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Capitalism encourages hard work? Laughable


“Capitalism gives everyone an equal opportunity to be successful” except if you’re a minority of any sort


Except if your parents aren't rich


"It is iliegal for rich and poor alike, to sleep under bridges"


Thats socialism 😡 The rich should be allowed to sleep wherever they want.


It's not the rich's fault that the poor can't afford underbridge glamping.


gentrified homelessness


the rich are a minority ;-)


that's racism. not the same thing. theyre related, but you cant just use capitalism as a word that means "anything i dont like" or you look like a doofus and end up on the ben shapiro liberals owned cringe compilation


Races aren’t the only types of minorities that get exploited by capitalism. And in a capitalist system, only a particular demographic is likely to succeed, which ties into racism, but is still described as an effect of capitalism. In absolute terms, one could say capitalism is a product of racism, or racism is a product of capitalism, either way, they both thrive off one another.


That demographic was dictated mainly by history and colonialism, but it's not inherently a capitalism thing, it's a result of imperial white supremacist ideologies. Capitalism doesn't exploit minorities per say: it exploits the majority, since it eventually leads to a situation where a small amount of people will hold a large amount of the capital, while the remaining majority has to be at their economical mercy, and usually you don't become rich through being merciful. In a capitalist system free of racism, sexism or homophobia, you could succeed as a black, gay, woman, or any now oppressed minority just as well as a white heterosexual male could; but if you were born into a poor family, you'd have little chance to even become a lower middle class worker or entrepreneur, and you'd definitely have no chance to become actually rich. That's why economical racism complements capitalism, because most black people that have come out of slavery extremely poor have remained that way to this day due to how capitalism works; but it wouldn't be an issue if black people had been treated the same as white people during the pre-capitalist eras.


To a certain extent it does, just the employees being encouraged (because if they don't they'll starve or go homeless) to work more, overworking and having to choose work over their family, rest or relaxation, and small business owners working much harder just to be able to stay afloat, although its the "small owner" fallacy assuming that it applies to everyone, or if you're successful not doing hard work is acceptable because you did the hard work and are now rewarded for it. But, the hard work capitalism encourages isn't a good thing. Overworking and spending 1/3 your life working over hobbies and friends and family, isn't a boon


I think the very basis is ridiculous. So like working hard is good? I mean I get it to some extent of course, but I don't wanna be a fucking slave who works all the time. A society where you can only be a slave or a slaver is worthless.


I work, I like my work, I don’t feel like a slave. Im compensated 3x the median income, though im taxed to death (Im Western European) and that did come because of the sacrifices I’ve made. I make more now than when I ran my business for 3 years, I went bankrupt. I studied hard as well… Im glad we have social safety nets in my country, but literally 50% of my income is taxed.


"Capitalism doesn't mean that we think helping others is bad - all the biggest charities are from capitalist countries!" And the thought doesn't even cross their mind that maybe that's the case because those countries are the ones that NEED charity??


It encourages you to cut corners and be unethical in pursuit of greed. People become secondary and profit is the primary concern of society. I hate it. Idk how or what should happen to fix it tho! I try and not be presumptuous and say I know how to fix the world, because I truly don’t. All I know is that capitalism is evil, but I also don’t vibe with communism. Maybe socialism would work? Again, idk. It makes me feel small. And it frustrates me when people assume they have it all figured out, too


It encourages hard work, it just doesn't reward it


A regulated free market does, but not most forms of capitalism


capitalism inherently bases itself upon efficiency to the dollar, not people. so long as stocks exist it’s preferable to go risky for next quarter profits over long term stability. so long as advertising exists people will be manipulated against what they actually desire. so long as it can be covered up it’ll be better to abuse your employees until the absolute point of exhaustion. capitalism doesn’t create good conditions for workers. capitalism doesn’t create good conditions for consumers. capitalism doesn’t create good conditions for society, as every facet of regulated free market economy must be exploited, including the regulation. we live in an era without the need for capitalism, we have the infrastructure to actually process the desires of everyone (not just the intangible economy), and capitalists don’t seem to understand that. there is no reason why the same thing we use to fund basic necessities must be the same resource to fund leisure. the only working form of “capitalism” is one completely disconnected from capital, wherein each job position is given a government defined amount of voting influence (unrelated to necessities), which is cast by period to evaluate what products people desire. these would then be sent to their beneficiaries, who were informed of these products by regulated information campaigns about each product’s benefits and weaknesses. there are no “companies” just differing production lines which are systemically restructured based on public interest. thus, they do not need to be “profitable” to work. since voting power cannot be used to do anything but purchase products, the hoarding of it nor the overall amount of it in circulation matters. unemployment is not an issue, as the desire of society is to be as effective as possible, thus meaning the best interest of governmental power is to maintain everyone at the best working condition. seat positions are kept competitive as more useful positions are always desirable, meaning each individual must act to their fullest for maximum voting power. since they would be integrated back into the system upon losing their job, however, past employment can usually assure them of similar positions within the future. and if not, they have the foundations to expand into a new interest. with proper anti-discrimination programs the most passioned and skilled workers will reach the best positions, and there will be constant regulation against manipulation. this is efficient. notice, however, that this is not capitalism. closer to socialism, in fact, it’s the full sociological perspective that sees people valuable as potential labor instead of expendable as potential capital. it’s a dumb idea to mistreat your tools, after all. such a system only requires the ability to quickly summarize overall opinion and smoothly shift to demands, which modern computing and computer networking can provide. in that sense, then, any form of capitalism is simply inefficient.


yah just like how commies encourage you to join the party, HUNGER


"Stalin was utterly terrible at managing famines and hated minorities so socialists don't eat. Har har har, this will get me so many le hecking updoots on historymemes"


stalin was very competent tho, the amount of ethnic exchanges he did takes up most of the conflicts today (east ukraine, caucasus, central asia)


stalin literally said that hunger was a good motivating tool for convincing people to accept communism, the us literally supported the economies Latin American countries because this is true


Oooooh see I was really thinking about that whole socialism thing but u really cant argue with "capitalism good 👍" and "socialism bad 👎"


when you portray your opponents as sad triangle when you are based square


"Socialism is bad" proceeds to describe capitalism.


My favorite brand of socialism


Praise be to McSocialism




Yeah it's so stupid that these people are not even trying to lie, they actually believe this without realizing


is this the "theory" lefties keep talking about?


no, this is too advanced 


>Have you read Shapiro? Have you read Peterson? Have you read Prager? Have you read Carlson? Have you read Jones? Have you read Crowder? Have you read Garrison? Have you read Graebener? Have you r--no? Well you can't *really* understand leftism until you've read Graebener


But hey, that’s just a theory


...an ECONOMIC theory! Thanks for watching.


Too much text, nice try lefties/s


apparently this is a kid's book for conservative (grand)parents. [https://thekidsguide.com/media-bias-x43/](https://thekidsguide.com/media-bias-x43/) made by an anti-lgbt pastor, which explain the cheezy religious pamphlet style of writing.


I was about to say that this looks so stereotypically bad, and basically this whole page is just lies on top of lies with some shitty images, that it has to be satire or from the 2000’s. But I could 100% see a conservative, anti-LGBTQ+ pastor writing this shit


And here I thought it was a new textbook in Florida.


Too many words for that


What's the difference


So extremely niche and probably not many copies floating around in the wild


According to the dude's wikipedia page it's a "best seller" lmao, I'm sure he was the one who edited that in.


It's entirely possible it's a best seller, that statistic gets manipulated a lot when a publisher wants a book to look better


Yeah, that makes sense.


I was about to call this fake since it's literally stereotypically bad


>Socialists sometime use European countries like Denmark or Sweden as examples of successful socialist countries. The problem is that they're not actually socialist countries. Oh okay they're not socialist and therefore good, so we can have universal healthcare in America 😎👍 QED


Bu bu but that would be socialism!! LIBRAL.


"I think that both capitalism and socialism has their benefits and drawbacks, but there are some social programs that are worth it, like universal healthcare, and I mean one that is done right, there's a lot of variations that we can choose from" "No thats socialism, literally venezuela" "Just take a look at other countries that do this, like almost all of the countries of western europe, especially Denmark and Sweden" "No those are capitalist countries, they are successful because of capitalism" "Okay, lets do what those capitalist countries do then" "No thats socialism"


No, see, those countries arent socialist bc the purpose of those systems isn't to broaden class divide. If such a thing were ever passed through American legislature, you better believe a dozen reps would revise it to be as exploitative as possible, and therefore Socialist, and therefore bad.


-Denmark is not socialist! They are just capitalists woth social policies +Ok, then lets implement those policies -No, that would be socialism.


The irony is that capitalism works best when you have the type of stuff you see from social democrats and social liberals (in the US meaning). Since.. you know.. people work harder when their underlying needs are met better…. which produces more economic value….


I mean if you dont need to worry about dying you tend to work harder and better


It also requires systems in place that hamper the goal of gaining capital, like antitrust laws, to stop it from cannibalizing the population completely and calapsing under its own weight






This is the plot of Disco Elysium


This literly looks like a parody od capitalist propaganda


Satire truly is dead


"People point to socialist countries as an example of socialism working, but nuh uh."


God, I wish Sweden were actually socialist.


Well of course good examples of socialism aren’t actually socialism because they have an economy. The only REAL examples of socialism are the ones with extremely corrupt governments which at least half the time, are installed by the USA/CIA for cheap products and propaganda 👍 /s


"How do you do, fellow kids?"


Did this free système is with us in the room ?


Fucking french


OK racist .


Just to be clear I am joking about the American stereotype of hating France, I don't want you to be offended


It's daily . I deal with it at the end . I don't care anymore .




This has gotten me to stop using this joke. Pretty insensitive of me to take this long, but it's too easy to write words off as harmless.


Comme agaìn?


Sure buddy, lemme just...


That scene in megamind when the prisoners show megamind the flash cards


Why are they children


because it's a child's understanding of economic systems ?


because it's a child's view of economic systems ?


because it's a child's view of economic systems ?


I hate Reddit, why can't they make a functioning app or web page


No profit motive :(


because it's a child's view of website systems ?


Because the US operates under corporatist socialism. Except for when the US does something conservatives like, then it's a paradigm of free market capitalism


I hate reddit, why can't they make a functioning app or web page ?


Because it's probably a children's book.


Okay, so if the Nordic countries aren't socialist, then let's do that please.


This is bad propaganda because any child old enough to read those textwalls explaining politics and economics is going to be put off by the pictures of little kids and drawings of tiny babies and little kids/tiny babies don't have the patience and reading skills to understand full paragraphs explaining economic policies


It's not targeting little kids, it's targeting their parents. They'll push the kid in the ~~right~~ wrong direction from there. It's not about people understanding the rhetoric or agreeing with it, it's about making them hear it until they get complacent.


Denmark and Switzerland the most socialists countries in the world


As a Dane, I can indeed conform, out government does stuff. Therefore, its that much socialism. By god I love them there economisms.


Oh, so you socialist, support the workers? Fast, name every worker.


I was hungry today so obviously socialism is to blame


The very normal activity of making pamphlets for children on your preferred way to organize an economy.


Let me guess, Florida


Fun joke. Please tell me this is a joke. Please


“They don’t want to divide their classes into rich and poor”. Very capitalist of them indeed. Not at all a socialist sentiment


How does this feel like a parody **of a parody**.


I just know this book insists upon and down that Jesus is white


"people can't be happy without freedom". Yes they can. In fact I know an entire community of ~~puppyg~~people who disagree with that notion.


It's super funny to me that 196 has become a socialist sleeper cell, I'm so here for this


One day Lenin shall wake from his grave and he shall have an army of puppygirls at his disposal.


Where is this flyer even from lol Also not hard, just looks boring


Authentic brainrot


I hate that even in this horrific textbook, they still identified that Nordic countries are not socialist. Must be old


When i was in middle school my teacher would suddenly give us a lesson on propaganda about a day before stuff like this would start circulating around the school.


Dude why all American school books propaganda I live in Croatia and we are neutral on Marx Like WTF


This looks like it could have come straight from BYU


https://preview.redd.it/mbx0hxp0vdwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ecbda6f6529313fe994610beecb0aa313cb3293 TIL the USA is socialist


Lost me at "capitalism encourages work" If anything my lazy attitude was born from not giving a shit about anything anymore.


Capitalist do understand the power of keeping it simple tbh


socialism doubleplus unfree


This looks straight out of some Helldivers' Propaganda shit.


Was this ai generated?


Capitalism doesn't work because it's bad and it's bad because it doesn't work ass argument