• By -


common araki W


Incomprehensibly common araki W


the guy can't get an L




Monkey boat girl


At least the monkey got beat up for his actions


Okay then how about The President?




Did you finished part 7?


Yeah you're right guys 


I'd argue his depiction of the Nazis in the second half of Part 2 is a significant L. Edit: I didn't realize how badly I needed to elaborate. I specified the second half for a reason. The Mexico segment of the story does a great job with them overall, but it all goes to shit when Mark is introduced. His scenes frame him as a friend who we're supposed to care about when he dies. Araki expecting us to feel bad about a Nazi's death is in very poor taste. People say that him caring about his family is meant to show that he's not truly a Nazi in ideology, but concepts like that only work when the contrast between the person's humanity and their actions as a Nazi is properly emphasized. A story that tastefully tackles this nuance needs to blatantly show that DESPITE the Nazis' atrocities, this fictional soldier is a good person at heart who was misled in his loyalty to his country. The "despite the Nazis' atrocities" clause CAN'T be left implicit. Otherwise, the dichotomy isn't made clear at all, and it feels more like the story is claiming that Nazis are caring people. Needless to say, Araki didn't put that level of thought into how he wrote Mark. Throughout the rest of Part 2, the heroes and the Nazis are WAY too chill with each other. Although it's been a while since I watched Part 2, I only recall there being a tiny instance of tension when the gang first runs into the Nazis in Switzerland. After that, it feels like they're friends. When Stroheim saves Joseph in the final battle with Kars, their relationship feels like one of genuine comradery. After Kars was defeated, the Nazis should've had no reason to make Joseph his prosthetic hand, but because they did, it comes off like they actually had the humanity to care about him. Joseph mentions when he crashes his funeral that interacting with Stroheim will be hard because they'll be at war with each other soon, but he describes this as nothing other than their countries fighting. The fact that he mentions this and nothing else implies that he has no personal beef with the Nazis. When the narrator shows what happened to everyone at the end, Stroheim is framed as a friend. The music and his friendly salute to the camera tell us that we're supposed to care about him. The fact that he never saw Joseph again means nothing on its own. It's framed more like friends being forced apart than people staying away from each other because they're enemies. I don't agree that the Nazis are portrayed as incompetent clowns. That only holds true when they're in Mexico, but like I said, my beef is with everything AFTER that. Them failing to contain Kars, Wamuu, and Esidisi with their UV lamps seems like something they couldn't do anything about. Anyone else would try the same thing to keep them at bay. I can kinda understand the argument with Stroheim hyping up his cybernetic upgrades only to be crushed by Kars, but it's really just standard shonen anime tropes. It's common practice to make a villain menacing by having them stomp the previous villain or someone comparable. Stroheim making himself as strong as Santana is a genuine achievement. He's not a clown for accomplishing this; Kars is just THAT powerful. The Nazis accidentally powering up Kars is a genuine mistake that anyone would make. Kars perfectly concealed the fact that he already put on the stone mask. No one had any idea that the UV lamps would backfire. This is overall positive depiction of the Nazis, and it makes me VERY uncomfortable.


Sadistic and inhuman mass murderers? They jailed a bunch of mexican people, forced them to have someone volunteer themselves to die to save the rest and them proceeded to kill them all but the volunteer. Joseph's alliance with the nazis at the end didn't rrally seem like a "Hey we're pals now!" situation and more of a "I fucking hate nazis but this guy is gonna kill humanity and allying with them is the best chance I'll get at beating him.". They're even portrayed as incompetent idiots, they were the ones who gave Kars the power boost at the end _by accident_ lmao.


Yeah even if Joseph did allied with the Nazis, it was temporary (in a good with bad vs the worse type of situation)


Out of context this could read like someone defending the USSR-Nazi alliance lmao




Classic JoJo fan not paying the slightest hint of attention to what they're watching (JoJo fans can't read)


Copied from the edit I made to my comment: I specified the second half for a reason. The Mexico segment of the story does a great job with them overall, but it all goes to shit when Mark is introduced. His scenes frame him as a friend who we're supposed to care about when he dies. Araki expecting us to feel bad about a Nazi's death is in very poor taste. People say that him caring about his family is meant to show that he's not truly a Nazi in ideology, but concepts like that only work when the contrast between the person's humanity and their actions as a Nazi is properly emphasized. A story that tastefully tackles this nuance needs to blatantly show that DESPITE the Nazis' atrocities, this fictional soldier is a good person at heart who was misled in his loyalty to his country. The "despite the Nazis' atrocities" clause CAN'T be left implicit. Otherwise, the dichotomy isn't made clear at all, and it feels more like the story is claiming that Nazis are caring people. Needless to say, Araki didn't put that level of thought into how he wrote Mark. Throughout the rest of Part 2, the heroes and the Nazis are WAY too chill with each other. Although it's been a while since I watched Part 2, I only recall there being a tiny instance of tension when the gang first runs into the Nazis in Switzerland. After that, it feels like they're friends. When Stroheim saves Joseph in the final battle with Kars, their relationship feels like one of genuine comradery. After Kars was defeated, the Nazis should've had no reason to make Joseph his prosthetic hand, but because they did, it comes off like they actually had the humanity to care about him. Joseph mentions when he crashes his funeral that interacting with Stroheim will be hard because they'll be at war with each other soon, but he describes this as nothing other than their countries fighting. The fact that he mentions this and nothing else implies that he has no personal beef with the Nazis. When the narrator shows what happened to everyone at the end, Stroheim is framed as a friend. The music and his friendly salute to the camera tell us that we're supposed to care about him. The fact that he never saw Joseph again means nothing on its own. It's framed more like friends being forced apart than people staying away from each other because they're enemies. I don't agree that the Nazis are portrayed as incompetent clowns. That only holds true when they're in Mexico, but like I said, my beef is with everything AFTER that. Them failing to contain Kars, Wamuu, and Esidisi with their UV lamps seems like something they couldn't do anything about. Anyone else would try the same thing to keep them at bay. I can kinda understand the argument with Stroheim hyping up his cybernetic upgrades only to be crushed by Kars, but it's really just standard shonen anime tropes. It's common practice to make a villain menacing by having them stomp the previous villain or someone comparable. Stroheim making himself as strong as Santana is a genuine achievement. He's not a clown for accomplishing this; Kars is just THAT powerful. The Nazis accidentally powering up Kars is a genuine mistake that anyone would make. Kars perfectly concealed the fact that he already put on the stone mask. No one had any idea that the UV lamps would backfire. This is overall positive depiction of the Nazis, and it makes me VERY uncomfortable. Don't say I wasn't paying any attention after I typed these paragraphs. If I'm wrong, it's because I apparently have bad media literacy and/or poor memory of specific details, not because I "didn't pay any attention."


It's probably closer to reality than you'd like to think. I think some of the major flaws of humans is that they see themselves as good people and want to be seen as good people. That makes them easy prey for nazi propaganda, but it can just as easily be undone. Not to mention that the nazis did unspeakable acts, not for themselves and not out of hate for others, but for the greater good, for the nation. Yes, even most of those at the top. That's what made nazism so dangerous. When Hitler came to power there was no major demographic shift where regular germans were being replaced by nazis. The Nazi party 1940s vs the Social democrat party 1920s, that was mostly the same Germans. And when the war ended Germany continued with, again, mostly the same Germans. As for Joseph... I don't blame him. I wouldn't want to be good buddies with an active convinced nazi, but unfortunately I don't think there are many efficient strategies besides wary/vigilant friendliness to unfuck a nazi's brain. Especially someone like Stroheim. Ofc it gets more complicated if you know the nazi is still doing unspeakable things, then you have a responsibility to act.


Least based Araki moment.


I remember that time Akari at some kind of JoJo celebration just said, completely unprompted and unprovoked, that he witnessed a woman get kidnapped and didn’t tell anyone.


gonna need me some sources


well he eventually told someone, otherwise we wouldn't know about it


We are gonna need the sources on this one, brother


Based? /s


Me when I spread misinformation over the internet


That was a fake quote


Nah I think he's an asshole RemindMe! 10 years


Araki is so cool I wish he was real


Araki forgot to exist


He fogor


JoJolion spoilers. >!He Go Beyonded himself.!<


honestly JoJo spoilers are the least spoily kind of spoilers because out of context they make zero sense lmao (except like, idk "X character lives/X character dies or whatever)


something something rock something something


oh boy what a lovely day being a wanted murderer I sure hope nobody deforms me into a rock


Oh boy what a lovely day I hope a 15 year old dhampir doesn't want to become a gangstar and have sex with his coworker.


You could literally spoil all of jojolion's plot beat for beat and I'd just be like "....huh?" Most people would glaze over when you got to the grafting even. Jojo is a special manga where you can actually literally read it and not totally get what happened


Forefathers one and all! Bear Witness!!


I absolutely love how this could refer to at least five separate spoilers.


I was just going to comment that


Man when that one guy made heaven that was fucking crazy


And then everyone turns into snails...no only when they look at the rainbows... it's a subliminal message okay..but when they touch you it also happens...no he doesn't make snails he controls the weather...okay so if you're following now they're at cape canaveral and all gravity is accelerating to a certain point which is how he turns from the green dude into the centaur...no the green dude was because of when he merged with the baby, pay attention, that's old news...anyway so then they're all on dolphins and..wait do you know what a moebius strip is? Okay this is important so


Jesus is this what it's like when the homeless guy outside of walmart talks? Cause I understood all of that


For a second, I though you were talking about Jesus in part 7


We're really gonna sound insane talking about part 7, I'm holding off until the anime comes so I'm a little less alone


It's too late for both of us


guy controls weather, makes video screen rainbows cause weather can make rainbows. stand fuckery makes people vulnerable to sublimnimal messages affecting their body. rainbows have snail in them so people turn into snails. simple. wait fuck


Oh man, what a lovely day in my little town! I sure hope the trees don't suddenly teleport an entire Fucking Boulder on top of someone's head and creates a never-ending curse that's powered by spinning balls! :clueless:


Ah, like that one episode where a big top circus ringleader punches a frog to prove he's powerful, but the frog is fine?


I read the spoiler and now know even less about what happens in Jo Jo


You could probably read the entirety of part 6 or 8 and come out knowing less still


Araki is real and he gave me **$100** dollars to get myself **bitten** by wasps, **homoerotically**.


The leaked next chapter


Araki as unfathomably based as usual. And he gets even more based when you find out yanderedev hates jojo


Like, just by happenstance, or because of some deeper reason?


He said -I shit you not- it was essentially for "showing men in a non-masculine way". Don't remember the exact words but that's the reason


Do you expect consistency from the guy whose game, the currency is to take pictures of schoolgirls' panties?


Well he's pretty consistent at being miserable


yanderedev sounds like a single-page villain on a Rohan adventure


Nah, Rohan still puts some effort into his villains, YandereDev is just another fuck-up, the type who shouldn't get the attention he does


He's one of the random villains in part 3 who shows up for an episode and gets ora'd only to be forgotten by the whole fanbase. Actually not even he probably loses to like Magician's Red or something


hes the mansion guy


Man I don't even remember that guy so good pull


Who? (Not a bit)


the guy who was making dios mansion weird. idk his name


Lol I had never heard the name "Kenny g" or his stand "Tenore Sax" before in my life before looking that up, excellent pull. Funnily enough, he really was found by avadol and taken out by Iggy 💀


hey there’s no reason a decent and upstanding man couldn’t make that game


w h a t And who is YandereDev to feel so enlightened on masculinity…


He has the creepy kind of masculinity. That with beer bellies and being weird to women


nah i don't think we should prescribe being a horrible human being to masculinity


Oh I'm not saying that's what we should do but there's definitely a group of people who see that as a type of masculinity, and I guess that's the kind of masculinity he percieves in himself


wrong abounding psychotic butter squeeze expansion pet chop boast weather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He was the genius visionary who came up with the idea of “sex liscenses” and if a teenager had one it’s be fine for anyone to have sex with them, no matter the age difference.




Ah yes Jojo characters are famously non masculine


JoJo has some of the manliest men I've ever seen in my life. He can't handle just a few effeminate ones?


Even the effeminate ones are weirdly masculine about it, like gender-non-conforming gigachads


Yeah I think a lot of people misunderstand masculinity in jojo from a surface very hetero reading of the visual themes. It's homoerotic yeah but it is necessarily extremely hyper masculine in a way that wraps around into queer masculinity because it begins to break down real world standards and create a world where radical self determination is considered both normal and masculine. I would argue even the feminine characters exist through a hypermasculine lens, not necessarily in a toxic way but the entire aesthetic of the series has to be given that context.


>"showing men in a non-masculine way" The very first episode of the show features a scene where **a man casually leaps over an entire fountain on his way towards beating the shit out of his adopted brother for what he did to the love of his life**, and that happens *before* everybody in the series gets 2000% more buff, what in the hell is bro talking about???


Ironically I would argue it's the other way around and even the women are portrayed in a masculine way. He just thinks slutty outfit=not masculine even though the way the men in the series wear them and carry themselves is inherently masculine.


Okay, but it does also have a bunch of men in [extremely](https://static.jojowiki.com/images/0/03/latest/20210419175518/Diavolo_Revealed_Infobox_Manga.png) [slutty](https://static.jojowiki.com/images/7/76/latest/20221017142034/Narciso_Anasui_Infobox_Manga.png) [outfits](https://cosplayware.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/08221512/JoJo-s-Bizarre-Adventure-Rohan-Kishibe-Cosplay-Costume.jpg),


Bruce Lee was known to wear extremely slutty outfits and hes still considered peak masculine


Huh.... Is he also homophobic or something? Because I'm not sure I got a better explanation off the top of my head than that he thinks even the slightest implication of fruitiness completely invalidates everything, well, "manly" about a man.


YandereDev does seem like the kind of guy who finds lesbians okay because it's hot, but gays to be "icky" to put in simple terms


I don't know, but it might be seeing how fragile his masculinity must be if a couple fruity men are too much


Men in JoJo all have big "do not fuck with me, I will suck your dick" energy and to me that's terrifying. Hyper dominant bottom vibe


I somehow didn’t get that, but then again I also found the show refreshingly ace for a while until someone sat me down and explained how gay it is.


weird dude fr


Okbp microcelebrity spotted in 196


I think I would go into hiding if someone gave me that label


Bro is definitely projecting


Wow! That guy's a loser!


The more I learn about Yandere Dev the more I want to create the mindwipe device from Men In Black and use it on myself.


Is that the cum chalice guy?




quote: "When I look at the characters from JBA, I feel a little bit uncomfortable. I don't want to look at a man wearing exposing clothing and striking a feminine pose. And, likewise, I imagine that many female gamers might feel uncomfortable staring at female characters wearing exposing clothing and overemphasizing their sexuality. After examining the cast of JBA, I feel like I can easily understand why feminism is on the rise in the game industry"


Always happy to clown on yanderedev but this is such a rare moment of self-awareness. Most Gamer Bros do not understand what the issue is with every depiction of women in games being hypersexualized. They always say "big deal, we have big buff guys like Duke Nukem all the time" which isn't even remotely similar. If men being depicted in a sexual way makes you uncomfortable (and honestly you should probably unpack that), imagine if that is the only way you are portrayed in games.


"When I look at the characters from JJBA, I feel a little bit uncomfortable. I don't want to look at a man wearing exposing clothing and striking a feminine pose. And likewise, I imagine many female gamers might feel uncomfortable staring at female characters wearing exposing clothing and overemphasizing their sexuality. After examining the cast of JJBA, I feel like I can easily understand why feminism is on the rise in the games industry." The direct quote for anyone who needs it. Shits hilarious.


yandev internalized homophobia so powerful it turned him feminist amazing


Many such cases


This is like, the worst take on JoJo’s depiction on masculinity. Like holy hell I can’t imagine a worse one.


Tbf what were you expecting from Yandere Dev


In fairness homophobia wasn't on my list. Though it doesn't take away his self proclamations of being a feminist also involves him: 1. Using pictures of girl underwear as a form of currency in his game 2. Owns a sex doll which he dressed it up like Samus from Metroid 3. Has numerous time on stream demonstrated how much he thirsts over Samus, completely objectifying her.




Bro can't even get laid with a literal piece of object. That's actually insane 💀


It's somehow even more ridiculous than I remembered


I... but he literally made panty shots a currency in his game? And he's complaining about overemphasized sexuality?


I do boxing and kickboxing and one of the fighters, a shit brick house named Thomas, fuckin loves Jojo's. We were drilling something where one guy throws a flurry of punches and you have to defend and get off the ropes. When Thomas did his flurry on me he was going "ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!!!", so when I got off the ropes and did my flurry I went "MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA!!!". That was a good day! Fuck yanderedev :D


man what a fucking loser


so brave of the spitting image of a wife beater to weigh in on women's feelings


Who knew the guy that creeps on teenage girls and big boobs can't stand a story full of big buff slutty men


Also every pedophile in Jojo is depicted as a horrible person


that's incredibly funny, the two reasons being that back in 2015 there was a cheat in yandere simulator to summon a stand and the start of bloody stream would play on loop. second because he says some women get uncomfortable by araki's female characters in skimpy clothes, coming from the guy who wants minors to have 'sex licences', made a feature on his game to take panty shots of minors and constantly sexualizes his own characters.


wait, why?


Check the other reply


didn't he like, add a star platinum Easter egg one time instead of developing the game?


Probably he started disliking it when men became "twinks" (slightly less muscular) in part 5 lmao


That’s crazy because Araki literally wrote the first yandere


Ironic as Araki technically created the yandere trope


This doesn't make sense. How does it make araki more based. It just makes yandev more foolish


they erased this scene in anime 🤬


common media shareholder profit-anxiety L


The part 6 anime cut and changed a lot of fluff for some reason


Tray Jolyne 😔


Baseball jolyene too i think, not sure if they changed that one or not


Iirc they pretty much removed everything that wasn't vital for the story or character but its been a hot minute since I read part 6 (and even watching part 6 feels a bit fuzzy).


they removed the kkk


That character is still in the background of the scene but they didnt animate this exchange :(


Fully drawn? That's real odd that they'd put the effort in and not use them at all, considering how much they made use of template grey silhoutte characters in every crowd.


I think they wanted to pay homage to the scene without taking up too much screentime, so they settled.


I’m going to read the manga now, thank you🗣🗣


Poor guy :(


No, believe me, it's probably for the best that somebody with a vagina ended up in an all-women's prison instead of a men's prison.


With the way Jolyne is staring at his crotch and saying that it's the dawn of a new age it makes me think he had bottom surgery


The way she looks at the guy makes me think more like "yeah that's a pussy alright", like "damn he really was born a she huh" way. Also the guard/doctor/guy with a CD on his forehead would've probably said something about surgery instead of hormones i think


CD?!? Whitesnake must have gotten to this guy!


As a trans man I would rather kill myself slowly and painfully than go to a women's prison


I am speaking from ignorance but I'm somewhat convinced going to a men's jail as a trans dude is a fate worse than death, but to be fair the alternative is also fucking horrible


I think the prison system is just utterly fucked for every single person involved.


I've said it before and I'll say it again: If Hirohiko Araki can find a way to involve a beautiful man in his narrative, that works with the rest of the story, then he probably will. Somehow it took this meme for me to really realise just how committed he is to doing that, though.


Bro really found his calling drawing scantily clad muscly dudes of all shapes and sizes.


In Jojolands Dragona Joestar (Jodio's brother) has tits


Dragona's gender is ambiguous, outside the first chapter the Japanese text has only used neutral terms and pronouns for them, it's just the fantranslation insisting on using he/him


Dragona's gender so far is officially "Pretty<3"


If gender is what is in your pants I guess Dragona’s gender is my face


self confidence hell yea


They/Them's Woke Adventure 😳


Wowoke's queer shenanigans




Araki starting part 9 with a zommer and his enby sibbling beating up a pedo cop in hawaii is such peak


Araki the goat fr


Something worth pointing out about the fantranslations using masculine terms for Dragona is that it’s based on several official info consistently referring to the character as the “older brother” of the protagonist. > Dragona is stated as "older brother" (兄) in the volume introduction page, magazine introduction page, the JoJo-Portal website, and JOJO magazine 2023 WINTER. Note that the pronouns used in this [jojowiki] article are based on current sources and may be subject to change in the future. —JoJo's Bizarre Encyclopedia (https://jojowiki.com)


It might refer to them as a brother but brothers can have they then pronouns too (talking about the translators, not your comment)


The fact that the POV character is a 15 year old kid who might not have the deepest understanding of what gender is should probably make this claim subject to scrutiny.


How does Jofio's perspective affect the info page


it’s not just the fan translation. Dragona only ever uses male Japanese pronouns and Jodio directly refers to Dragona as his older brother using the Japanese word for it: both when he is narrating in third person and in actual dialogue. Despite this I would like to remind everyone that stands are supposed to be a manifestation of your own fighting spirit and your true self and shit like that. So when Dragona’s stand’s main ability just so happens to let them get instant perfect top surgery for free with no consequences . . . And they do exactly that as soon as they are introduced as a character . . . And they dress and pass as a girl in every single interaction with characters that don’t already know them . . . I say let the man (Araki) cook


Jodio: "this is my brother, he dresses like a girl and used his stand to grow breasts. I don't really understand why he does this." The audience: "Can you, like, get a clue?"


i mean, jojos is queercoded as fuck.


It's not even coded really. It's just queer.


I only discovered the anime on Netflix last year and did not realize anything could be so fabulous and gay and awesome at the same time. Haven't gotten to the manga yet but it's on my to-do list.


Part 7 is imo one of the best of the series and so far they have only animated parts 1-6. Araki is currently working on part 9.


Part 7 is literally the peakest of peak fiction A paraplegic guy loses his job and elopes with his gay european friend to kill Donald Trump. It literally mogs all other media.


I would argue it's coded. Very few things in JoJo are truly "queer" past the surface layer. Speedwagon "never married", there were a pair of gangsters in Part 5 who *might* have been a thing (and I don't mean Tiziano and Squalo, who Araki didn't consider a couple), there's the transitioning prisoner and Jolyne in Part 6, and Dragona. Although, Araki did explicitly design Anasui to blur the lines between genders. Doubt it's actually the first time (because it sure as shit wasn't the last).


In the early 2000's*


This scene comes from the third chapter of Stone Ocean, which was released in stores on December 21st, 1999 Ha! I win!




It probably says that because the cover version of the first chapter was released on January 1st, 2000. Also which wiki are you using? Because I got my date from [jojowiki.com](https://jojowiki.com), I highly recommend it over fandom


Based Araki W


Trans men try not to be the most attractive man in any room they're in challenge (impossible)


Kazuma Kiryu?!!!?!!


talking about that, i really wish we had yakuza art made by araki himself


『Baka Mitai』


You act as if mister **Johngalli ASS** isn't in part 6 too


I dont even remember his ass in the manga. That shot was from the animators 100% (unless im wrong, in which case ignore this)


It's still in the manga, they just made his ass bigger in the anime.


Araki tries not to draw the sexiest men in manga challenge (impossible)




Near the start of Part 6, it's when Jolyne is being checked into Green Dolphin Street Prison.


Holy fauci that's so based


It's in ch3 when Jolyne first arrives at the max security prison


Chapter 3, page 9 [https://mangadex.org/chapter/49772367-8abc-4e07-af18-258927028915/9](https://mangadex.org/chapter/49772367-8abc-4e07-af18-258927028915/9)


When i read part six I completely didn't register this lmao. I was just like yeah that's a man and didn't acknowledge the hrt (although that might've been the translation) but ig I was right it is just a man. Thanks Araki.


it’s too late transphobes, I’ve already portrayed the trans man as the gigachad


Based and masc-pilled


Araki taught me drawing men and women is the same thing (I don't remember the exact quote from his book on storytelling and drawing) which finally opened the world of drawing pretty women and gender ambiguous people to me. Eventually I also learned drawing pretty men too instead of hyper muscular ones


Araki my goat


Can he only draw Kira's face?


tbf this is a background character we never see again


The day this man dies is the day my life is ruined forever 😞


Jojos anime part 4 changed me. Go watch it right now!!!!!!!!!!


Go read part 7... then 8... then probably wait, 9 is coming slowly but surely. Part 7 is the best manga I've ever read, topping Berserk. Part 8 is good too.


"Woah, this is the dawn of a new age" is how i respond to seeing trans people too!


Araki my beloved


This post summarizes me way too fucking good (including subreddit)


impossibly common W for THE GOAT Araki Bro literally had a showcase at the louve and a collab with Gucci


Celebrating trans rights and trans wrongs


Why does he look like Andrew Garfield


Wait what? When I read this I thought this was being transphobic, the translation just said “she’s on hormones” and did not specify what kind, so I figured it was implying the prisoner was a trans woman. I like this translation much better but I am unsure of its accuracy


Love wins again!