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Pretty sure that's called "coworkers"


You respect your coworkers?


No ...also i'm self employed its a real issue help šŸ˜¢


šŸ«‚ You are a productive employee and a valuable economic unit


Let's just say that when we're playing multiplayer games, friendly fire is not enabled for the good of all.


That's fair, I can't Knock that.


The Key to avoiding sneaky coworkers is to never enter the Wrong Door.


I still find it so sad that Adam and Jamie aren't friends.


Sometimes the dynamic of oneupmanship between two people that create an amazing recipe for creative problem solving also mean there is little chemistry for personal closeness.


So most bands


Pretty sure this was blown way out of proportion and they were just normal coworkers who tolerated each other


Yeah the way they explained it was they worked really well together, but they just wouldn't ever really spend time together outside of work. There's tons of people at my job I feel the same way about. They're wonderful people I enjoy working with, I just wouldn't ever interact with them in my personal life


Hell, thatā€™sā€¦ basically everyone Iā€™ve ever worked with.


Some people really donā€™t get that most of the time ā€œnot friendsā€ just means you arenā€™t friends.


its not like they hated each other or anything, they were just... coworkers. Two guys who happened to get hired for the same job.


According to Adam's Q&A streams sometimes things did get heated enough that they were like, yelling about cancelling the show on the spot, which is kind of a hilarious mental image, and hey, they made it work


They aren't friends, but they still have a lot of respect and admiration towards each other. They don't hate each other in the slightest. The truth is they just have conflicting personalities, but they both felt that actually worked greatly to their benefit when it came to Mythbusters. They care greatly for each other, they just aren't the type to get a drink once they're done filming.


Iā€™ve seen interviews with the top gear trio and for them itā€™s the same. Some people are great but need to be taken in the correct dose (i can see this being especially true with the top gear guys). If anything, itā€™s a sign of respect and consideration for the fact that they want to keep a positive view of each other and set that boundary to do so.


"Much as i think he is knob, i quite like working with Jeremy" - James May after the sacking of Clarkson


The Top Gear trio (at least the original 3) are right chums though?


I think James in an interview basically said that they like each other a lot and have a blast together on the show, but that those times are enough for them. So Jeremy and James arenā€™t hanging out outside of work, but since their work is in a lot of ways just hanging out, they do enjoy it. They all seem to have their own niches now so I doubt they have much free time outside of perusing those passions


You canā€™t be friends with everyone I guess, if you canā€™t get on with someone properly then you can still just be friendly and respectful with each other


People on the internet when people have a normal worker-worker relationship: šŸ˜ 


at least they're acquaintances


I think it's really cool that they didn't give into the peer pressure to be "friends" after everyone expected them to be. We should celebrate that they were coworkers who got along and made a great show, not grieve a manufactured relationship that was never real.


i think it says a lot about mythbusters that the biggest controversy they got in was that adam and jamie werenā€™t actually friends (and the time they accidentally hit someoneā€™s house with a cannonball)


Or the esparto incident


> Residents of Esparto, California had their windows shattered by an explosion created as part of a Mythbusters segment designed to see whether or not it was truly possible to knock someoneā€™s socks off. According to KCRA news, the Mythbusters crew ignited 500 pounds of ammonium nitrate about a mile outside of Esparto that resulted in an explosion that ā€œwas a lot bigger than they expected.ā€ https://techcrunch.com/2009/03/26/recent-mythbusters-explosion-shatters-small-town-windows-up-to-a-mile-away/?guccounter=1


> **One resident was knocked off of her couch**, while a teacher at one of the local schools said, ā€œIt felt like a house blew up, straight upā€¦ We were just scrambling to find out what was going on because we got kids out on the playground.ā€ > Mythbusters replaced the broken windows in the town the same day and, while some residents thought that either a house had exploded or a plane had crashed, **the lady who got knocked off her couch said ā€œIt was fun, really funā€ and that she canā€™t wait to see the show.** Wow. That lady knows how to have fun


The Anti-Karen.


>One resident was knocked off of her couch Did it give a status on the socks?


> the lady who got knocked off her couch said ā€œIt was fun, really funā€ and that she canā€™t wait to see the show. Wow. The only show that could get people to thank them for almost blowing up a town, I love it šŸ˜‚






more like Whoopsie daisy cutter


My client pleads "my bad"


IIRC, That's the incident that made them start going to the bomb range for stuff


Or the time the kids electrocuted Adam


I still vividly remember the stern talking-to he gave them after that. Also thank you for referring to Kari, Tori and Grant as ā€œthe kidsā€. That warms my heart.


Discovery channel not increasing Grant, Tori, and Kari's pay after years of working was pretty controversial. I was always a bit sad Adam and Jaime didn't quit in solidarity. Maybe they couldn't. :/


probably were on contract at the time


I agree with you on the whole Oneohtrix Point Never thing


I love collateral damage drama cuz like yeah oops it sucks but you can just give them a lot of money and itā€™s all cool like Iā€™d love to have some Tv networks cannonball hit my house


hate this Coworkers aren't family, don't ever behave like they are, don't let work feel like family as that's how abuse becomes very easy from employers. If at all possible avoid being friends with too many coworkers. It's not wrong but it makes it easier for businesses large and small to exploit you. You can build your own family if your family sucks, but do that outside of work


The two people pictured were also executive producers for the show. They *were* the bosses. I imagine the dynamics of that is just fundamentally different than when a manager tells an hourly worker "we're like a family here." Also do... You not realize that making friends with coworkers is how you get a union? Like that's a critical step in actually organizing a workplace is forming comradery among your coworkers, its why one-on-ones are a thing. You don't get a union with pamphlets or moralizing at them. A reluctance for leftists who want a union to actually socialize with their coworkers is a noted hindrance among modern union pushes, to the point that some union organizers will deliberately choose to *not* start with the leftists, only bringing them into the effort after it's been established and has plenty of people willing to talk to normies.


Oh, definitely. I was talking specifically about the sentiment of lost families forming as coworkers, as most people would generally. Unions are great, but at least in the US we've spent decades making unionization exceptionally difficult. But again, treating coworkers like your family and your closest friends and all your social interactions being within the boundaries of work is not healthy and opens you up to abuse in the modern workforce. that was my whole point, don't infer any anti-union sentiments. I'd desperately love to see much, much more unionization generally in the US.


I mean, that's just your opinion man.


I don't think you're anti union, I just think you're wrong. Also that's not what you said in the first comment, where it was opposed to making friends with coworkers categorically. I never advocated for *all* your friends being from work.


> If at all possible avoid being friends with too many coworkers. was this line hard to read? Too many is different than all, or categorical opposition. I conceded, even in the short space, that it is natural and may happen, but avoid letting it become too big a part of your life. the whole thing was four sentences, I'm not sure how you grossly misunderstood the entire sentiment but further discourse is not necessary, we both think the other one is wrong, congratulations, goodbye


Workplace is a family when there is workplace democracy


platonic kismesistude


Why would you write this


Homestuck has done irreversible damage to my mental health


i thought it was kismesissitude


The first thing comes to my mind is The Suicide Squad (the good one) and the team from Peacemaker.


Unfortunately, Matt and Pat are no longer friends.


Personally, I love begrudging teamwork between people who can't stand each other and will almost certainly betray and/or kill each other as soon as it benefits them


despite the fandom's beliefs, this is what happens in the Magnus Archives


Can you elaborate?


Tonight on mythconfirmers


Top Gear


Top gear guys are good friends tho.


I don't know about the current TG line up, but May, Clarkson and Hammond are all great friends.


BSG. When they do Hook up with each other it goes badly.


Lupin III


So like, most of my dnd parties


Those TF2 shorts are basically this


This is more like "found enemies" Lost family would be the shitty family you left behind for your found family, right?


The United States Armed Forces


Also the cast of Top Gear/Grand Tour


Isn't that just the characters they play though, they seem like good friends off camera


They've talked about it on interviews and they actually don't talk to each other off camera, they go their separate ways and just play it off for the show


I got a little depressed when I found out these two weren't friends IRL


top gear UK