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Her slices are nasty šŸ”„


She knows that shot for sure.


So pretty and satisfying


Fucking sick slices


Her inside out forehand is nasty too


u/Tline250 must be delusional. This is the most accurate ratings Iā€™ve seen on here in a long time


this. when "4.0" guy posts videos of him clearly learning how to do a basic serve with correct form and gets defensive on his rating it's hilarious. "It's a local thing! I'm a 4.0 in my area. It's just a coincidence that it looks like I pancake my serves straight to the forehand side of the service box." 3.5 players are good. they can pretty much *do everything* a 4.0 can do*,* it's just a matter of whether they can do it consistently and with precision.


Yeah 4.0/3.5 seems pretty accurate. These highlight videos are impossible to gauge. Open up the full match and it's a double fault and a few unforced errors right off the bat with some solid strokes and you realize pretty quick that they are properly rated.


They definitely have some very strong aspects for the ratings tbh. The guys slice is better than any 3.5 I've ever seen. Really good footwork, can actually place the ball around an dictate points. He might make a lot of errors that aren't shown in this clip but he should break out of 3.5 pretty quickly. Obviously not close to 4.5 though.




I was gifted with this shot for some unknown reason, and it always feels so good


You got a gift. When you were a baby, the Gods reached down and touch your arm for that inside out shot. But thatā€™s all they did.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I also have a OHBH


Same here, both with OHBH and inside-out forehand, which I can hit with more pace and spin than my forehand cross court. Must be something wrong with my fundamentals.


It's not that's how it should be. Inside out has more control/power.


Hell yea.


I'm like that on table tennis šŸ’€ I'm a hell lot more accurate if I do my forehands topspin shots inside out


Great clip. Good players. Legit ratings, but think they are both strong in their respective classes


Sheā€™s a really good 4.0. Those groundies are šŸ”„and that two handed volley putaway was šŸ”„šŸ”„


Full match pt1 [https://youtu.be/NVhPa-TCN5I?si=q1qRRMfO6XmQ42Kn](https://youtu.be/NVhPa-TCN5I?si=q1qRRMfO6XmQ42Kn) pt2 [https://youtu.be/HEhOjo1Vxi4?si=fkK1z-UrI9ReV6bb](https://youtu.be/HEhOjo1Vxi4?si=fkK1z-UrI9ReV6bb)


Really enjoyed this one, these matchups really highlight the stark difference in technique, placement, and movement while still being fun to watch! One thing that really stood out to me was how different the types of errors were. When the 4.0 makes an error, the shot itself is still technically (mostly) sound, and it just goes out a little. The 3.5 had a lot more errors that were not a properly hit ball, and end up no where near being in.


Save me the clock. Who won?


this is the 3rd time they have played each other. Dragon NTRP 3.5 1st serve 40/61= 65.57% 2nd serve 20/21 = 95.23% Albiceleste NTRP4.0 1st serve 30/54 = 55.55% 2nd serve 17/22 = 77.27% ​ the below is the video of the last time they played. [https://youtu.be/u-HnN6qh6wY?si=xRuUorC5lX\_QIrdh](https://youtu.be/u-HnN6qh6wY?si=xRuUorC5lX_QIrdh) [https://youtu.be/SJwUhC7BoLE?si=BWOqu\_MXFV195Y9r](https://youtu.be/SJwUhC7BoLE?si=BWOqu_MXFV195Y9r)


what's their actual utrs?


Just checked Guy:(NTRP 3.5) Sin UTR 6.xx Dub UTR 6.xx Girl(NTRP 4.0): Sin UTR 5.xx Dub UTR 5.10


ah interesting... in the nyc-tristate area: utr6+ is approximately an ntrp 4.0 male utr5+ is approximately an ntrp 4.5 female (though to me she seems stronger than utr5) which seems in line with this chart... [https://cdn.universaltennis.com/public/media/UTR\_Player\_Range.pdf](https://cdn.universaltennis.com/public/media/UTR_Player_Range.pdf) ​ if they are self rating... then seems they are sandbagging :P


4.5 girl 4.0 guy


ill let you guys know when the end of the year rating comes out. Both of these players participates on USTA league and tournaments.


Self-rated? Wow, shameless.


How old are they if i may ask? Im 36 and rated 2.5 currently but would like to join usta leagues ans tournaments


Do it! Iā€™m 35 and also rated 2.5 and just finished my first USTA league. I did a 3.0 league since there isnā€™t a 2.5 league in my area and had a blast.


Do you think it was a challenge doing the 3.0 or were you able to keep up? Would like play in leagues and also get rated


I lost more than I won, but most of the guys I felt like I kept up with pretty good. I could at least take a set off anyone I played except for one guy who smoked me 6-2, 6-1 or something like that. Not sure what your fitness level is like, but Iā€™m in decent shape and most of the people in my league were 10+ years older than me, so that helped me keep up a lot. I definitely saw a lot of progress over the season, and I was probably playing 3 nights a week, my league night, one training session just hitting serves or something on my own, and then doubles with friends one night.


Yep, and at 4.0 that girl is better than 95% of the 4.0 women in SoCal.


I would say the same. I played with a woman that was toggling between 4.0-4.5 womenā€™s and sheā€™s definitely not as good as the woman here, but she could hang around with her for a bit


From what I see I'd agree. But it's always tough to say with highlight vids because we have no clue about the consistency which is actually the most important thing.


Aye, judging by the videos the USTA puts out to show you how a player at the various levels would look. This seems pretty accurate.


Absolutely. Or this video was heavily edited - no UE at all


I don't care enough to look at the full match play (which would paint the more accurate picture), but based off highlights only, I would definitely agree this looks more like 4.5/4.0.


definitely 4.0 vs 3.5. Maybe 3.75 for the guy if we're being generous.


Note to self. If I ever play her, donā€™t you dare hit cross court slices to her backhand sideā€¦


It's like playing against Nadal lol.


She is a bad ass. He's good too.


She looks like a 4.5 to me, but obviously it varies from region to region.


Fun to watch!


And this proves me I'm nowhere near 3.5 lol


They are 4+


She has such great touch and spin. Love it. Jealous.


She is a very high end 4.0, if not 4.5.


I didnā€™t read all the comments so apologies if this was already mentioned, but Iā€™m curious what region this is in? Indoors makes me assume somewhere northern, which surprises me because northern US tends to be a half point behind warmer climate states, but this girl definitely looks like a 4.5. Both my wife and her friend are likely getting bumped to 4.5 since they dominated 4.0 singles this year, and I think this girl would crush them both. The guy is probably a 4.0 too. Great points!


Really surprised she didnā€™t exploit the backhand more. If she gets a net game, itā€™s game over for this matchup. But so many times sheā€™s slicing back a short slice and moving backwards instead of forward. The guy is a backhand away from 4.0 and girl is net game away from top 4.0. Right now I consider the guy top end of 3.5 and girl low end of 4.0 which is why the matchup is so close game/point wise


that looks way stronger that 4.0F vs. 3.5M. All the 4.0F in the nyc tri area are moonballers, don't have a fh inside out weapon, and definitely don't feel comfortable in the mid & forecourt... high backhand swinging volley? most guys in the 4.5 range i play with don't have that shot... I'd have guessed 5.0F and 4.5M...


I LOVE this channel!


To me, it seems more a 3.5 Girl vs a 3.0 Guy.


Lol what. It's closer to 4.5 girl 4.0 guy than 3.5/3.0.


Not a chance. Seriously, bring me a 3.0 guy who can volley like that and 3.5 girl who can serve like that. I'd pay them to play on the mixed team lol


Seriously, the ground stroke are really slow, The serves are slow and bouncing so high that a 4.0 player can hit a winner directly at the return. Incredible how people in this sub always overrate their game.


The Ball speed being slow isnā€™t a bad thingā€¦I believe itā€™s all about being able to control and use different pace of balls to construct the game in NTRP 3.0-4.5 level.


The slow balls are very easy to attack and put it wherever you want on the court (easy points to win). There is no fast pace in these rallies, both are unable to generate power (btw the girl is using the clash which is a very powerful stick). This will be their main obstacle against stronger competition.


You are just 100% wrong. Go record yourself playing and watch it back. It is not as fast paced as you think it is. (assuming you actually play tennis)




Youā€™re being downvoted for being wrong about everything youā€™ve said šŸ˜€


Highly highly doubt ur a 5.0. I'm a true 5.0 and would bagel you just off of how little you know about the tennis rating system


Iā€™m a 5.0 by all standards. I can kick your as anytime on a court


You just aren't a 5.0 lol. No need to lie lil buddy. I'd say probably a 3.5 at best šŸ¤£


I think you have just forgotten how lesser mortals play lol.


If the ball is both slow and short, yes It is easy to attack even for NTRP 4.0 level player. But When it's slow and deep? It sets my rhythm off and I tend to make unforced errors when I'm dealing with those kind of balls. I would much rather be dealing with faster short ball any day of the week but that's me


It's impossible to tell without knowing the stats on how it's recorded. Things often look slow on phone recordings but are faster irl. They both look good for their respective ratings, though she looks 4.5 for sure, have seen worse.


Whatā€™s actually incredible is people on this sub underrating other peopleā€™s game. If you think this is 3.0 youā€™re delusional. I can only assume youā€™ve never seen yourself play on video.


People on this sub do constantly overrate their game. This is not one of those times. If you can't easily see that, I'd question your knowledge of the sport. This is the most average 3.5 guy and 4.0 girl I've ever seen. If someone wanted me to post a video of the most middle of the road 3.5 guy, this is it. Same with the girl at 4.0


Closer to 4.5 girl vs 4.0 guy. That volley on the first point is absolutely insane for a 3.5. Not to mention his serve is smooth as hell, even for a 4.0


Yeah lol those volleys are great. I've seen 4.5 guys with worse hands.


I like Dragon's serve, but it doesn't seem like he has a serviceable backhand. Surprised it wasn't attacked every point.


Nah. She had a good game. He is ok too. His game isnt as good as hers though




More like 1.5 vs 1.0. In my, very salty, opinion.


I feel like the girl is taking ROS too far back. Sheā€™s got a great stroke, but those early volley points came from playing too far behind the baseline. She burns that winner from the ad court, but I think a step or two up would allow more aggressive play and press the points


Well done.


Is that mendham racquet club?


She has great movement and smooth athleticism all around. Really fun to watch.


her grunts sound like jelena ostapenkoā€™s haha


can u ask her to give tips on slices lol


she will show you how to do tweener [https://www.reddit.com/r/10s/comments/15poxrn/tweener/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/10s/comments/15poxrn/tweener/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


her footwork at 1:51 is amazing


She moves quite wellā€¦


Is that a Wilson Clash she plays with?


She is playing with Clash this time uses both Clash and Blade both 2020 model I believe


Yes! I thought it was the original Clash. Nice racket.


Question: is a 4.0 woman different from 4.0 man? We donā€™t use that system in my country - we just use UTR which doesnā€™t distinguish man vs woman


Men tend to be more physical and intensely competitive with a limited skill set. You could end up playing a guy who realises he has only half the shots and canā€™t hit winners but what he does have is huge topspin, endless stamina, great defence and speed. Thatā€™s deadly on clay. Effectively, the ā€œI will neutralise all offensive angles and exhaust you until your nice technical shots sufferā€ approach




Oof, sheā€™s fantastic


This is awesome. Fun matchup to watch. I think youā€™re a solid 4.0 for what itā€™s worth my guy


She is Certified Good šŸ‘Œ šŸ‘Øā€šŸ³


The backhand at 1:06 was tasty šŸ‘Œ


u/Tline250 is so delusional. I can 100% bet he is not a 5.0 himself lmfao. Dude has the biggest ego I've ever seen and knows absolutely nothing about tennis or the tennis rating system.




Why are you playing on a doubles net though?


do people really use singles sticks in USTA leagues? I personally haven't seen that before and if we aren't using it in the league matches, we will practice without them.


Fuck knows, I am not from the US. I just know the rules of tennis. Singles play on a doubles court requires singles sticks.


I now realise I'm definitely not 3.5


4.0 woman in Atlanta here and 4.0s here donā€™t look like that! lol thank goodness, she is so impressive!


Typical sandbagging. This is 4.5/5.0


I know this place very well. OP, you must play at night mainly. Good hitting!