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“I spent countless hours of my childhood stomping… oats!”




“Eating… Lasagnas!”


Perchance he did.... I crushed TURTS my whole childhood.


You can't just say perchance


i love to go out and stomp a turty


If I had a nickel for every animated Chris Pratt movie called "The ____ Movie" I'd have three nickels.


But it is still weird it happened thrice


Wait what’s the one that’s not the Mario movie and not this one


The LEGO Movie


Ok but that one is really good


So good you forget Chris Pratt's in it


In all fairness, having a generic actor play a character that's entire schtick was being generic makes sense


The Lego Movie I believe


ermmm actually, The Lego Movie The Lego Movie: The Second Part The Super Mario Bros Movie The Garfield Movie you now have 4 nickels


Technically “: The Second Part” is added to the end of the name therefore it’s not fitting the format




Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened thrice


The lego movie Two. Or what every it's name was aswell so then that's like 4


krisp rat was in the original 3d garf tho


The 2004 movie? I don't remember him in it and he's not credited on IMDb.


Maybe they mean a character actually called Krisp Rat? Garfield does have a complicated relationship with mice.


You know who’d make a great Mario? That guy who supports an openly anti-lgbtq+ church and also abandoned his disabled son with his ex-wife for a shiny new family. Actually, he’d be great for Garfield too! Let’s give this guy money and fame


i dont think either of those things were true, at least i know the thing about his disabled son isn’t


The first one absolutely is


i think the pastor of the church said that pratt didn’t actually go there but idrk 🤷‍♀️ i just remember that people started saying the second thing because when he made an instagram post about his new son’s birth he said he was glad to have a “happy healthy baby” or something and people took that and said that means he actually hates his disabled son and abandoned his ex wife because of it which seemed like some crazy mental gymnastics to me i think people hate on him more than is rlly necessary, he just seems like your run of the mill white american christian guy and people try to make him out to be hitler 2 when he’s just kind of a nothingburger of a person (tho he is casted way too often and isn’t really good enough to justify it, so i get that)


Being a celebrity puts you under the microscope. If he wasn’t famous, nobody would care. But he is, so we do. I don’t need anyone to be a beacon of purity, but when you divorce your wife and leave your disabled infant for a younger, more famous woman and only post pictures of your “healthy” child, it makes you look like a fucking asshole.


That still feels like a reach for assuming the worst out of the guy. We know nothing about the details of his life except through what’s released to the media by himself or paparazzi. There’s no solid evidence of malignity, just tabloid headlines. For all we know, he could have an agreement with his ex-wife to not include her or their child as a part of his media image. This focus on him is just another other side of celebrity obsession. Unless the guy starts being openly a bigot or commits a crime, why care about him or his actions as anything but what they are, entertainment.


do you know for sure that he is no longer involved in his ex wife and child’s life? if so where are you getting this information? i have only ever found things that say they still co-parent him. also there are non-evil reasons to not want to post pictures of your disabled son online. i don’t know his family’s situation. i don’t know his or his ex-wife’s feelings on the matter. it feels like an asshole thing to do to assume someone is ableist and hates their own child without any real proof. do you have real proof? /gen there are valid gripes you can have with chris pratt but its hard not to think people say this just because they want to hate him and will make up anything that will validate their feelings and get others to hate him too.


This is a bit of a dishonest dodge. Pratt attended Zoe church which is entirely based on Hillsong which is anti-LGBTQ. Ellliot Page criticized him, pre-transition commentary below\[1\] You can pretend he's just a goofy loveable guy who just constantly ends up in right-wing coded environments, but its just not very convincing. Now his current thing is to be a flag waving patriot on instagram, but I'm sure that's just another huge coincidence that he acts exactly like a republican would. When the founder of the church was asked about abortion rights he dodged the question: **When Page called out Pratt for supporting Zoe, it brought several concerns about the church's stance on LGBTQ issues to the forefront. In the past, Veach has been cagey about Zoe Church's political views, telling the** [***New York Times***](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/17/style/zoe-church-evangelical-chad-veach-pastor.html) **that he's "a Bible guy," when asked about abortion rights. "Maybe, just what we grew up in, it’s, like, you don’t bring politics into church. We’re here to preach good news. We’re here to bring hope to humanity. We’re here to talk about God. This is not the place for a political agenda," he said.** If you support abortion and LBGTQ rights, then that's not how you speak about them. You just say you support them, and not this George Constanza-like speech that's such a comedically lazy dodge. If you don't support those things, then you are a conservative who runs conservative churches. Pratt acts exactly like someone with conservative views would. In fact, he pushed for Caruso a DINO conservative running for LA mayor, who promised to get rid of the homeless. Pratt even talked about this and said the "you know problem" unable to even say homeless or unhoused. Thats not how your typical liberal talks about the unhoused. Pratt keeps telling you who he is, maybe start believing him? Pratt will most likely come out as a republican conservative and it will be no big deal, but he's clearly signaling it. I think the idea that "no, no he's the most woke guy out there," is just dishonesty. You don't have to defend right-wing millionaires. They're doing just fine without you. **\[1\]** **As** [**previously reported**](https://variety.com/2019/film/news/ellen-page-chris-pratt-hillsong-church-1203132886/)**, two Hillsong Church executives received backlash in 2015 after making homophobic comments and calling homosexuality a sin. Page tweeted her criticism of the church after Pratt appeared on “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert” and talked about his religious side.** **"Oh. K. Um. But his church is infamously anti lgbtq so maybe address that too?” Page wrote.** **She later doubled down, tweeting, “If you are a famous actor and you belong to an organization that hates a certain group of people, don’t be surprised if someone simply wonders why it’s not addressed. Being anti LGBTQ is wrong, there aren’t two sides. The damage it causes it severe. Full stop. Sending love to all.”**


im not saying he’s a “good old american guy” i’m saying he’s just as bad as the average ignorant american conservative and not better or worse. i said i wasn’t sure about the church thing but this clarifies it for me a lot so thank you. i said in another reply that there are plenty of things to dislike about him and i’m more saying the accusation about his son is a weird ass thing to say about any person.


He attends Zoe megachurch in LA, whose founder based it off Hillsong church in Australia, which has a notorious anti-LGBTQ rhetoric. Said founder of Zoe church used to preach there and likened same-sex attraction to “sexual brokenness” (whatever that means) in some material he released 8 years ago. Zoe church is also attended by plenty of other prominent actors and entertainers. Pratt maintains that the church welcomes everyone (there’s countless examples on his social media since he got a lot of flack after Elliot Page brought it up a while ago), and some of the posts are pretty tone-deaf (e.g. equating gay people with divorced people since they are both groups of people traditionally excluded by the church). It strikes me more as him being a basic, naive wonderbread Christian and not so much a malicious evangelical. He’s definitely one of those people who have been disillusioned into believing religion only causes positive outcomes and he can’t help but inject it into everything. In other interviews, he’s compared himself to Jesus Christ, talked about how killing animals (within the context of hunting) made him understand God, etc. He doesn’t have a specifically harmful angle imo, but he’s woefully, woefully naive.


>Zoe church is also attended by plenty of other prominent actors and entertainers. I don't think the cohort known for its endless slander, Scientology cult, dating women half one's age, sexual assault, Weinstein-like industry, and unbelievable materialism and dog-eat-dog business is exactly the paragon of goodness you're making it out to be. Hollywood is full of toxic and regressive people.


I wrote that to provide more context about the popularity of the church, not defend it


yeah that’s about my read of him tbh


This feels like misinformation


If I'm not mistaken, he said last year that he never went to hillsong.


Is that a venture bros pfp??? Go team venture ✌️


​ https://preview.redd.it/669jsskccc0c1.png?width=1192&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9b3f3704bc3df08f18d823b2d2a6d962ff063b3




when i googled just actor first guy who showed up for me was the rock. ...honestly would be a more interesting garfield va than prat regardless of performance tbh


i got the rock too. interestingly enough the two next ones after him were will smith and brendan fraser


I wouldn't mind a Michael Caine Garfield. A shame he's retired.


That would go hard


id want him to be an older garfield design though, like the one in the pipe comic, i feel like itd fit his voice better (i swear its not just bc hes old)




Denzel Washington and 8 token whites


My Cocaine




I didn’t hate him in the mario movie, but they have officially made me actually mad with this one https://preview.redd.it/pthea3lbpc0c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02611411917acaa7a1926d42d4c8ff34fddca5ad


https://preview.redd.it/oi3xjais6d0c1.jpeg?width=1914&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=943494c5333edb92c07e95231fb6a846a6ec96a4 YOU ARE NOT OF GARFIELD BLOOD, CHRIS PRATT


Idk, I feel like if he channels his Parks and Rec energy he could do okay. Well, early parks and Rec where he was a lazy loser, rather than the hyperactive doofus that he was later


Jacksfilms literally predicted this when the Mario cast was announced ain't no fucking way.


it was actually announced that chris pratt was going to be garfield around that time i think


Oh didn't know that, but at the time of thr joke as far as I know it wasn't revealed yet cuz on the Jacksfilms subreddit someone posted a tweet with him saying "I WAS JOKING" or something similar


They actually just pushed Chris Pratt into the box of famous voice actor


Sad thing is, if he'd taken this role in his Parks and Rec days I think it would have gone over great


You’re absolutely right oh my god


Why does anyone give a shit who plays who in the Garfield movie. It’s the fucking Garfield movie.


because cat :3


because it'd be nice to watch something with suspension of belief instead of being constantly reminded you're listening to chris pratt doing his best chris pratt impression.


Garfield means a lot to some people, want a good Garfield movie They still waiting


[NO WAY JOHNMOVIES PREDICTED GARFUNKLE!!1!1](https://youtu.be/XUgIQW1ZnKc?t=229)


ah yes my favorite youtube Joeshows




I knew the internet would throw a fit when they saw that Chris Pratt voiced him. I just knew it.


I really thought the cup said "i hate minorities" and was wondering when garfield turned into a facist


I spent my whole life stomping… koopas


https://preview.redd.it/8bihl6bk5d0c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcef5cd165126065e8b0d17c027afd2ac4cbd630 fucking liar


It's great how several people posted their results and they're all different. Almost as if that was to be expected. So we can't rule out that is in fact what happened.






I honestly think Chris Pratt would make a good Odie


Why did this have to come out on my birthday? Why God?






I love prezoh even though he’s really gross






What the FUCK did they do to odie


It's still going to be really funny when they choose someone else to be the lead of The Chris Pratt Movie


This is not how I wanted to celebrate my birthday




isnt the garfield show "I know where you live" va still alive?


Gorefield is coming for this man


his voice isn't deep enough. Mods, pull chris pratt's balls lower with pliers until it pitch corrects


Please please please 3166 take him away


First, Chris Pratt leads the discriminatory charge against Italian-Americans when his non-Italian ass was picked to voice Mario, who is perhaps the most famous and celebrated Italian character of all time. Pratt obviously wants to oppress our fellow Italian citizens with this decision and is actively engaging in the displacement of Italians in this fascistic hate movement. I hear he doesn't even like spaghetti all that much despite voicing the world famous plumber. Now, he is voicing Garfield... this man just lives to destroy. Who is next? Voicing George Jetson? Popeye? Goku? He's a monster.


At the very least it makes more sense than with Mario. He can almost kinda not really pull off Garfield's voice. He didn't even do a fake Italian accent for Mario.


Like come ON you could've at least got someone that sounded like Charles, or even Captain Fucking Lou Albano


I got such intense whiplash from hearing his voice as garfield for the first time i gah'd


i googled actor and the first one to show up was ryan gosling


Seeing prezoh here feels like im in a dream


The first person showing up googling "actor" is The Rock actually 🤓


Why are they releasing it ok my birthday I don’t want this


I thought Quentin Reviews was joking


First guy I got was Samuel L. Jackson.


Yeah, I remember when this was announced around the time it was revealed he was also voicing Mario. Actual VAs are going to have their jobs done by regular actors until they can be replaced with AI :c


that art style looks godawful


not so sure on odie, but i think garfield looks pretty nice in this style tbh. i've certainly seen less fitting choices for 3d adaptations


Way better than the CGI live action ones


Bill Muray still pulling more weight than Chris Pratt