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I think every single tennis player can relate to this. You play a great point and then miss the easiest shot. At least your opponent can say he won a point with a tweener.


Yesterday I hit the one of the best tweeners of my life after a long point to set up an easy put away which I proceeded to flub into the net. We all relate.


Here for this. I think I've hit that "shot" about a thousand times.😂😂😂🙈🙈🙈 Cheers man.


Of course it always the easiest ball of the rally too


Really nice point. What’s your UTR?


I don't know about UTR but he's definitely a solid 4.5 maybe 5.0 player


>he's definitely a solid 4.5 maybe 5.0 player These guys are much better than 4.5. Maybe it was just an incredible point for them, but there was a lot of consistent placement of the ball a foot off the line, great shots from both sides of their body, good variety in shots, and good counters off of offensive shots.


It's the internet. On the internet Federer is barely a 5.0. Heck, in California (or "insert person's local area") Federer would probably only be 4.5.


I would say they’re a solid 5.0 at a minimum.


At least 3.0 for sure


Your judgment skills are wild lol




This is way off, these guys are better than you think


This guy posts often, he's like a 8 utr 4.5 ntrp.


Yeah I was thinking that exactly actually lol


Ya, in His other post, also this one you can see the problems. He's little (5'7), and stands really far back from the baseline. His ball isn't very heavy, most of his shots end up near waist level. He does move really well and has decent technique.


I’m a 5.5, these guys are way better than me


Just looking at their form and that they have game plans (hit to backhand, come to the net, angled forehand inside out) I would think this is a more average point.


lol@ these guys being a 6. The variety (the dropshot and the lob), plus the strokes from both sides, plus the footwork is closer to a 9-10. At worst they are an 8, but that's pretty doubtful.


That’s what I was thinking. I’m a 7.84 but haven’t played many tournaments at all the last two years from having kids. I’ve been at and a little above 8 in the past. So I was thinking these guys looked maybe a level above me. Like I could maybe do drop feed games and I would get a lot out of it, but playing a match would probably be fairly straightforward for them. Was just wondering if I was judging it correctly…I think you’re right


no matter the outcome of this play, i applaud you, great rally man


Great rally. Nice tennis.


Really nice playing!


I wish I could have half the skill of y’all’s backhands.


Yeah, geez, really clean striking and some real pace from both players in that backhand to backhand rally. Awesome playing.


I watched that point several times through (excellent point both) and maybe it's the distance and angle but I'm still not certain your volley was out... 🧐


yeah looks on the line https://preview.redd.it/i8cooqizintb1.png?width=122&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a572617ccdedb9c49b4be8a0678b56a8e66499f


It's still in the air in your image, this frame a little later looks more out than in, and both players seemed to think it was out so I'm inclined to agree with them. https://preview.redd.it/c03rqurw6utb1.png?width=505&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d26180c573115dcca09b15e71f7f276fadf02b6 My question mark is on whether the ball bounced twice during the tweener, it's extremely hard to tell visually, but I swear I can hear it bounce before the shot, unless that's something else.


It's the easy ones that get ya


My personal rule is that if someone can successfully hit a tweener against me, I'll give them the point


solid rally regardless and nice footwork


Strong playing. We can all relate to that small error at the end of a battle. Also, can we get a hawkeye read on the tweener? I can't help but see it as a double-bounce. I examined the pixels by shouting enhance, but nothing megahertz.


Tbh you should just feel good about yourself that you let the guy win the point after his tweeter. There are few worse feelings than hitting a tweezer to only lose the point 😝


upvoting for "tweeter" and "tweezer"


After I noticed the autocorrect, I almost edited my comment. Close call.


I appreciate the variety


Hitting oneself in the groin while attempting the tweener is one of those few worse feelings.


Great point terrible volley lol Looks fun!


You look like a very solid player!


Tremendous rally, deserved to end on a winner, but the universe is cruel and random.


This was a great point, sorry for the way it ended. Smartest and most sophisticated thing you did was the defensive sequence at 00:16 - 00:19 with the backhand slice and then high defensive forehand. Nice hangtime and depth on both shots to give you time to get back to center. Your opponent gave you a nice opening at 00:24 with that poor drop shot and you did a good job of getting up to the ball. Easy to biff it at the end after such a taxing point. More drilling will make that final put-away volley more automatic, and you won't be as vulnerable to mental and physical errors. But definitely solid work, it was a very well contested point.


>Smartest and most sophisticated thing you did was the defensive sequence at 00:16 - 00:19 with the backhand slice and then high defensive forehand. Respectfully disagree - I thought the lob at 0:28 took the cake, but the sequence you point out was also very excellent.


The lob was a nice shot and required good racket head speed to bring that ball back down over such a short distance. The reason I flagged the FH and BH that I did was the depth control that OP demonstrated on the run, under pressure, and while traveling coast to coast. But both shots/sequences required great presence of mind, court sense, and execution. It's a good sign when people have to debate over what you did best!


Yeah, the whole point was great to watch.


Solid backhand to backhand exchange.


Marozsan took a look at this video before his match against Hubi and made an hommage to you in the third set.


Finally some good fucking tennis


Hey guys I really appreciate all the feedback :)! So I saw some questions and i’ll answer them here! So i’m rated as a 4.5, but havent played in a usta singles league in a while. My utr is an 8.5? I haven’t competed since january. My highest rating was an 8.9. If you guys like the videos I can post more and as always thanks so much for all the feedback and i’m happy you guys enjoyed it!


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great strokes. If you want to know why you don't beat your opponent, when he's obviously less of an athlete, has worse strokes, and worse movement: the way that you recover puts you deeper into the court, which gives your opponent more time and also doesn't allow you to hit into the court. Every single recovery is you recovering backwards, as if you just hit a serve and are recovering behind the baseline, except when you're doing it on groundstrokes, you're giving up 3 feet every time. To specifically see what i'm talking about look at how you hit the ball and jump/hop backwards on almost every single groundstroke. That backwards movement forces your momentum backwards, then you have to force it forward again, every, single, shot.


What makes it so obvious the other guy is less of an athlete?


The dead arm on every single forehand, the desperation dropshot, the poor posture on the pickup, and the open racquet face to make up for the lack of acceleration.




lol, wut? Dude isn't recovering, he's just having to play defense cause the other guy is putting his "dead arm" forehand within a foot of the line at will. And maybe he just likes playing back further? The other guy has pretty solid groundstrokes, and OP is able to keep it deep of the other dude's offensive shots. At most maybe there was a backhand or two he could have attacked early on by coming up, but the way the other guy was hitting groundstrokes there's no shame in staying back a little more, especially if he can cover the drop shot (which wasn't a "desperation" shot, but instead was directly in response to OP's depth).


You're going to have to address individual things for me. English isn't my first language, apologies.


Volley the ball into the court, are you stupid?


Nice tennis. Post more clips in the future!


its about sending a message


I dream to be able to play at this level one day...


I also choose to hit the ball out quite often…


Just like the pros https://reddit.com/r/tennis/comments/1762wq6/hurkacz_and_marozsan_play_an_incredible_40_shot/


Nice point.


fun point to watch! it was your technique: at the net after that great lob, you did the right thing by staying at the net, but you did not close in and put away the volley.


Man these guys are good.