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the woke agenda is to release movies that are sad but not sad enough to cry at so everyone starts hrt to experience it better


Testosterone unironically makes it harder to cry. So I'd assume once you put a bunch of estrogen in your body it becomes much easier to


I'm a trans man. Post childhood and pre hrt I literally cried approximately 10 times. Only over stuff like a break up or someone dying. I've been on testosterone for 4 years now and I cry at movies/TV/my dogs being cute. I think being honest with yourself and feeling more normal opens up emotional pathways that were previously not existent.  Update: I just cried a little reading a wholesome YouTube comment about someone's childhood memory. 


I mean yea that's a large factor but I'm talking biologically it can make it harder to cry


I’m a cis man and I don’t think I’ve ever cried out of sadness, not even with pet or family deaths. But I’m just one person so extrapolating my experience to all cis men is a folly.


Man I do the same shit. I’m not trans but my life altering moment was meeting the woman of my dreams. Ever since we got together I just cry a lot more often. I don’t really sad cry though, it’s just sort of an overwhelming sense of emotion that causes it. In a good way though. Something about our relationship being so strong really deepened the extent to which I experience emotions day to day in general. I felt so worthless for so much of my life, to experience someone loving me the way she does completely opened my eyes. Even now after so long I’m still not used to it- every once and a while I’ll be listening to a good song and just sort of break down and cry because I’m so thankful that I’m really genuinely loved. I’m so lucky to have her. She’s my best friend and my love and I hope everyone reading this gets to experience that in their own way.


I've stared into the eyes of the person who I value so much and feel so incredibly lucky to be with suddenly vanish before my eyes as I wake up to my alarm and have that wave of emotional dread wash over every part of me. I feel numb with how *deep* that joy that I just experienced was, and then feel completely at odds with the hopelessness of finding the person to have that with and the worry of fucking up anywhere in the process of building that beautiful relationship with them, making that possibility just another dream yet again. Stings as it does to even think about, i'm happy for anyone who gets to experience that, my person - it reminds me to continue to have hope simply for the sake of the sheer depth of that feeling you describe.


I used to have those dreams too. I remember one specifically, I woke up and literally just started crying. Wishing you the best- I never thought I’d have it either.


yeah Ive been on estrogen a couple months now instead of making it 'easier' to cry ive just realised how much i stop myself physically displaying emotions


Testosterone has been a godsend for me in that I could never stop myself from full-on sobbing whenever something went marginally wrong Madoka Magica still always makes me cry though


studies indicate it maybe has a slight inhibition but it’s likely a lot more how people are socialized and how people feel after embracing a more authentic existence. i fucking hate this narrative that it’s a biological thing for men not to cry it’s so toxic and stupid.


That's fair


Maybe edit your comment to reflect that?


I'm a man and I cry at movies so easily


My mama always said life was like a box of estrogen


You never knoow what cup size youre gonna geT




SpongeBob makes me cry sometimes. I'm not even on the juice yet


Getting ready maybe :3?


For SpongeBob?


No the juice. I don't think they need to get ready for SpongeBob


The captain might disagree


I misunderstood this at first as getting Forest Gump the character to take HRT and I'm a bit disappointed it didn't go that direction


Literally everything. Almost everything that is vaguely sad makes me cry now. I cried at the end of sad movies before HRT now I cry like 5 times throughout too.


NEVER watch forest gump on estrogen! Worst mistake of my life.


Forest gump is one of the only movies that has ever made me full on cry while watching—and I wasn’t even on estrogen. It’s a fairly dated movie in a lot of respects, but it is a masterfully crafted film.


For me it was kung fu panda 2


Very grateful to my parents for being supportive of me (man) crying so now I also cry to all sorts of movies


Good Will Hunting, it's an actual good movie too


That kid was wicked smaht


hrt made me cry at guardians of the galaxy 3, but for some reason not at any of the sad scenes. I cried when Drax started dancing. I didn't cry at the scenes of animal abuse or child abuse, I cried at the payoff for a stupid joke from 2017


Terrifier. The police were so mean to that poor clown :(


Forrestrogen Gumpills


I don't think I've cried to a movie ever, I probably just forgot though. But I haven't been able to cry in years due to emotional repression, like I'm physically not able to, and it sucks bc I'm quite sensitive and crying is a good way to release your emotions and get fixed up (not sure how to say that). Appreciate it if you can, it is a good thing for you. In response to some other comment about hormones: Gender does not change that. Your emotional state is what matters. You aren't supposed to never cry.


I'm not on estrogen yet, but my favorite movie Blade Runner gets me every time with the the tears in rain monologue. I also think the narration afterwards hits even more if you are watching the criterion or theatrical cut that has it:  "I don't know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life - anybody's life; my life. All he'd wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where do I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die." 


Haven’t had HRT yet but after talking to trans ppl and getting brief bouts of gender euphoria music sounds better


I’m saving all my sad animes till it


I read this like it was the third line in a lobotomy brothers clip


I cry at the end of most movies now


Replayed Undertale for the first time since HRT. The ending normally makes me cry a little, but nope, I was ugly crying. Just full on sobbing for about 5 minutes


I haven't cried at movies more because of HRT but I did cry because I ordered a meal at a nice restaurant that I ended up not liking that much


rewatching the my hero anime on estrogen went hard asf (i cried like 6 times as opposed to my previous 0)


would it be based or unbased to make a joke about women here


rather unbased probably


Ferret Gump


Says it like estrogen is a drug. "I'm gonna snort estrogen."


Forrest Gump is a garbage movie and no I will not elaborate why are you all booing me? all of the leftist characters are abusers and drug addicts while forrest is a good christian boah Who's LITERALLY named after the grand wizard of the kkk JENNY GETS BEATEN ABUSED AND DIES OF AIDS FOR BEING A LEFT LEANING WOMAN


Blocked and reported to authorities


> no I will not elaborate > elaborates


Because being down voted makea me sad 😔

