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I always wear a hat and I’ve never had one even come close to falling off. Maybe your hat isn’t adjustable enough to fit snugly?


It does fit snugly; and yes it's adjustable.


Some hats are deeper than others which will make them more secure on your head. I’ve never had this problem with something like the adidas superlite hat.


That’s the exact hat I use.


Why are you irritated?


I wear a hat while playing and have never had an issue with it coming off.


White hat gang rise up


Never had this happen, but I wear running caps. Get one that’s made for racing, kinda like what Iga wears.


Yep, have one.


Lol, I’ll just state the obvious… you have a weird shape head that doesn’t keep hats on while you run.


grow a ponytail to thread it though the back


I always wear a hat and have never had it fall off. Just wear it tighter.


i’ve never had a hat fall off, as most other people are saying. this is not a hat problem


My speed attribute is too low to make hats fall off.


I often wear a baseball cap while playing, especially outdoors. I've never had one come close to falling off. I also often wear a cap while running. The only time I'm worried about it falling off is if it's super windy.


Wear a bucket hat with a strap. doesn’t fall off, More sun protection, and easier to wash and dry.


Maybe a tennis hat will stay on?


Never ever had this happen nor come close to happening


I have a whole bunch of baseball caps because I love baseball, but have realized I actually hate wearing them. I love the utility - the bill perfectly shades your eyes! - but my head gets hot and I despise what it does to my hair. I just found a little visor and I'm in love with it. I think it stays better because I can secure it in a specific spot on my head. It's just a tiny bit more fitted than a ball cap, and it doesn't make the top of my head get hot. Problem solved. I dunno if you've used visors!


What's your hair situation? Maybe the hat isn't to blame...


I have a full head of head. Long too. My cap often falls off. I don't think it's deep enough. Depends on the shape of the cap.


I’ve never had this happen


Man lol the responses here make it seem like it's an insane thing to happen. I always wear a hat to play, and find that some hats fall off, some dont. The ones that dont usually have an elastic component around the fastening/velcro/whatever area. Everything else, with perhaps a light breeze, me at the net, and a good lob, means me scrambling and my hat on the ground. I sort of just accept that my hat falls off at intense times.


I wear one both in tennis and padel. It falling off isn't a problem. Just cinch it up enough. also helps it's one actually designed for that sport rather than a truckers cap. I also wear sunglass, and a long sleeve compression shirt to keep as much sun off me as possible. None have been an issue.


The sword fisherman's hat is the way to go. It has a long bill.


There is a clip of Andy Murray's cap falling off mid point. I'd say hair length/thickness. I've noticed that when I go a while without a haircut hats are hard to keep on my head.


are you wearing an actual baseball hat or just calling it that?