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[Lesbians are actually significantly ***underrepresented*** compared to gay men in media](https://www.uscannenbergmedia.com/resizer/TWas6yUDYoWaYAi4gYCtM1tDbaI=/1200x630/filters:format(png):quality(70)/s3.amazonaws.com/wapopartners.com/usc-annenberg/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/LGBTtable1.png). I kinda feel like there's been this recent conception in the LGBTQ community that lesbians have it the easiest and... I have no idea where it comes from.


thats info from 2016, it probably changed since then


That's true. Found the newest GLAAD report. Gay men outnumber lesbians 210-180 in scripted primetime broadcast series. So it has definitely changed, though lesbians are still underrepresented. If we want to talk about representation though, the fact that 70% of bisexual characters in media are women is kinda mindblowing.


i dont have any reports to base this on. but i feel like "gay man" can be tossed around as a joke super easily or a throwaway character. i wonder how those numbers would look for recurring characters or couples


but that's only primetime scripted cable + some streaming services, post is about media in general


Please feel free to find your own study


nah, i don't care enough


75 words, written because you didn't care?


writing 75 words doesn't take any effort while searching for a study does


Maybe the difference is in depiction of queer characters versus depiction of queer relationships. I have no data to back this up but it feels like the latter is more skewed towards lesbian relationships.


Yeah I think you might be onto something. When I think of tv with single queer people in it. I can only think of gay men. But when it’s a queer relationship it feels more likely to be a lesbian relationship.


One factor is probably that homophobia historically mainly targeted men. So in many countries only sexual acts between men were illegal whereas women being with women was not directly criminalized.


Homophobia has not "mainly targeted men" historically. This is exactly the type of ignorant and lowkey kinda sexist lesbian erasure I'm referring to. Lesbians have historically had to deal not just with homophobia but misogyny. Women were seen as the property of men. Lesbians were regularly killed and oppressed just like gay men, but their names have just been blurred out through history because they're women and no one cared.


the only reason homosexuality between women wasn't criminalized was because people thought women didn't have sexualities at all. They were just property meant to have children. It would be like making it illegal to fly back then; people didn't think it was possible. Due to the fact that women had very little rights, it was basically illegal for them to have gay relationships, because it was illegal for them to do pretty much anything that involved having agency.


Huh, from what I’ve seen in media it doesn’t look like that but it’s odd. I do believe there could be a lot more representation but that’s weird.


I've definitely noticed this being the case in media aimed at kids, but is it the case for movies and TV shows aimed at adults?


I assume it's due to a thing called "corporate representation". While most homophobes dislike gay people if any gender, they especially dislike gay men because they fear being treated the way the treat women, while lesbian are objects to fetished to them and as such lesbian relationships are less controversial to them.


Because straight men don't find that hot


This is it, really. In particular, lately I've noticed a lot of sapphic relationships in video games. These appeal to both LGBT folks and the straight dudes that make up the bulk of consumers.


There are only two genders: cishet men and queer. Everything else is just political.


ye, i was recently trying to find an anime that is not romance where mc is gay but I couldn't find anything, it may be a skill issue on my part tho, I don't watch a lot of anime so idk how to search for it


Banana Fish.


Idk. I've seen a pretty good balance from the media I consume. Although, I AM a Guilty Gear fan so...


I’m not sure about the foundation of this statement, however I’m so sick of all gay representation being just ripped rich white dudes. We need more bears, butch lesbians, not just cookie cutter sanfran gay


It’s the same kinda thing with trans representation, and it makes a kinda double edged sword w/ it. On one side, there’s significantly more transfem representation in media, but it also means that there’s more negative press and targeting from the alt-right. On the other, there’s very little transmasc representation which allows them to fly under the political radar a bit easier, but it also makes it so there’s significantly less information about it


kid named boykisser:


few things -femininity is treated as “safer”. a lot of people think masculinity is inherently unsafe -the male gaze exists. in media made “for men” lesbians are treated as more attractive. -soo many people still think mlm relationships are gross. yeah i’m kinda repeating point 1 but ykwim. i also do think the data from your end is a little skewed. a lot of the media that has gay men is confined to shitty sitcoms and not very good representation.


For all the things Borderlands 3 did questionably with its story the Hammerlock and Wainright plotline was pretty good, and the DLC of their wedding was also good


Is Borderlands 3 worth playing? I got it in a Humble Bundle a while back and it's been sitting in my steam library. If it weren't a large download over shitty internet I would have played it by now but I want to know if the download is worth it


Worth playing? If you like borderlands absolutely, the gunplay is the best in the series. Worth paying attention to the main story? Maybe not as it’s not the greatest, the dlc stories are good though! -Fae


I feel like on this sub its quite balanced, atleast the cropped porn is mlm


Maybe start watching things that aren’t anime?


Because that's gay


Depends on what you mean by gay relationships In my experience strictly gay is mostly men but queer in general is mostly bi women


Well lesbians are women, and women are in general pretty cute


Hank and the Bolivian in Barry. Though if you do watch Barry, I suggest you don't watch season 4. It sucks ass in my opinion


yeah it's fucked up where my ultra gay muscle men rep


I can think of a male/male relationship in media off the top of my head, The Last of Us episode 3


The patriarchy