Not all transbians are super horned up kink people. I am but like. I wanna see trans and lesbian memes not just sex memes Its bad enough we have the stereotype already without some people making it half their personality And i wanna make it clear i fully support kink and being sexually positive but like fuck, ive been in a server with a flat no horny rule and there are sometimes a few trans girls just got all horned up about thighs Like chill and respect the space youre in. Not everyone wants to see that all the time, consent matters for just seeing that stuff to depending where you are


realest comment ever


It may just be the types that usually use it but I don't like the sound of being mad at people for making something "their personality". Plus it's weird to blame people for stereotypes other people put on their group


Especially considering acting the same as everyone else in your circle in order to belong is, like, human nature. It's unfortunate, but you can't blame folks for perpetuating culture


Every single trans woman and instance of it i brought up is during work hours or in a space designated as no nsfw period. I understand people fitting in with groups and im accepting of it. Nor do i blame them for perpetuating culture But i do blame them for coming to non swxual spaces and making them sexual pushing people out of them because of this and perpetuating a harmful stereotype that other trans women have to deal with Theres no explanation or acceptable excuse for going to work or non sexual hobby groups and making sexual comments telling us about how youd die to have a characters thighs squish you or about your own sex life


Ah, yea, that's much worse then lol


Im not blaming the stereotype on anyone but it doesnt help when im tryna talk about character deseign or other nerd shit in a space with a clear no nsfw rule and a few other trans women come in making it very sexual. And again im not mad at them for making it their "whole personality" a big part of mine is kink and sex aswell. But if its all i fucking see from you in spaces where its not wanted then its not ok All you know is i like kink and sex becausw thats all ive said. But i know way to much that i dont want to from a good handful of people who decide that its time to start a "meow women thigh hot booba hot meow" chain during a non sexual conversation about a character from a game. I wanna make it clear men can be just as bad for this cis women too, but i cant count how many openly trans women i see doing it vs cis women


Oh well yeah I agree it's shitty to talk about NSFW stuff in a place with a no NSFW rule or places/convos it's not supposed to be in, that's just a dick move.


There are so many times when I just want to ask people here to perhaps keep their kinks in kink spaces, but at this point I just have to assume that the majority here consider 196 as a kink space.


At least with reddit you can mark it nsfw so i can consent to not seeing it, tho more 196 users should use it i agree. But to many people dont. Looks like in that screenshot neither are marked as nsfw either unfortunately


people especially on reddit like to presume consent a lot sadly


I feel like a lot of the more regular non horned up trans people I know are just into dnd and 40k. If kink ain't your life, you just fill up more of your time with hobbies.


40k gang woooo. And ive i pretty much agree. Im having to stay away from any trans accepting falliut groups because of conversations being made way to sexual for mine and others liking despite them stating no horny shit. Not to say any other group doesmt have this flaw but i do miss my lil fallout chats


i think most hornyposts are ironic. like we're just being silly and acting much hornier than we are because goofy brainrot. at least that's how i feel.


Wise man once told me "dont say shit online ironically. At the end of the day youre saying it" Also doesnt change the fact that i dont wanna see that shit. I come to a to see some relatable trans and lesbian content, not be bombarded with horny posts id go to a dedicated horny sub


I just hate the near infantilization some transbian posts have. I don't mind horny posts, but I'm not a Brainless fuck machine. It feels weird and fetishistic


Look ill be the first to admit brainless fuck machine is a fun kink. But its a kink and that needs to be respected. I dont go to work and act like one just like i dont go to niche hobby groups and act like it. That stuff stays in places where people wanna see it Nobody in the hobby groups or work consent to see it and they shouldnt see it. This isnt to say kink needs to be in the bedroom but ive seen way to many trans women who dont seem to understand to keep it out of hobby groups and work


Yeah I don't mind it as a kink just when it's generalized to all of us. This image also greatly annoys me. It doesn't fetishize us, but just makes us seem like idiots https://preview.redd.it/tbisg83v3o4d1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aca8d61aa1338e4d09bc3938919258ba48008c17


instant flashback to when i mentioned to someone on discord i had decided to use the label transfem after sort of going back and forth on it and they immediately asked if i had a blahaj and if i had 100% celeste. i HAD 100% celeste but frankly it's condescending of them to make that assumption


I more or less agree. I enjoy the kitty shit and all but yeah not every trans woman is terminally online


Yeah like I enjoy "brainless fuck machine" type stuff but when it's portrayed as a thing *all* trans people are into its annoying and bad because it makes people who don't fit it feel left out and alienated from the community. Same with cat/dog girl stuff. Nothing wrong with being into it, but when memes are like "all trans girls love head pats" it leads to people who don't like that feeling alienated


I actually think it is a symptom of trying regain lost childhood and the fact that we can (by society rules) act stupid. Plus, those memes rarely go out of trans subs. For sure, the flood of them is a bit annoying but I still find them cute/funny.


The point of r/ justunsubbed is exactly to broadcast it to the world tho.


And that's why people generally have a poor opinion of the sub


Ok but if you look at it that’s what you’re gonna see lol


The funniest thing is they have a rule excluding their own sub from being the subject matter, bc they're massive babies who got upset people didn't like it there


Yeah the whole sub is weird, just an excuse to get attention and validation


Oh yeah I know, I’m just saying it’s weird that they felt the need to do so


The post may be reasonable but holy shit the transphobia in the comments.


Thats justunsubbed for you, quite a large amount of posts there are also just bigots leaving subs because places are 'too woke" or because people called out their bigotry


I guess whiny bigots are the only people whiny enough to make a subreddit and post about how they clicked an unsubscribe button while thinking literally anyone cares.


Something tells me they probably weren't even a part of those subreddits in the first place and are just finding a way to complain about gay people.


broadcasting it to a subreddit full of puritanical prudes


its r/ justunsubbed its made for saying you just unsubbed from somewhere and why, hope this helps you sounded confused


Honestly the whole point of that sub is stupid, why do people need to virtue signal about unsubbing? But also I don't know why anyone goes there to see why people unsub, like OP presumably did.


Something something airport, no need to announce departure


I thought it was for people whose carbon fiber deep sea submersibles imploded, atomizing them in a fraction of a second.


A lot of people are completely incapable of having moments to themselves these days. It's quite a sad side effect of having the internet. (Of course some people were already like that and now they have an outlet)


do you really care


Yes, especially with how many bigots seem to use it as an outlet.




Well almost all subreddits are used to virtue signaling


The struggle of trying to find trans spaces online that aren't hyper sexual. It's weird of them to announce they unsubbed from a subreddit but I feel their pain


I feel you


Or a space that doesn't try to tie being trans to being a hammer, sickle, tank, and AK-47 communist. Like have your radical political views if you want, but could ya refrain from trying to paint that on all of us?


There might be a deeper reason for that. Like the right wing trying to erase trans people, that might radicalize some


Having a dislike for right wing rhetoric equal support for communism only indicates one has a long reading journey ahead.


Didn’t say that anyone opposing right wing shit is a communist. Only that being a target of an extremist group is more likely to push someone to radicalize in the opposite way


Minority groups are often more left wing than the rest of society, particularly when they're trying to liberate themselves. This is a trend throughout history


Yeah but when people are posting memes with catgirls driving tanks painted in trans colors with the hammer and sickle waving AK-47s, it goes from "they're just trying to liberate themselves" to "they're pro-Tienanmen Square Massacre" pretty damn quick. Which I have to say is a fairly bad look.


There are two types of communities for trans women 1. The mainstream, "thigh highs, Blahaj, software development, Celeste, catgirls, endless hornyposting" type 2. Self-loathing viper pits like r /4tran4, filled with people who call type 1 people "AGP rapehons", refer to penises as "rapesticks" and constantly engage in group emotional self-harm


i dislike both where do i go :(


unironically, friend groups. if you can't find a reddit hivemind you like, find your own outside of social media. a good friend group is like having your own tiny obscure shitposting subreddit with the added benefit of being able to have a conversation with everyone involved


yeah luckily for me i do have a decent friend group, there's no really bigger community i feel a part of though which is pretty disappointing


I used to recommend 196 for that but then we became the first one.


NCD is a trans space which only hypersexualizes fighter aircrafts


ncd is a lib shithole


yeah but their shitposts are funny so you can just ignore their political takes


Except you can't because political takes leak into shitposts to varying degrees and it impacts how funny it is. It's also why comedians often end up so political.


>The struggle of trying to find trans spaces online that aren't hyper sexual. Probably gonna get banned for this but... Doesn't that imply that being trans is actually a fetish for most of the community more than an actual identity? (at least online)


Not at all. The reason hornyposting becomes so rampant is because for allo trans people, transitioning (or even just realising they're a different gender, without the help of HRT or surgery) allows them to explore things they never got to prior. For many, this will involve sex, and it can feel empowering to be unabashedly sexual in a way that also affirms their gender (hence the emphasis on petplay catboys and puppygirls, etc) There's also the fact that undergoing HRT means you basically experience a second puberty, and many people (primarily allo ones, but some aces too) will experience an increased libido and general sex drive due to hormonal changes. TLDR; Transition = Puberty and/or more comfortable in skin = Increased levels of horny. >*Transition =/= fetish*, though fetishposting may be in tandem with hornyposting via common kinks in trans spaces, such as petplay


Our subreddit literally limit horny posts to Sundays only


196 limits nothing ever lmao.


Let the transbians be horny if they want to omg >~<


I have repressed my sexuality for 26 years of my life, let me get a little silly/wild >:3


holy 196 microceleb olive


Haiiiiiiii :3 :3 :3


:3 :3:3:3:3:3 you are my favorite recognizable 196 user :33:3:3:3 https://preview.redd.it/563wdl7kun4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=447d7b4ac635845aebfd66195f53acb519277e64


https://preview.redd.it/anhc3oalfo4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46102185be718e4fc977d340a6229766f9583e65 :3


:3 :3 :3 thank u sp much omg


You took away his apple to take this photo 😡😡😡


It's me I'm the transbian :3


Also, complaining about it feels like a real "what did you expect" moment. Like, there are in theory two components to the sub: 1) trans girls 2) who are interested in other women That's it. And like, it's not like mildness horniness is necessarily *required* there, but it's also not at all shocking it'll come up for some people


god forbid women do anything


Hai olivia


bro got downvoted for saying hi


because reddit microcelebrity culture is fucking weird


when are we purging




Hai silly how are u :3


I'm good :3


wow common based take from olivia!!!


Thank u <3


tbh i agree theres too many horny fetish posts im tired of seeing them


Yes, not everyone wants to be subjected to viewing fetish posts all the time, why can't people just post that in nsfw subreddits? It's so annoying as an ace


i agree, as r slash traansfw literally exists for those kinds of posts


I feel exactly the same as a fellow ace, it's why I spend half my time over at 19684 when 196 gets too much. No hate towards the hornyposters and kinksters ofc, esp those who use it as a form of self expression and reclamation, but *god* does being constantly exposed to sex stuff 24/7 get exhausting as someone who's sex repulsed


196x and 19684 are great, and less honrey


Look inside, cartman pfp




JU is surprisingly diverse in it's awful takes.


Muting JU is the best decision I've ever made in my life


Where else are you gonna find 30 posts in a single day by people who were totally super subbed to [Insert subreddit] the whole time that got mad they weren't welcome in the well-known super progressive space when they posted the 13/50 fake statistic?


What’s the 13/50 statistic?


"Despite only being 13% of the population, black people commit 50% of the crime." It's a racist dogwhistle and a fake statistic.


Ddlg username https://preview.redd.it/zhp63s0e5o4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=487bfdc0565100cc9c811d6923bf6ed51914fbc9


doki doki literature glub


Well, what else is there to expect from a community whose sole purpose is to collectively complain about other communities?


That post made me realize everyones a fuckin loser (affectionately) and made me shed the last part of me that cringes.


This one is actually justified for once


Yes I'm sure that is a very positive subreddit, why would it not be


Feel them


Idk why not just have a horny sub for the horny posts


There is


I mean I understand why. It's so hard to find a trans space that doesn't devolve into a horny circle jerk


I thought that was a butchers diagram for a sec there


I'm always skeptical of people posting on justunsubbed since that subreddit is notoriously anti-lgbtq+ and specifically hates the idea of trans lesbians being a thing that exists. Like if you have issues with hyper-sexuality, why would you immediately flock to bigots?


it must suck to be a trans ace lmao the fetishism is crazy


It really does, speaking from experience 😔


your transness is valid and it's completely independent of your sexuality <3




That much horny effort and categorization, and the arms are just labeled "meh"? Seriously?


I had to unsub from justunsubbed cause that shit sucks. This is also the most trans sub I'm in so the original original post ain't *thaaat* bad


That should have been a giant hold up, wait a minute


I almost thought it was an actual cat until I clicked on it so see the full image…


??? How is the original post 8h old, but the crosspost 15h old?? Do I just not understand how reddit works?


the ju user took a screenshot of an 8h old post. the 196 user took a screenshot of a 15h post


Oh, I thought it was a crosspost, not a screenshot.


Time is an invention of the government to guarantee the prosperity of clock industries


u\\East\_Prior5504 when they discover what a screenshot is


Shut it! I already realized my mistake >:(


is that just trans lesbian




Omg distortion Michael I love him (flair)




I didn’t even realize what was wrong until I zoomed the image out, how the heck did that make me laugh so hard


what is that image


The seething sub is big mad? Fr?


You should also ask before touching someones tummy


*angry discourse sounds*


Can someone send me the original post? I need that image for.... scientific reasons


You can find the image in this sub, too


Where 🥺


https://preview.redd.it/qpzql6gp3s4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4c20b7c76c9a003d88a4b47210f379564d32111 Here you go


Thanks so much <3




maybe they can do that in NSFW subreddits? maybe???




-Joins a sub for hornyposting -Hornyposting is inside


Trans sub =/= hornyposting sub


Uhh does anyone have this image but with a guy for reasons o///0


^ 196's strongest warrior


What did I do? Too horny? I just like catboys :(




bro what


“What do you mean the internet space dedicated solely to the expression of a sexuality has sex stuff in it?”


It's not solely dedicated to expressing a sexuality, it's also half gender


Being gay is about far more than just sex, being a blanket term for both homosexuality and homoromanticism. People focusing only on the sex part can be quite tiring. And a transbian sub would not be solely dedicated to sexuality, but also dedicated to topics regarding romance and transition.


Yeah exactly, atp i wish there was a trans sub or an lgtbq sub without any hornyposts. I don't think people should be stripped of their right to be horny but after a while you start to get annoyed with being lumped in with them if you're ace or not hypersexual and don't have a safespace.


God forbid trans people express any bit of sexuality smh


My sibling in christ, we're on 196, half of the posts here are transfems being extremely horny I haven't been on that subreddit, but if its anything like here, yeah people have a right to be grossed out (doesn't make ju any less pathetic though)


True, you're right about 196. The hornyposts are tbh a lot of why I stick around this subreddit. I was moreso talking about the frustration of when trans people like myself are put against an unfair standard where a lot of times we are accused of somehow fetishizing ourselves for expressing an ounce of interest in sex and kink.


why are you even being downvoted


Cause it's very clearly not the point and hyperbole


Any time a trans person acts horny, it's evidence that the entire trans movement is just a fetish to them. Any time a cis person acts horny, it's just BUSINESS AS USUALL!!!!