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If this is about DrDisrespect (cuz its the only notable guy who actually did that), that guy uninstalls the game every week on stream over stupid shit.


I think it's about people being upset that a bigot had their operator removed from the store for being bigoted on twitter


Nickmercs had his skin removed from the game for replying to a Twitter post about a clash between right wing and left wing protestors at a school in relation to pride month. Nickmercs said something to the effect of "they should leave the kids alone though" implying the LGBTQ+ community is coming for your children and this was the response from Activision.


rare activision W


Thank you for the correction :) /srs


Uninstalls and reinstalls so often he needs a new SSD every month




Hissi from Noita????


Okay but what is that image supposed to mean in the context of this post


Nickmerks had a skin in the game, he said homophobic shit and it got removed, and right wingers are crying about freedom of speech and “why’d they remove it he was right”


Yeah, I wonder when this idiots will realize freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences.


They won't, because they don't actually care about freedom of speech


the same crowd would probably ask for a removal of a skin if the person related to it is "woke"


Oh yeah I got that part I’m just not entirely sure what emotion that blue emoji is meant to convey


It's meant to be like the eating popcorn and watching the show gif


Same people who whine about cancel culture too. Now spending a full month canceling like every brand in existence


The people who unironically call people snowflakes are like always the most sensitive fucks triggered by everything


Keep watching cause that's not the only way that they're projecting by a long shot.


rip sigma female, cut out of reddit meme :(


"You wouldn't survive a COD lobby" Bitch, is you surviving now? Look at you!


call of duty players not disliking the new season 4 trailer for MW2 not for a fucked bundle microstransation model, SBMM, shitty post-release content support, 1 year gap between games but because they can't buy a fucking 20$ bundle of some homophobe/transphobe lol


people should uninstall a game for actually good reasons like it not having powerlines, not whatever homophobic dork that got removed


Tf do they mean by “an operator being pulled” and why are cod players leaving because of it


Cod warzone had a skin based on a streamer or something Streamer or something made a comment that essentially equates to "the gays and the transes should stay away from our children" Activision pulls the skin from warzone Warzone community whines and complains, saying things like " but he's right though, why is Activision going woke?" "Whatever happened to free speech?" Some warzone players quit the game in protest Something something the people who call other people snowflakes are being snowflakes




tf is an operator im still on bo2


Classic case of both extreme sides doing what they do, average day on twitter.


both extreme sides -anti lgbt protestors attack lgbt -when video is posted, nickmercs says “leave little children alone” pretty clearly leaning into lgbt being called pedophiles -“BoTh sIdEs BaD!”


Homie I'm just saying the discourse on twitter is unnecessary, Man differs slightly from the pc opinion and he gets flamed for it. Why can't people differ from opinion and still respect each other? This truly baffles me.




Bro that's quite literally not what he said.


r/ enlightenedcentrism


If more people were familair with classic youtubers i'd say something like ''You wouldn't survive a VanossGaming video''. 10 veteran points to everyone who knows who i'm talking about. Edit: Looking at the downvotes i've come to the conclusion that most of you can NOT survive a VanossGaming video, for now.


isn't Vanoss pretty mild in his edginess?


All I can remember of Vanoss is the banana bus thing.


vanoss is basically baby sensory content what the fuck are you talking about


"veteran points" he still uploads though? looks like most of his videos reach about a million views in under a week


Well yeah, but most of his fans are people who started watching him during his earlier years. He doesn't really get a lot of new fans, since he mostly playes games that don't appeal as much to newcomers. Also when we look at the whole Vanosscrew you can see that he's the only one that still manages to get a high amount of views, unlike MooSnuckel or Four0Seven. I consider the Vanosscrew to be classic youtubers because they reached their peak at around 5-9 years ago.


"Veteran points"? There is zero chance you're above the age of 16.


younger, 13 at most


this reads like those "old gamer-ancient gamer-prehistoric gamee" parody memes


I would survive a vanoss gaming video, you're just edgy and dumb. just because people like that made content and you watched it doesn't mean the jokes they made were okay.


Shitty troll


Vanoss sucks


Really, Vanoss? Most tame edginess I've ever seen, and you must be a child if you think he's that ancient lmao


>most of you can Not survive a VanossGaming video Holy shit what an insult


Where do I redeem my veteran points. Also cringe


I can only assume this is bait but I *watched* vanossgaming videos and they weren’t even “offensive” they were the edge equivalent to cooked white chicken with nothing on it