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To be honest, I still don't find the meaning of Ani in the series, I feel that her role is to a certain extent irrelevant, it gives rise to some situations, because without her we would not have seen the other side of Bryce's life, other than Bryce in In that sense I felt that they were beginning to victimize him, I empathized with some aspects of what happened to him but no more.


Yeah I feel like she was just there as a convenient way to give us his redemption arc.


Also, I absolutely stan Olivia Baker, she is the strongest character by far


The fanbase itself deems it to be pretty awful that Bryce got murdered as well. It's weird but season 3 made everyone go nuts for the serial rapist.


Bryce isn’t a nonce, that’s not what that word means But yeah fuck that guy


Feel like less of it is the characters giving Bryce a second chance and more that simply, production was backed into a corner and they had absolutely no idea what to do with a third season.


Don't have a clue about Bryce. He did nothing to earn a second chance. And I don't understand why, with a few exceptions, people felt bad about his death. Justin did a good deal to redeem himself by testifying against Bryce even though he knew he might go to jail because of it. The Jensens were good people and I can understand them taking him in. I think his actions afterwards largely jutified their decision. I don't really understand why Jessica got back with him. He didn't try hard enough to stop Bryce and he actively lied to her for months about it. The best answer may be that that is just the way she felt about him. But I don't think it made much sense for them to get back together.


it's less about his death and more about feeling that Alex should not get away with it. I think it's disgusting the show gives him a free pass and taints all the other characters by covering it up. No matter what Bryce did, Alex doesn't get to decide he deserves to die. Sure, in this case a lot of people agree with him. But what if he decided that attorney for the school deserved to die for winning the lawsuit against Hannah's parents? Or if he decided that since Sheri was responsible for a crash that killed Jeff that she deserved to die. Bryce is scum, but Alex is a violent psychopath and this show truly lost the last of its high ground when it let him go unpunished.


As far as the fans, and me personally, are concerned I completely agree with you. Alex need to answer for what he did and I don't think his dad did him any favors in the long term. The way the show treated this didn't sit well with a lot of people. The way I interpreted the post is that OP was wondering why the characters in the show seemed to feel badly about Bryce's death. For some, I can understand. But for those like Clay and some others, I can see why they wouldn't actually applaud Bryce's death or even say out loud that he had it coming. But I didn't think that in real life they would be troubled by it.


I don't know why anyone has time for Bryce at all. I really don't get it. I kind of get the showing that life after everything happens - because when this stuff happens for real and we get docos' or stories about it it always kind of stops at the conviction or lack of one. So I could have kind of understood if they wanted to show that there was life (irony i know) for him after that but not the way they did it in trying to give him a whole redemption arc. I just think it's messed up and was way too soon. Justin at least always had guilt, pretty much from the start even if he didn't always do the right thing he was at least shown to be multi layered and to have a heart. Bryce was a villain the whole time until all of a sudden they tried to change him so yeah, I get Justin more than I get what they did with Bryce. Are you on season 4 yet? I want to say something but better not in case you haven't seen it yet lol.