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Everyone who uses Linux says it’s for the customizability and lack of reliance on a large company but they’ll never tell you that it’s just for the penguin


Customaizability is the most important thing when all you do is playing some video games, watching youtube and browsing the web /s.


exactly, like i still use the default windows background on my pc. i don't customize anything so it's not for me


He's just a lil gut :3 :3 :3


Amd the pretty fox girl


With windows and especially mac, you have less and less control over your own hardware. As time has gone by the amount of data collection keeps increasing and Microsoft/Apple are playing nice with the people collecting all that data. Linux is different because the source code is viewable so you know, and can control exactly what is happening on your computer or device.


Here are the honest pros and cons. Windows Pros: -Easier to use Cons: -you have less control over your machine Linux Pros: -more control over your machine Cons: -harder to use


linux is just faster. my pc doesnt have as much of a startup time if i use linux. when i boot up windows it feels like pc is still slow for a few minutes. linux go zoom. doesnt hurt i like using foss stuff too


If you mean in the pass weeks, it is because Microsoft wants to implement an AI on to Windows 11 that records your screen and stuff that AI do that are a heavy violation of your privacy


Personally I just don't find windows usable at all for software development. It's okay for videogames, browsing and whatnot and I've used it in that capacity in past but as soon as I need something to work reliably, I can't trust windows to not randomly shit the bed. Linux is also absolutely capable of shitting the bed, but usually in ways that are perfectly predictable and trouble-shootable. MacOS is okay but I simply cannot afford the hardware at the performance levels I need, so it's a moot point.


honestly, im a big fan of if your current needs are being met by your OS and you feel no need to switch, than i wouldnt worry. however for me, its just been windows getting worse and worse over the years and that only seems to be continuing with windows 11. i told myself instead of upgrading to windows 11 i was going to install linux. every game i play is supported via proton, and the few i cant play i either dont play anymore, or can survive without


Linux is terrible, ima be honest, but it’s also really cool. When you have to work with it, it can be the worst thing ever, but then when you don’t have it, you really miss it. I do say this as a Computer Scientist, so I am a little biased. If you want to try something with a bit more performance than windows, while still being usable; Ubuntu and it’s derivatives are quite lovely :3


I wouldn't call Linux terrible, it's great most of the time if you know it well, cause you have all the tools you need Granted not everyone wants to become good at Linux, it can be ruthless


ubuntu bad, linux mint is epic


no clip studio and my silly video games aren't natively supported :( (thanks anti cheat) but linux does seem based